

128 Uppsatser om Essence - Sida 4 av 9

"De vet att jag läser, med de vet inte vad jag läser." Utbildningsledarskap som tillgång eller hot. Studerandes upplevelser av bemötanden på arbetsplatsen.

Over the period as a student at the Master's Program for Educational Leadership, I have learned thatsometimes the participants School?s management shows concern regarding the purpose of studyingat such a program. The curiosity of what that might devolve upon got me to immerse myself in theapproach to and attitude towards competence development within educational leadership.The Essence of what I wanted to examine was how the students from the above mentioned Master'sProgram perceived the treatment they received from supervisors and colleagues and if it waspossible to explain the attitude that the participants in the study reported. I also wanted to examinewhat issues, related to competence development and leadership within the school system, highlightsthe treatment of participants in educational leadership.The results are based on questionnaires and interviews and are divided into four categories; thesupportive, the unaffected, the discouraged and finally a side category to explain how to handle thediscouraged?s lack of support.

Närståendes delaktighet inom psykiatrisk slutenvård : Ur ett livsvärldsperspektiv

Today adult patients' relatives are seen as a resource in psychiatric care but few researchers have examined the lived experience of relatives' participation in psychiatric care. The aim of this study was to illuminate how mental health staff and relatives of adult patients experienced the relatives' participation in psychiatric care on hospital ward.The study was guided by a phenomenological approach and a lifeworld perspective. Data were collected through in-deep interviews with ten adult patients' relatives and three group-interviews with ten mental health carers from two hospitals in Sweden.The Essence of the lived experience of relatives' participation in psychiatric care in hospital ward is described in the constituents: invitation to participate in psychiatric care; meet the staffs' care; to participate in own or others terms; bring the common everyday world with you; feel burden; participation a trip in time and space. The findings of the study show that the relation between the staff and the relatives are important for the relatives' participation in psychiatric care. The relatives' participation can alter from no participation to a meaningsful participation, from suffering to well-being.This study can help medical staff to understand relatives and their participation in a new way..

Mångfaldens gemenskap? ? mångkulturell nationell gemenskap genom interkulturell kommunikation

AbstractIn the literature on multiculturalism and group rights there is a strong tradition that sees diversity as something directly paradoxal to unity. In this tradition, scholars put forward a view of multiculturalism as a divisive and exclusionary process which breaks down the cohesion and unity of society. Related to this notion is that of a neutral and universally valid frame of reference in which political dilemmas can be solved; for example a neutral civil sphere where the ?true Essence? of society lies. In this essay I attempt to criticise these two notions.

Ett Feministiskt initiativ. Hur och varför?

In Sweden, a new feminist political party (?Feministiskt initiativ?) was founded in 2005. The main objective of this thesis is to study the reasons and driving forces behind the establishment of the party, as well as to explain the timing of its foundation in 2005. The theories that are used in the study are focused on the individual founders, and the empirical material comprise in Essence of interviews with founders.The study reveals that several individuals, as well as political movements were involved in the process of the party establishment. Various interacting factors influenced the founders to choose the strategy of setting up a political party.

Det skånska svärdet från 800 till 1300 e.Kr. : Fallstudie av 8 svärd

This essay discusses the development of swords in the southern region of Sweden, Skåne. It attempts to locate the areas in Europe where the swords were first made and, in doing so, trace the communication routes by which people traveled. The essay deals with aperiod of a few hundred years, from the late eighth century to sometime around 1300. In that sense, it is therefore also a time study tracing the cultural changes and developments in Skåne during the era of Christianization. Does the development of swords follow the overall changes in society, from an isolated pagan district to a Catholic European community, or not? In answering this question, eight swords were selected and put under closer observation.

Att undervisa med didaktisk teori : en diskursanalys av grundskolans kursplaner för historia och religionskunskap

The aim of this exam is about possibility to position a didactical theory of Curriculum for compulsory school, preschool class and the leisure-time centre 2011 (Lgr11). I use Michael Foucault?s discourse analysis to study the syllabuses for social sciences subjects History and Religion. The main theme is to seek what kind of world does these two social study subjects construct for students in high school. The point of using Foucault?s discourse is to seek specific knowledge and words which is used for power positioning.

"Åreandan" : Som Gnosjöandan, bland kvinnor?

The female labour is still a rather unexploited resource in many parts of the world. Unleashing women?s potential, giving them the possibility to start their own enterprises would increase the economic growth. Not only does women's entrepreneurship foster greater equality in the world but it also creates a more versatile economy. Sweden is considered to be one of the most equal countries in the world; still, entrepreneurship is an area with sharp gender differences, especially in some industries.

Portfolio som arbetsverktyg i förskola och skola - barns beskrivningar av sin portfolio

The study sheds light on pupils individual plans of development and portfolios from the perspective of children. It has an ethnographic standpoint. It was carried out on children and pupils in pre-school, pre-school class and third grade. By further investigating how children and pupils use their individual development plans and portfolios, in which settings and to whom they communicate them, this study is able to grasp the discourse that is created around the instrument itself. This study is also interested in and aims to find the theoretical frame, in Essence, which envelops both the construction of childhood and children?s own activities within the limitations and opportunities that this structure offers.

