

4373 Uppsatser om Enviromental education - Sida 23 av 292

Ett kritiskt förhållningssätt i svenskämnet: En kvalitativ studie om gymnasielärares arbetsmetoder

This study has examined how teachers in Swedish upper secondary schools work to foster a critical perspective through the education in the subject of Swedish. The study is based on qualitative interviews conducted with three teachers, who have given their views on the role of source criticism and critical analysis of literature in the subject of Swedish. Furthermore, they have described how they incorporate these views into their own teaching.The study has shown that the teachers find that source criticism and literary analysis are interconnected, since both depend on a general critical approach, which they both help foster. The main question the study examined was how Swedish education could help foster a critical perspective. The interviewed teachers' ways of working point out a way: teacher C has integrated source criticism and referencing into most of their education, which makes them central to the education in Swedish.

Från NV till NO

This paper deals with how science teachers in the Swedish secondary school choose the content in the education they give to the pupils. What are the reasons for their choices and what do they think of the purpose of science in secondary school? Through interviewing science teachers the investigation shows that there are three different views of how to choose content in the science education: one focuses on the processes of science itself, one integrates the socio-cultural aspects and one emphasizes the interests of the pupils.

Diagnosens betydelse : En grupp pedagogers uppfattningar av diagnosens betydelse

The thoughts of a common school for all children have been around since the 1800?s but was something that was introduced in Sweden first in 1962. When the curriculum for primary school came in 1980 there was a new concept, a school for all. With a school for all it was aimed that all children should have the right to participation and a common education no matter what needs they could have.During my education I have come across the concept a school for all and that is something that interested me. Today?s curricula and school laws aim to ensure that all children have the right to equal education and inclusion whatever needs you have.The purpose of this study is to find out some pedagogues? thoughts and work around the concept a school for all.

Jag förföljer dig inte, jag följer dig fina du! : En essä om förskollärarens profession och solidaritet

This essay is about my meeting as an educator at a preschool with a child who is deemed to be in need of special assistance. I have worked in preschools and schools for nearly fifteen years and have met a great many children with different needs during these years. I tell in this essay about my relationship with Lucas who is a child I feel need special support in his everyday life. Lucas has what we in the preschool world call impulse controlled behavior. I also feel that he is disturbed by external stimuli such as sound and he has difficulty with social interactions with friends.

Idrottslärares syn på kunskap och status inom idrott och hälsa : en intervjustudie med idrottslärare

The purpose of this essay is to examine how some individual PE teachers view knowledge and what they think about the status of physical education whitin the school. The method used in this examination was both sudies of literature and a qualitative investigation. Six PE teachers, from three diffrent schools in Sweden, were interviwed from a phenomentographic research approach. I made the analysis from a sociocultural approach. The result indicates that th teachers had difficulties to describethe conception of knowledge, but that the pupils/students achieve knowledge in physical education.

ISP och uppsats. En kvalitativ studie av Kuhlthaus informationssökningsprocess bland uppsatsskrivande högskolestudenter.

The main purpose of this thesis is to examine whether the ISP (the Information Search Process) as defined by Carol Kuhlthau is applicable to Swedish University students. Qualitative interviews were carried out with students enrolled in their thesis course at the end of their university education. The selection is based on convenience sample of students visiting the university library. The questions are mainly about how to find out the experiences of the students when they look for documents at the beginning of their thesis work. Other relevant questions are about user-education, information literacy and what the students' opinions are concerning a thesis as a part of their education.

Karaktärer och cases : skönlitteratur inom ledarskapsutbildning

The aim for my thesis has been to investigate how literature, or fiction, is used in management education. What books are used ? is there a literary leadership canon? What do the educators and the writers on this subject suggest that these books can teach the leaders? What are the philosophical foundations of this education? And ? last but not least ? does what the educators and writers offer respond to the needs of the businesses? My investigation shows that there is a canon in the area of management and fiction, where realistic 19th century novels, alongside with Shakespeare?s plays are dominant. Female writers and non-western writers are very underrepresented. The positive outcomes of reading and discussing these literary works that the educators and writers suggest do substantially correspond with the needs of the businesses, as presented by my sources.

Branding by Swedish e-tailers : Varumärkesbyggande bland svenska e-detaljhandelsföretag

A reform of higher education in Sweden in 1993 led to stiffer competitive climate among educational institutions. The reform meant that educational institutions now had the opportunity to plan their curriculum autonomously. Prior to the reform educational planning was restricted to the Swedish government. The new rules spelled a greater opportunity for educational institutions to profile themselves based on their educational offerings. The higher degree of competition means that marketing becomes increasingly important when recruiting new students.

