

2332 Uppsatser om Entrepreneurial learning. - Sida 64 av 156

Socialpedagogens syn på sin roll, delaktighet och lärande : En studie om socialpedagoger som arbetar på särskilt boende

Syftet med uppsatsen är att beskriva och kartlägga hur socialpedagoger arbetar på särskilt boende. Studien belyser hur delaktighetsbegreppet är kopplat till lärande i vardagliga situationer för personer med funktionshinder. Studien fokuserar på begreppen delaktighet och lärande samt hur socialpedagoger arbetar med detta. Frågeställningarna som besvaras är: Vad är socialpedagogernas roll på gruppboenden? Hur arbetar socialpedagoger för att få brukaren delaktig i vardagliga situationer på gruppbostäder? På vilket sätt arbetar socialpedagoger med att främja brukarens lärande i vardagsarbetet på gruppbostäder? Metoden i studien utgår från en kvalitativ ansats med grund i ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv.

Skapande möten - en studie i interaktionism och skapande i musik

Title: Creating meetings - a study in interactionism and creating music. In this study I had my focus on teenagers in a school class. My aim was to explore how pupils experience the processes of creating music together and how they choose to organize their interactions during these creative processes. As analytical tools I used sociological and sociopedagogical concepts and theories. Interactionism provided models toward individualization as well as socialization, related to learning, knowledge and creativity.

Ledarskapsstilar ? Har du reflekterat över vem du är?

I forskningen har organisatoriskt lärande uppmärksammats, men inte institutionaliserats. Det organisatoriska lärandet påverkas i stor grad av nyckelpersoner vilket ledare och mellanchefer är. Organisatoriskt lärande styrs av det individuella lärandet vilket därför har en stor betydelse i sammanhanget. Ansvaret för det individuella lärandet läggs oftast på organisationens ledare och för ledares individuella lärande är reflektion och erfarenhet en avgörande faktor. Därför var studiens syfte att bidra till forskningen genom att undersöka hur kritiska situationer påverkat ledares lärande och bidragit till det individuella och organisatoriska lärandet.

Årstafruns dagbok1793-1839 : Nöjen, sevärdheter och resor

The purpose of the study is to investigate into professional knowledge of the bilingual teachers, compared to monolingual, and what benefits they give to pre-school. Qualitative method was used to get an understanding of informant´s perspective on bilingual teachers. The informants believe that bilingual teachers are able to understand all the children. A bilingual teacher can make the children feel secure. If one has a positive attitude toward bilingualism, the bilingual children also show a positive attitude that in turn contributes to learning and development of the language..

Motivation och läsförståelse : En studie av korrelationen mellan motivationen till att läsa och läsförståelsen hos elever i tredje ring på gymnasiet

This essay, called Motivation and reading comprehension, is a study of the correlation between the motivation to read and the reading comprehension of Swedish students in their final year of school before university level, meaning that they are eighteen or nineteen years old, sometimes more.The relation between the identity of the individual and the learning process has been a matter of scientific interest for some time, and this essay works in that tradition by investigating the connection between how pupils regard reading and how well developed their ability to decode text is.The reading comprehension is measured through a test that consists of a text from the Swedish epic by Vilhelm Moberg, Invandrarna, where the reader at certain intervals throughout the text is asked to mark the correct word from a choice of three. This test has been used and evaluated extensively by Per Fröjd, who has found that the results are reliable and useful.To measure the motivation to read I?ve constructed a survey to be answered before taking the reading test. It focuses on three different parts of reading motivation that are noted as the most important ones by Ivar Bråten. These are the feeling of joy and interest for reading, the goal to acquire knowledge of a specific subject, and the expectations that you have on yourself as a reader.Results show a weak or non-existent correlation between the two factors for the whole of the subjects, but once those who have a first language other than Swedish are removed the correlation becomes significant.

Ger läroboken möjlighet att uppnå kunskapskraven i naturkunskap? : Analys av läroböcker i naturkunskap för gymnasiet.

