

622 Uppsatser om Establishment phases - Sida 35 av 42

Kartläggning av materialflödet i Peabs försörjningskedja till byggarbetsplats med SCOR

The construction industry has not undergone the same logistical development as the manufacturing industry; this, in combination with increased material price, leads to the fact that the construction industry must be improved. This master thesis is a part of the research cooperation Brains & Bricks goal of reducing production costs for the construction sector by 25 percent. Brains & Bricks is a cooperation between Linköping University, Peab and Katrineholms municipality. The master thesis aims to identify improvements in the flow of material, the Supply chain operation reference, SCOR, model has been used and the work has been carried out on one of Peab?s construction sites. At present the business is characterized by bad communication both between the construction site and the office as well as between the construction site and suppliers.

Lokaliseringsutredning för nytt hotell i Sandvikens tätort med stöd av multikriterieanalys

The municipality of Sandviken is in a state of strong growth. This affects the need for more hotel rooms in Sandviken, in a way that it?s profitable to invest in a new hotel. Sandvikens largest company, the steal industry Sandvik AB, grows just like Sandviken, and have great influence on the need of more hotel rooms. Today there are three hotels placed in Sandviken, and these hotels aren?t enough when the pressure of hotel guests is at its top.The purpose with the project was to analyse the criteria?s that are important for localization of a new hotel in the Sandviken, and to clarify what kind of hotel Sandviken is in need of.

Viljebegreppet och psykologin : En studie av psykologins framväxt som vetenskap i Sverige genom en analys av viljebegreppets betydelseförändring

The aim of this study is to elucidate the process in which psychology was separated from philosophy and established itself as a distinct academic discipline in Sweden. I argue that the concept of will, as well as the concepts of thinking and emotion, have a lot to tell us about the rise of academic psychology in Sweden. This is done through an analysis of psychology textbooks, encyclopaedia-articles and academic texts on the themes will and psychology, from around 1800 till 1950.Prior to the establishment of the first chair of psychology in Uppsala 1948, the discipline was above all a part of the philosophical discipline. For psychology to become a science of its own, it was crucial to obtain a position among the empirical sciences. It thus had to distance itself from philosophy, and in particular from metaphysics.

Ränteavdragsbegränsningarna och etableringsfriheten : En EU-rättslig bedömning av bestämmelsernas förenlighet med etableringsfriheten

Ända sedan införandet av de svenska ränteavdragsbegränsningarna, som kan leda till nekat avdrag för räntekostnader inom intressegemenskapen beroende på mottagarens skattesituation och syftet bakom transaktionen, har reglernas förenlighet med EU-rättens etableringsfrihet varit ett omdiskuterat ämne. Syf-tet med denna uppsats är att utröna reglernas förenlighet med EU-rätten på denna grund.EU-rätten förbjuder vanligtvis alla former av hinder mot etableringsfriheten. Avsteg får dock göras i särskilda fall om hindrande åtgärder kan motiveras mot bakgrund av art. 52(1) FEUF eller ett trängande allmänintresse. De hindrande åtgärderna måste vidare ha till syfte att uppnå de anförda rättfärdigandegrun-derna samt inte gå utöver vad som är nödvändigt för att uppnå dess mål.EU-kommissionen menar att reglerna särskilt missgynnar gränsöverskridande verksamhet.

Kommunikation, uppföljning och tidsplanering inom detaljprojekteringen : Hur projekteringsprocessen kan effektiviseras med små medel

Producing a building is a long and complex process. It consists of several parts, from the feasibility study and design stage onto the construction and finally the management of the building. The design process is a critical part of the process where construction plans are made. The quality of the plans affect the production phase in great extent and faulty plans can pose a risk for extra costs for all parts in the process. The cost of producing dwellings has increased the last years and the detail design process is one of many phases where improvements can mean cost savings within the whole building process.This report aims to point at parts within the detail design process which could be more efficient, regarding communication, follow-up and time planning, and to give suggestions for improvements.

Fågelbär (Prunus avium L.) - överlevnad, höjdutveckling och skador i unga planteringar på småländska höglandet :

Plant survival, plant damage and height growth were studied in nine wild cherry (Prunus avium L.) plantations in southern Sweden established between 2000 and 2002. All stands were located to the county of Småland. The survey was conducted during May and June in 2007. During the survey the height, diameter and quality of the cherry trees were recorded. In one stand, red ? berried Elder (Sambucus racemosa L.) was a dominant species.

Afrika, en växande marknad : svenska företag etablerar sig i de afrikanska länderna

Tidigare studier visar att Afrika är en växande marknad med möjligheter för svenska företag, men det är en marknad som innebär risker. De svenska företagen har idag en stark närvaro med ett gott rykte och bidrar med kunskap och kvalitet. Trots stora naturtillgångar och ekonomisk tillväxt råder en ojämn inkomstfördelning med fortsatt utbredd fattigdom och underutvecklad infrastruktur. De afrikanska ländernas egna företagare är en viktig del i deras ekonomiska tillväxt. För att skapa vidare utveckling bör de afrikanska ledarna ta större ansvar för den unga arbetskraften.Studiens syfte var att studera hur, var och varför svenska företag har etablerat sig på den afrikanska marknaden och se om och hur etableringen skiljer sig åt för de utvalda företagen.

Uppföljning av plantering på nedlagd åkermark i Skåne 1991-1996 :

The study was performed for the Swedish Regional Forestry Board in Södra Götaland. The study examines broadleaf plantations on former farmland that were planted between 1991 and 1996 with subsidy payments for conversion of farmland into forest. In particular, the study reviews forests planted in 1991-92 and 1994-96. In the early 1990s, Swedish agriculture was deregulated and direct subsides to farmers ended. The Swedish state instead granted farmers financial support and offered incentives for conversion of farmland and investments in order to make their unproductive land productive. The state supported conversion of farmland to broadleaf forest, forest for energy biomass production, or establishment of wetlands on former farmland. The County Administrative Boards and Regional Forestry Boards together monitored the planting of broadleaf forests.