Internationell närvaro- nationell frånvaro? En jämförande studie om återuppbyggnaden i Afghanistan och Kosovo med fokus på civil-militär samverkan

In this thesis the aim is to explore the connection between International presence and Reconstruction of Postconflict states. The focus in this Analyse is the concept of CIMIC which is the institutional concept of Civil-Military Co-operation in International relations and a concept in Peacebuilding Theory. The cases, which are the empirical Material, is Afghanistan and Kosovo, two most-different cases.The theoretical framework is primarily consider the mechanisms successful for the Reconstruction process in general and within CIMIC in particular. This framework including both theories of State failure and International administered Territories as well as Models for Civil- Military Co-operation.The International presence in Postconflict Societies plays a big role, even thou it is very important that initiatives for rebuilding comes from the state within. The Essence of CIMIC is the civil component and the military, operating in Peacebuilding and Reconstruction missions.

Med orden som bete : Identitet och framskrivande i Clarice Lispectors roman Levande vatten

Clarice Lispectors is one of Latin Americas most famous writers, and she wrote a number of books during her lifetime. Her novel Stream of Life (Água viva), which came out in 1973 and was translated into Swedish in 2007, is considered to be one of Lispectors most difficult texts to read. It consists of several fragments put together into one text; however the text has no traditional narrative or structure. It is the flow of moments that moves the text forward, as it is written down by the protagonist in the book.The primary aim of this essay is to examine how the protagonist in Stream of Life through different means, as the moment, the description, the word and the variations, creates an active participation in the formation of its identity. I will discuss the moment and its act of constructing the book?s circular structure, which is of importance.

Läsning i generationer ? En kvalitativ studie av en familjs läsvanor

The aim of this Master?s thesis was to investigate if one can identify a pattern in a family?s reading habits. Our empirical data was gathered in a survey distributed to a family in three generations, between the ages 15 to 82. The family was interviewed in a life time perspective, in a so called life story character. The questions addressed in this thesis concerned how the reading habits and the general attitude toward literature differ between generations in one family.

Tillgänglighet för arbete efter arbetstid : En möjlighet eller ett problem?

Uppsatsens syfte är att förklara drivkrafterna som påverkade utvecklingen av den svenska marinen under åren 1999 - 2004. För att ta reda på svaret studeras utvecklingen och det politiska beslutsfattandet genom två olika perspektiv, avsikten är att ta reda på vilket perspektiv som har bäst förklaringskraft. Perspektiven baseras på två olika statsvetenskapliga förklaringsmodeller, som är hämtade från Graham Allisons Essence of Decision, Förklaringsmodellerna i denna uppsats kallas, det rationella aktörsperspektivet och det interna maktkampsperspektivet.Sammanfattningsvis kan konstateras att försvarsbeslut 2000 resulterade i en omfattande reducering av marinens organisation och har även haft stor påverkan på hur marinen ser ut idag. I undersökning framgår det hur komplex processen runt politisk beslutsfattning är. Flera olika påverkansfaktorer som ekonomi, försvarsgrensrivalitet och det politiska spelet har betydelse för slutresultatet.

Erfarenheter från programutveckling åt externkund

Denna rapport handlar om projektgruppens samlade erfarenheter om hur det är att arbetamed ett större mjukvaruprojekt. Fokus för detta ligger på erfarenheter inom gruppdynamikoch kundinteraktion. Rapporten lyfter även fram hur användandet av Essence Kernel Alpha:spåverkade gruppens arbete. Rapporten försöker också undersöka och ge förslag påfinansieringsmodeller för projekt med öppen källkod. Det som iakttogs var att planering ochöppen kommunikation i stor del påverkar ett projekts utveckling.

Att skola mångfalden ? ett nationalistiskt försök : En analys av sverigedemokraternas diskurs om det goda samhället och den goda skolan kopplat till skolansvärdegrund

This essay attempts to examine the discourse of the Sweden democrats in relation to thevalue system of the Swedish national school.To analyse the political texts I use discourse analysis and especially the method and approachconducted by Judith Lee Bacchi. Bacchi focuses on the construction of a problem in variouspolitical discourses. When performing this kind of analysis the main question is (accordingto Bacchi): ?What is the problem represented to be??I find that the Sweden democrats construct the ?migration politics? and the ?multiculturalpolitics? that is guiding the society as the cause of most problems in our society. To solvethe ?problems? they promote a nationalistic and a cultural racist discourse especiallypinpointing the ?Muslims? as being a problem.Since the Sweden democrats are striving to implement their discourse in the society andschool, and since their discourse already are reproduced by solar students in the classroom,I find it important to examine the Essence of their particular discourse and contrast it withthe current value system of the Swedish schools.I don´t find the nationalistic and racist discourse of the Sweden democrats to correspond tothe value system of the Swedish school, mainly due to their strive to create alienation, andby labeling individuals in a reductive manner, instead of using apparent differences as asource for democratic discussions in the classroom.

Attityder hos lärarstuderande till att använda Internet i

Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka attityder och förhållningssätt hos en grupp lärarstude-rande till hur Internet används för undervisning och som verktyg i det framtida arbetslivet. Resultatet visar att inställningen inte är en odelat positiv till detta vilket går att tolka på olika sätt. Datorvanan hos de blivande lärarna varierar kraftigt från nybörjarnivå till mycket van användare. Källkritik är något som tas upp av samtliga blivande lärare som viktigt att tänka på, liksom etiska frågor. Essensen av undersökningen visar på en osäkerhet hos blivande lära-re inför hur innehållet på Internet kan användas i undervisningen.

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