

598 Uppsatser om Estate Agents Act - Sida 34 av 40

Klädesfabriken : Textilförläggaren Anders Hansson på Mölneby i Östra Frölunda en protoindustrialist i 1800-talets Sjuhäradsbygden?

The purpose of this paper is to survey the textile based proto-industrialism in Sweden in the middle of the 19th century. This case study is founded upon Anders Hansson?s pre-industrial textile production at the estate of Mölneby, Östra Frölunda in the rural district of Kind in the province of Västra Götaland.Account books from the year 1853 related to Anders Hansson?s wool fabric manufacturing have been looked into and categorized using a quantitative research method. The research has also been supplemented with a number of interviews.The result of the survey shows that Anders Hansson?s business activities fit into Mendel?s theory of proto-industrialists at a practice level.By collaborating with a merchant in Gothenburg the fabrics were traded in unknown markets, as well as in more familiar neighbouring districts.

E-business inom fastighetsbranschen : En undersökning av fastighetsbyrån Fantastic Franks differentiering genom E-business

Utifrån Canvas analysmodell, hur ser Fantastic Franks E-business ut? Hur är synen på E-business hos en liten nischad fastighetsbyrå?Syftet med denna studie är att analysera Fantastic Franks E-business genom Canvas analysmodell och analysera hur differentiering genom E-business påverkar företagets framgång.Genom intervju med ledningsgruppsrepresentant från Fantastic Frank samt med fastighetsmäklare på Fantastic Frank applicerades företagets affärsmodell på modellen Källor till värdeskapande i E-business företag. Denna metod användes för att undersökningens syfte att se hur Fantastic Frank differentierar sig genom E-business skulle kunna undersökas.Nyckelresurser, nyckelpartnerskap och nyckelaktiviteter är de viktigaste blocken inom Canvas analysmodell för Fantastic Frank, för att de ska kunna erbjuda en värdeproposition och differentiera sig. Andra fastighetsbyråer börjar erbjuda liknande tjänster med bostadsstyling och Fantastic Frank bör vidareutveckla sin tjänst. För att skapa värde bör Fantastic Frank utveckla relationer med kunder som köpt eller sålt bostad genom gemensamma intressen inom inredning/design.

Fiskevård och delning av fiske vid lantmäteriförrättningar : Studie av FBL 3 kap 8 §

AbstractThis bachelor thesis was performed at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm on behalf of the Land Survey Authority. The thesis is about fish conservation and division of fishing water at official duty. It is the Land Survey Authority that examines division of fisheries, but before a case can be implemented, certain requirements must be achieved such as FBL 3:8, which prevent divisions that are deleterious for fish conservation. The purpose of this thesis is: to obtain a clearer view how FBL 3:8 should be applied in practice, how the application differs between the offices in central Sweden, and how fish care is regulated at both international and national levels.At an international level, in EU the commercial fishery is regulated through the common fisheries policy (CFP). The fisheries policy consists of a reform that will last for 10 years.

Beredning av köldbärare för komfortändamål i kontorsverksamhet : En studie i produktionsslag

The real estate company Ihus is facing an expansion of its comfort cooling in Noatun,Uppsala, to provide the buildings in the block with cooling. The buildings in Noatunare mainly used for office premises, where the requirements for an accepted indoorclimate is great. However, it?s uncertain whether Ihus should continue, as currently,producing comfort cooling by themselves using a compressor chiller, or if they shouldconnect themselves to Vattenfall?s district cooling net.The purpose of this report is to examine which technique of cooling is best suited forIhus and their buildings in Noatun. It should also work as a guideline for othercompanies facing the same problem as Ihus.

Incitament för fastighetsägare att omvandla bruna kontorsfastigheter till gröna - När och varför de väljer att investera

This thesis of 15 hp has been implemented at Halmstad University, in collaboration with Saab Dynamics in Linköping. Saab Dynamics is a company operating in the defence industry where competition is tough. This necessitates new ways to increase efficiency in the company, which is the basis for this thesis. Saab Dynamics wants to introduce simulation driven design. Since Saab Dynamics engineers have little experience of simulation, required a user methodology with clear guidelines.

