

10770 Uppsatser om Environmental Management Systems - Sida 11 av 718

Tillverkarnas syn på utvecklingen av väderskydd

How does the weather protection systems look like today, and how will they be developed in the future? These are questions that we have worked with during this project. At the start of our report there?s a summary of the leading weather protection manufacturers in Sweden. We have explained how these systems are constructed and how they work.

Implementering av miljökvalitetsmål : En analys kring miljömålsarbetet vid länsstyrelserna i Blekinge, Skåne och Örebro län

The works of an employee within an authority involves many laws and rules that have to be followed at the same time every case is unique and the resources are limited. This study wants to illustrate how national environmental goals are applied by länsstyrelserna in Sweden. How does the implementation of the environmental goals works by länsstyrelserna in Blekinge, Skåne and Örebro län? Which problems creates obstacles in the implementation of the environmental goals according to länsstyrelserna? What differs between länsstyrelserna in the implementation? Mainly it is the complexity of problems that will be illustrated here, which may result in different implementation sof the environmental goals by länsstyrelserna or that the environmentalgoals do not applys like intended. In this study sixteen national environmentalgoal are examined; ?fresh air?.

Förstudie till införandet av centralt loggsystem hos Försvarsmakten

Modern IT systems tend to become more and more complex, while the number of active systems in companies increases. Furthermore, the number of security-related incidents is at an all-time high. These new conditions impose new demands on organizations. For example, it is no longer possible to manually collect and examine the systems log messages.The purpose of this thesis has been to make a comprehensive study of solutions for automated collecting and managing of log messages, analyze the Swedish Armed Forces specification for solutions for central log collection and management, and evaluating exis- ting solutions. The work consisted primarily of literature studies and evaluations of two of the Swedish Armed Forces of selected products: NetIQ Security Manager and Splunk.

Granskning av hur ett miljöledningssystem uppfyller kraven i SS-EN ISO 14001:2004

The purpose with this report is to make a contribution to Bodycote heat treatments workshop in Värnamo, how to introduce, establish and constantly improve its environmental system. The rapport will help Bodycote with there certifying in ISO 14001: s demand standard. Organizations who continuously work with environmental issues have a lot to gain. Two things an active environmental development process will convey are, building of thrust within the circle of customers, and great financial savings. An increasingly numbers of organizations realize the importance to introduce a functioning environmental system into their activity.

Metoder för trust : Hur praktiker arbetar för att bygga förtroende till knowledge management-system

This thesis examines how knowledge management professionals use trust as a component in the creation of knowledge management systems, and what methods they use for building trust.Adopting a grounded theory approach, interviews with 8 knowledge management professionals active in different industries served as the base for an analysis that identified trust to be the single most important common factor in the data. The concept of trust used by the informants was identified as relating to the knowledge management system itself, rather than other users, employees or groups in an organisation.Building trust, the KM-professionals mainly focused on three methods: simple solutions, system superiority, and implementation security. Using these methods, the KM-professionals seek to ensure system trust by creating opportunities for users to obtain positive experiences of using the system, and thereby generate a foundation for a trust-based relationship between the user and the system..

Att indexera hållbarhet : En metautvärdering av Miljöaktuellts rankning av svenska kommuners hållbarhetsarbete

This Bachelor's thesis in Environmental Science studies the quality of an index of performance measurement of Swedish municipalities' sustainability governance offered by the environmental magazine Miljöaktuellt. Executed for six consecutive years, this evaluation is arguably the most comprehensive and widely spread local sustainability assessment in Sweden. Contextualizing this quantitative measurement tool in the paradigm of New Public Management, the research questions posed are: 'to what extent does the index employed by Miljöaktuellt correspond to the requirements of a set of quality criteria for sustainability assessment?' and 'is the index appropriate as a measure of, or a goal for, Swedish municipalities' internal sustainability efforts?' Through the perspective of evaluation theory, Miljöaktuellt's index is seen as a performance evaluation, thus categorizing this study as a meta-evaluation. Through a qualitative thematic approach, the index is analyzed using the 8 BellagioSTAMP-principles that were developed as tools for assessing quality of sustainability assessments as themes for the analysis.

Inkongruenta styrmodeller: En fallstudie av reparation och underhåll i ett industriföretag

In theory, the management control of maintenance functions is described as problematic due to the nature of the work performed in the unit. The purpose of this thesis is to examine these predicted problems in practice. Further,the thesis aims at identifying how these control problems may affect the relationships between the maintenance department and its internal customers. A case study has been conducted in one of Sweden?s largest industrial companies to investigate the said control problems in practice.

