

414 Uppsatser om Ethics - Sida 16 av 28

Helgar målet alltid medlen? En etisk analys av de ekonomiska sanktionerna mot Sydafrika och Haiti och dess humanitära konsekvenser.

In this bachelor thesis my main purpose is to examine the ethical legitimacy of economic sanctions, by assessing the humanitarian consequences this type of actions create. I will do this by a closer examination of the two historic cases of South Africa and Haiti. The humanitarian consequences will then be measured against my chosen theories, to help answer my main questions. The theories I have been working with is the broader interpretation of the just-war theory; the just-sanctions theory, and two major metaethical theories.The result I found after the finished examination of the chosen cases, are that economic sanctions and morality doesn?t necessarily match.

Att inte kunna, eller inte vilja, begagna sig av hemlandets skydd : att utreda om det finns ett myndighetsskydd

The purpose of this essay is to study the two cases ?The hijacking of a bus in Årdal? & ?The double murder in Ljungsbro? from media Ethics aspects.  The aim for this study is to clear up if the the Swedish newspapers have reported according to the mediaethic rules and to see if there is any differences between the newspapers reporting. The following theories has been used to reach the objective: the journalism task, news values, the liberty of press and speach, media ethical rules and discursive discrimination. The study has used a critical discourse method formed by Teun a. van Dijk to analyse the material, mainly through macro- and microstructures.

Ett rättfärdigt felande? Om civil olydnad inom den demokratiska staten

Civil disobedience constitutes an interesting ethical phenomena in the democraticstate since the people performing it consciously brakes laws and norms in societyfor purposes they themselves judge to be morally good and just. This thesisexamines whether the phenomena of civil disobedience is justifiable in ademocratic society.In this study civil disobedience is analyzed on two levels. First the problem isanalyzed on a theoretical level in relative to the three, by us established, values:respect for the law, the will of the majority and equality. Second, civildisobedience is analyzed on a more practical level where we test our theoreticalline of argument with the help of two example groups who engages in civildisobedience. The justification of civil disobedience is also analyzed through twoethical perspectives on acting, deontology and consequentialism.Our conclusion is that civil disobedience is justifiable on a theoretical level inrelative to the values we discuss.

Teorivalsfrågan : med utgångspunkt i jämförelsen mellan T Kuhns och I Lakatos? teorier

Teorival betecknar den handling varmed forskarsamfundet väljer mellan två eller flera uppkomna och inbördes konkurrerande vetenskapliga teorier. Detta sker för att därefter kunna bedriva vetenskaplig verksamhet som är styrd av den valda teorin. Det handlar således om en vetenskaplig revolution, där teorivalet är höjdpunken och avgörande för revolutionens seger.I denna bemärkelse har teorivalsfrågan blivit centralt för vetenskapens utveckling och det svåraste att avgöras, synnerligen i sammanhang av komplexa strukturer som Kuhns paradigm eller Lakatos? forskningsprogram.I uppsatsen behandlas den roll som inkommensurabilitet, metodologi, kriticism, testning och de sociopsykologiska faktorer spelar beträffande teorivalsfrågan, samt avgörandets grundvalar. Lakatos? progressivitetskriterium går ut på att förklara forskningsprogramsvalet som rationellt handlande, medan Kuhn liknar paradigmvalet vid en gestaltväxling eller en religiös omvändelse.Utan en rationell förklaring av teorivalsproblematiken förblir den en gåta och vetenskapens utveckling förblir oförklarlig..

IT-stöd för träning av etisk kompetens

Ethical competence is an important precondition when people are to respond to moral problem situations as efficiently as possible. In these situations it is not easy to make choices and decisions, especially when many stakeholders are involved with various opinions and interests.The purpose of this thesis was to generate a web-based support tool to train and promote ethical competence of the users of this tool.We first created a theoretical basis by studying the major theories of Ethics in general and ethical competence in particular. The importance of ethical competence and its main subject, namely, the autonomy in the theoretical part described and specified. In addition has the practical ethical reflection over morality preferred and characterized to the classical ethical passivity over morality. We have also preferred and characterized the autonomous thinking to the heteronomous one.Based on the theoretical base a prototype tool to support the training of ethical competence was designed and developed.

Vägar till fred En moralisk komparativ analys av eftergiftspolitik, ekonomiska sanktioner och krig som konfliktslösande agenter för fred

The world is yet to experience world peace, a peace that is hindered by ongoing conflicts that escalate into wars around the globe. Therefore, peace can only be possible if conflicts are restricted and resolved to prohibit war, creating and maintaining peace. This study will be constructed around this assumption, but will include a moral variable and answer: is there a moral conflict-solving road to peace?The study will be directed around appeasement, economic sanctions and war as conflict resolving agents for peace. I will construct a typology with common features by using empirical material; a topology that will then be analyzed using two opposing ethical theories, consequentialism and common morality.The analysis will be constructed around the above mentioned question.