The purpose of this study is to find out what children think they learn of taking part in activities organized by the school. I started my study by summarize three essays about informal learning. The results are based on three interviews of totally six children in the age of nine at a school in Stockholm. I interviewed the children using a semi structured method and asked them what activities they prefer to do after school and what they think they learn there, and from their friends. The results emanating from essays which were investigating similar topic..

"Lets Play!" : En studie av kunskapsöverföring mellan digitala spel och musikinstrument.

The purpose of this thesis was to examine if users of digital music games may acquire skills from the games that may be of use in learning to play a real instrument, that is a non-digitally simulated instrument like an acoustic piano. We have used Gee?s theory regarding a possible interconnection between different semiotic domains, and how this connection may enable a transfer of skills between related domains. In this thesis we examine possible skill transfer between the domains ?digital games? and ?non-digital instruments?. To examine our question formulation we chose to conduct a pilot study from which we collected both quantitative and qualitative data.

Aktierelaterade Ersättningar IFRS 2 : Vilka faktorer påverkar efterlevnaden av IFRS 2?

Dagens utveckling inom distansutbildning har lett till att det blir allt viktigare att välja en lärplattform som är anpassat till företagets eller organisationens verksamhet. Nya effektiva utbildningsmetoder som komplement till den traditionella utbildningen möjliggörs av den nya tekniken där e-learning har en framträdande roll. E-learning gör att lärandet inte längre är beroende av ett fysiskt klassrum och en specifik tidpunkt utan utbildningen blir mer flexibel, interaktiv samt fokuserar mer på själva på lärandet.Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att kartlägga hur ett LMS bör vara utformat vad det gäller design, funktion och användbarhetsfaktorer för att underlätta val av lärplattform (LMS). Studien har visat att det designmässigt är lämpligt att följa vedertagna författares riktlinjer ? oavsett om det gäller LMS eller design av en funktion i ett LMS.

Den pedagogiska samlingen i förskolan : En kvalitativ studie om förskollärarnas tankar kring samling

The purpose of this work is to explore and illuminate the circle times function and importance of preschool by the pedagogue perspective and the circle time design in relation to children's age group composition. The study questions are:What is the purpose of circle time in preschool educational activities according to the teacher and how does the teacher look at his own role?How do the teachers plan, design and perform the circle time of small children and big children's section? What similarities and differences exist?This is a qualitative study based on interviews with four preschool teachers and observations of their circle times. Research and theories showed that the circle time is a social training, provide a sense of community and is a ritual that gives a good daily rhythm.The results of the study demonstrate that the circle time is an important routine that occurs for a short time daily in early childhood education. The circle time organizes and structures the day for both children and staff group.

Livsstilsförändring på livstid? : Projekt med inriktning mot unga, överviktiga, på Väddö Folkhögskola, 2005 - 2008

BAKGRUNDEn utav lärarnas uppgifter är att bedöma och betygsätta sina elever i ämnet Idrott och hälsa.Det visar sig vara viktigt att veta vad man som lärare ska bedöma och betygsätta hos elevernaför att bedömningen ska bli rätt. Vi har haft ett antal betygsystem genom åren somhjälpmedel för lärarnas bedömningar och betygsättningar. Men hur anser lärarna att de självabedömer sina elever i ämnet Idrott och hälsa?SYFTE OCH FRÅGESTÄLLNINGARMitt syfte med examensarbetet är att undersöka vad lärare i idrott och hälsa anser de självabedömer och betygsätter hos sina elever. Arbetet kommer att besvara syftet utifrån tvåfrågeställningar det vill säga vad lärarna anser att de bedömer och betygsätter hos eleverna iidrott och hälsa samt varför de bedömer sina elever som de gör enligt dem själva.METODExamensarbetet inspireras av hermeneutiken som vetenskapsteoretisk ansats och kvalitativdatainsamling genom intervjuer som metod.

