

2688 Uppsatser om Environmental Security - Sida 46 av 180

Hembudsklausuler i aktieägaravtal

Since the 9/11-attacks several nations have been confronted with a new international threat, its nature traces back to the political- and religious- radical movements of the 20th century Cold War. Ever since, various states have been under threat by terrorist organizations around the world due to mainly participating in worldwide counter-terrorist interventions created by western alliances. In Sweden, amongst other countries, the state took security-precautions that would imply total control of information throughout the territorial borders. The assigned proposition was accepted by the Swedish parliament in June 18th 2008, after this date wild spread criticism was still in effect ever since the Swedish government first publicly announced the proposition in May 8th 2007. This study emphasizes on understanding why the Swedish government chose to present this proposition to parliament, in order to complete this task the study will present the motives and the alleged threats that were the core of the proposition and its value-maximizing goal of creating a new surface for Swedish homeland security.

Trädgården - en plats för yoga och meditation. En inspirationskatalog för trädgårdsgestaltning med chakrasystemet som utgångspunkt

Uppsats för avläggande av kandidatexamen i Kulturvård, Trädgårdens hantverk och design, 21 hp, 2011.

Lingvistisk knäckning av lösenordsfraser

För att minnas långa lösenord är det inte ovanligt att användare rekommenderas att skapa en mening som sedan sätts ihop till ett långt lösenord, en lösenordsfras.Informationsteoretiskt sett är dock ett språk väldigt begränsat och förutsägbart, varför enligt Shannons definition av informationsteori en språkriktig lösenordsfras bör vara relativt lätt att knäcka.Detta arbete riktar in sig på knäckning av språkriktiga lösenordsfraser, dels i syfte att avgöra i vilken grad det är tillrådligt att basera en lösenordspolicy på lösenordsfraser för skydd av data, dels för att allmänt tillgängliga effektiva metoder idag saknas för att knäcka så långa lösenord.Inom arbetet genererades fraser för vidare användning av tillgängliga knäckningsprogram, och språket i fraserna modelleras med hjälp av en Markov-process. I denna process byggs fraserna upp genom att det används antal observerade förekomster av följder av bokstäver eller ord i en källtext, så kallade n-gram, för att avgöra möjliga/troliga nästkommande bokstav/ord i fraserna.Arbetet visar att genom att skapa modeller över språket kan språkriktiga lösenordsfraser knäckas på ett praktiskt användbart sätt jämfört med uttömmande sökning..

Med den inre känslan som drivkraft - barnmorskors upplevelser av att förmedla trygghet och en god omvårdnad

The expectations of a successful outcome are great during childbirth. The overall objective of prenatal care and birth care is that midwives contribute in creating the most positive experience of pregnancy, child birth and infancy as possible. During the past 30 years there has been a significant increase in sectiofrequency both in Sweden and the rest of the Western world. More parents feel an overall insecurity when it comes to child labour. The purpose of this study was to describe how midwives experience the work of creating a sense of security and good nursing when meeting the expectant parents.

Hur finner elever trygghet i en ny miljö?

Syftet med denna studie har varit att beskriva, analysera och förstå hur elever som är nya på en skola kan uppleva trygghet i både fysisk och social miljö, samt bevara och/eller bygga upp sin inre trygghet. Inför studien granskades nationella riktlinjer och råd och genom litteraturstudier i ämnena trygghet, lärande, grupprocesser och människans grundläggande behov, lades en förförståelse för ämnet. En hermeneutisk ansats var ledgivande under hela studien, i synnerhet under det analyserande och tolkande stadiet. Kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes med tre elever i blandade åldrar i åk 1-5. Det visade sig att eleverna hade behov av trygghet under den första tiden i en ny miljö och att de framförallt hittade den tryggheten i jämnåriga kompisar.

Styrd borrning eller konventionell schaktning : en jämförelse av två rörläggningsmetoder

This is a diploma thesis executed as a part of the examination of the educationalprogram Building engineer ? Construction management at Halmstad University. The aim of the thesis is to compare and evaluate conventional open-cut pipe-laying withhorizontal directional drilling. The thesis includes a comparison of the economic,environmental and time-based aspects of both methods and discusses which factorsthat determine the optimal choice of method.The study is mainly based on previous studies regarding the subject and oninterviews with professionals from the industry.A fictional project with five realistic cases of pipe-laying scenarios was compiled,sent to different companies for calculation, evaluated and compared. Our conclusionregarding when it?s suitable to use which method is entirely dependent on thespecific project.

Europas gräns under en säkerhetspolitisk förändring? : En fallstudie om säkerhetspolitiken vid den europeiska gränsen mellan 2007 och 2010 samt en prövning av Köpenhamnsskolans säkerhetiseringsteori

The purpose of the essay is both to bring forward the threats images, sectors, actors and referents that can be found at the European border between 2007-2010 and to explore whether they change during this period. Furthermore, the essay also intends to review the Copenhagen School?s theory of securitization. The analysis of the essay will be done on the European commission?s ?Enlargement Strategy and Main Challenges?, a rapport that focus on the European border and its enlargement.

