

10770 Uppsatser om Environmental Management Systems - Sida 43 av 718

Crisis Management ? En analys av dess innebörd i ett svenskt företag

Syftet med uppsatsen är att göra en systematisk beskrivning, utifrån ett aktörs- och aktivitetsperspektiv, av ämnet Crisis Management. Detta för att skapa ett djup och en förståelse kring begreppet Crisis Management och dess innebörd i ett svenskt företag. Vi har för avsikt att först utföra en teoristudie för att sedan kunna jämföra denna med praktiken, för att erhålla den bas som behövs för att diskutera och besvara vår problemformulering. Resultatet av ett effektivt Crisis Management blir enligt oss, att Crisis Mangement utgör en psykologisk effekt på företag och dess aktörer. Den trygghetskänsla, vilken Crisis Management genererar, föder en säkerhet hos företag.

Kundorienterad produktutveckling i industriell verksamhet - en fallstudie inom Trelleborg Building Systems

Sammanfattning Titel: Kundorienterad produktutveckling i industriell verksamhet ? En fallstudie inom Trelleborg Building Systems Seminariedatum: 2004-06-04 Ämne/kurs: Magisteruppsats i Strategic Management, FEK523,10 poäng Författare: Martin Borgström, Henrik Hallerby & Niklas Winnert Handledare: Lars Bengtsson Nyckelord: Strategisk planering, produktutveckling, kundbehovsanalys, industriell marknad, organisk tillväxt, total kravbild Syfte: Vårt syfte är att studera vilka förutsättningar som fallföretaget Industrial Profiles Nordic har för att kunna organisera och utveckla sin produktutvecklingsprocess mot den totala kravbild som har inverkan på denna process. Utifrån dessa analysresultat avser vi delge ett antal åtgärdsförslag till ledningen för hur detta utvecklingsarbete kan genomföras och organiseras. Metod: En kvalitativ metod med en abduktiv ansats har använts, där vi jämfört olika avdelningar inom divisionen Industrial Profiles Nordic med avseende på kundbehovsanalys, produktutveckling samt strategisk planering. Intervjuer har genomförts inom ledningen för affärsområdet Trelleborg Buildings Systems samt divisionen Industrial Profiles Nordic.

Klassifikation vid de nordiska alkoholmonopolen: En jämförande undersökning av fem statliga alkoholföretags hemsidor

This thesis deals with the goods classification of the Nordic alcoholmonopolies, viz. Alko in Finland, Rúsdrekkasøla Landsins in the FaroeIslands, Systembolaget in Sweden, Vínbúðin in Iceland, andVinmonopolet in Norway. The focus of the study is the web pages of thecompanies (as they appeared April 10th 2011) and the printed pricecatalogue of Alko, from which information on class division has beenexcerpted. The emphasis lies on the division into product groups and theinformation about origin. Within these facets, which partly overlap insome of the classification systems, the principles of division and thehierarchical relations between classes are studied.

Sänkt returtemperatur : Potentiell besparing i fjärrvärmesystem

Optimizing energy systems is, in Sweden, as in many other countries, of growing interest. District heating systems are no exception. In 2012, 285 out of 290 municipals in Sweden had district heating in use and the majority of these systems have a higher return temperature than that which is possible with an error-free substation of day current technology. To, when possible, lower the return temperature is a way of increasing the effectiveness of the district heating system.This study means to investigate, through simulations and calculations, how big of a reduction in production cost a lower temperature in the city of Ystad?s district heating system would correspond to.

Metoder för kulturmiljöanalys

Questions concerning the Cultural Heritage must be integrated in social planning.Therefore there is a need for adequate methods for cultural environmental analysis, toreceive knowledge that is relevant in an integrated conservation. The thesis is a review ofmethods for cultural environmental analysis and discusses the qualifications necessary fora method in order to receive adequate information as well as it discusses what kind ofinformation to be considered relevant. The thesis also analyzes a specific method forcultural environmental analysis in order to exam if it has got the qualifications concludedas necessary if it is to be used in an integrated conservation. The conclusion is that amethod for cultural environmental analysis should collect information about the entireenvironment (integrated information about nature and culture, in a historical perspectiveand how it is today), about social structures, physical remains (buildings etc) and what thecollected information tell about the history of the studied area, as well as what is importantin the landscape of today. Information about how the environment should be treated in thefuture is also of importance.

