

1602 Uppsatser om Essence of Decision - Sida 25 av 107

PATIENTENS DELAKTIGHET : En förutsättning för god vård

Today patients are more aware of their rights regarding their own care. They are more informed, more engaged and have more and individual requirements, which leads to increased demands for information and participation increases. The Health Act sets out the patients´ right to participation. Participation increases patient satisfaction with care, promotes healing and increases adherence to health care advise. The patient doesn´t always experience participation in their own care to the extent they wish, which suggests that nurse?s does not always succeed in getting the patient involved.

Affärsutveckling ur ett psykosocialt perspektiv : Mälarhamnar AB:s förutsättningar att lyckas

The psychosocial work environment in hard professions is hardly studied and this study was implemented to observe port workers psychosocial work environment in ports of Västerås and Köping. There are two purposes with this study: firstly, to examine how ports of Västerås and Köping, Mälarhamnar AB, can improve and develop their business by using psychosocial methods. To do this, a questionnaire study and three interviews with workers were done and the results were used in a SWOT- analysis. Secondly, the aim is to be able to use the results and make a difference in the business development by adjusting the psychosocial work environment. The results show that the employees are happy at work and are happy with their work colleagues.

Mellan två kulturer: Fem forskare i arkeologi om inställning till vetenskaplig tidskriftspublicering

The main aim in this thesis is to analyse the attitudes of fivearchaeologists at the Department of History, University ofGothenburg, on the subject of scholarly publishing injournals. The investigation has been led by a set of questionsconcerning the motives and conditions for submitting articlesto scholarly journals.The primary way of collecting emprical data is based onsemistructured qualitative interviews. To get a broaderpicture, the publishing patterns of the archaeologists at theDepartment of History were mapped using the databaseGöteborgs universitets publikationer (GUP). A documentstudy was also conducted.The analysis uses Björk & Holmström?s The net value ofsubmission model to highlight which factors are assumed toinfluence an author when submitting to a scientific journal.This model is reduced and developed to six aspects whichmore or less effect the decision making of the author whenpublishing an article in a scientific journal.

Indexering av skönlitteratur: En undersökning av folkbibliotek som inte köper indexerade poster från Bibliotekstjänst

The aim of this thesis is to investigate how the indexing of fiction for adults looks like in the public libraries that don?t buy indexed records for fiction from Bibliotekstjänst (BTJ). The questions that I want these libraries to answer is: - Public libraries that index fiction for adults themselves: 1. What tools do they use when indexing?, 2.

Mobil-TV - en fråga om innehåll och kundrelation? : Fyra framtidsscenarier för den svenska marknaden

Mobile TV ? is the introduction on the Swedish market about content and customer relationship? This study explores and defines key factors of decisive importance for the introduction of mobile TV in Sweden, using the TAIDA model. In order to summarize and analyze the factors, four interviews with key actors have been carried out. The answers have been compared to generate the two different criteria that are used for presenting four different scenarios. The purpose of the study is to constitute data in the decision making process.

Fysiskt aktiva/inaktiva undersköterskor upplevelser av stress i arbetsmiljön - en intervjustudie.

There's a good adherence to the vaccination of children, about 98% of all two year olds are vaccinated. Despite this, there are cases of whooping cough and measles in Sweden. The purpose of the study was to describe what motivates parents to not vaccinate and reflections and attiudes about vaccinations. The study had a descriptive design with qualitative approach. Eight parents who had chosen not to follow the National Board of Health?s vaccination program or whom had decided to completely abandon, participated in the study.

Förskolechefens ledarskap : En studie om fem förskolechefers syn på sitt ledarskap

The purpose of this study was to examine how five preschool managers are looking at theirleadership and what difficulties they see in their leading. To live up to my purpose I askedthe following research questions: Which parts in their mission do the five preschoolmanagers see as problematic in relation to the curriculum for preschool and the schoolsinspectorate quality investigation? How do the preschool managers describe their leader styleand leader ideals, and is their any difference between the two of them?The method of this study was qualitative interviews with five preschool managers. Theresults that I found was that the most of the preschool managers see their leadership as coproduced(like in Ludvigssons research 2009) with the teachers and that the preschoolmanagers often find other difficulties in their mission compare to the quality investigation(School inspectorate 2012). I also found that three of the five preschool managers thoughtthat they weren?t present enough in the preschools because of their many tasks.When I tried to classify the preschool managers leader style I found that they vary betweendemocratic and authoritarian leader style in decision-making like in Tennenbaum andSchmidt?s (1973, p.

