

2417 Uppsatser om Establishment activities - Sida 11 av 162

Extramural English Activities. Teachers? perceptions of students? extramural English activities in relation to vocabulary

Because of the globalization of society, English as a foreign language (EFL) has become easier to access through internet and outside school English activities, so called ?extramural English activities? (EEA). Previous research indicates a positive relation between pupils? EFL vocabulary development and EEA (Sundqvist, 2009). This development may influence teachers? lesson planning, because of pupils? wide span of interests and the resulting different levels of EFL vocabulary.

Hindren till ett arbete på den reguljära arbetsmarknaden : vuxna personer med en utvecklingsstörning

ÖREBRO UNIVERSITY Department of behaviour, social and legal science Social works C-essay 41-60 p Autumn term 2006 Title: Obstacle to employment on the labour market. Grown-up people with mentally retardation. Authors: Hansen Mikael & Sjöberg Marita Instructor of study: Antonson Sivert ABSTRACT The purpose of this paper is to try tofind out how persons with mentally retardation, working in the municipally daily activities develop and participate in everyday life. We especially want to find explanations for why there are so few among the retarded persons who are taking part in the regularly labour market. What will the instructor within the municipally activities achieve with his/her work? In what way will a retarded person have a possibility to participate in society and to take part in daily activities? Trough observations and semi structured interviews havr information and experience been collected.

Friluftslivets plats i skolan : Uppfattningar från fem skolledare

The basis for this study was my own conception of a weakening of recreational activities in the Swedish secondary school. The aim of the study was to look into five school leaders? ideas of recreational activities. The school leaders? who participated came from various municipalities in two different counties, southern Värmland and northern Västra Götaland (former Skaraborg).

Idrotter på Kronoparken : En kvalitativ studie om flickors syn på Kronoparkens idrottsutbud

Kronoparken is a multicultural area with more than 100 different nationalities. Since we know that girls with a foreign background participate less in sport than girls with Swedish background do, we think it would be interesting to examine what kind of thoughts and experiences young girls on Kronoparken has about sport.  The purpose of this study is to examine what the girls think about the activities that are offered today. We also want to examine their thoughts about sport and gender issues.Since the aim is to identify the girl?s experiences around current activities and find out what ideas they have to improve this, we think a qualitative method is best suited. We have chosen to do interviews with two focus groups.

Pedagogisk lek i förskolan : En samtalsanalytisk studie av pedagogens roll i olika lekaktiviteter

Play is an important part of children´s everyday life, it is through play children develop. Play occurs a lot in kindergarten and in this study, the aim is to examine how play activities play is used in preschool teaching and the role of the teacher´s in the play. Video recordings of play activities done and qualitative methods (conversation analysis) has been used to analyze the video recordings. The results of this study show that play are widely used as a pedagogical tool in preschool. It is through play children develop.

Hur påverkar bävern skogens värden?

The activities of beavers in forested landscapes affect both ecological and economical values. The creation of the dynamic wetland mosaic associated to beaver activities can even improve the quality of water and have been documented as an important landscape engineer affecting the environment for many species. The local office of Sveaskog in Skinnskatteberg is responsible for the management of large areas of the forests in the County of Västmanland. In this area one of several company?s goals are to create ten new wetlands in their own forests as a part of cooperation with the Swedish bird society and Swedish wetland association.

Externhandelns konsekvenser för cityhandeln, i skenet av en ny trafikled : En studie om Söderslättetableringens och Umeåprojektets betydelse förhandeln i Umeå

The purpose of this study is to highlight how a ring road and an external retail establishment may affect the city commerce. Umeå is the study object with interesting undergoing changes including a new external retail area south of the city and a new transport route that will lead the through traffic around the city.The study is based on a review of previous studies and a qualitative method. Four interviews were conducted with people who have a connection to commerce and/or municipal planning and where considered able to contribute with rich and relevant information. The result shows that the commerce in Umeå will be significantly strengthened in the context of a new external commercial establishment when the city?s overall attractiveness increases.

Kommunanställdas uppfattning om och nyttjande av kommunens friskvårdsinsatser.

The personnel policy program for the employees in studied municipality includes guidelines for the working environment, saying that health promoting activities is offered to all employees.                              Objective: To investigate how these activities were used and how the staff perceived the activities offered. The aim was also to find out how well the information about current health promotion efforts reached the staff.Method: A qualitative approach was used in the form of interviews. The sample consisted of municipal employees from seven different work sites.  A total of 12 women aged 32-52 years participated. The interviews were recorded and a hermeneutic theory was used to interpret the results.Results: The results showed that most informants used some form of fitness activity. In most cases health care-time was used for anything from walking to organized workouts. The great barrier was lack of information and lack of trained and dedicated health motivators. In several cases, informants had no knowledge about what a health motivator is supposed to do. The informants own suggestions for health promotion interventions included stress management and foot care.Conclusion: The survey showed that respondents were poorly informed about which wellness activities the municipality offered. The result could also be interpreted as a communication gap between the local authority, health motivators and the employees. A request for group activities was detected.  .

