

42 Uppsatser om Ethnography - Sida 2 av 3

Vem är/blir civilekonomen? : En studie om civilekonomernas identitetskapandeprocess.

Bakgrund: Inspirationen till denna studie uppkom av fo?rfattarnas intresse kring identiteter och deras intresse fo?r skapelseprocessen kring deras egna identiteter. Fra?gan som uppkom i samband med starten fo?r studien var vilka vi sja?lva har utvecklas till som blivande civilekonomer och vilka faktorer som hade pa?verkat oss.Syfte: Studiens syfte var att underso?ka skapelse- och fo?ra?ndringsprocessen av en civilekonoms professionsidentitet under studietiden.Metod: Studien a?r genomfo?rd pa? ett kvalitativt tillva?gaga?ngssa?tt. Studien har utfo?rts med en autoetnografisk teknik fo?r att presentera studiens empiri da?r a?ven fo?rfattarnas reflektioner presenteras som en empirika?lla.

Kamratkulturer i förskolebarns lek

The research in this thesis attempts to understand what happens when children (3-6 years of age) interact with each other in the context of free play in two pre-school settings when adults are not involved. The aim of the study was to get a closer look at how children create relationships and how they protect and defend their interactional spaces. Data was gathered through ethnographically inspired methodology, using video observation to capture the everyday interactions of the children. Results were analyzed using a phenomenological approach to peer cultures. Previous research suggests that it is very important for children to maintain their interactions with peers and gaining access to play.

Är spa till för båda könen? : en studie om genusföreställningar bland spaorganisationer

The aim of this study is to from a gender perspective to examine whether spa is a place for both genders or it is focused on female spa visitors only. Also to study the organisation`s point of view of gender performances within spa tourism as well as to see spa organizations views on gender distribution.To be able to answer the questions, the qualitative method was used in our research. The method is relevant to our study since we sought to gain a deeper understanding of the phenomenon. During the data collection we have used previous researchs and qualitative interviews. Overall we had conducted four interviews, one of which was the personal interview, two were made by email and one by phone call.

"Hur trivs du då?" : Erfarenheter och upplevelser av musikalisk socialisering under utlandsstudier

Föreliggande studie inriktar sig på hur jag som student i en viss kulturell och social struktur påverkas inlärningsmässigt och uttrycksmässigt i musikundervisningen av att komma till en musikalisk miljö där andra kulturella och sociala strukturer är normativa. Studien är etnografiskt inspirerad och utgår från en statisk-dynamisk analysteknik där videoinspelningar och loggboksanteckningar ligger till grund för det insamlade material som analyseras. Resultatet behandlar de aktiviteter som spelat stor roll, både negativt och positivt, i min musikaliska, sociala och personlighetsmässiga utveckling och beskriver också hur dessa aktiviteter förändras under studiernas gång. De aktiviteter som spelat stor roll under utlandsstudierna är främst mina trumpetlektioner, med kommunikation, teknik och musikaliska uttryck som underrubriker, det sociala livet i och utanför skolan och min musikaliska resa utanför skolan. I diskussionen tar jag bland annat upp den förvirring och frustration som mina trumpetlektioner skapade och hur mina inledande ensamhetskänslor låg till grund för min personliga utveckling.

Barnens förskola : Ett arbete om barns inflytande utifrån ett normkritiskt perspektiv

Barns inflytande i förskolan är ett aktuellt ämne som dessutom anses vara otroligt komplext, både att förstå begreppet och att arbeta med. Vårt syfte är att synliggöra de normer som kännetecknar en verksamhet där barn får möjlighet till inflytande och vilka konsekvenser det får för verksamheten. Arbetet tar avstamp i kulturanalytisk teori och utifrån ett normkritiskt perspektiv diskuteras sedan resultatet. Vi har utfört en mikroetnografisk studie och data har samlats in med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer och observationer. Empirin har samlats in på två avdelningar på två olika förskolor.

