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This Thesis aims to explore how to integrate an IT-system for facilitating anorganizations work with Continous Impprovements.This is done here by examining and analyzing the process within a handful ofcompanies who seem to have been successful with their own implementations. Thestudy is focused on the implementation of one particular system, "System C2".Simliarities and differences between the companies, and the established rule of thumbfor these kind of activities are focused upon. This to emphasis how another actormight emulate some of the apparent success.Part of the core question is found in the title, since Continous Improvement is oftenseen as a relativly low-risk activity, is it then also possible to take a low-risk slow pathto the implementation of such a system in the entire organization?.

Innovation: Utvecklingskapitalbolagens påverkan på sina portföljföretag

Background: The importance of creativity and innovation is frequently stressed in modern literature on management. The significance of innovation gives entrepreneurs the reason to prior to the commencement of a relationship with a venture capitalist, obtain necessary insights regarding the influences such a relationship may have, in terms of innovation. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to scrutinise the influence of venture capital firms on their portfolio companies regarding their ability to be innovative. Delimitations: The intent is to study the impact of a venture capitalist from the viewpoint of its portfolio companies. In other words, what the portfolio companies have perceived as changes is our main area of concern, rather than what the venture capitalist has perceived as change.

Relationer mellan Norske Skog och de privata skogsägarna i Jämtland :

Norske Skog Jämtland AB is like many other companies in a situation where it has to increase its purchases to provide its industries with raw material. To increase the available amount of raw materials, many companies employ purchasers to cover larger areas. This study aims to find out how to handle the increasing competition for timber suppliers. An important input for defining such a strategy is to examine how the suppliers view their relation to the company today. For a company it is extremely important to have a good relation with the suppliers to secure long term supplies.

Historiesyn - Drivkraften i försoning : Ett kvalitativt arbete av Commision on Amnestys historiesyn

Title: Festivalernas Intåg ? Korröfestivalen- en bordunstämmas resa genom festivaliseringenThe Korrö festival- The establishment of a Swedish Folk Music Festival.This thesis describes how folk music festivals have been escalating during the past few and how they have influenced Swedish folk music. To reach my results I have been studying one festival in particular which is the Korrö Folk Music Festival. This event started in the mid-eighties as a small happening that attracted almost exclusively musicians that were a part of the bordooon movement. The bordoon movement gathered a couple of days in the summer at what they called the ?Korrö bordunstämma? to build instruments and play folk music.

Att bara vara: en studie av ett folkbiblioteks besökare

Varför ökar antalet besök på folkbiblioteken medan antalet lån minskar? Syftet med den här undersökningen är att studera vad besökarna gör på Luleå folkbiblioteks huvudbibliotek och hur de betraktar sitt bibliotek. Frågeställningarna är: ? Vad gör besökarna på biblioteket förutom att låna böcker, tidningar och AV-medier? ? Hur betraktar besökarna på Luleå folkbibliotek sitt bibliotek? ? Vilka är det som besöker biblioteket? ? Hur är miljön på biblioteket och vilken inverkan har den på biblioteksbesökarna? ? Är biblioteket också en plats som lockar till sig andra besökare än de som söker det som förknippas med biblioteksverksamhet? För att kunna besvara frågeställningarna har en observationsundersökning och en enkätundersökning gjorts. I analysen har några begrepp från Bourdieu använts.

Brukarinflytande - en oklar självklarhet : om brukarinflytande i särskilt boende inom äldreomsorgens kommunala verksamhet

This paper is a qualitative study on the influence of the residents in a special communitydwelling within the care system for elderly. The purpose of the study is to describe and analyse with a user perspective how particularly staff members but also a group of retired people living in this dwelling interpret and articulate the concept of resident influence. How the retirees can influence the design and the content of the activities and the organization. How today the residents influence is carried out with the ideas and visions of the future.My methods include qualitative structured, semi-structured and non-structured interviews within a general frame of a resident questionnaire. The staff members present the current situation and reflect on the reasons for obstacles for resident influence.The group of retired people who lives in structures originating in the Swedish long-term care system and homes for the elderly tends to adjust to given routines and express a low-voiced wish for increased influence.

International Strategy Implementation: Understanding of Local Challenges in China

The thesis has two purposes. First, to give a practical insight into the challenges that Swedish companies might face, and how these challenges are tackled, when implementing strategy in a local area. Second, to develop a general applicable model as a conceptual contribution to the field of international strategy implementation in local areas. This empirical-driven thesis is written in a qualitative and explorative approach, where abduction is adopted in order to find mysteries and contribute to the forming of new theories. The empirical foundation is twenty-two interviews and observations of three large Swedish companies.

Svenska sjukvårdsföretagens internationalisering : En studie om internationalisering av sjukvårds- och omsorgstjänster

Syfte: Studien syftar till att undersöka internationaliseringsprocessen hos svenska sjukvårds-och omsorgsföretag som tillhandahåller sjukvårdstjänster. Dessutom kommer studien att undersöka svårigheter, möjligheter och framtidsutsikter i samband med sjukvårds-och omsorgsföretagens internationalisering.Metod: Denna studie har genomförts genom tillämpningen av en kvalitativ metod och en deduktiv ansats. Informationen hämtad från studiens primärdata och sekundärdata har varit grunden för undersökningens analys och slutsats.Slutsats: Företagens internationaliseringsprocess har sett olika ut beroende på företagens struktur och hur de arbetar med sjukvård och omsorg vilket lett till olika val av strategi. Svårigheterna har varit i form av skillnader i lagar, regler, kultur och olika sjukvårdssystem som finns i olika länder. Den största möjligheten från en internationalisering har varit förvärv av ny kunskap och kunskapsutbytet mellan länder.

