

2332 Uppsatser om Entrepreneurial learning. - Sida 63 av 156

Rörelse i en sydafrikansk skola : En studie om lärares syn och tillämpning

AbstractAccording to a lot of people, movement contributes with a whole lot of positive things such as, learning, a better bodyknowledge, fellowship and koncentration. Movement has also proved to support many things regarding childrens development. According to Gun Sandborg-Holmdahl who is a teacher in pedagogic and Birgitta Stening who is an physical education teacher, movement and games commits many of the human senses wich contributes childrens ability to use their amagination and also spontanity. Games and movements have also shown to have good effects when it comes to childrens increased feeling to learn things. I have in this study, studied the South African school and their wiew on movement in school.

Undrar vart jag är?? En studie om elevers förmåga att positionera sig med hjälp av kartan i årskurs 7

Vi har genomfört en praxisnära forskning där syftet var att kartlägga vilka aspekter som är kritiska för att kunna positionera sig med hjälp av en karta. Syftet var också att identifiera vilka olika kunskapsnivåer som finns i en klass i årskurs 7. Studiens metod utgår ifrån delar av learning study som har variationsteorin som grund kombinerat med delar av fenomenografin som forskningsansats. Studien genomfördes på en grundskola i Skåne i en klass i årskurs 7 med 26 elever. För att undersöka vilka kritiska aspekter som finns i klassen har vi genomfört fokusgruppintervjuer, test i form av linjeorientering, skriftliga reflektioner av linjeorienteringen samt observationer.

"Vadå, har du bara en examen?" : En studie om relationen mellan studier och extraarbete

This study discusses the relationship between studies and part-time work. The aim is to gain a deeper understanding of why students enrolled in the programme of human resource management and working life choose to undertake part time work, specifically in the human resource business in such great extent while studying full time and what this means for the students regard gaining knowledge. It focuses on the students experience and in order to gain the understanding of this phenomenon three qestion formulations were formed; ?What are the reasons formed by the interviewed human resource-students for having part-time work in the human resource bransch, in addition to their full-time studies??, "What values are made visible regarding the students choices of having a part-time work in addition to their full-time studies?" and ?How does the students express the thought about their part-time work as a key to learn from their studies?? The empirical data were collected through interviews with eight branch-specific human resource-students. The data was analysed based on previous research and a theoretical framework consisting of Lave & Wenger's theory of communities of practice and John Deweys theory of learning by doing.

Nu kör vi! : Mot jämställdhet i åkerinäringen med ett AIL-perspektiv

Syftet med denna uppsats är att analysera hur män och maskulinitet framställs i reklam riktad till olika mediegenerationer genom olika TV-plattformar. Frågeställningarna har sitt fokus i att tydliggöra hur männen framställs i reklaminslagen genom bland annat hur de agerar, vilka personlighetstyper som uppvisas och även vilka likheter och skillnader som kan påvisas mellan de olika mediegenerationerna. Studiens urval har sett till att analysera reklaminslag på både traditionell TV och webb-TV för att på så sätt påvisa en skillnad mellan dessa, då reklam idag mer specifikt kan riktas till en speciell målgrupp. Urvalet har också bestått i att urskilja olika mediegenerationer där dessa har legat till grund för den efterföljande resultatdelen. Detta har studerats genom en kvantitativ innehållsanalys där ett kodschema har skapats och resultatet sedan kodats i IBM SPSS.

Erfarenhetsöverföring inom markarenan med stöd av simulatorteknik. : En studie av StriSimPC.

One of the main tasks of the Swedish Armed Forces over the past few years has been International assignments, which increased the importance of the Lessons Learned process. Methods of simulator training with computers have become more frequent and the technical ability to collect digital data from sensors has been developed as well. This work demonstrates how the experience of Lessons Learned can be communicated with the computer simulator StriSimPC and how modern technology in future support experiences from the Lessons Learned process at the tactical level in the Army.Currently knowledge sharing consists of several processes and strategies in the Swedish Armed Forces. This is done by written reports, oral presentations and different practical exercises.This case study shows the functions of the simulator StriSimPC, methods of training and how it is used today. The study also describes the future opportunities, where digital metadata acquired from the modern combat vehicles could contribute sharing of experience in the Lessons Learned process.The summarized conclusions indicate that StriSimPC can combine the two strategies for personalization and codification of knowledge transfer to reach a higher level of learning.

En studie om arbetsmetoder inom det geometriska området volym : i årskurs 4

Bakgrund:Forskning visar att elever upplever svårigheter med geometri och att dessa svårigheter kan bero lektionsupplägget. När det gäller det geometriska området volym har vi uppmärksammat att forskning om hur elever bäst tillgodogör sig undervisning inom detta område är bristfällig. Mot bakgrund av detta vill vi med vår studie undersöka om elever uppvisar några skillnader i resultat beroende på om de har fått arbeta med en teoretisk arbetsmetod eller en praktisk arbetsmetod.Syfte:Syftet är att undersöka om elever uppvisar några skillnader i resultat beroende på om de har arbetat med en teoretisk eller en praktisk arbetsmetod.Metod:Den metod som har använts i vår studie är den första delen av en learning study-cykel. Istället för att utföra en full learning study-cykel i en och samma klass, har vi utfört den första halvan av cykeln i två olika klasser. Eleverna som har deltagit i studien har diagnostiserats med en för- och en efterdiagnos.