Premiepensionssparande : Fondförvaltningsstrategier applicerade på PPM

The everyday work at a staffing agency and how its leaders deal with the problems that appears: A case study at Maxkompetens.The purpose of this paper is to increase the understanding of how leaders at a staffing company deal with the everyday problems that arise from a geographically dispersed workforce.The staffing industry has grown by 30-40 percent annually and has over the past 15 years been the fastest growing industry in Sweden. This shows that the interest and demand for the staffing industry and its activities are now rising at an increasingly faster pace. This is an industry that is operating under specific conditions and with a geographically dispersed workforce. This will make the leaders of a staffing company to an important link between the staffing leaders and the staffing personnel.The relationship between the staffing company's leaders and its personnel is important, but not completely trouble free. Difficulties arise in that the employees may be located in different places and at various client companies with the result that the leaders of the staffing company cannot have a daily personal contact with their geographically dispersed personnel.We have used a qualitative approach on our paper and our empirical methodology has been a case study with Ethnography and interviews.

Påverkande faktorer vid valet av betalningsmedel i en svensk M&A : - En köpares perpektiv

The everyday work at a staffing agency and how its leaders deal with the problems that appears: A case study at Maxkompetens.The purpose of this paper is to increase the understanding of how leaders at a staffing company deal with the everyday problems that arise from a geographically dispersed workforce.The staffing industry has grown by 30-40 percent annually and has over the past 15 years been the fastest growing industry in Sweden. This shows that the interest and demand for the staffing industry and its activities are now rising at an increasingly faster pace. This is an industry that is operating under specific conditions and with a geographically dispersed workforce. This will make the leaders of a staffing company to an important link between the staffing leaders and the staffing personnel.The relationship between the staffing company's leaders and its personnel is important, but not completely trouble free. Difficulties arise in that the employees may be located in different places and at various client companies with the result that the leaders of the staffing company cannot have a daily personal contact with their geographically dispersed personnel.We have used a qualitative approach on our paper and our empirical methodology has been a case study with Ethnography and interviews.

Samma skola, sex olika uppfattningar : En kvalitativ studie om retorikens plats i svenskämnet

The purpose of this study is to examine the teachings of rhetoric?s in schools, more specifically within the Swedish subject; furthermore it examines how Swedish teachers work with rhetoric in the Swedish subject on a practical basis. The study also highlights teachers' approaches to the curriculum for high school. The method I have used to conduct this study, have been to use interviews and inductive Ethnography. The teachers whom have been interviewed in my study have similar understandings of what oral presentations actually are, but their idea of what the term rhetoric stands for however differs. Teachers have received similar training in rhetoric; however, they have different experiences within it.

Det vardagliga arbetet på ett bemanningsföretag : - samt hur dess ledare hanterar de problem som uppstår En fallstudie på Maxkompetens

The everyday work at a staffing agency and how its leaders deal with the problems that appears: A case study at Maxkompetens.The purpose of this paper is to increase the understanding of how leaders at a staffing company deal with the everyday problems that arise from a geographically dispersed workforce.The staffing industry has grown by 30-40 percent annually and has over the past 15 years been the fastest growing industry in Sweden. This shows that the interest and demand for the staffing industry and its activities are now rising at an increasingly faster pace. This is an industry that is operating under specific conditions and with a geographically dispersed workforce. This will make the leaders of a staffing company to an important link between the staffing leaders and the staffing personnel.The relationship between the staffing company's leaders and its personnel is important, but not completely trouble free. Difficulties arise in that the employees may be located in different places and at various client companies with the result that the leaders of the staffing company cannot have a daily personal contact with their geographically dispersed personnel.We have used a qualitative approach on our paper and our empirical methodology has been a case study with Ethnography and interviews.

Organisationens påverkan på förbättringsarbete : En fallstudie av fo?rba?ttringsarbete och fo?rslagsverksamhet vid Volvo Powertrain

This thesis was commissioned by Volvo Powertrain, where manufacturing and assembling of transmissions is performed, which is used in the company's trucks and buses. The thesis has consisted of a case study that intends to study the problem areas in the current proposed activities and continuous improvements in the assembly department in the Volvo Powertrain facility.In the current situation, the proposals that are submitted by the employees suggest mainly minor improvements. The proposals concern for example, labelling of materials boxes and holders for tools, which do not generate any significant profit for the company. Directors and executives want an increased amount of proposals with a more results-oriented type, in terms of reduced costs, time consumption and stops, and improved quality. The company would also deal with the problems that arise when implementing improvements in the production.