Att sätta ord på det som sitter i väggarna : Om ett projekt till förmån för elever i behov av särskilt stöd på gymnasiet

The aim of this study was to explore and increase understanding of how a team of colleagues at an upper-secondary school in Sweden works with students with special education needs. The team works with a group of students where the majority have experienced school failure in elementary school. The focus of the study has been to analyze a project that the school undertook 2013 to improve students? results and improve their chances to successfully graduate from their program. Data was collected from relevant documents and interviews with members of the project at hand.

Modersmålsundervisning : Lärares syn på modersmålsundervisning och samarbete med modersmålslärare i förskolan och skolan

The aim of the study was to examine Swedish preschool and school teachers views upon mother tongue education and cooperation with mother tongue teachers, research covering both topics are very limited. Data collection method for the study were interviews with three teachers from each type of school. The interviews were then transcribed, summarized, and finally analyzed based on the study's theoretical premises, a socio-cultural perspective, Kumashiros theory of non-oppressive teaching and constructivism. The results of the study showed that all teachers considered mother tongue education as important, but time constraints and workload prevented teachers from desirable development of mother tongue education. As for collaboration between teachers and language teachers, most teachers felt that such a thing does not exist, while those who have experience in this type of collaboration believes that it occurs to a limited extent..

Attitudes concerning conservation in two different wildlife areas in Kenya

All over the world, scientists agree that to succeed with a conservation project, it is important to have a good relationship with the local people. If they do not receive a good impression of the project, they will not be willing to collaborate and the project will probably fail. According to previous studies, there are different factors affecting attitudes to conservation, like the level of education of the participant. Many studies have shown that the higher education the people have, the more positive attitude they have to adjacent conservation areas. Economical factors are also important, it is often stated that having more money results in a better attitude.

Hur läsinlärning kan utvecklas för elever med Cerebral pares

To find useful methods of reading instructions for pupils with Cerebral palsy is a complex but at the same time very challenging work. The main focus of this research lies in studying the pupils work focusing on special adaptation of educational materials and means of assistance for pupils with Cerebral palsy. In trying to get a complete picture of the work with the reading instruction I don?t think that it can be described only by studying the work, it also demands an inside look at the job the working group performs. My overarching purpose of this research is to try out measures to further develop the work with reading instruction for pupils with Cerebral palsy.

Arbetsplatsförlagd utbildning - en verksamhet värd sitt namn? : -Om samverkan mellan skola och arbetsplats ur lärares och handledares perspektiv

AbstractIn the secondary-school program for hotel and restaurant complete courses or parts of courses are placed in workplaces so called workplace education (APU), this means that the content in the course plan must be discussed and be divided in a proper way between the school and the workplace, so that the students is gaining all the parts that is prescribed in the goals for the course.Interviews with tutors and teachers have been performed, with the purpose of investigating how the collaboration between the school and the workplaces should look like so that the APU fulfills the content and quality that are prescribed in the specifications of the education. The study shows that a better structure for collaboration between the school and the workplaces is needed. Lack of time and financial resources are the factors that according to the study reduces the possibility?s to (among other things) perform education of tutors, and for the teachers to plan and follow-up the APU-period..

Sjuksköterskans undervisande funktion i det förebyggande arbetet med diabetespatienter : en litteraturstudie

Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder that brings great changes in every individual's way of living. The goal in diabetes treatment is that the individual will be able to live a normal life, with normal length. To achieve this there is need to avoid complications, both acute and long-term. To be able to do this this the patient need knowledge about the illness and how to adjust pharmacological treatment to diet and exercise. In this, patient education is an important part.

Elevers uppfattningar om betyg i idrottsundervisningen i grundskolan

Aim The purpose of this research is to study the need and the importance of marks in secondary school. The reason is to find out the students' perception of how they are motivated. Furthermore, how students experience the assessment and grading in physical education.What attitudes do students have towards the mark in the subject physical education in 6th and 9th grade, also how does SOC affect their attitudes towards marks?What kind of motivational significance do marks in physical education have in 6th and 9th grade based on their SOC?How do the students experience the assessment in grading in 6th and 9th grade based on their SOC?Method The data was collected with a quantitative approach. The sample consisted of four classes from 6th grade and five classes from 9th grade; all from two different schools in the county of Stockholm.

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