Från internationell programstudent till regional skattebetalare i Kronoberg. : En återspeglingsstudie om ?Det entreprenöriella universitetet? och Linnéuniversitetets samverkan med det regionala näringslivet i kontexten av dess användbarhet i att behål

AbstraktHaving influence over questions that concern us is a part of the society that we live in, where every individual have the right to make her voice heard (Danell, 2006). For many decades, the school has had many different ways to give the students influence. Rönnlund (2013) is giving a historical overview of the history of students influence and enlighten us how the influence has changed over time. The influence from the students is very important and it is the students right to make their voices heard about things that concerns their work environment but also to affect their curriculum. The education in school should be fitted to every individual student (Danell, 2006).   According to Aaron Antonovsky (2007) our wellbeing is based on that we all can take part and deicide about the things we are meant to do.

Normativa värden för läppkraft hos barn mellan fem och tio år : Relaterat till bilabial stavelseproduktion

Lip force has been found to affect the ability to achieve satisfying speech production and swallowing. A normative value for lip force in adults has been measured to 15 Newton (N). Corresponding value for children measured with Lip Force Meter 100 (LF100) does not exist. In the current study lip force was measured in children between the ages of five and ten years. The aim of the study was to obtain normative values for children with typical development in separate age groups.

?Om man tar en tråkig bok så börjar den sova? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie av barn som läser för hundar i skolmiljö

This two years master's thesis examines the experience of children who read to a dog. The theoretical framework is inspired by sociocultural theory developed by Roger Säljö and the concept carnival inspired by Mikhail Bakhtin. The sociocultural theory has been chosen because it emphasizes the role of practice, instruments and communication in learning and the concept carnival has been chosen to analyze the experience of reading to a dog.The method used is qualitative interview and observation. A total of eight interviews and two observations when children read to a dog have been collected. One interview is with a teacher and seven interviews are with the children (six children participated and one child was interviewed twice).

Diagnosens vara eller icke vara : En kvalitativ studie om speciallärares/specialpedagogers syn på fenomenen ADHD och DAMP

Aim & Questions at issueThe aim of our study is to study how special teachers/special educationalists in schools of Stockholm look at the phenomenon ADHD/DAMP. We have looked into their view on the diagnose, compared to the two different kinds of research visions about the diagnosis who are known in Sweden today. How do the special teacher/special educationalist work with the diagnosed children?This is our questions at issue:? Is there any optimal learning situation for children with ADHD/DAMP?? Is there something that distinguish all children with ADHD/DAMP?? What is positive and negative about giving the diagnose ADHD/DAMP to children?? Is there any external factors that influence that there is so many more children today who has been given a diagnose?? How does special teachers/special educationalists look on amfetamin-treatment?MethodWe have done qualitative interviews with special teachers/special educationalists in the city area of Stockholm. These have been worked up one by one and then been compared and evaluated together.ResultAll special teachers/special educationalists mentioned that when you educate children with ADHD/DAMP, a structured life underlies the possibility for the children to provide knowledge.

The decision-making process of hiring temporary employees

Background and problem discussionThe temporary employment industry has grown extensively during the past two decades since the market was deregulated. Companies today need to be flexible to meet fluctuating demand and economic climate in society which has made the market expand. When using employees not directly employed by the company there is a risk that long term effects appears that the companies have not thought of.Aim of studyTo create a model of what negative aspects companies should consider when making the decision to use temporary employees.Methodological frameworkThe study performed through an abdicative literature study and with an empirical data collection method of a qualitative approach where we interviewed five hiring companies and one temporary agency on the decision of hiring temporary employees.Frame of referenceProblem areas with the use of temporary employments were identified through four perspectives of the organization; the structural, human resource, symbolic and political perspective. The problem areas we address are organizational learning, motivation, risk of eroding human capital, belongingness and conflicts. These will be described and presented together with management control to counter the problems.EmpiricsThe empirics are focused on what aspects the companies of the study considered when making the decision to use temporary employment, what the companies? different reasons for using temporary employment are and what they do to minimize possible negative effects.Analysis and conclusionsCompanies use temporary employees mostly to become more flexible, both numerically and in their competence.

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