

128 Uppsatser om Essence - Sida 3 av 9

Nätverket som varumärke : En fallstudie av Glasriket

Destination branding is becoming increasingly acknowledged by regions working with tourism. Underlying is the fragmented web of actors in the supply chain of which the tourism product consists of. The main purpose of our thesis was, from a management perspective, to gain an understanding and describing how a network and the actors within it can build a consistent brand. We therefore chose to make a case study research on The Kingdom of Chrystal, or Glasriket, which is one of the most famous tourist destinations in Sweden. Our research is based on theoretical and empirical data.

Hållbarhetsredovisning enligt GRI:s riktlinjer : En studie av två svenska statliga företag

What impact and effects are created by the placement of an international ranking? Could it be that a top rank is detrimental to an entire country's efforts to fight corruption?This bachelor thesis in political science is about Swedish corruption. In Essence, so questioning the Transparency International's indexed rankings that placed Sweden in third place. Issues concern since if the third placement has created nonchalance and a careless mentality in Swedish government and in particular in the municipal operations. Research results show that Transparency International's rankings have low validity and low reliability and that the government is not acting sufficiently to prevent and fight corruption.

Argumentera mera! : Sju svensklärares syn på arbetet med argumenterande text

This essay is a qualitative study that examines seven teachers ? views on argumentative texts. The aim is to examine how teachers work and discuss argumentative texts, and how they work to develop students ? writing. The main question is: What are the teachers experience, perception and attitude about working with argumentative text? Furthermore: What specific features are important when they mark this type of text? : How do teachers work with formative grading in terms of writing this type of text? Research shows that Swedish students ? ability to write argumentative texts are inadequate.

En studie av två fotorealistiska målningar ? en semiotisk reflektion

The main purpose of this essay is to examine, in what way the paintings by Karin Broosand Markus Åkesson are images of autentic situations and furthermore in what way themediespecific Essence is performed photografically. Questions occuring: 1) How are thecreations of reality shaped in the two chosen photorealistical paintings? 2) In what waycan you distinguish the iconicity and indexicality in the paintings Den vita klänningenand The Passage? 3) How does the photografic presence occur in the paintings andfuthermore how can you distinguish the mentioned parts above according to thepaintings? The theoretical standpoint is based upon Charles Sanders Peirces ideasconcerning iconicity and indexicality. The methods used are based on thoughtspresented by Andrew Benjamin and Mieke Bal. The signs of iconicity and indexicalitycan be studied in various ways in the two paintings, depending on how abstract andobvious different parts occur in the paintings.

U-137 svenskt politiskt och militärt agerande under kris

This bachelor thesis deal with the Soviet submarine U-137 and it's grounding inthe Swedish archipelago outside the city of Karlskrona and one of Sweden?slargest naval-bases. The actions that took place in October 1981 were specialbecause of the clear violation of Swedish territory. When the Swedish authoritieslater suspect nuclear armament onboard the crisis gets worse. In the thesis wehave examined the Swedish politicians and military and their behaviour duringthe crisis.

Svenska buddhismbilden : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av buddhism i läroböcker för Religionskunskap 1

Western scholars have long sought to grasp the Essence of and explain Buddhism. Western representation of Buddhism has been in a manner that reflects their concerns and interests. In addition to this it is also known that Buddhism in Sweden is seen in a favorable way. This study tries to locate where this positive attitude toward Buddhism stems from and if it is represented in this manner in Swedish textbooks. Therefore three textbooks of upper secondary class of religion are to be examined, not only to see if there is a positive attitude towards it, but to see in what manner Buddhism is depicted in Swedish schools on the whole.

Reklam med god kvalitet : ? en studie av fem guldäggsbelönade annonser

In this thesis, high quality adverts are examined from the perspective of the advertisement contest Guldägget. The study discusses award-winning advertisement, both in terms of content and design, according to Guldägget?s jury members, industry experts and various theorists. Semiotics is used to analyse Guldägget?s winning adverts.

Kvalitetsbristkostnader: En kvalitetskostnadsuppföljning för produktion och eftermarknad. : En fallstudie vid Huddig AB

All companies wants? to be as profitable as possible. The company in question is one of the leaders in it´s field in Sweden. In order to increase profits as much as possible it is important to identify and eliminate eventual quality defect cost as far as possible.This study was performed in Huddig AB, and the purpose of this study is to try to develop a routine for monitoring the quality defect costs, and to improve communication and create feedback between production and aftermarket.In addition to an extensive literature review on quality defect costs most of the work have been conducted at the company. Own observations and interviews have been done with the staff to get a picture of the current situation and to try to come up with improvement proposals.During the study it was proved that much of the quality defect costs in Essence, derived from the production, which is seen as positive because it is the easiest part of the company to improve.


