

2920 Uppsatser om Energy efficent building - Sida 53 av 195

Beräkning av koldioxidutsläppet från bostadssektorn i Stockholms län

During the last decades the housing sector has increased continuously, and housings and services accounted for 40 % of the energy usage in Sweden during 2011. The expansion in number of buildings in society has resulted in an increase in both energy usage and emissions of greenhouse gases. It is crucial to enable a sustainable development of society and as a result, the demand to reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide is a current question. In this study, the carbon dioxide emitted from the housing sector in Stockholm is estimated. The housing sector can be divided into different types of houses such as apartment blocks, single-family houses and holiday houses. By collecting information of the energy purchased in respective households, a computational model is generated that calculates the total emission of carbon dioxide.

Överklagande och dess roll inom bostadsbyggandet : En granskning av plan- och bygglovsprocessen

The aim of this diploma work was to obtain a review of the appeal process in Sweden under the Planning and Building Act and the possibilities of appeal in the planning and building permit process. The work was intended to identify potential problems surrounding the appeal process and possible efficiency measures. The goal was to form a report that provides a satisfactory overview of the appeal process in theory and practical application as well as provide relevant concrete proposals on how the appeal process can be streamlined.Background and facts surrounding the work were taken from different types of literature and through several interviews with representatives in government, industry and politicians.The main problems related to the appeal process are in the long processing times and the high number of appeals. There is a great interest to streamline the appeals process and the government is going to launch studies in which possible future actions will be investigated.It is possible to appeal for up to two instances before you need a so called ?leave to appeal? in order for your complaint to be passed on to the next instance.

Miljövärdering av resurssnål betong med införande i BIM

This thesis aims to illustrate how environmental impact can be reduced, through the use of lean concrete. It also illustrates how environmental data can be applied to a house through implementation with BIM. In this study a unique concrete structure developed by Swedish Cement and Concrete Research Institute is assessed for environmental impact, by calculating the carbon dioxide equivalents using LCA methodology. The construction is a sandwich element where the concrete is made ??up of three layers.

Val av komplementmaterial för våtkompostering av klosettvatten

Emissions of insufficiently treated wastewater, mainly blackwater (i.e. wastewater from toilets), contributes to the eutrophication of lakes and seas. At the same time, blackwater is a fraction with a low content of heavy metals and, after sanitization, it can recirculate plant nutrients to arable land using the liquid composting treatment method. Liquid composting means that organic material is degraded under aerobic conditions. For sanitization, the blackwater needs to be treated together with energy-rich complementary material.

Turbinkretspump system - Kraftvärmeverket i Borås

The Rya power plant in Borås produces district heating, district cooling and electricity. The plant is owned by Borås Energi och Miljö AB and is run by Dalkia Facility Management AB.In order to get the best heat exchange from the district hot water a pair of twin pumps and a turbine circuit pump are used as return pumps. Turbine circuit pumps are used to increase the pressure through the heat exchangers at the power plant. The pumps are in use when the flow is over 2 000 m3 h-1 and during the summer when re-cooling is used to improve the effectivens of the heat boilers.Since the pumps, that are parallel connected, rotating at a fixed rate per minute, the pressure is regulated with regulating valves. This report shows that during the 4,300 hours that the pumps where in use, energy corresponding to 590 MWh was wasted.

Torrefaction of biomass : a comparative and kinetic study of thermal decomposition for Norway spruce stump, poplar and fuel tree chips

Stump biomass is energy rich and stump harvesting for use as fuel become more and more interesting in Sweden. Swedish Forest Agency (2009) has estimated that stump harvesting in Sweden would respond to an annual energy supply of 57 TWh/year. However, stump has not been recognized as a bioenergy resource in Sweden. Suitable methods for pre-treatment of stump are probably of great importance to make it accepted as fuel. It is therefore rewarding to carry out an investigation in this area for stump. This report represents results from a diploma project, which was aimed to develop a fixed bed reactor for experimental study of biomass torrefaction, followed by TG analysis and kinetic modelling employing Ozawa method and different kinetic models including one-step and three-pseudo-component models.

Utvärdering av laddningskoncept för lastbilsbatterier

When drivers overnight in the truck lots of electric energy is consumed by heaters, fans, lights and other extra equipment. If the engine is not running, this energy is taken from the lead/acid batteries of the truck which then needs to be recharged during operating hours. The fact that the charge acceptance of the lead/acid batteries is dependent on the temperature makes it hard to fully recharge the batteries at lower temperatures. A negative charge balance can lead to starting problems within a few days use in cold climate.In this thesis work, the effects of different battery charging concept are evaluated on the most common Scania battery (175Ah). A battery model is implemented in Matlab and some simulations of charging are made.

Utvärdering av möjligheten att tillvarata energi ur processvatten : En undersökning gjort vid Olofsfors AB på uppdrag av UMIA AB.

