

622 Uppsatser om Establishment phases - Sida 36 av 42

Miljöpåverkan av vattenrenare M300 : En studie av hur strävan efter hållbar utveckling kan integreras i framställning av produkten

Regionalization has become a catchphrase in European countries during the last twenty years with the establishment of the European Union. An ideational development has occurred during time towards emphasing more politicially powerful regions with the idea of new regionalism. Sweden represents a deviant case study, where regions historically have been politically weak and where Sweden has been characterized as a strong unitary state. The aim of this paper is to analyze the political debate in the Swedish parliament concerning the implementation of a stronger regional level (storregioner) during 2007-2010 and to determine if the debate can be characterized as a case of depoliticalization. The theory of depoliticalization have been introduced by Richard Katz and Peter Mair to explain why political parties through external pressure from europeanisation and globalization tend to become more consensual with similar political agendas, leading to a diminished the lef-right scale.

The Psychology Driving&Barriers to Skunk Work Project

The Psychology Driving and Barriers to Skunk Work Projects (referred to throughout this thesis as the paper) represents a study predominantly on Tetra Pak from a selective perspective, the innovators. Innovators both past&present whose initiatives contribute to the well being of Tetra Pak as well as one from Ericsson were consulted. As with individuals, organizations possess definable characters that are influenced by the various stages of their life cycle. Theories of corporate life cycle phases and organizational character analysis were therefore employed to identify and explain organizational barriers to skunk work leaders&managers. Predicated on the Organizational Character Index survey developed by William Bridges PhD (himself a recognized leader in the field of transition management) and administered to sixty-one managers within a Tetra Pak business unit established the benchmark.

End of line test : En studie av företaget Emotrons linjetestning i produktionen

Emotron is a company specialised in developing, producing and marketing equipment to con-trol, monitor and protect processes and machinery driven by electric motors, with an applica-tion focus. Examples of uses for their products are fans, pumps, lifts and cranes.The project is to look at Emotrons end of line test. The company has seen that at the final test-ing there is a bottleneck that restricts the outflow and prevents an increase in the number of tested products.The purpose of this project is to review how Emotrons end-of-line test works today and if there is a possibility to make the test more efficient in such a way that the quality is not at risk, while increasing the outflow of tested products.The projects first step is to look at and analyse what is causing the bottleneck at the end-of-line. When the analysis is complete, the next step is to review whether there is a possibility to solve the bottleneck and if so in what way can this be done. Emotrons most overall objective of the project is to increase the outflow of the number of tested products without jeopardizing the quality.An analysis has been made on frequency inverters, soft starters and shaft power monitors.

Utveckling av ledningsmodell : Utredning av en sektions framtida ledning och styrning på Saab AB

As a consequence of the exports of Saab AB?s airplane 39 Gripen the departmentFATPA has grown and developed substantially in a short period of time. With the aim toclearly define and describe the establishment and its new work procedures and routines,which are meant to be applied after the turn of the year 2005/2006, FATPA is aiming todevelop a management model which will contain the above. The purpose of themanagement model is to describe how the department FATPA wants to work, especiallywith consideration to the department?s management.

"Jag vill bara gråta" : En studie av fyra krisdrabbade individers emotioner och upplevelser av en kris

En traumatisk kris är en reaktion på en yttre händelse och omständighet. Krisen har fyra faser som de drabbade går igenom, där chockfasen är den första och slutar med nyorienteringsfasen. Studien syftar till att utifrån ett emotionssociologiskt perspektiv studera fyra kvinnliga informanters upple-velser och känslor under och efter en traumatisk kris, som består av kata-strof, dödsfall och sjukdomsdiagnos. Studien söker även svar på hur infor-manternas omgivning, i form av familj och vänner, har agerat i samband med krisen. Genom kvalitativ metod med intervjuer berättar fyra krisdrab-bade informanter om den händelse som utlöste krisen och hur de hanterade detta.