Organisationskultur ur två perspektiv : En jämförande studie av två etnografier ifrån socialantropologi och organisationsteori

This study aims to compare two ethnographies of organizational culture ? one from the discipline of Social Anthropology and one from the discipline of Organizational Studies ? considering their purpose, their method, and their concept of culture. Despite big similarities, or perhaps thanks to the similarities, some fundamental differences are made visible. The discipline of Organizational Studies has, compared to that of Social Anthropology, regarding the research method being used, less focus on, and less participation in, the informal social life of the organizational culture of the study. Regarding the concept of culture the Organizational Studies consider culture containing more of unity, stability and clear boundaries, compared to Social Anthropology.

Normalitet och styrning i en förskola för alla (Normalization and governing in a pre-school for all)

The purpose of this study is to analyze how special education is done in relation to what is considered "normal". The aim is to discuss how the normalization discourse appears in a pre-school for all and, by extension, how the need of special education is articulated in relation to the normalization discourse. This study also intends to discuss how the perception of what is normal affects special education in pre-schools. The study draws upon previous research within the special education area through which we make our position. Since there is only a few studies in this chosen field which are based on empirical data, our study indicates the importance of more research in this field.

Barn och ritualer Religiös traditionsförmedling i tre hinduiska hem

The aim in this bachelor thesis is to describe and analyze ritual performance and transference of religious traditions in some Hindu homes in Varanasi (India). In particular from the children?s perspective. The curriculum of Religious Education in the Swedish schooling system focuses on religious life, expression and practice. Thus, this thesis is about ?lived Hinduism?, ritual performance and religious practices.

"En gång till!" : en kommunikationsetnografisk studie om andraspråksinlärares deltagande i förskolan

The aim of the thesis was to better understand how second language learners becomes lingual participants in a Swedish preschool. Using the following research questions: In what situations are SLLs lingual participants at the preschool? What does their emerging language look like? Are the participation any different considering children's time in the new L2 context? What kind of support does SLLs receive at the preschool?Two focal children at the same preschool was studied with Ethnography of communication as method. The focal children chosen were one girl (Mandarin L1, 4.0 yrs) who arrived to Sweden and started the preschool two months ago at the time of the study, the other a boy (Serbian L1, 3.9 yrs) who started preschool and learning the L2 one year and two months before the study. Situations where the focal children interacted with other children or adults were analyzed. Results showed that the focal children in interaction with each other understands some of the others intentions before being able to speak about them in the L2.

Användargenererad data i tjänstedesignprocessen

Syftet med studien är att ta reda på hur tre olika innovativa tekniker kan användas för att samla in användarinsikter i en tjänstedesignprocess. Detta genomförs med ett designcase som handlar om besökarnas upplevelse av Norrköpings Symfoniorkesters konserter. Symfoniorkestern behöver hjälp med att locka fler besökare till konserterna och nya sätt behöver användas för att samla in användarinsikter för att få så många olika perspektiv som möjligt av konsertupplevelsen.Det var 20 personer som deltog i studien med en blandning av personer, dels de som idag går på Norrköpings Symfoniorkesters konserter och dels de som inte besöker dem. Deltagarnas uppgift i studien var att gå på två av deras konserter och dokumentera sina upplevelser med hjälp av tre olika innovativa tekniker: designsond, app och automatisk kamera.Resultatet av studien visar att den första tekniken designsonden gav en fördjupad bild av deltagarnas syn på konsertupplevelsen och hjälpte till att bredda fokus i tjänstedesignprocessen. Den andra tekniken,appen, kunde ge en mer detaljerad information i realtid om deltagarnas konsertupplevelse på plats.

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