Hur styr politiker ett bolag? - En studie av Staffanstorpshus AB

Syfte: Att via granskning av Staffanstorpshus AB som helhet, med beaktande av den dominerande politiska ideologin,, beskriva och analysera den kommunala verksamhetsstyrningen.Metod: Vi har genomfört en kvalitativ studie, pga. vårt intresse av att ge frihet åt intervjupersonerna att uttrycka det de ansåg vara väsentligt. Uppsatsen är av deduktiv karaktär och en teoretisk referensram har sammanställts utifrån befintlig teori och modeller.Teoretisk referensram: Levers of control, Management control systemsEmpiri: De genomförda intervjuerna har försett oss med en djupgående inblick angående hur Staffanstorpshus AB styrs idag.Slutsatser: Det mest väsentliga vi har kommit fram till i våra slutsatser är att Staffanstorps kommun idag styr Staffanstorpshus AB med mjuka händer och låter den operationella ledningen ta alla de detaljerade besluten rörande bolaget. Ägardirektiven som kommunen skrivit efterföljs av bolaget men där finns inga direkta incitament kopplade till uppfyllelse av målen i direktiven. Vi tror att om man utvecklar ett belöningssystem som är kopplat till ägardirektiven, kan man öka motivationen.

Uppföljning och analys av Stockholms stads solcellsanläggningar

During 2007 the City of Stockholm installed five grid connected photovoltaic systems. The aim of this master thesis is to quantify the amount of produced energy and recommend routines to collect and analyse production data, to make production data accessible by the public and to gain experience for future installations.The total amount of produced energy until March 2009 is 227 000 kWh, with an annual rate of 150 000 kWh. The expected annual rate was 148 000 kWh.All system owners are positive about their plants and see economical benefits in scaling up such systems.The installations need very little attendance and maintenance, however it is recommended that an alarm function is installed for automatic feedback in case of a system failure. All future systems should be inspected during full operation to determine if the actual capacity is matching the installed capacity..

Att skapa kunskap i informationshavet - Om hur text kan struktureras för att skapa lärande i intranät

Creating instructions is not just about words, but also about text structure. A company creates many instructions to document their management systems, which often are presented through an intranet. This study examines how the text can be presented to make content understandable and give employees the knowledge to take action. An interview survey was made at Skanska Sweden and their management system "Vårt sätt att arbeta". The results show that it is mainly about creating an overview of the system and creating separations between different text sections.

Utvärdering av digitala provtryckssystem

Six different Digital Proofing Systems from three different techniques have been evaluated as totechnique, printing quality, economy and usability. Digital proof from two paper qualities, coatedand uncoated, has been compared with references printed in offset, to see how good they match eachother. Only two Proofing Systems manage to print on reference paper. The other Proofing Systemsuse special paper for digital proof.Measurements and visuell judgement show that the Digital Proofing Systems visualise referencepictures with quite good quality. Proof optimised for coated paper visualise the colours with goodresult.

Hyllplacering och egna märkesvaror-en undersökning av EMVs favorisering inom den sydsvenska dagligvarubranschen

Detta är en undersökning om EMVs hyllplatsandelar i förhållande till LMV. Finns det någon favorisering av EMV eller är det endast ett felaktigt antagande från många författare..

Rätt klädd? : En studie om klädföretags arbete och kommunikation av CSR

The number of firms adapting the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility is constantly growing. It is no longer enough only to supply your customers with demanded products and services since todays? customers have an increased awareness and are demanding more transparence when it comes to the manufacturing and responsibility for society.Along with a growing interest in social, ethical and environmental matters, many firms have received critique, consequently forcing them to start taking more responsibility for their activities. The clothing industry was among the first to get critized and therefore early in starting their work with CSR.The purpose of this paper is to investigate how firms in the clothing industry work with CSR today, and also how they choose to communicate this work, both internally and externally. The methodology of the paper is qualitative and aims to deeply investigate four different firms, along with an additional interview with a CSR-consult from one of the leading communication-firms in Sweden.The theoretical foundation includes a frame of reference around CSR and the communication thereof, and also a few relevant theories around CSR and business ethics.After analyzing the empirical material the paper have reached a few conclusions.

Hur min dyslexi påverkar mitt författarskap

The aim of this essay is to examine three separate Swedish public libraries and their respective websites on the grounds of the usability sciences. I firstly had to summarize the main properties of the usability-field in order to gain an extended knowledge of its purposes and possible usage for today?s library systems. I was then able to apply the extended knowledge in the examination of the three library websites and the purpose of determining whether or not they were designed according to the standards set by the usability-sciences.Usability is a rather new science that deals with the dissection and examination of computer-based systems, in order to find the key components that make systems user-friendlier. With user needs being the main focus of its research, usability tries to meet all the different needs of the modern user and construct systems that are less system-centered and more user-centered.

Performance Management i E-handel

Too much attention has been given to mainstream approaches in performance management and management accounting research, without taking in to account changes in the environment with the rapid growth of online retailing. This paper evaluates how and/or if performance management differs in online contexts by using a conceptual model developed by Ferreira et al (2009). The model and its components are tested on three multichannel- and six e-commerce businesses. The result and its analysis is commented on by two e - commerce experts. The result shows that the operation method of the models twelve components do not differ in terms of work methods in online and offline contexts.

Utvecklingen av revisorsutbildningen i utvecklingsländer.pdf

En sammanfattning av uppsatsen på maximalt 8000 tecken..

Transportförpackningar och värdeskapande i dagligvaruhandeln

En sammanfattning av uppsatsen på maximalt 8000 tecken..

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