If it doesn?t spread it?s dead  : En kvalitativ studie över hur unga entreprenörer positionerar sig på marknaden och med hjälp av sociala medier sprider sitt varumärke

AbstractTitle: If it doesn?t spread it?s dead - a qualitative study on how young entrepreneurs are positioning themselves in the marketplace and with the help of social media spreading their brand. (If it doesn?t spread it?s dead ­- en kvalitativ studie om hur unga entreprenörer positionerar sig på marknaden, med hjälp av sociala medier sprider sitt varumärke). Number of pages: 48 Author: Sandra Ahlinder, Anna Hoffman Tutor: Peder Hård af SegerstadCourse: Media and Communications Studies C Period: Fall 2013University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Purpose/Aim: The aim with this study is to investigate how companies use social media as a marketing tool. The study will investigate possible differences between two groups of newly started companies. The first group is companies that has recieved a relatively large amount of media attention and the second group is companies that has received less attention in media.

"Jag vill bara gråta" - En studie av fyra krisdrabbade individers emotioner och upplevelser av en kris

En traumatisk kris är en reaktion på en yttre händelse och omständighet. Krisen har fyra faser som de drabbade går igenom, där chockfasen är den första och slutar med nyorienteringsfasen. Studien syftar till att utifrån ett emotionssociologiskt perspektiv studera fyra kvinnliga informanters upple-velser och känslor under och efter en traumatisk kris, som består av kata-strof, dödsfall och sjukdomsdiagnos. Studien söker även svar på hur infor-manternas omgivning, i form av familj och vänner, har agerat i samband med krisen. Genom kvalitativ metod med intervjuer berättar fyra krisdrab-bade informanter om den händelse som utlöste krisen och hur de hanterade detta.

Patogenes för prostatacarcinom hos hund : en jämförelse med människan

This thesis investigates the possibilities offered to a working landscape architect by anincreased and altered use of digital 3D environments. A basic assumption is that increased useof digital three-dimensional environments promotes the creative processes and presentationoptions of landscape architects.The thesis is based on literature studies and communication with working landscapearchitects, and includes an investigation of the visualization methods available in the Blender3D modelling software. The thesis provides a thorough survey of what it means to model inthree dimensions, as well as of what modelling methods are feasible for a landscape architectto use. As landscape architects, we work with human and unique processes, and thus it isdifficult to develop standardized and automatic software for our profession. One possiblesolution is to turn to open source development, where software and models are shared andanyone can contribute.

Export inom gränserna : En studie om förutsättningar för medicinsk turism i Sverige

International trade in services has increased over the past 30 years as a result of progress in information and communication technology, increased focus on services from the manufacturing sector and the establishment of trade associations.The international market for healthcare services, also referred to as medical tourism, is growing more and more. Patients increasingly seeking treatment at other countries healthcare systems because of long queues within their own country or because it exists better prices for the same care abroad. However, this type of service exports occurs at a limited extent in Sweden.The purpose of this study is to highlight and analyze the conditions for Swedish service companies to export healthcare services. This, includes the challenges and opportunities that exist to expand the exports of these services.The approach for this study has been in the form of interviews with two market actors and written responses, from the same interview guide, with three market actors. These market participants are the so-called Care companies which export healthcare services in various counties, and the membership organization Swecare who work with export promotion activities for its members in the Swedish healthcare sector.

Digitala tredimensionella visualiseringsmetoder : ett sätt att kommunicera landskap

This thesis investigates the possibilities offered to a working landscape architect by anincreased and altered use of digital 3D environments. A basic assumption is that increased useof digital three-dimensional environments promotes the creative processes and presentationoptions of landscape architects.The thesis is based on literature studies and communication with working landscapearchitects, and includes an investigation of the visualization methods available in the Blender3D modelling software. The thesis provides a thorough survey of what it means to model inthree dimensions, as well as of what modelling methods are feasible for a landscape architectto use. As landscape architects, we work with human and unique processes, and thus it isdifficult to develop standardized and automatic software for our profession. One possiblesolution is to turn to open source development, where software and models are shared andanyone can contribute.

