

128 Uppsatser om Essence - Sida 7 av 9

Människans föränderliga existens : Essensen av begreppet sårbarhet. En begreppsanalys

Bakgrund. Forskningsgenomgången visade sårbarhet som ett kontextuellt fenomen i möte mellan kontrahenterna sjuksköterska och patient utan att själva essensen i begreppet klargjordes, vilket indikerar att det saknas kunskap om begreppet sårbarhet.Syftet. Studiens syfte var att beskriva essensen av begreppet sårbarhet i omvårdandens sociala kontext, det mänskliga mötet.Metoden. Metoderna har utgått från modellen för begreppsanalys av Segesten (2011) och innefattat en induktiv och deduktiv kvalitativ ansats.Resultatet. (Begrepps)analysen resulterade i följande fynd: mottaglig för att skadas, hjärtesår, själasår, skyddslös; modet att vara sårbar, mänsklig värdighet, lyhördhet; ett ovisst livshot, sveket mot omvårdnadens kärna, den tillintetgjorda identiteten; den djupt mänskliga existensen, önskan om oföränderlighet, riktning mot en definitiv förändring.Slutsatsen.

Möte i månsken : ett belysningsförslag för Fyristorg

The object of the thesis is to propose a new lighting plan for the square Fyristorg in Uppsala, and to describe the process which have led to it. It all started when I choosed the place together with the municipality of Uppsala. I have been doing research and analyzed how the place and it´s existing lighting works both during different times of the day and also in the evening. After researching the place and it´s existing lighting I´ve decided to put up the following goals fot the new lighting design. 1. The general light level of the place shall be experienced as higher than today. 2. The light level of the place shall be adapted to the light levels of surrounding places. 3. The lighting shall be free from glare. 4. The lighting shall be adapted to people passing by. 5.The lighting shall be adapted to the surrounding architecture. 6.

Leverantörsrelationers betydelse : en fallstudie på Scania och två av dess underleverantörer

One of the most distinguishing features for companies today is that they must have a close collaboration and keep up a good relationship with their suppliers. This is important for the companies chance of survival and for them to compete in their markets. This essay will discuss the subject of Scania?s long-term collaboration with their suppliers. The purpose of the essay in this case study is to analyze if a long-term cooperation with a supplier is of Essence upon renegotiations of continued collaboration.

Demokratins tjänare eller medielogikens lakejer? : En studie av fyra tidningars gestaltning av politik i samband med riksdagsvalet 2014.

From a democratic viewpoint, the way in which the media frames politics is essential. Should issue frames be left out in favor of other types of frames, it could result in voters struggling to make informed decisions come Election Day. What is more, research shows that game frames may cause lack of confidence in politicians and declining political interest. Against this background, the present study aimed to find out how two broadsheets, Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet, and two tabloids, Aftonbladet and Expressen, framed politics in connection with the 2014 Swedish parliamentary elections. The thesis also intended to identify possible differences between the two newspaper types and to make tentative comparisons with previous studies so as to be able to comment on framing developments.

Övervakningsfunktion för en mätplattform för mätning i bil ? erfarenhetsrapport från kandidatprojekt i programvaruutveckling

Denna rapport innehåller de samlade erfarenheterna från ett produktutvecklingsprojekt i kursen TDDD77 vid Linköpings universitet. Projektets mål var att skapa en applikation för att visualisera mätdata från en specialutrustad bil på en surfplatta. Detta var önskvärt då det inte fanns något sätt att se om någon sensor slutade fungera mitt i ett test. Projektet delades upp i en förstudie följd av tre iterationer, där en färdig produkt presenterades på en teknisk mässa i slutet av iteration 3.Resultaten visar att Essence Kernel Alpha States kunde användas som en hälsokontroll för projektet, men då de kunde ses som rätt vaga och lämnade rum för tolkning passade det bäst som ett komplement till exempelvis milstolpar.Att använda Google Protocol Buffers sågs som ett viktigt tekniskt val tillsammans med uppdelningen av klienten i front- och back-end. Protobuf underlättade kommunikationen mellan server och klient som annars krävt ett nyskapat protokoll.Uppdelningen av front- och back-end underlättade inte bara resursfördelningen vid utveckling utan även vid felsökning då det i många fall blev lättare att se precis var felet uppkom.

Ubåtsjaktförmågans utveckling i svenska flottan 1945 till 1949 : ? en analys av bakomliggande faktorer.

Uppsatsen syftar till att förklara de drivkrafter som fanns bakom den intensiva utveck-lingen av svenska flottans ubåtsjaktförmåga under den senare halvan av 1940-talet. Detta sker genom att utvecklingen studeras ur två olika perspektiv med avsikten att finna vilket av dem som har den starkaste förklaringskraften. Perspektivstudien bygger på två statsvetenskapliga modeller vilka har utvecklats av Graham Allison i boken ?Essence of Decision?. Denna studieväg har tidigare använts av andra forskare i liknande syfte med gott resultat.

How to work with parents of malnourished children: The experience of six Kenyan nurses

Background In Nyanza in western Kenya are 30,5% of children estimated as malnourished. It is a family situation that nurses often come in contact with. Therefore it is of interest to know how nurses work with parents of malnourished children when they have a significant role in developing the family's knowledge and child health. Aim. The aim is to investigate how nurses experience that they are working with parents of malnourished children.