Behovet av normalisering av avvikande ungdomar: en kvalitativ studie om eftervård

The society has always tried to get rid of those who do not "fit in". They doesn't follow the normal behaviour and rules and have to be "dismissed". The community has developed different kinds of institutional care for individuals with dysfunctional behaviour. Those institutions are mental hospitals and prisons. Many of these institutions put the individuals in an extreme situation since they loses their independence and freedom.

Bokstavskunskap i förskoleklass : En studie om pedagogers arbete med bokstäver i förskoleklassen inför skolstarten

Title: Festivalernas Intåg ? Korröfestivalen- en bordunstämmas resa genom festivaliseringenThe Korrö festival- The establishment of a Swedish Folk Music Festival.This thesis describes how folk music festivals have been escalating during the past few and how they have influenced Swedish folk music. To reach my results I have been studying one festival in particular which is the Korrö Folk Music Festival. This event started in the mid-eighties as a small happening that attracted almost exclusively musicians that were a part of the bordooon movement. The bordoon movement gathered a couple of days in the summer at what they called the ?Korrö bordunstämma? to build instruments and play folk music.

Historien om en svensk säkerhetspolitisk agenda - Förklaring av processen, politiken, policyn och entreprenören för Sveriges militära insats i Tchad

The aim of this study is to analyze the process of an agenda setting and see how a specific issue came to materialize on the security policy agenda. The empirical goal of the study is to see why Sweden chose to participate in the EU-led operation to Chad, and how that process came to be? The analysis is based upon Kingdon's multiple streams theory (2003) where he distinguishes the process into three streams. Central for his theory is the coupling of these streams and the importance of a policy entrepreneur. I complement Kingdon's theory of policy entrepreneurs by taking inspiration from Hinnfors (1995), Gustavsson (1999) and especially Eriksson (2000) and their analysis of policy change and agenda setting.

Etableringsbodar - köpa kontra hyra : Studie för NCC Construction Karlsta

Examensarbetet är gjort för NCC Construction AB i Karlstad, all indata är baserad på NCCs tidigare projekt i Värmland. De flesta byggentreprenörer hyr sina etableringsbodar med vetskapen om att det kostar mer än att investera i bodar, men utan studier på att det är lönsammare att köpa bodarna. Studien är gjord på Cramos energieffektiva bodar. Energiförbrukningen för produktion av en byggnad uppgår till 15 % av byggnadens livscykel, vilket leder till stora kostnader. En stor del av energin i produktionsskedet går till etableringsbodarna, undersökningar har gjorts på bodar för att få fram en energieffektiv bod och därmed har utgifterna på etableringarna minskat. Det finns ytterligare ett sätt att spara pengar på gällande etableringen och det är att äga sina etableringsbodar.

Målgrupp alla och dess behov - folkbibliotekets flummiga men underbara uppdrag

The subject for this Master's thesis is the mission of the public library concerning target group everybody. Control documents, traditions, norms and trends influence how this is interpreted and how the library's service is being formed. The often very abstract terms used to describe the public library's mission makes it open for different interpretations. We are of the opinion that the public library's service should be formed to reflect the needs, interests, and priorities of the community it services, in order to be more attractive and useful.The aim of our study is to examine how the public librarians define and adjust to the mission to satisfy all citizens needs. Why do they choose to concentrate on certain target groups? And what does that show of how the public libraries reflect their communities? Our investigation includes examining six activities aimed at a certain target group and the six public libraries that carried these out.

Psykosocial och sexuell hälsa hos unga män födda med analatresi. Att hantera sin livssituation med en medfödd missbildning

The aim of this study was to examine young men born between 1990-1995 with anorectal malformations (ARM) whom have undergone the new PSARP-operation starting in 1990, and how they experience their psychosocial and sexual health. The study also examines how they cope with their life situation and what their experience is of the health care and how they were responded to through out the years. This study is a qualitative research and consists seven semi- structured interviews with young men between sixteen and twenty years old. The analyses of this material resulted in three themes around which the study centers: psychosocial health, sexual health and the medical establishment and the informants thoughts about the proposition of counseling for themselves and other individuals born with ARM. The study shows that these young men have a good psychosocial health and a likely reason for that is good parental relationships and close friendships.

Professionell kultur-Skapande skola : En kvalitativ studie om synen, bemötandet och användandet av Skapande skola i Värmland

Children and young people's right to culture is a priority in the Government's cultural policy. Creative school was introduced in 2008 with the aim that children and youth should receive professional culture in school and increasing access to culture in all forms of expression and possibilities of their own creation, with starting points in the school curriculum. The purpose of this bachelor is to explore the view, the treatment and the use of Creative school in Värmland. A comparison has been made between professional culture, which conveys the culture and culture Coordinator who develops and co-ordinates the work of culture in schools, based on their experiences of creating school. I have looked at what barriers and opportunities there are in liaison with the school and how creative activities can be integrated into the school's other subjects.

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