Etableringsfrihet- Rättfärdigade inskränkningar på skatterättens och bolagsrättens område : I förhållande till svensk CFC-lagstiftning

Syftet med denna uppsats är att utreda konsekvensen av att det finns distinktioner i de rättfärdigade inskränkningarna inom etableringsfriheten mellan bolagsrätt och skatterätt samt att undersöka hur de svenska CFC-reglerna kan anses utgöra en rättfärdigad inskränkning i den grundläggande principen om rätten till fri etablering. Etableringsfriheten stadgar medborgare och bolags rätt att fritt etablera sig och bilda bolag inom Europeiska unionen. För att en medlemsstats nationella regler ska kunna inskränka den grundläggande etableringsfriheten krävs att inskränkningen kan rättfärdigas.De rättfärdigade inskränkningarna ser olika ut beroende på inom vilket rättsområde de tilllämpas. Etableringsfriheten är mer långtgående på bolagsrättens område som enbart innefattar en rättfärdigad inskränkning. Inskränkningen kan motiveras av bristen på en unionsrättslig reglering på området.

Network Advantages in a Market Entry Context ? A study of the Swedish fashion business

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to research and analyze how the establishment in new markets of small and medium Swedish fashion companies can be made more efficient from a network perspective. Methodology: The researchers have decided to take a phenomenological standpoint and undertake an exploratory study in order to gain understanding of the phenomenon of market entry and the use of networks. The researchers have chosen to undertake a qualitative study and to adopt an abductive approach. Two ?case companies? have been chosen which are Filippa K and House of Dagmar.

Den nyliberala staden : -Ett Kalmarperspektiv

Abstract Contemporary cities find themselves today in a fierce competition against other cities over company establishment and in -migration. In this competition, the city?s main objective is to become an attractive site of capital accumulation.  As this happens, the pressure on the vulnerable groups in society increases, leading to a social geographic polarization. I have examined how the shift towards neoliberalism has affected a city on the fringe as Kalmar. How is the postindustrial urban space constructed? I found this important to analyze since it put two important questions in the light: For whom, and for which purpose do we build the city today? My questions have been:v  What are Kalmar municipality?s strategies to develop Kalmar?v  What are the results of this strategy in the urban space?v  What are the consequences of this strategy?The research has been a case study of the city of Kalmar with a qualitative deductive approach where David Harvey?s theories about the city in a capitalist system have been the underpinning structure.

Erfarenhetsåterföring i praktiken : En studie vid Jernhusen AB

This examination has been made in cooperation with Jernhusen which is an estate company owned by the government, with estates along the railways in Sweden. This assignment is to help Jernhusens business area Projektfastigheter with their experience feedback, which is to-day almost absent. Business area Projektfastigheter has the task of supporting Jernhusens three other business areas with skills and resources for the estate projects that Jernhusen runs. Jernhusen must become stronger with the collecting of experiences and as a business because of the liberalization of the railways, which leads to a more competitive market. A tool for this is successful experience feedback.The concept of experience feedback is to gain experience across a variety of cases, where individuals and/or groups can chose situations with relevant similarities and differences with current case.

Att kunna lite kan göra mycket : Socialarbetarens möten med personer med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar

In this paper we have chosen to focus on social workers and their experiences of interacting with clients with neuropsychiatric disabilities, in example persons with ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder), Asperger syndrome, autism and/or Tourette syndrome. The main purpose was to look into three areas: What knowledge do social workers mean that they need about neuropsychiatric disabilities and how can their needs of knowledge can be met? How do they experience the meeting with a person with neuropsychiatric disabilities? How does the cooperation function between authorities regarding persons with neuropsychiatric disabilities?Definition of the concept of disability and function from a historical perspective points out that the approach has changed over time. Previous research studies of the interaction in meeting between the client and the social worker shows that the social worker carries two faces, so called aspects. The first aspect is about help and care and the second aspect is about administrative functions.

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