

359 Uppsatser om Etisk fond - Sida 8 av 24

Ekologiska VA-system i Hestra Parkstad, Borås.

This thesis is an investigation of Iranian immigrants and their use of libraries in Sweden. It isbased on a combination of a qualitative and a·quantitative method.Using a qualitative method, I give an outline of the history of lran from ancient times up to the present, as well as the different ethnological groups in Iran and their cultures. The main objective of this part is to clarify the contrasts between Iranian and Swedish cultural, social, linguistic and family structures, and also the characteristics of the crisis that most immigrants go through on their arrival in the new country. The qualitative method also involves structured telephone interviews with eight highly educated Iranians.This method was supplemented by a quantitative study through questionnaires of the attitudes· of lranian immigrants to libraries and reading. Iranians in Sweden turned out to be frequent Iibrary users.

Strömningssimulering i en dagvattendamm - Verifierad FE-analys i FIDAP.

This thesis is an investigation of Iranian immigrants and their use of libraries in Sweden. It isbased on a combination of a qualitative and a·quantitative method.Using a qualitative method, I give an outline of the history of lran from ancient times up to the present, as well as the different ethnological groups in Iran and their cultures. The main objective of this part is to clarify the contrasts between Iranian and Swedish cultural, social, linguistic and family structures, and also the characteristics of the crisis that most immigrants go through on their arrival in the new country. The qualitative method also involves structured telephone interviews with eight highly educated Iranians.This method was supplemented by a quantitative study through questionnaires of the attitudes· of lranian immigrants to libraries and reading. Iranians in Sweden turned out to be frequent Iibrary users.

Portföljoptimering som alternativ till indexfonder : Hur skulle en fond konstruerad enligt portföljoptimeringsmodeller utvecklas i jämförelse med index?

This paper investigates the possibilities to construct automatized portfolios based on optimizations strategies that could outperform comparable indexes. The study is based on time-series of Swedish stocks dating from 1986 to 2006. In the research four different portfolio optimization techniques were studied. These were: the Classical Markowitz Approach, Mean-Absolute-Deviation, Minimum-Regret and Conditional Value-at-Risk of which the three latter are based on generated scenarios. The behaviour of these models was studied for different choices of parameters such as backward time-horizon and targeted average return.

Simulering av tillrinning till reglerade sjömagasin med NAM-modellen.

This thesis is an investigation of Iranian immigrants and their use of libraries in Sweden. It isbased on a combination of a qualitative and a·quantitative method.Using a qualitative method, I give an outline of the history of lran from ancient times up to the present, as well as the different ethnological groups in Iran and their cultures. The main objective of this part is to clarify the contrasts between Iranian and Swedish cultural, social, linguistic and family structures, and also the characteristics of the crisis that most immigrants go through on their arrival in the new country. The qualitative method also involves structured telephone interviews with eight highly educated Iranians.This method was supplemented by a quantitative study through questionnaires of the attitudes· of lranian immigrants to libraries and reading. Iranians in Sweden turned out to be frequent Iibrary users.

Avskiljning av dagvattenföroreningar - Driftuppföljning av Bäckaslövs avsättningsdamm och våtmark

This thesis is an investigation of Iranian immigrants and their use of libraries in Sweden. It isbased on a combination of a qualitative and a·quantitative method.Using a qualitative method, I give an outline of the history of lran from ancient times up to the present, as well as the different ethnological groups in Iran and their cultures. The main objective of this part is to clarify the contrasts between Iranian and Swedish cultural, social, linguistic and family structures, and also the characteristics of the crisis that most immigrants go through on their arrival in the new country. The qualitative method also involves structured telephone interviews with eight highly educated Iranians.This method was supplemented by a quantitative study through questionnaires of the attitudes· of lranian immigrants to libraries and reading. Iranians in Sweden turned out to be frequent Iibrary users.

Hållbar utveckling i skolan. Hur tolkas begreppet av SO-respektive NO-lärare?

Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera hur lärare belyser och arbetar med begreppet hållbar utveckling i de samhälls- respektive de naturorienterade ämnena i grundskolans senare år. I undersökningen har kvalitativa intervjuer används där de medverkande lärarna har fört fram sina tankar kring hållbar utveckling. Resultaten har givit en uppfattning om att undervisningen kring hållbar utveckling sker omedvetet trots att läro- samt kursplaner innehåller begreppet. De dimensioner som hållbar utveckling innefattar är uppdelade mellan SO- och NO-blocken vilket medför till en ökad klyfta ämnesblocken emellan..

Premiepensionsvalet - Lönar det sig att vara aktiv?

Vårt syfte med uppsatsen är att undersöka om det empiriskt går att påvisa lönsamhet i det nya pensionssystemet dvs. premiepensionen. Med andra ord vill vi undersöka lönsamheten med ett aktivt pensionssparande enligt ekonomisk vedertagen teori. Undersökningsdata omfattar samtliga 854 pensionsfonder som funnits från starten 2000-11-02 till 2004-12-30. Vi har utifrån historisk data tagit fram den lägsta variansfonden för att använda den som riskfri fond i Sharpekvoten.

Obligationsmarknadseffektivitet : ett test av Emerging Market Bonds

Bakgrund: Utvecklingsländernas obligationsmarknad har under de senaste fem åren genererat en avkastning i nivå med aktier. Detta faktum kombinerat bristen på tidigare forskning inom detta område har gjort det intressant att undersöka utvecklingsländernas obligationsmarknad närmare. Syfte: Syftet är att analysera effektiviteten på utvecklingsländernas obligationsmarknad. Genomförande: Med hjälp av informationskvoten och Treynorkvoten undersöks om någon av de tre fonderna i urvalet genererat systematisk överavkastning jämfört med marknadsindexet JP Morgan Emerging Market Constrained Index. Ett signifikanstest på 5 % görs för att utreda om avkastningen är skild från 0.

Moralintuition bakom etisk illusion : En studie om svensk moralundervisning med moralpsykologiska glasögon

Syftet med denna undersökningen är att med hjälp av kritisk textanalys, tidigare forskning och moralpsykologiska teorier undersöka hur begreppen etik och moral används av läroplanens värdegrund, de övergripande målen och kursplanen för religionskunskap och vidare se hur detta kan relateras till det som moralpsykologi för fram idag. Att analysera läroplanens texter och skolverkets kommentarmaterial med hjälp av moralpsykologiska teorier, hjälper denna studie till att identifiera tydliga kontraster mellan den svenska skolpolitikens försök till social förändring och den vetenskapliga grunden som, denna förändring vilar på..

Miljö eller avkastning? : en investeringsjämförelse mellan gammal och ny energi

The purpose with this study is to investigate funds that are environmentally friendly. Environment issues has become a large subject that affects all aspects in today?s society.  It is a global issue which has affected the awareness of environmentally friendly products and its benefits for the environment.How has this awareness affected the financial market?  In this study the authors have looked at six environmentally sound funds and six energy funds to answer the question if it´s better to have your money in traditional energy or in renewable energy.This study is made in an quantitative way, the data has been gathered from the internet database Morningstar. The energy funds have had its biggest assets in companies dealing with oil, and the environmentally sound funds have had its biggest assets in renewable energy. Bye looking at the different funds rate of return and relating that to risk managing theories of Sharpe and Treynor, the authors compared the two types of funds.During the period that was looked at during this study ( third quarter of 2007 until third quarter 2010) the energy funds outperformed the environmentally sound funds in every aspect. .