The company Olofsfors AB manufactures drive belts for forest machinery, known as ECO-Tracks, and abrasion-resistant steel and cutting edges for graders, excavators and tractors, known as Bruxite and SharqEdges. Manufacturing these products requires the steel to be heated and molded, then submerged in water and hardened. The water used in the hardening of steel is pumped to the process from pits below the floor and then pumped back to the pit after it?s been used. Since the temperature of this water rises after being used to harden the steel the temperature of the pumping pit needs to be adjusted to maintain its setpoint of 21°C.


Stockholm is constantly growing and changing. Despite this, for various reasons, it is difficult to execute large building projects. With starting-point in decision making theories we have tried to investigate these difficulties. More specifically we have chosen to study why it has not been possible to rebuilt Slussen in Stockholm. To help us structure our study we have based our research on another large comparable building project, the Globen City project.

Löpmagsförskjutning hos mjölkkor : en besättningsutredning för att identifiera riskfaktorer för metaboliska störningar

The purpose of this study was to find possible explanations to why the studied herd had an increased incidence of abomasal displacements. The incidence of abomasal displacement in the herd was three times higher than the incidence of an average Swedish herd. The cows in this study were fed a total mixed ration. The different parameters studied were: energy content in food, nutritional content in food, body condition scoring, concomitant other diseases, and blood parameters of glucose, fructosamine, cholesterol, insulin, betahydroxybutyrat and free fatty acids. The author?s suggestions to decrease the problems are to decrease the energy content in the TMR to lower the cows? body condition scores in the dry period and changing the content in the TMR to increase the amount of NDF and adding structure in the form of chopped straw.

Det finns bara en av dig och det är du? : -personliga varumärken som ansökningsstrategi-

The climate at the labour-market in Sweden today means that students who have recently passed their examinations find it quite difficult to find work. The competetiveness calls for a strategy to find advantages in the employment process. The strategy explored in this thesis is called personal branding. We believe that by building a strong personal brand you can increase the possibilities to influence the decisions of those responsible for recruitments in our society. The question we ask ourselves in this essay is how to build a personal brand with the power to give students a competetive advantage in the employment process.

Kombinerat system för ventilation och rumsuppvärmning : Parameterundersökning i simuleringsmodell för takvärmesystem

A large amount of our time is spent indoors in an artificial climate. To make the experience pleasant there are requirements on the ventilation and the heating system. At the present time the most common form of heating is a radiator system complemented with a ventilation system. A ceiling heating system with combined heating and ventilation can replace the two separated systems. The benefit with a ceiling heating solution is that it saves space since the radiator system is no longer needed.

Spårtaxisystem i Uppsala

An increased awareness about the global warming has created a demand for more information on how the climate is affected by different activities.This master thesis was initiated by Tricorona, a Swedish company that offers its customers analysis and calculation of their climate impact. Tricorona also supplies climate neutralisation with CERs, in accordance with the Kyoto protocol and controlled by the UN. This work demands updated emission factors for greenhouse gases. An emission factor gives information about the greenhouse gasintensity of a service or a product [kg CO2-eq./ functional unit].The purpose of this thesis is to examine how electricity, district heating, hotels, taxis, food and materials affect the climate and how emission factors for these areas can be calculated.This was done by reviewing and comparing different studies and by interviewing experts. The information was evaluated and recommendations on calculations and emission factors were made.The consumption of energy is the main source of greenhouse gas emissions for district heating, electricity, hotels, taxis and materials.

Ämnet Idrott och hälsa som grund för ett längre arbetsliv

The purpose of this study is to examine how well the teaching of physical education meets the needs of a future life in the building and construction industry. In order to answer the survey's purpose, we have carried interviews with teachers for the subject Physical education and health as well as with teachers for the Building- and construction program in order to through their experience gain understanding of common health problems in the profession, but also to gain a deeper understanding of the importance of the subject Physical education and health for this profession. We have reported and described previous research and then analyzed it during our processing of collected data material. The result of the interviews showed that the teachers as far as possible are trying to adjust the lessons to suit this practical program. They also indicate several aspects to consider in order to further customize the education for students in the Building- and construction program.

Underlag för solcellsproducerad el i Stockholm : Potential och klimatpåverkan

The City of Stockholm has decided to invest in renewable energy and especially in photovoltaics. The objective of this thesis is to investigate the photovoltaic potential on roof areas that the city possesses and to further investigate some buildings of the Property Management Department. The thesis also compares some existing photovoltaic plants with the solar irradiance map which shows available roof area on each building in Stockholm. The report ends with a literature study about the climate impact and greenhouse gas emissions of photovoltaic.The total available roof area suitable for photovoltaic plants is estimated to 700 000 m2, with a potential electricity production of 110 GWh per year. This corresponds to 17 % of the City of Stockholm?s yearly electricity consumption.

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