Reglerna om ränteavdragsbegränsningar : är tioprocentsregeln och ventilen i behov av en skärpning?

Den 1 januari 2009 infördes regler som begränsar rätten för företag att göra ränteavdrag, vilket har till syfte att förhindra aggressiv skatteplanering som sker genom ränteupplägg. Två undantag till denna begränsade rätt till ränteavdrag benämns tioprocentsregeln och ventilen. Genom dessa får ränteavdrag göras om mottagaren av ränteinkomsten beskattas med tio procent eller om förfarandet är affärsmässigt motiverat. Dessa undantagsregler har dock blivit utsatts för kritik. Kritiken som har framförts är att den aggressiva skatteplaneringen som sker genom ränteupplägg inte minskat trots tillkomsten av reglerna om ränteavdragsbegränsningar och det finns även frågetecken om tioprocentsregeln är förenlig med etableringsfriheten inom EU.

Effekter av bearbetningsdjup i plöjningsfri odling

In Sweden, reduced tillage usually means non-inversion tillage, where primary tillage is carried out using chisel ploughs or disc implements. Primary tillage method is mainly determined by the desired soil loosening and the handling of soil residues. The effect of tillage depth was studied in field experiments in Skåne, Väderstad, Uppsala, Örebro och Västerås in different crops; spring oilseed rape, spring wheat, winter wheat and spring barley.The experiments generally had a randomized block design with the treatments mouldboard ploughing, deep chisel ploughing and shallow chisel ploughing, in some cases also shallow discing and no-tillage. In the experiments the following parameters were determined: seedbed properties, saturated hydraulic conductivity, penetration resistance, number of emerged plants and crop yield (all parameters were not determined in all experiments. Root growth and draught requirement were determined in two separate studies. There were no significant differences between tillage depths in non-inversion tillage in seedbed properties, plant emergence or root development.

Regionaliseringen av Sverige : En avpolitiserad debatt?

Regionalization has become a catchphrase in European countries during the last twenty years with the establishment of the European Union. An ideational development has occurred during time towards emphasing more politicially powerful regions with the idea of new regionalism. Sweden represents a deviant case study, where regions historically have been politically weak and where Sweden has been characterized as a strong unitary state. The aim of this paper is to analyze the political debate in the Swedish parliament concerning the implementation of a stronger regional level (storregioner) during 2007-2010 and to determine if the debate can be characterized as a case of depoliticalization. The theory of depoliticalization have been introduced by Richard Katz and Peter Mair to explain why political parties through external pressure from europeanisation and globalization tend to become more consensual with similar political agendas, leading to a diminished the lef-right scale.

Ulf Ekmans konversion till Katolska kyrkan i svensk dagspress : Diskussion utifrån ett diskursanalytiskt perspektiv

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the reasons a religious minority leader has to convert to a larger religious group and how the leader chooses to communicate this event in certain daily press. In March 2014 the leader and founder of the Christian and charismatic movement ?Livets Ord? (Words of Life), Ulf Ekman, announced his decision converting to the Roman Catholic Church after a 10 year long process of thinking. The communications of Ekman?s linguistic language in the articles are discussed through two discourse analyzing perspective, Laclau & Mouffe?s and Fairclough?s.

Insiderinformation : En studie av tillämpningsproblemen vid definitionen av insiderinformation

Regionalization has become a catchphrase in European countries during the last twenty years with the establishment of the European Union. An ideational development has occurred during time towards emphasing more politicially powerful regions with the idea of new regionalism. Sweden represents a deviant case study, where regions historically have been politically weak and where Sweden has been characterized as a strong unitary state. The aim of this paper is to analyze the political debate in the Swedish parliament concerning the implementation of a stronger regional level (storregioner) during 2007-2010 and to determine if the debate can be characterized as a case of depoliticalization. The theory of depoliticalization have been introduced by Richard Katz and Peter Mair to explain why political parties through external pressure from europeanisation and globalization tend to become more consensual with similar political agendas, leading to a diminished the lef-right scale.

Anpassning i en globaliserad va?rld : En flerfallsstudie av svenska modefo?retag

Med en mer globaliserad va?rld och mer homogena marknader har betydelsen fo?r marknadsanpassning pa? utla?ndsk marknad blivit alltmer ifra?gasatt. Vissa svenska modefo?retag har olika uppfattningar anga?ende detta da?r vissa anser att anpassning inte alls beho?vs da? modet a?r globalt medan andra anser att anpassning a?r ett ma?ste fo?r att na? framga?ng pa? den utla?ndska marknaden.Studien syftar till att studera i vilken ma?n anpassningens betydelse har i svenska modefo?retags marknadsstrategi da? va?rlden blivit mer globaliserad och marknader mer homogena. Fo?r att genomfo?ra studien har en kvalitativ studie genomga?tt i from av en flerfallsstudie med de svenska modefo?retagen; Odd Molly, Bjo?rn Borg och Hunky Dory.

Frontier Marknader. : En studie om svenska företagsetableringar på afrikanska frontier-marknader

In the early 1990?s more and more companies of the Swedish public sector were exposed to competition, and this started the debate on how such actions might affect the business and even society.The first chapter examines how the public sector and especially health care, is financed and managed. We also explore what it means to be exposed to competition and find that there are many different ways of exposing the public sector to competition. The study examines dental care as an example of a market with both publicly and privately owned companies. The purpose of this paper is to explore how publicly and privately owned health care companies view their relationship with their consumers.

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