Preporsition for bachelor thesis project, working from the inside and out. Emphasising spatial quality and experience, More or less ignoring form and program. I?ve had issues with these aspects in earlier project, the form or the program takes alot of place in the project. I haven?t tried this approach before, it?s an attractive thought to allow the project take a form of it?s own, enclosing those spaces i create.The initial concept was to place the pools on the ground (not digging them into the ground) making them volumes that divide and define spaces.

PATIENTENS DELAKTIGHET : En förutsättning för god vård

Today patients are more aware of their rights regarding their own care. They are more informed, more engaged and have more and individual requirements, which leads to increased demands for information and participation increases. The Health Act sets out the patients´ right to participation. Participation increases patient satisfaction with care, promotes healing and increases adherence to health care advise. The patient doesn´t always experience participation in their own care to the extent they wish, which suggests that nurse?s does not always succeed in getting the patient involved.

Marte meo - "Show me" sade Maria: En kvalitativ studie av Marte meo terapeutens upplevelser och yrkeserfarenheter av metoden inom socialt behandlingsarbete

This thesis puts focus on Maria Aarts method "Marte meo" (on one's own strength). With the video camera as a principal tool, the purpose of the method is to be a practical working tool to support developmental processes on specific target groups, for example parents and their children. The aim of the thesis was to describe Swedish Marte meo Therapists and Marte meo Supervisors personal- and working experiences of the method, which was introduced in Sweden year 1991. Central questions were: How does Marte meo Therapists describe the Essence of the method, it's establishment, development, and future in Swedish social services and psychotherapeutic treatment work? Which are Marte meo Therapists opinions of the methods relation to general problems and issues within social services and psychotherapeutic treatment work, such as the anchorage of theory and practice and the general claim for more research in social services interventions? In order to achieve the aim of the thesis a qualitative study was performed containing semi structured interviews with three Marte meo Therapists (two of them also titled Marte meo Supervisors).

"Det" - Profession och giltighetsanspråk i läraryrket

During my one year master in pedagogic science, I was frequently given the impression that depicts the pedagogue?s profession as a rather transcendent talent or, more precisely, a matter of having ?it? or not. It seemed to me, as if the communicative part of the teacher?s specialised skill was more or less undefined in the description of what makes the pedagogue a professional pedagogue. On those premisses, I was led to the aim of this study, which is pursuing the very Essence of the profession by discussing how five teachers validate their daily work from a habermasian perspective on communication, society and pedagogy.

Minoritetspolitik för vem?

Different reports imply that the Roma are an excluded group in numerous areas of both Sweden and Europe. Efforts have been done through the centuries without given intentional results. The past 12 years as a Swedish national minority have not diminished the gap between the Roma and the majority society. How does Sweden create and operate its minority policy especially towards the Roma? We have studied international and national minority policy to see how it is described and implemented in the municipality work.

Effekter av personalklädsel- En studie i detaljhandelsmiljö

More and more companies have realized the impact their employees' appearance has in creating an overallpositive experience for their customers. Hence, many retailers use some form of employee clothing or aspecific dress-code for their in-store workforce. The subject is in spite of this poorly investigated,especially in an ordinary retail environment. The purpose of this study was therefore to portray the effectsan introduction of a unitary employee clothing may have on customers as well as on the in-storeemployees. The experiment was conducted in two retail stores, belonging to a Swedish retail chain.

Den svenska försvarsreformens drivkrafter 1994-2004

I och med de tre försvarsbesluten 1996, 2000 och 2004 genomgick det svenska försvaret en omfattandereform där stora delar av försvaret avvecklades, samtidigt som en radikal ominriktning skeddeav försvarets huvuduppgifter. 2014 när det nationella försvaret åter börjar bli en huvuduppgiftför Försvarsmakten ställer sig många frågande till varför så lite av försvaret är kvar idag.Uppsatsen syftar till att identifiera vilka drivkrafter som låg bakom denna mycket omfattande försvarsreformoch även se huruvida drivkrafterna förändrades under reformens gång. För att identifieradrivkrafterna används två analysmodeller för beslutsfattande ur Graham Allisons Essence ofDecision.Resultatet visar att de huvudsakliga drivkrafterna bakom den svenska försvarsreformen kan förklarassom ekonomiska och som en vilja från både politiskt håll och Försvarsmakten att använda försvarettill att genomföra internationella insatser. Under försvarsreformens gång har den ekonomiskadrivkraften bestått och förstärkts av ett köpslående mellan de olika partier som behövts föratt en minoritetsregering ska överleva. Viljan till internationella insatser har under perioden kommitatt bli en allt starkare drivkraft..

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