Att säkra farmor - En komparativ fallstudie av kvalitet och kvalitetssäkringsarbete inom äldreomsorgen

The care for the elderly in the municipalities has recently seen the need for a formalized system for quality assurance. Under increasing demands for monetary efficiency while bound by law to retain acceptable standards in health care, there is need for efficient and at the same time quality-assured management. The municipalities often solve this puzzle by introducing systems and standards influenced by theory-clusters such as NPM (New Public Management), TQM (Total Quality Management) or other quality management theories.This essay focuses on how the public administration in the municipalities defines quality and designs and implements system for formalized quality assurance. Our basic view of organizations is institutionalist and our theoretical framework includes theories about quality, NPM and TQM..

Minska tjänsteresor genom mätning - En fallstudie om att öka medvetenheten kring tjänsteresor med hjälp av verksamhetsmått

Background: In a world that are becoming more and more aware of the climate changes that occur as a consequence of the increasing emissions around the world companies? experience that the opinion blame the internal processors for this. Many companies feel forced to align their strategies to the environmental goals set by the community. Some of the emissions the companies? operations can be linked to business trips and it is therefore interesting to see how these can be reduced by using different performance measures.

Jämförelse mellan våtkompostering och andra VA-system i omvandlingsområden : en fallstudie i Norrtälje kommun.

Eutrophication of the Baltic Sea and Swedish lakes remains a major problem despite many years of effort to reduce the emissions of nutrients. One major source is waste water systems, especially private sewage systems. These sewages accounts for a very large share of nutrients per capita in comparison with citizens connected to larger sewage treatment plants. Norrtälje community has the greatest number of private sewage systems in Sweden. Discharges of nutrients, especially phosphorus, to the Baltic Sea from these sewage systems are significant.

LEED i Sverige och i byggprojektet Borgarfjord 3.

This thesis provides a good introduction to the American environmental certification system LEED, Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, and trough compar-isons between Sweden and the United States an explanation to the systems design is given. The work is closely linked to a LEED Core & Shell project in Stockholm, Swe-den, where the goal is to reach the second highest rating in LEED - Gold.This thesis gives a broad description of the LEED system and a more profound study of the energy sector, Energy and Atmosphere. Here, for example, an analysis has been made of how the energy consumption of an imaginary building designed according to the requirements of the BBR (Swedish building code) performs in comparison to the Baseline building in LEED.The existing model of Borgarfjord 3, which served as a case study in this work, has al-so been modified to investigate the energy savings that could have been achieved by adding extra insulation to the building. A description of the problems, regarding how the Swedish district heating system (DES) is treated in LEED, is given as well as the suggested modifications. This is an issue that will be pursued during the process of shaping a new, international, version of LEED due to be launched 2012..

"Den som är satt i skuld är icke fri" : En studie om de svenska elnätsföretagens kapitalstrukturer

Title: Co-operative, prevent or complement? - An essay on the relationships between control systems. Authors: Kim Eriksson and Victoria KarlssonPurpose: The essay aims to describe the relations between control systems and how they related to each other, based on an operationalization of the control systems. Research question: What are the control systems relations to each other? With regards whether control systems co-operative, prevents and/or complement each other.Theoretical framework: The essays theoretical framework is based on Malmi and Browns (2008) description of five different control systems and control mechanisms associated with each control system.   Research methodology: The method was based on three different data collection methods. These methods were observations, documentation, and semi-structured interviews.Conclusions: It is concluded that the control systems has comprehensive relations. Control systems have more, than one, relation to each other..

En frivillig standards kvalitetsma?ssiga pa?verkan pa? redovisning av varuma?rken : ISO 10668

Title: Co-operative, prevent or complement? - An essay on the relationships between control systems. Authors: Kim Eriksson and Victoria KarlssonPurpose: The essay aims to describe the relations between control systems and how they related to each other, based on an operationalization of the control systems. Research question: What are the control systems relations to each other? With regards whether control systems co-operative, prevents and/or complement each other.Theoretical framework: The essays theoretical framework is based on Malmi and Browns (2008) description of five different control systems and control mechanisms associated with each control system.   Research methodology: The method was based on three different data collection methods. These methods were observations, documentation, and semi-structured interviews.Conclusions: It is concluded that the control systems has comprehensive relations. Control systems have more, than one, relation to each other..

Strukturerat lärande genom Action Design Research. En studie om visualisering av behörigheter

As organizations are generating more business intelligence in their systems, more employees need access those systems. As a result some sort of permission management needs to be implemented to ensure the information remain safe. Access Control Matrix (ACM) is one way of managing permissions and is widely used among organizations. The issues that comes with ACM is that the matrix itself gets difficult to manage and overview as its complexity increases with the number of permissions. The study utilizes Action Design Research to develop a tool for visualizing permissions.

Värdering av katastrofers miljökonsekvenser

When a disaster occurs the main focus is on the loss of human lives. Here the environmental effects have been in the centre of attention. This work has had two main purposes. The first one was to formulate attributes, variables that together present a complete picture of the consequences that an event has had on the environment. The other main purpose was to investigate how people value the impact that a disaster can have on the environment.

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