Uppochnervända roller hemma hos Martina : En undersökning av den självförringande humorns subversiva kraft i Martina Haags Hemma hos Martina

Martina Haag?s method of self-mockery used in her chronicles is characterized by her wish to live up to various ideals. This essay brings out the subversive power of self-deprecatory hu-mor expressed in her book Hemma hos Martina. The author?s strategies and kinds of humor are being studied, leading up to what this humor accomplishes.

Automatiserad mätning av kvalité : Varför är inte all mätningautomatiserad?

AbstractThis bachelor?s thesis at the Department of Production Engineering at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm deals with the subject of automated metrology. The degree of automation of tasks within production has been a growing trend but the measurement of quality has not followed the same trend. The main thesis follows:What incentives are there to automate the measurement of quality in production?What factors are crucial and why are not all metrology automated?The thesis comes along with a number of sub-queries and delimitations.The working method includes both theoretical and empirical studies.

The Sound of the Rain Needs no Translation : Synen på samhället och den moderna människan hos Alan Watts

In the 1940s, 50s and 60s the two youth movements of the beats and the hippies emerged in the United States. Disagreeing with the progressive positivism of the previous generations these youths were part of a counter culture that adhered to an ideal of living in the present.Alan Wilson Watts (1915?1973), most known for his popularization of eastern philosophy and religion in general and Zen-Buddhism in particular, became one of the most influential and well-read advocates of the new movements. Drawing upon eastern philosophy and religion as well as modern psychology, Watts challenged the western world view by rejecting the dualism of self and environment, arguing that man is one with God and nature and claiming that nothing exists but the present experience here and now.Based on Watts? view of man and reality, and in the context of the emerging youth movements, this study examines Watts? criticism of western culture and society as well as his view on happiness and the possibility of a better life for the individual living in the west.The study shows that, according to Watts, the root of the problem facing western society lies in man?s incapability of distinguishing concept from reality, preferring abstract ideas and symbols to the experience present in everyday life.

Humor i Religionsundervisning

The contents of the school subject religion in Sweden, has gone through a radical change during the past century. With an origin of only treating Christianity and being a major cultural and social actor, it has developed into more of a multicultural and philosophical subject. The fact that the subject no longer has cultural recognition makes it more abstract and harder for students to relate to. Additionally, religion is experienced as a rather dull subject in school. My essay is therefore written to provide teachers encouragement of interest for religious education, by using humor. The well-known psychologist Jean Piaget claims play to be a prime state of learning.

Utvecklingen av svensk sjöoperativ helikopter med ubåtsjaktförmåga 1951 till 1957 : en analys av bakomliggande faktorer

Syftet med uppsatsen är finna drivkrafterna bakom utvecklingen av sjöoperativa helikoptrar med ubåtsjaktförmåga under 1950-talet. Studien sker genom att granska utvecklingen ur två olika perspektiv. De bägge perspektiven kommer från boken Essence of Decision av Graham Allison och är i grunden två statsvetenskapliga modeller. Andra forskare har på liknande sätt använt dessa perspektiv med gott resultat i liknande studier. De bägge perspektiven här benämnts ?rationellt aktörsperspektiv? och ?internt maktkampsperspektiv?.

Vilken roll spelar chefer på mellannivå i en omorganisation : En fallstudie av Teliasonera

The economic development and industrialization that has taken place in many parts of the world during the past century has brought about a huge increase in economic welfare. During this process, it has repeatedly been debated whether the gains from economic development are shared by everyone or just a few. In the field of economics, vast research has been conducted on this particular subject ever since the 1950?s. The most famous contribution might be said to be Simon Kuznets article, Growth and Income Inequality from 1955 and the ?inverted U?-hypothesis that was formulated on the basis of that article.

Lag i katolsk och luthersk teologi : Om lagbegreppet i Wolfhart Pannenberg, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, David P. Scaer och Johannes Paulus II encyklika Veritatis Splendor

Three main questions give the fundamental structure for this master thesis: 1) In what way is the notion of law being perceived in the following theologians respectively; David P. Scaer, Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Wolfhart Pannenberg? 2) In what way is the notion of law being perceived in the encyclical Veritatis Splendor? 3) Which similarities and divergences can be found in the respective expositions of the notion of law?For the purpose of comparison, I have employed four questions of analysis. These are: A) What is ?the law?? B) Is the law being effected, or is it working, in the world and if so - in what ways and for what purposes is it meant to serve? C) Does human beings have any capacities to understand and/or live in accordance to the law? D) Does the Gospel, perceived as the earthly life, actions, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, effect any alteration with respect to the purpose, range, function or interpretation of the law?In order to better understand Roman-Catholic concepts of law, the treatise on law of Thomas Aquinas Summa Theologica is briefly presented.

Skolkuratorers syn på ungas användande av sociala medier : Med en diskursteoretisk ansats

AbstractAuthor: Josefin Gustavsson, Moa OsbäckTitle: School social workers view on young people using social media ? a study with a discourse theoretical approach [Skolkuratorers syn på ungas användande av sociala medier ? en studie med en diskursteoretisk ansats]Supervisor: Anders GiertzAssessor: Jan Petersson The aim of this study is to investigate school social workers view on young people using social media. With this study we are intended to understand how discourses affect the interventions of school social workers. This study has a qualitative approach and contains seven interviews with school social workers and one social worker who responded through a written response document. The interviews were semi-structured to enable spontaneous reflections and to catch the Essence of the respondent?s language in the context as a school social worker.

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