Säljarens förmåga att visa förståelse och empati i interaktionen med kund : En kvalitativ studie om den affektiva och kognitiva empatin 

Syfte: Syftet med vår undersökning är att skapa bättre förståelse för hur en säljare förmedlar empati för kunden i en säljrelation. Tidigare forsknings uppmärksamhet för förståelsen och empatins påverkan utgör grunden till att vi mer specifikt vill undersöka; hur kunden uppfattar att fastighetsmäklaren förmedlar affektiv respektive kognitiv empati i en säljrelation.Metod: En studie av kvalitativ art valdes med bakgrund till studiens syfte. För insamling av kvalitativ data använde vi oss av tidigare forskning samt semistrukturerade intervjuer, vilka utfördes med respondenter som anlitat en fastighetsmäklare inom de närmaste tre föregående åren. Well-grounded theory användes sedan som analysmetod av det empiriska materialet.Slutsats: Studien indikerar att kunden uppfattar både affektiv och kognitiv empati i mötet med fastighetsmäklaren. Vi har genom analysen uppmärksammat skillnader och likheter i respondenternas svar, mer specifikt har vi funnit att kundernas uppfattning av empati upplevs olika av olika personlighetstyper och situationer.Förslag till vidare forskning: Vi anser att vidare forskning bör ta hänsyn till fler variabler, exempelvis ålder, kön, personlighetstyp eller situation.

Den utdragna byggprocessen - En studie av utredningar i planprocessen

Under de senaste åren har planprocessen legat i fokus. I Stockholm råder en stor bostadsbristoch de långa planprocesserna som kan sträcka sig upp till fem år eller mer har medfört att ettantal utredningar och rapporter har genomförts för att se vari problemen ligger. De långa ochkomplicerade planprocesserna medför även att konkurrenssituationen mellan byggherrarpåverkas då enbart de större byggherrarna har den tid och resurser att genomgå dennautdragna process. I den nya plan- och bygglagen som infördes 2 maj 2011 fanns en delförändringar som hade som mål att effektivisera denna process men än finns det utrymme förförbättringar.I vårt examensarbete har vi analyserat tre projekt i tre olika kommuner för att se huruvida deutredningar som krävs skiljer sig mellan kommunerna. Kommunerna vi har valt är Stockholm,Solna och Södertälje och för att få en mer nyanserad bild har vi pratat medstadsbyggnadskontoret i Södertälje kommun samt två exploatörer i Stockholm och Solna omderas syn på processen.

Statliga myndigheter på lokalhyresmarknaden

Denna studie undersöker hur statliga myndigheter är som hyresgäster på den svenska lokalhyresmarknaden. I studien analyseras myndigheternas hyreskontraktslängder samt den faktiska hyresperioden för respektive lokal. Därutöver utreds hur respektive myndighet hanterar sin lokalförsörjning både organisatoriskt och strategiskt. För att få en tillförlitlig perception om dagens situation har såväl historisk utveckling samt rådande trender och framtidsutsikter i den statliga lokalförsörjningen beaktats.Tidigare forskning kring myndigheters lokalhyrestider är begränsad, således är förhoppningen att denna studie ska bringa klarhet i detta. Vidare ämnar studiens syfte till att klargöra statliga myndigheters strategi gällande lokalförsörjning.Studien bygger på en kvalitativ del vilken innefattar intervjuer med fem statliga myndigheter.

Utvärdering av avloppsvattenreningen vid Hallsta Pappersbruk : Kartläggning av inkommande avloppsvatten och optimering av driftparametrar

Hallsta paper mill uses large amounts of water during the pulp and paper making processes. The wastewater is treated in two separate activated sludge processes referred to as BIO 1 and BIO 2. The main aim is to reduce the organic substance content, measured as COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) before the wastewater is released into the environment. Since the effluent produced is very rich in organic substances, the addition of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are necessary to give satisfactory treatment results. Problems with sludge bulking sometimes occur which lead to increased levels of suspended matter and nutrients in the effluent.

Kemisk stabilisering av gruvavfall från Ljusnarsbergsfältet med mesakalk och avloppsslam : Chemical stabilization of mine waste with sewage sludge and calcium carbonate residues

Chemical stabilization of mine waste from Ljusnarsbergsfältet with sewage sludge and calcium carbonate residuesMine waste from Ljusnarsbergsfältet in Kopparberg, Sweden, is considered to constitute a great risk for human health and the surrounding environment. Some of the waste rock consists of sulphide minerals. When sulphide minerals come into contact with dissolvedoxygen and precipitation, oxidation may occur resulting in acid mine drainage (AMD) and the release of heavy metals. The purpose of this study has been to characterise the waste material and try to chemically stabilize the waste rock with a mixture of sewage sludge and calcium carbonate. The drawback of using organic matter is the risk that dissolved organic matter can act as complexing agents for heavy metals and in this way increase their mobility.

