

1864 Uppsatser om Event organizations - Sida 19 av 125

Cause Related Marketing : En studie i hur företag praktiskt arbetar med CRM

Cause-Related Marketing (CRM) is not a completely new phenomenon, yet an idea whose time has truly come. To have commercial organizations cooperate with charity organizations for mutual profit is a "win-win-win" situation. The company gets added value to its brand, the charity organization gets to collect more money that it otherwise wouldn't and the customer gains a feeling that he or she has contributed to the society.The purpose of this thesis is to study how a company, in practice, works with CRM marketing. How do they choose which charity organization to work with,what type of product is most appropriate to market with CRM and how is the CRM campaign designed? A theoretical model is then formed to answer these questions, after a thorough research of relevant theory on the subject.

Mitt i smeten -fallet Arla Foods visar vägen för framtidens krishantering i en senmodern global värld

Today we live in an interconnected world. Through globalization and the development of information technology one can say that, today everyone is our neighbour. The result of our actions can easily spread and affect people on the other side of the world within seconds.Meanwhile, Third World countries are developing into stable economies and Western European corporations are expanding like never before and setting up their organizations in these new markets.This of course is not unproblematic, it creates new challenges for international organizations especially when it comes to communication. An example of that same problematic communication presented itself for Arla Foods in what came to be called the Cartoon Crisis.In late September of 2005 a number of cartoons depicting the holy prophet Muhammed were published in a Danish newspaper. This event sparked scores of protest ranging from Morocco to the Philippines.

Urspårad nyhetsrapportering : En kvalitativ textanalys av en lokal och en rikstäckande tidningsrapportering av tågolyckan utanför Kimstad

The purpose with this study is to examine how the media coverage of the train accidentoutside Kimstad, on the night of September 12th 2010, was framed in one local (Norrköpingsnyheter) and one national newspaper (Expressen) and how the coverage of the accident wasdifferent in the local newspaper compared to the national newspaper.The material is 12 articles within a fixed time limit which is from September 13th toSeptember 15th. The material consists of six articles from each newspaper.The method we use a qualitative text analysis with its basis in medialogic, news value andframing theory.In the essay?s analysis we show a synthesis of both newspapers coverage of the train accidentoutside Kimstad and how they stand in relation to the theory of news value and we end with aterminative comment about the results.The conclusion shows that the coverage of the event was different in many ways. Expressenuses a more dramatic framing and a more sensational language which describes the eventmore badly than it was. NT uses a more informative and objective information which almosttrifles the event but which informs about relevant information for the locals.

Konkurrenter i samarbete : För en starkare reklamregion med event som utgångspunkt.

Da? reklambyra?er som a?r verksamma i mindre regioner vanligen tampas om samma kunder a?r konkurrensen mellan dem ofta ha?rd. I regel har dessa reklambyra?er fa? ansta?llda ja?mfo?rt med va?letablerade reklambyra?er i sto?rre regioner, som genom sin breda kompetens haft mo?jlighet att arbeta med stora kunder och pa? sa? vis byggt upp ett starkt varuma?rke kring sin verksamhet och region. Fo?r att mo?jliggo?ra fo?r de mindre regionernas reklambyra?er att ta upp konkurrensen med de sto?rre, kra?vs att de innehar lika bred kompetens.

Mätning av implementeringen av lean inom sjukvård

The purpose of this thesis is to discuss how an instrument originally developed for measuring changes toward lean thinking inservice organizations in general should be adjusted in order to be of use in service organizations within the healthcare sector, andin hospital organizations in specific. The adjustments are suggested based on difficulties specifically arising when implementinglean within the healthcare sector.Thesis starting point is a pre-existing lean assessment instrument developed for service organizations in general. The thesis appliesa qualitative method and integrates literature from the health care sector and lean production movement with the expertise of tenacademics and practitioners in order to find difficulties associated with the implementation of lean within the healthcare sector.These difficulties then lie as the substratum for the adjustments suggested to be made on the instrument.The thesis finds that lean, as a philosophy, does not differ between service organizations in general and service organizationswithin healthcare settings. However, due to deficits in the general understanding of lean some adaptions on the instrument mustbe made. First, some words associated with production must be changed to words associated with healthcare.

Det är osäkert vad det beror på : Multiprojektstyrning i forsknings- och utvecklingsenheter

BACKGROUND: Project based structures has become more and more common in the organizations of today. As the project based structures are given a more central role in the organizations the interdependencies between the projects are getting more attention. These structures need a new type of control to meet the unique challenges that arise. The researchthat has been done has been concentrated around the project form and the projects internal control, the area of multi-project management is therefore relatively unexplored. The few existing studies on the subject focus on projects in the construction industry why research inmore complex fields of business have been requested.PURPOSE: The purpose of this thesis is to explore and analyze how knowledge intense multi-project organizations manage their project activities, and to determine how different organizational characteristics affect the need for management control systems.METHODOLOGY: The empirical data has been collected through interviews with personnel in BT Products R&D, Gambro R&D and AstraZeneca Development.

Outsourcing- vilka faktorer påverkar intressenternas förväntningar? En studie om ett förändringsarbete mellan flera intressenter i ett outsourcing sammanhang

The complex, ever growing and changing environment, requires that today's organizations are dynamic and willing to change in order to stand competitive.This awareness has made change number one priority in almost all organizations' agenda.We live in a world that is constantly changing, yet many organizations fail to change successfully. When a change occurs in complex environments with multiple stakeholders, it immediately increases the complexity and the challenges of the change process.A complex situation may arise when, for example, partial outsourcing of the corporate information system infrastructure. Two of the most difficult challenges that organizations face today is to conduct a successful change process and managing the effect of a change, such as arising expectations. It is very common for change in an organization not to achieve the desired result or that they even fail. There may be a lot of reasons for these failures.