Den gode, den onde, den fulle : En narrativ analys av journalister på vita duken

This study highlights the stereotypical depictions of journalists in film using a narrative analysis of four major Hollywood productions, starting with All the President?s Men from 1976 through The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo from 2011. Its purpose is to highlight traits given to journalists in the movies and re-occuring themes in the portrayal of the media and the journalistic occupation. Differences and commonalities between the films are concluded in a discussion of Ethics, personalities and the media?s self image.

Puritanismens dygdetik : En jämförande studie mellan Max Webers dygdteori och dygderna i John Bunyans bok Pilgrim´s Progress

The purpose of this study is to find the virtue Ethics John Bunyan presents in Pilgrim´s Progress part 1, compared with the virtues Max Weber presents, and then try Weber´s theory on the empirical data, Pilgrim´s Progress. When I compare the virtues in Weber´s theory with the virtues in Pilgrim´s Progress, I interpret Weber´s theory as limited. From Weber´s theory emerges the puritan virtues: fulfillment of duty, struggle, self-control and live simply. He also mentions gratitude to God and helpfulness to other people, but this is shown through work in the society. These virtues can also be found in Pilgrim´s Progress.

Musik i palliativ vård : en intervjustudie med vårdpersonal

Denna uppsats har som syfte att underso?ka om musik anva?nds i palliativ va?rd i Sverige och hur det i sa? fall beskrivs, motiveras och dokumenteras. Det a?r en kvalitativ intervjustudie med hermeneutisk fo?rsta?elseansats. Intervjuer har genomfo?rts med fem personer med olika yrkesprofession inom palliativ va?rd (sjuksko?terska, sjukgymnast, arbetsterapeut, kurator och o?verla?kare).

Hållbar konsumtion av nötkött och mjölk

Sustainable beef and milk consumption. The consumption of beef and dairy products in Sweden is high. A lot of greenhouse gases are emitted from the production of these products. The production of beef in Sweden has decreased but the import has increased. The number of dairy cows has decreased while beef-production with suckler-cows has increased in Sweden.

Läraren och den privata sfären - en studie av gränsen mellan lärarens yrkesroll och den egna privata sfären

Var går egentligen gränsen mellan lärarens yrkesroll och dennes egna privata sfär? Utifrån min erfarenhet i början av mitt arbete som lärare att det var svårt att sätta en gräns för när arbetsveckan var slut och dessutom svårt att avsluta den med en känsla av att vara nöjd väcktes intresset för att utforska den gränsen. I uppsatsen har jag därför tittat närmare på hur stödet för en sådan avgränsning ser ut i de politiska styrdokumenten, arbetstidsavtalen och lärarens yrkesetik. Jag har också försökt ge en bild av hur konsekvenserna för läraren och dennes privata sfär ser ut under de förhållanden som råder idag. Resultatet visar att dessa gränsdragningar är vaga och att lärare idag har svårigheter att upprätthålla sin privata sfär och tillgodogöra sig de värden och funktioner som den rymmer.

Etik- och värdegrundsarbete i skolan, Working with ethics and fundamental values in school

Mitt examensarbete belyser lärarnas arbetssätt med etik och värdegrund från en skola. Det innehåller redogörelser för hur de definierar begreppen etik och värdegrund. Jag belyser även deras uppfattning när det gäller arbetet och värderingar. Slutligen klargör jag lärarnas upplevelser och hantering av etiska dilemman. Som forskningsmetod valde jag att genomföra en kvalitativ studie med sex intervjuer.

Intressekonflikten mellan polisiära spaningsmetoder och förhör

This essay is about the meeting of the pedagogic mission and the reality of the conditions in preschools. It is about the frustrations that I, as a pedagogue, experience when I cannot fulfill this mission. An example of this is working when understaffed.My purpose is the acknowledgment of two main areas of the curriculum: caring and learning. This essay demonstrates the diversity of the occupation and it ?s constant need of positioning.

Revisorns resonemang i moraliska termer kring oberoendefrågor

ABSTRACTThe auditor independence is constantly being questioned while discussing whether the auditor is really independent from the client. There are also factors threatening the auditor?s independency and decreasing the legitimacy towards the auditors. One example is the long-term relationship between the auditor and the client.The analysis model is the most useful for the auditor to control his independency. Former studies show that the auditor?s judgments about the threat to independence differed among the auditors.

"Än så länge går vi på känsla" : En studie av bibliotekariers hantering av kontroversiella medier

The purpose of this bachelor's thesis is to investigate how working librariansmanage controversial media. It builds on three debates in the media about libraries and booksthat have taken place during the years of 2012 and 2013. The questiones asked were: How dolibrarians manage racist media? How do librarians manage media that instructs on how tocommit crimes? How do librarians manage sexually explicit media? And lastly, how dolibrarians manage pressure from outside of the library? The theoretical framework consists ofRobert Hauptmans division of the two kinds of ethical strands of librarianship, in this thesiscalled ?Free information? and ?Information responsibly?. The method used to collectempirical material was qualitative interviews.

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