GRÖNYTEFAKTOR I ETT NYTT PERSPEKTIV - Går ekosystemtjänster att mäta med fjärranalys?

Due to an increased population in cities the need of densification of cities increases. This means that the amount of ecological elements in the city is at risk of decreasing. Ecological services contribute to the city?s climate by softening the negative impacts that densification of cities means. Thus increases the will and ambition in city planning in to preserve greenery.This is an interdisciplinary thesis within the subject of geography that studies Biotope Area Factor (BAF), a planning tool that is used in city planning with the purpose of compensating for lost ecological services associated with new housing estate.

Evaluating six crop mixes used for game fields in southwest Sweden : biomass production, fallow deer preference and species diversity

Game fields are one way to divert animals away from sensitive areas, create shelter and forage, and also to increase the biological diversity. In this study I investigated how the plant composition in six different crop mixes used for game fields affected the biomass production, biomass consumption and biological diversity at the Koberg estate in southwestern Sweden. Six experimental fields were used and each field contained six plots, approximately 1500 m2 each, that was sown with a different crop mix. The crop mixes ranged from a pure grass mix (A), 70 % grass and 30 % leguminous plants (B), 53 % grass, 21 % leguminous plants and 26 % other herbs (C), 100 % leguminous plants (D) to the most complex mixes constituting of 91 % leguminous plants and 9 % other herbs (E) and 87 % leguminous plants and 13 % other herbs (F). The fields were cut weekly during the summer in 2010, to estimate weekly biomass production.

Hur uppfattas pcSKOG AB och pcSKOG-gård av privata skogsägare? : en undersökning av en programvara för privatskogsbruket

pcSKOG-gård is a computerised manager plan for private forest owners, developed by the pcSKOG AB. The program is based on forest stand data, joined with a map of the forest and GIS-applications. The purpose is to offer a program for private forest owners managing the forest and with the possibility of updating the actual status of the forest. The company pcSKOG AB is the leading producer of programs for forest management and has developed the program since 1997. The program is currently the most common program used by private forest owners in Sweden. The aim of this thesis, leading to MSc in forestry, is to investigate the purpose of the private forest owners when purchasing the pcSKOG-gård. The thesis also studies how private forest owners use the program, what they use it for and how the private forest owners state that the program has achieved to fulfil their expectations. The thesis is also a market research concerning the knowledge and attitudes the private forest owners have about the program and associated services. The study material has been collected during two phases.

Gröna generationsskiften : Särskilt om samäganderätt och mjuka frågor

Within the near future Sweden will be facing a large number of successions of ownership  within the agriculture and forestry sector, which is why it is important to acknowledge the question of alternatives for transfer of ownership. The purpose of this thesis is therefore to analyze the existing law as well as the various options for how to transfer the ownership concerning succession of ownership within family-owned agriculture and forestry businesses. This thesis pays particular attention to the complexity of problems that refer to joint ownerships and the great importance of the emotional questions that arise when a succession of ownership is being implemented.A succession of ownership can be planned as well as unplanned. When implemented through inheritance the transfer to the younger generation is unplanned. There are several effects of an unplanned succession of ownership and these effects can be harmful for the company as well as the family.

Kommunernas politisering : En studie av det politiska styret i Nyeds landskommun 1950-1962

This essay deals with the question of lines of development within the politics in the rural municipality of Nyed 1950-1962. The aim is to explore how local politics and policies were handled from two perspectives. Firstly the issue of conflict and consensus or majority rule and consensus. Here Arend Lijphard's theory of majority and consensus provides a theoretical base for the essay. Secondly the aim is to explore the actions of the local politicians with regards to leisure time policies to find out whether or not they ideologically belonged to the concept of ?folkhemmets kommun? by Ulla Ekström von Essen.The source material for this essay has been the minutes from the two major bodies of local politics in Nyed, kommunalfullmäktige and kommunalnämnden.

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