

128 Uppsatser om Essence - Sida 8 av 9

"Att hjälpa är att lära" : En kvalitativ studie om betydelsen av socialt stöd för ensamkommande flyktingungdomar

Every year a great amount of unaccompanied children flee their homelands without their parents or guardians. This means a journey filled with danger and difficulties. The difficulties don?t only exist during the road ahead but also when the children arrive to the new country. Even if Sweden?s work in receiving refugees is one of the best in the world, it still exist problems.

Varför togs beslut om Sveriges första marina internationella insats i Libanon 2006?

Sverige har bidragit med trupp till internationella insatser sedan 1950-talet. Detta har gjorts med bidrag från framför allt markstridskrafter men även med luftstridskrafter. Det dröjer fram till 2006 innan beslut tas om en marin internationell insats i form av korvettförband som bidrag till FN-insatsen UNIFIL i Libanon. Denna insats har fram till idag följts av fyra marina insatser, en förlängning av UNIFIL i Libanon 2007 och tre insatser i Somalia under åren 2009-2013. Beslutet om den marina insatsen i Libanon är för marinen banbrytande.

Cantralasiens strategiska betydelse:Den nye stora kampen mellan USA och Ryssland

The aim of this thesis is to assess the strategic importance of Central Asia as a whole and interests of great powers in the region in particular within the theoretical framework chosen. The work shows Central Asia as an area of the New Great Game, analogue of the original Great Game which was played out between the British Empire and Tsarist Russia in XIX century. The parallels between the original Great Game and the New Great Game are drawn in order to understand the scope and the true intentions of the players of the latter one. Also, the security issues in the contemporary Central Asia are explored and analyzed to provide with the background for future predictions. Furthermore, the indirect purpose of the thesis is to examine whether the international system has changed from that of two centuries ago by comparing the structure of the international systems at the time of two Games.

Kommun 2.0 : En studie av Uppsala kommun och Tierps kommuns användande av sociala medier

Title: Brand evolving in identity shaping TV commercial ? a quantitative study of Gevalias commercial movies over time. (Varumärkesutveckling i identitetsskapande tv-reklam ? en kvantitativ studie av Gevalias reklamfilmer över tid) Number of pages: 35 Author: Julia Garellick Lindborg Tutor: Anne-Marie Morhed Course: Media and Communications studies C Period: Autumn of 2010 University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University Purpose: The purpose of the study has been to investigate in what ways the concept of success is constructed in Gevalia?s TV commercials with the theme ?unexpected visit?. Eight identity evolving variables have been chosen to measure variations in the pattern of the unexpected visit in order to understand the Essence of time.

Konkurrensrätt : Innebörden av artikel 82 EGF

The competition policy in the EU should guarantee that the competition is not distorted in the way that would prevent or create difficulties for the free mobility of goods and services between Member states. It is prohibited for companies to abuse their dominant position according to Article 82, if it affects trade. The Essence of Article 82 is control of market power. The perfect competition results when supply and demand appoint the price and quantity of a product. Firms are encouraged to compete then it results in efficiency, quality products and lower prices.

Inkomstfördelning och ekonomisk utveckling -en studie av forna sovjetstater

The economic development and industrialization that has taken place in many parts of the world during the past century has brought about a huge increase in economic welfare. During this process, it has repeatedly been debated whether the gains from economic development are shared by everyone or just a few. In the field of economics, vast research has been conducted on this particular subject ever since the 1950?s. The most famous contribution might be said to be Simon Kuznets article, Growth and Income Inequality from 1955 and the ?inverted U?-hypothesis that was formulated on the basis of that article.

Inkomstfördelning och ekonomisk utveckling -en studie av forna sovjetstater

The economic development and industrialization that has taken place in many parts of the world during the past century has brought about a huge increase in economic welfare. During this process, it has repeatedly been debated whether the gains from economic development are shared by everyone or just a few. In the field of economics, vast research has been conducted on this particular subject ever since the 1950?s. The most famous contribution might be said to be Simon Kuznets article, Growth and Income Inequality from 1955 and the ?inverted U?-hypothesis that was formulated on the basis of that article.

Bröstcancer : Kvinnors upplevelse hur partner/make hanterat sjukdomen

AbstractThe Swedish public school system claims to be a school for all. This means in particular that school is, not only open to all children between 7 and 16 years, but also that compulsory schooling prevailing. Our society's development is making increasing demands on the theoretical capacity, and school's goals aligned in the same direction. The proportion of pupils failing to achieve the goals are increasing in number, a failure which has major implications not only for the individual student but also for society at large. This study's focus is directed against a group of students where the reason for this is a lack of ability to abstract thinking.