?Ett enormt resursslöseri? : En innehållslig idéanalys av debatten om förslaget att införa betyg från årskurs fyra

In the school political debate that is conducted in Sweden the question of grading is an ongoing topic of discussion. During the past year there has been a lively discussion about introducing grade from year four as suggested by the right wing parties. The purpose of this study is to set the teaching faculties? view and arguments in relation to the politicians' opinion in the ongoing debate about the proposal of introducing grades from year four. Furthermore, the aim is to investigate how central the didactic arguments are in relation to other arguments in the current debate.

Hur formas ett inlärningsklimat som är framgångsrikt över tid? : En observationsstudie om fotbollstränares beteenden och träningsaktiviteter

Aim and research questionsThe over-all aim of this study was to gain insight info how two male coaches of a specific soccer team behave in a practice environment with regards to educating the players.More specifically, the study sought to map the extent to which said behaviour matched two specific methods of learning; these being Teaching Games for Understanding (TgfU) and Enhanced Guided Discovery (EGD). Research questions: (1) Do the coaches employ the methods and guidelines, which are outlined in the educational plan provided by the soccer association? If so, what form does this application take in practice? (2) To what extent and in what ways do the coaches utilize feedback and questioning techniques in the education of players? (3) What similarities and differences in behaviour can be identified between the chosen soccer team?s two coaches?Method: The data for the study was collected through field observation. The subjects were two youth elite soccer coaches and observation of these coaches took place during five regular practice sessions on the soccer field. All data gathering and analysis were carried out using a modified version of the Coach Analysis and Intervention System (CAIS).

Bedömningsarbete i grundskolans tidigare år­?lärandesyn, bedömningsprinciper och lärarpraxis : En jämförande studie mellan Sverige och Ryssland

Issues related to knowledge assessment and its consequences for both the individual and the entire school system are topical in today's school debate. The mere fact that didactic issues that focus on assessment are discussed actively not only in scholastic environments but even in media and other communities is further proof that knowledge assessment is an important and complex phenomenon in our lives.The subject that I have chosen to look into is about how the work with assessment issues is handled in Swedish as well as Russian elementary school's early years. The goal with this study is to see how my studies have been conducted with a qualitative approach by which I collected qualitative information in the form of documents, papers and interviews. To make the approach even more appropriate for my area of research, I have chosen to merge two qualitative research methods. The first is a qualitative content analysis which analyses the governing documents.

Lärare i idrott och hälsa? : En etnografisk studie om begreppet hälsa i ämnet idrott och hälsa

Health is a complex concept and therefore difficult to define. The concept today playsan important role in society as well as in school, due to the inactivity of today?s youth. Thelatest curriculum for the compulsory school, Lpo 94, has increased the focus on the concept ofhealth, as a part of the physical education, but how the teacher chooses to construct theeducation is still up to each individual, which leads to a vast room for personal interpretation.This is the starting-point of our qualitative, ethnographical, study, that has resulted inthis composition. By passively participating during four lessons as well as interviewing twoteachers in physical education we have been able to analyse how the education regarding theconcept of health was constructed.

Blixten & Ida, två elever med synnedsättning möter läs- & skriftspråket

By studying recent literature and following current research we know that language awareness and a rich language is important to all children when learning reading and writing and that decoding and understanding of the words are the fundamental processes in reading. How do pupils with visual impairment learn how to read and write? What strategies do they use in their contacts with reading and writing? What are the advantages do pupils with visual impairment have when learning to read and write? These questions have been the starting points in a study we have done by following two pupils with visual impairment. By meeting and discussing with the children, their parents, teachers, and lowvisiontherapists we have got a deeper knowledge in how these children meet the language in reading and writing. We have also come to an understanding regarding people surrounding the children have to make reading and writing comprehensive, enjoying, and meaningful.The problem for a child with visual impairment is the decoding, to catch letters and pictures of words good enough with the sight.

Infärgning och samarbete på El-programmet : staining and cooperation in the Electrical program

This work is about collaboration and staining in the upper secondary school Electrical program. How should the coloring go to in order to increase students' motivation and thus facilitate students' learning is the main subject with the work. The study has shown that there is a functional co-operation today, and that students believe that if the cooperation would increase. It would also in-crease their motivation to improve..

BILD OCH DRAMA I FÖRSKOLAN. : En studie ur ett specialpedagogiskt perspektiv

The aim of the study was from preschool teachers perspective to describe, analyz and understand how teachers in preschool works with children in special needs in image and drama. I have done eights interviews with preschool teachers. From a theoretical base, i use the Nilholms perspectives. I have also Antonovsky and Vygotskijs perspectives. The resultat showed that the majority of preschool teachers have see that image and drama has a great significance over childrens learning in preschool..

Open Source, Pedagogik och Teknik : rekommendation av pedagogisk OS-programvara

Syftet med denna undersökning är att erhålla relevanta frågeställningar som ska utgöra engrund för att ge en rekommendation på en pedagogisk Open Source-programvara som stödjere-learning. En utvärderingsmodell skapas för att få fram ett relevant resultat baseras på svarenpå dessa frågeställningar. Utvärderingsmodellen tillämpas i en fallstudie för att visa enpraktisk användning av modellen. Det framgår vad som är relevant att tänka på vidinförskaffande av en Open Source-programvara som ska vara så pedagogisk som möjligt..

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