Våta toalettsystem med urinsortering - driftstudier ocg utvärdering med livscykelanalys i Södra Valsängs ekoby

This thesis is an investigation of Iranian immigrants and their use of libraries in Sweden. It isbased on a combination of a qualitative and a·quantitative method.Using a qualitative method, I give an outline of the history of lran from ancient times up to the present, as well as the different ethnological groups in Iran and their cultures. The main objective of this part is to clarify the contrasts between Iranian and Swedish cultural, social, linguistic and family structures, and also the characteristics of the crisis that most immigrants go through on their arrival in the new country. The qualitative method also involves structured telephone interviews with eight highly educated Iranians.This method was supplemented by a quantitative study through questionnaires of the attitudes· of lranian immigrants to libraries and reading. Iranians in Sweden turned out to be frequent Iibrary users.

Etik i skolan: etiska värderingars betydelse i undervisningen

Vårt syfte med examensarbetet var att undersöka vilken betydelse etiska värderingar har i undervisningen, samt om undervisning ökar elevers kompetens kring etiska värderingar. Vi har gjort en kvalitativ och en kvantitativ undersökning i form av en enkät och loggboksobservationer. Försökspersonerna var en klass som bestod av åtta pojkar och tolv flickor i år fyra. Genom etisk undervisning och övningar försökte vi öka elevernas medvetenhet kring etiska värderingar. Vi har främst sett förändringar i elevernas beteenden i våra loggboksanteckningar.

Etik : etikprojektet i den kommunala omsorgen i Rimbo

Om man ser Rimboprojektet i ett samhällsperspektiv kan man säga att det har fler tankeväckande insikter att förmedla:1) etikprojektet har inneburit en förändring mot en större etisk medvetenhet i gruppen som helhet, och mot en större uppmärksamhet på etikfrågorna i hela omsorgsförvaltningen2) utbildningsprocessen har bidragit till ett gemensamt språk om begreppet etik relaterat till yrkesidentiteten3) behovet av nya samarbetsformer och ett mera effektivt sätt att ta vara på de resurser som finns inom organisationen har påvisats inom omsorgsförvaltningenSlutsatsUtbildningsinsatsen har skapat ett gynnsamt läge för att fortsätta att arbeta med etikfrågorna i förvaltningen för att tydligt formulera de värderingar som ska vara gemensamma för alla medarbetare. Man har lagt en gedigen grund för att bygga en framtid utifrån en gemensam målsättning där alla får delta på lika villkor..

Iranska invandrare och svenska bibliotek : en sociokulturell studie

This thesis is an investigation of Iranian immigrants and their use of libraries in Sweden. It isbased on a combination of a qualitative and a·quantitative method.Using a qualitative method, I give an outline of the history of lran from ancient times up to the present, as well as the different ethnological groups in Iran and their cultures. The main objective of this part is to clarify the contrasts between Iranian and Swedish cultural, social, linguistic and family structures, and also the characteristics of the crisis that most immigrants go through on their arrival in the new country. The qualitative method also involves structured telephone interviews with eight highly educated Iranians.This method was supplemented by a quantitative study through questionnaires of the attitudes· of lranian immigrants to libraries and reading. Iranians in Sweden turned out to be frequent Iibrary users.

Det nya betygssystemet på gymnasiet. Blev det bättre? En empirisk undersökning av en grupp gymnasielärares erfarenheter i betygsättning, grupprelaterad- respektive kunskapsrelaterad.

This thesis is an investigation of Iranian immigrants and their use of libraries in Sweden. It isbased on a combination of a qualitative and a·quantitative method.Using a qualitative method, I give an outline of the history of lran from ancient times up to the present, as well as the different ethnological groups in Iran and their cultures. The main objective of this part is to clarify the contrasts between Iranian and Swedish cultural, social, linguistic and family structures, and also the characteristics of the crisis that most immigrants go through on their arrival in the new country. The qualitative method also involves structured telephone interviews with eight highly educated Iranians.This method was supplemented by a quantitative study through questionnaires of the attitudes· of lranian immigrants to libraries and reading. Iranians in Sweden turned out to be frequent Iibrary users.

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