De osynliga eleverna : Barn och ungdomar med svag begåvning

AbstractThe Swedish public school system claims to be a school for all. This means in particular that school is, not only open to all children between 7 and 16 years, but also that compulsory schooling prevailing. Our society's development is making increasing demands on the theoretical capacity, and school's goals aligned in the same direction. The proportion of pupils failing to achieve the goals are increasing in number, a failure which has major implications not only for the individual student but also for society at large. This study's focus is directed against a group of students where the reason for this is a lack of ability to abstract thinking.

KOMMUNIKATIVT LEDARSKAP ett ledarskap för moderna organisationer : Kvalitativ studie med ansats att definiera begreppet

AbstractTitle: Communicative leadership ? a leadership for modern organizationsQualitative research attempting to define the concept.(Kommunikativt ledarskap ? ett ledarskap för moderna organisationerKvalitativ studie med ansats att definiera begreppet.)Author: Jenny AxällAim: The aim of this essay is to try to find the Essence of and a definition of the communicative leadership. Questions asked are: How can communicative leadership be described? How can it be practiced? What does it demand of those who practice it? What organizational conditions are required? And what results and performances can this leadership lead to?Method: Qualitative explorative research method. The study contains an academic lit-erature review of the science of leadership and communication in general and the more specific communicative leadership.

Ett brev från Herr P : om det personliga hos Björn Lövin

For the Swedish artist Björn Lövin, the personal was a problem. In his first exhibition in Moderna Museet, Lövin observed through the fictitious character Mr. P (for »Personality«) the ruptures in the Swedish welfare state. The exhibition Konsument i oändligheten och Herr P:s penningar (Consumer in Infinity and Mr. P?s Money) (1971) was composed of two environments, through which a veridical working class apartment and a high street with life-sized mannequins and furniture characteristic of its time, visualized the societal discrepancies in the welfare state as well as the art world of the early 1970s.

Kritik av humanismen som grund till värden i svensk skola med perspektiv från Nietzsche & Kant : En narrativ ideologianalys av läroplanens värdegrund och de oförytterliga värdenas genealogi

This thesis in Educational Sciences consists of a narrative ideology-analysis of the Swedish school's fundamental values with perspectives from the philosophy of Nietzsche and Kant, which also analyzed the same way, with the aim to trace and problematize the ideological foundations of "our society's shared values" that teachers should convey to the students. Based on a theory that a humanism crisis occurs when important values are perceived as threatened, does the introduction of the basic values of the curriculum appear as a response tosocietal changes. Nietzsche and Kant represent completely different idea currents that both have been reflected in the curriculum in which basic values have different meanings. Nietzsche has inspired social criticism, postcolonial and postmodern thinkers to a critical constructivist approach that is an asset in the multicultural classroom to deconstruct stereotypes and prejudices. That culture, ethnicity, morality and religion do not have an objective Essence, but seen as social constructions, using a critical approach is a way of thinking which was developed with inspiration from Nietzsche.

Varumärkesutveckling i identitetsskapande tv-reklam : en kvantitativ studie av Gevalias reklamfilmer över tid

Title: Brand evolving in identity shaping TV commercial ? a quantitative study of Gevalias commercial movies over time. (Varumärkesutveckling i identitetsskapande tv-reklam ? en kvantitativ studie av Gevalias reklamfilmer över tid) Number of pages: 35 Author: Julia Garellick Lindborg Tutor: Anne-Marie Morhed Course: Media and Communications studies C Period: Autumn of 2010 University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University Purpose: The purpose of the study has been to investigate in what ways the concept of success is constructed in Gevalia?s TV commercials with the theme ?unexpected visit?. Eight identity evolving variables have been chosen to measure variations in the pattern of the unexpected visit in order to understand the Essence of time.

NORMER OCH NORMALITET - En normvetenskaplig textanalys av argumentation runt homosexuellas adoptionsrätt

SV: I januari 2003 fick homosexuella registrerade partners rätt att prövas som adoptivföräldrar i Sverige, i enlighet med en proposition från 2001. Beslutet kom först efter en lång debatt; redan 1986 lades en proposition fram som behandlade frågan och avslog den. Denna uppsats är en studie av de argument som förkommer i propositionerna. Syftet har varit dels att beskriva och analysera de argument som använts i debatten, dels att tematisera upp dem och ta fram bakomliggande normer. Uppsatsen har för avsikt att ta reda på vad i normerna det är som har förändrats.

Alnarps rehabiliteringsskog : ett gestalningsförslag

The understanding of the role of nature for rehabilitation of both physical and psychological afflictions has greatly increased in the last few years. There?s a lot of science that describes the healing effects of nature. The rehabilitation garden in Alnarp has contributed with very positive results from the treatments of patients with burnout syndrome. In the first stages of rehabilitation, the need for calm is very important and a demand-less and stress-free environment is of Essence.

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