Hållbart skogsbruk och naturvård ? ett skogsägarperspektiv

The Swedish government has set up 16 environmental goals for Sweden to achieve. One ofthem is ?Living forests?, which is the foundation for the ?National strategy for the formalprotection of forests?. The ?National strategy? puts the private forest owner at the centre ofattention in order to achieve the environmental goal ?Living forests?.

Uppförandekoder inom livsmedelsindustrin : en fallstudie

The world has changed its understanding of environmental issues dramatically and more people are showing awareness of social and environmental problems. Various stakeholders have increasingly begun to show an interest in how companies are taking responsibility for their actions. This has led to an improved activity amongst organizations to make their production consequences positive. They work with Corporate and Social Responsibility (CSR). In order to communicate their responsibilities, many companies work with CSR and ethical guidelines.

Miljöstrategisk jämförelse mellan två reningsmetoder för enskilda avlopp

Den här studien syftar till att göra en miljöstrategisk jämförelse av två olika tekniker för rening av enskilda avlopp. Detta innebär en jämförelse av såväl juridiska som ekonomiska aspekter utöver den grundläggande reningseffektiviteten. Målsättningen är att visa att en rotzon är ett väl så bra alternativ som en markbädd vid rening av enskilda avlopp. Detta visade sig också stämma. Beträffande reningseffektivitet verkar teknikerna vara likvärdiga.

Om utformning av ett verksamhetssystem : En utvärdering av nuläge, tillgänglighet och erfarenheter

These days most companies conduct some form of work for the external environment, quality and safety. In connection with this work, some companies have chosen to get management systems certified by any applicable standard for one or more of the fields while other companies have chosen other ways that are not associated with certification.In light of the fact that the individual systems are becoming unmanageable an increasing number of these companies are faced with the decision whether to integrate and coordinate these different systems or not. In order to study the possibilities of a company?s system coordination an assessment of elements particularly interesting for the company was performed. The key elements and focuses in the evaluation were staff access to information, experiences from other companies and environmental work status for some of the organization's companies.

Ansvarsfull turism : Svenska researrangörers arbete med ansvarsfull turism

Because of the increasing numbers of international tourist arrivals each year it is essential that tourist operators are aware of the impacts that tourism generate. Tourism affects the world in an environmental, social and economic way, positive but also in a negative way. To travel responsible and sustainable is therefore important, and operators have a responsibility in this subject.Because of this I wanted to look at how Swedish tourist operators manage responsible tourism, together with what amount of information their customers receive about this. To be able to study how operators work with this I conducted three interviews via email. The tourist operators were of different sizes and specializations to receive a more extensive result.

Flygplansavisningens miljöpåverkan vid svenska flygplatser

The aim of this thesis was to answer a number of questions about the environmental consequences of aircraft de-icing. A further aim was to suggest how the environmental consequences due to the release of de-icing fluids can be measured and reduced.The main impact of the aircraft de-icing on the environment is due to the large oxygen demand for the degradation of glycol based de-icing fluids which are released in the environment. The effect of the increase in oxygen demand depends on where the degradation occurs in the ecosystem. In a sensitive ecosystem, the large demand of oxygen could provide an anaerobic environment which would be harmful for many types of organisms.In order to reduce the negative effects of the applied de-icing fluid, there is some type of collection system at every regular airport in Sweden. The methods of collection can be divided into two general groups, hydrological isolation or vacuum sweeper trucks.

Småbarnsavdelningar - bara barnpassning eller? : En kvalitativ studie om verksamheten på småbarnsavdelningar

In the curriculum for Swedish pre-school the focus is mainly on five concepts. These are care of the children, learning, influence, rearing and security. These concepts are to characterize the activities of the pre-school in Sweden.Back in time the focal point of pre-school activities for young children was mainly on security. The learning part became more prominent as the children grew older. When speaking to teachers and parents I do sense that some believe this is the case even nowadays.

Kommunikationskanaler i ett byggprojekt. En studie om vilken inverkan olika kommunikationskanaler har vid förändring av ett arbetssätt.

The idea for the project emerged when Nilorn wanted to get better control over their supplychain and improve operational efficiency. The company also want to reduce their expenses inthe continuous process of improving profitability. By choosing the right option oftransportation and mode of transport there are large potential savings for the company. Thisenables Nilorn to reduce the transportation costs and strengthen the environmentalresponsibilities by reducing their environmental impact.The flow of goods within Nilorn has over the past years increased significantly and most ofthe gods today is transported by air. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the supply chain of thecompany and evaluate the potential economic savings in this area.

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