Studie av sambandet mellan räddningstjänstens förebyggande insatser och anlagda skolbränder : analys av behovet av stöd och vägledning

The purpose of this report is to study the relationship between the rescue service fire prevention activities and the number of arson fires in schools. An objective of the project is also to investi-gate the need of developing national methods for fire prevention. The results are based on a questionnaire study among 35 fire departments and further interviews with five of them. The results indicate that there is a relationship between the rescue service fire prevention activities and the number of arson fires in schools. The relationship is positive in the sense that arson fires in schools decrease with increasing prevention activities.

Det målande barnet. Diskursanalys av estetiska läroprocesser i relation till Deweys estetiska erfarenhetsbegrepp.

THE PAINTING CHILD. A DISCOURSE ANALYSIS OF AESTHETIC PROCESSES OF LEARNING IN RELATION TO DEWEY´S ART AS EXPERIENCE.The aim of this study is to present a discourse analysis made on five-year-old children during art activities in a preschool in Sweden. The questions asked are: how does interaction take place between the children, or the child and the teacher, during art activities? And what does this tell us about the relationship to art in preschool? In Art as Experience John Dewey claims that art is separated from other experiences of life, but that it ought to be close to ordinary life-experiences. Today visual culture is important in society but not in school.

Finansiering av småföretags internationalisering

AbstractAccording to several researchers finance is scarce, scarcer for small businesses than for big enterprises. Small and medium-sized enterprises, SMEs, that want to start exporting and sales or manufacturing abroad need capital to get ready. Which capital structure and financial costs do they have, and which forms of finance do they actually use for that purpose. New american research by Mansi, Reeb (2002) has suggested, that there is a positive connection between leverage and a negative one between financial costs and internationalization, and that a non-linear model better describes this connection.This study has gathered data in two ways: Through a questionnaire from 37 SMEs and balance sheet figures from totally 166 manufacturing SMEs. In order to examine, whether the company was active on the international market, 200 SMEs in south Sweden were asked, if they exported to, produced or sold on any other market than their home market.

?Å ena sidan, så är vi helt oumbärliga, å andra sidan så behöver vi ingenting? : En kvalitativ studie av hur fritidspedagoger upplever att deras yrkesroll påverkats av att fritidshemmet blivit en del av skolan

In the early nineties leisure-time pedagogic establishments moved in to school. The aim of the study is to try to find out how leisure-time pedagogues, who have been working for a long time, experience the moving of their establishment in to school and how this affect their practical work and their profession.The study is based on interviewes with four leisure-time pedagogues, who all have been working before?and therefore have experienced the time before?during and after their establishment moved in to school.These interviewes were recorded and later fully transcribed in preparation of analysis. Data was analysed with the help of the sociology of Pierre Bourdieu as a basis. Findings of the study suggest that the leisure-time pedagogues find it positive to be able to cooperate with teachers and other professional groups working in school, they explain how it enabels themselves to see pupils from a different angle and for others working in school to see pupils from a leisure-time pedagogue angle.Some of the pedagogues explain that they find it hard to work with big groups of pupils, or in small surfaces, which they did not have to do before their establishment moved into school.

Integrationspolitik i praktiken : En utvärderande fallstudie av Storstadssatsningen på Bergsjöns bibliotek

The purpose of this Master thesis is to increase the knowledge about how public libraries can contribute to fulfil political programmes aimed towards integration. To achieve this we have conducted an evaluative case study about a public library in Sweden and the activities they carried out within the framework of the metropolitan policy programme Storstadssatsningen?. The questions raised consider which the political aims for integration within this programme were, which activities the library did accomplish, what the result in comparison with the politically decided aims was, and what conclusions can possibly be drawn from this? The theoretical framework consists of theories regarding evaluation, political programmes, integration and segregation, and public library-activities.

Relationsmarknadsföring på folkbibliotek ? en kartläggning av personalens relationer på arbetet

The aim of this Master thesis is to make a survey of the public library staff-relations at work and discuss relationship marketing as it applies to public libraries. Relationship marketing involves the establishment, maintenance and development of users and other library-related relationships, including the relations among the library staff itself. Good relations among the library staff is a necessary condition for good relations with others. The focus of relationship marketing is at the user?s needs, wants and demands instead of the library collections and services.

Frontlinjebyråkraternas handlingsutrymme vid övergången till Etableringsreformen

Title: [Frontline bureaucrats discretion in the transition to Establishment Reform]This essay aims to study discretion among frontline bureaucrats as an important factor in the integration of immigrants. In contrast to other studies of discretion this essays has its focus on a new establishment reform that has been recently legislated. The theoretical frame is based on the concept of frontline bureaucracy developed by M. Lipsky (2010). In the analysis of the discretion in this specific area I have been inspired by I.

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