Intraprenörskapets olika skepnader : En kvalitativ studie om att finna det som karaktäriseras för ett intraprenörskap och dess möjliggörande i organisationer

By interviewing 10 people in leadership positions from various companies and      countries, this thesis had as main objective to find out how the view the of what environment promotes the intrapreneur to make the organizations more competitive and successful. By transcribing and interpreting the interviews, we have found the keywords that could answer our research question. Our method has been based on a qualitative approach with an inductive direction. The leadership has been shown to have a significant role in terms of company culture and the intrapreneurs ability to contribute to the development of the organizations. The culture is essential.

Terrorattacken den 11 september 2001 ?Hur påverkas den svenska aktiemarknaden av extrema globala händelser?

Efter genomförd studie drar vi slutsatsen att de teoretiska ekonomiska modellerna som används i en fundamental analys svårt kan appliceras på en så kort period som en månad efter terrordådet den11 september 2001. Vi konstaterar också att marknaden under denna period präglades av ett stort mått av psykologi. Variablerna branschtillhörighet, företagsstorlek, betavärde, p/e-tal, soliditet och internationell exponering ger inget underlag för utformandet av en portfölj för att gardera sig mot framtida extrema globala händelser. Slutligen presenterar vi våra råd för en aktieplacerare som vill gardera sig mot kraftiga nedgångar till följd av någon sorts extrem global händelse, sk event risk: ? Genom en väldiversifierad portfölj undgår man att drabbas av extrema nedgångar.? Aktieägande ska ses på lång sikt.? Då det i praktiken för gemene man torde vara svårt att nyttja en nedgång på grund av enoväntad event för en placering och ett snabbt klipp på aktiemarknaden synes det bästarådet för en privatperson vara att köpa aktier och fondandelar regelbundet under en långtidsperiod och följaktligen undvika mycket kortsiktig spekulation enligt citatet:- When in Doubt Stay Out!? Enligt event risk teorin bör en aktieplacerare vara medveten om risken med blankning vidextrema händelser.? Vår undersökning ger vid handen att den fundamentala aktieanalysen inte har storbetydelse på kort sikt, utan ska ses som en del av en långsiktig strategi när man väljeraktier till sin portfölj.

Strategisk styrning av intranät: Centrala val att uppmärksamma

Having an intranet as a source for information and communication is common in most contemporary organizations. Research shows that the intranet in itself does not have an explicit area of use, and that leaves every organization to make decisions of the associated functionality on their own. At the same time the strategic opportunities that the intranet could bring get lost somewhere along the way. This means that problems regarding the strategic use of an intranet becomes apparent and may result in loss of investments for the organization. The purpose of this thesis is to identify central choices that can be used as points of discussion and help organizations to work with their intranets on a more strategic level.

Datadrivet beslutsfattande och kompetensutveckling: En intervjustudie om databaserad beslutsfattning och kompetensutveckling i fotbollsorganisationer

This study explores the shift in football recruitment from traditional scouting to data-driven methods, focusing on Sweden. It investigates how football organizations can enhance competency for effective data-driven recruitment. Through qualitative interviews with elite Swedish football organizations, the study emphasizes the need for competence development for proficient data-driven recruitment. To address the enhancement of personnel competency in the recruitment process, this study poses the research question: "How can football organizations effectively promote competence development to optimize their utilization of data-driven recruitment?" The results highlight the importance of targeted education, combining expertise in data-driven recruitment with a broad skill set.

Handlingsfrihet i ekonomiskt bistånd: en studie om organiseringen och handläggandet av nyansökningar

The Swedish welfare organisation is built on the fact that the legislation gives the municipalities and social workers guidance and direction how to assess cases. Through out this the clients have right to be assessed both equally and individually. How is this done? The purpose of this paper was to examine the effect of the organisation referred to the social workers ability to discretion and the evaluation of the assessment in first time applications of social assistant cases. The purpose was also to look for variations in decisions and if these could be explained out of organisational and assessment effects.

?Varför ska vi heta som vårt hus?? En studie av marknadsföring av bibliotekarien

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to investigate different ways of illustrating the information literacy of librarians and with a pragmatic view survey what has been written about marketing the librarians. The thesis is based on a marketing theory introduced by Philip Kotler. He believes that marketing is a social process and that everything can be marketed. I have reviewed three marketing strategies and their significance in marketing the information literacy of librarians.

Mindfulness i organisationer - en studie av upplevda effekter

The idea of bringing mindfulness into organizations has become increasingly popular. While previous research has shown positive effects of mindfulness practice in individuals, consequences of introducing mindfulness in organizations remain largely unexplored. This thesis examines those consequences through a qualitative study. We conducted semi-structured interviews with members of two case companies. Based on the effects which mindfulness has been shown to have on individuals, our analysis was especially focused on the areas of efficiency, effectiveness and organizational culture.

Implementering av delat ledarskap inom en kommunorganisation

This report addresses the management innovation and how shared leadership is a form of it. The report is a compilation of what shared leadership means and how two municipal organizations works with shared leadership. The two minicipal organizations are Strängnäs and Vällingby. One municipality (Strängnäs) is meanwhile this report produced during insertion of shared leadership. The other (Vällingby) has about two years experience of working with this form of leadership.

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