Demokratisk rådgivning : En studie av inflytande hos pensionärsrådet och ungdomsfullmäktige i Karlstads kommun

The purpose of this study is to determine if and how municipal consultative entities through influence may affect the legitimacy of the Swedish democratic model. The study aims to do this through analysing the opportunities for influence present with the Youth Council and the Council of the Retired in Karlstads municipality, to determine how the councils may affect political participation and the role of elected representatives. To do so, the study asks the following primary research question:"What requisites for influence are present for participants of municipal consultative entities, as found for the representatives of the youth and the retired within the framework of their participation in the Youth Council and the Council of the Retired in Karlstads municipality?"The study answers this research question by dividing it into one question of policy and one question of democratic perspective, and investigating these matters through nine snowballing interviews with the decision makers, organisational actors and participants of the councils. The information from the interviews is then analysed per council through a framework of democracy theory, policy process theory and organisation theory.

Företagsrekonstruktion : I de finansiella nyckeltalens perspektiv

Year 1996 a new law was introduced in Sweden, the law of corporate restructuring, what purpose was to help companies in financial distress. Now, nine years later the procedure hasn?t been successful. This is what this thesis is trying to find out.This thesis main question is: What distinguishes the companies that have filed for a corporate restructuring, according to the financial position?The purpose of this thesis is to find out if key ratios can be used to distinguish the companies that filed for corporate restructuring.

Ja eller nej till filter? En kvalitativ undersökning i frågan om svenska folkbibliotek bör filtrera Internet eller ej.

The focus of this work is to study whether public libraries should offer their patrons unlimited access to the Internet, or restrict which sites they can visit. The most common tool used to limit Internet access is filtering software. The author has administered four interviews with public librarians working in libraries in Southern Sweden. All four librarians had different opinions about restricting Internet access. The most important question asked was if they had chosen to use filtering, and the reasons for their decision.

C?RONIS BIVAXFERNISSA En unders?kning av inneh?ll, l?slighet och ?ldringsegenskaper

The aim of this study is to provide a comprehensive overview of C?ronis beeswax varnish by Lefranc & Bourgeois; its contents, aging properties, solubility, and possible removal methods, with G?teborgs Konstmuseum?s ?Gothenburg Museum of Art? collection as the stud??s material? The purpose of the study is to provide a basis for decision-making regarding the treatment of works treated with C?ronis wax varnish. The study is based on contemporary conservation theory and interpretation-based decision-making and utilizes FTIR, microscopy, and solubility tests to examine the properties of the varnish. The study shows that C?ronis does not appear to be harmful to the treated works and has retained its solubility properties and transparency over time.

Marte meo - "Show me" sade Maria: En kvalitativ studie av Marte meo terapeutens upplevelser och yrkeserfarenheter av metoden inom socialt behandlingsarbete

This thesis puts focus on Maria Aarts method "Marte meo" (on one's own strength). With the video camera as a principal tool, the purpose of the method is to be a practical working tool to support developmental processes on specific target groups, for example parents and their children. The aim of the thesis was to describe Swedish Marte meo Therapists and Marte meo Supervisors personal- and working experiences of the method, which was introduced in Sweden year 1991. Central questions were: How does Marte meo Therapists describe the essence of the method, it's establishment, development, and future in Swedish social services and psychotherapeutic treatment work? Which are Marte meo Therapists opinions of the methods relation to general problems and issues within social services and psychotherapeutic treatment work, such as the anchorage of theory and practice and the general claim for more research in social services interventions? In order to achieve the aim of the thesis a qualitative study was performed containing semi structured interviews with three Marte meo Therapists (two of them also titled Marte meo Supervisors).

Att vara familj, vän & förebild : En kvalitativ studie om integrationsassistenters arbete med ensamkommande flyktingbarn- och ungdomar under asylprocessen

The aim with this study is to examine and analyze how the employees at two residential care homes for unaccompanied refugee children work with the children during their pending decision for asylum in Sweden. The purpose is to gain insight into the employees? daily work with the target audience and how they handle decisions with the children. The method to collect data is to carry 6 interviews with the employees at the residential care home. The interviews were semi-structured with purpose of letting the interviewee lead the content of the interview.

NGO:s för hivpositiva i Tanzania och Uganda- Politiska aktörer?

Uganda and Tanzania are two countries severely affected by HIV/AIDS. Hence, there are a numbers of associations for PLHA there. In "Global transformations. Politics, economics and culture", Held, Mc Greew, Goldblatt and Perrton focuses None Governmental Organizations as important actors in the globalized world of today, with increased opportunities to influence and affect the politics. The aim of this paper is to investigate the opportunities for associations for PLHA in Tanzania and Uganda to affect in the national level of politics.

"Det" - Profession och giltighetsanspråk i läraryrket

During my one year master in pedagogic science, I was frequently given the impression that depicts the pedagogue?s profession as a rather transcendent talent or, more precisely, a matter of having ?it? or not. It seemed to me, as if the communicative part of the teacher?s specialised skill was more or less undefined in the description of what makes the pedagogue a professional pedagogue. On those premisses, I was led to the aim of this study, which is pursuing the very essence of the profession by discussing how five teachers validate their daily work from a habermasian perspective on communication, society and pedagogy.

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