

2920 Uppsatser om Energy efficent building - Sida 46 av 195

Skolhuset - idéer, avsikter och debatter kring skolhusets fysiska miljö i tidskriften Lärarnas Tidning - Svensk Skoltidning 1962-1974

In this study I examine the debates, intentions and ideas concerning the physical and created schoolroom as they appeared in the journal Lärarnas Tidning - Svensk Skoltidning (Teachers Journal ? Swedish School journal) during the period 1962-1974. The built and created school building and its environment has been a relatively neglected topic in Swedish pedagogical research.When the Swedish comprehensive system transformed during the sixties, with new curricula and a common nine year school, many school professionals realised the need for a new and pedagogically adjusted schoolhouse.The early seventies marked a decline after a ten year period with an extensive building program affecting large parts of Sweden, and where schoolhouses had been an important part. The debate concerning the new Swedish school building was sometimes inspired and refreshing, but resistance and bitterness was also expressed. In part, this should be seen against the backdrop of the introduction of a new educational system, using new and sometimes untested pedagogical ideas, together with the fast transformation of the Swedish society.The research method is an exploratory textual analysis focused on five different issues: ideas concerning community centres and integration, participatory and democratic issues about the built environment, the school building as a pedagogical tool, aesthetic considerations, and the working environment.

Funktionell validering av mutation i PUS-1 i en patient med mitokondriell sjukdom

With the climate change issues growing in importance on the social agenda, the field of urban masterplanning is of no exception when it comes to minimizing the carbon footprint in a variety of projects. The aim of this thesis has been to prepare the Carbon Critical Masterplanning tool, a software plugin for carbon dioxide emissions assessment developed by Atkins, to be used in Swedish conditions. The main targets were to improve the areas of the tool associated with energy conversion and renewable energy sources, and to test the tool in a real case. A planned construction of a new campus in Albano, Stockholm was chosen for the pilot study. A 3D model was built in the tool and the carbon footprint was calculated for a variety of combinations for energy supply to the future area.

Naturgas i Australien år 2020 : Framtida konsumtion, export, import och produktion samt konsumtion under inverkan av ett klimatavtal

Australia is one of the largest producers and consumers of fossil fuels in the world. In a society where the effects of fossil fuels on global warming are constantly discussed, the nation?s production and consumption are subject to debate. Problems arise when negative aspects of consumption, such as emissions of greenhouse gases, are put in relation to an increased need of energy and economic growth. However, it is important to distinguish between different types of fossil fuels when it comes to their individual impact on the environment and to analyze the possibilities to increase the more environmental friendly ones.

Traditionell ekologisk kunskap i en framtid med lokala, självförsörjande och urbana samhällen

Several scenarios point toward a future where we are far more people on Earth than today, where most of those people will live in cities and where oil no longer dominates in the transport systems and in agriculture as an energy source and where less energy will be available to us. The report investigates what areas in traditional ecological knowledge that can contribute to the transition that follows a future with less energy and establishes three areas with the potential of becoming important: areaspecific biological knowledge in societies that are more dependent upon its surrounding environment and its natural prerequisitesthe local management of these biological resources, which often means a fair sharing and sustainable handling of the resources and which has been observed in Nobel price awarded Elinor Ostrom?s researchthe world views that lie behind how the environment is considered and managed, world views that can inspire and point toward how we in the future should formulate world views that do not give the destructive modern management of the environment It is also noted that the magnitude of the city living in the future is a historical news and that very little research has been done in how traditional knowledge can be transferred into this kind of living..

Valmöjligheter i samband med prefabricerade badrum

This report deals with prefabricated bathrooms and the advantage, during the production process, they have compared to ordinary produced bathrooms.The work is done together with the building company JM. The common task is to investigate if the manufactures, in spite of standardized design can meet the concept of JM, i.e. high flexibility and adjustment towards the customer. In JM they are doubtful to the method, as they did not yet worked with prefabricated modules and think that the choises for the costumer will be limited.There will be a short resume of the progress of the bathrooms and its importance as sanitary and wellbeing.The recent problems with damage caused by damp in bathrooms. Have resultade in regulations.

Det energiproducerande huset

We are heading towards a huge switch of how energy is produced with fossil fuels being replaced by renewable energy sources. It is not difficult to replace the energy you use in the house and there is no need for futuristic technology. There are already many established products on the market such as high efficiency vacuum solar collectors, heat pumps & small wind power stations that can supply the energy being used in a house. The company Sol & Energiteknik SE AB in Huskvarna has many different products which can reduce the need for an outside energy distributor. An average house in Sweden uses 15 000 kWh for heating, 5000 kWh for tap water and 5000 kWh for electricity.

Is procuring qualified human capital from China a future for Sweden's wealth sustainability?

Our purpose was to examine why and how to start a ?bridge building enterprise? between qualified Chinese human capital and Swedish structure capital. The theoretical framework consists of literature from well renowned authors and is divided into four different parts: Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management, China & Intercultural understanding. The empirical foundation has been gathered from a great variety of different sources in an attempt to cover the many complex angels in which this subject can be looked upon. Chinese students, managers in international companies with experience from China, Chinese employees in Swedish companies and different people with good knowledge of different areas of China are all among our respondents.In our conclusion we have reached the three following conclusions for why one should start a ?bridge building? enterprise in between qualified Chinese human capital and Swedish structure capital:-To fill future shortage of qualified human capital in Sweden.-To improve communication between Swedish companies and the Chinese market.-To develop qualified Chinese human capital with western standards..

Solvärme till Östersunds Rehabcentrums terapibad : Förstudie av förutsättningar för, - och lönsamhet med, solfångare för att värma terapibadet

This report treats whether it is viable to invest in solar heating to heat the therapy pool at Östersunds Rehabcentrum. The rehab center is owned by the county council of Jämtland and is located on Solliden in Östersund city. The solar heating where supposed to be a complement to the district heating that was heating the pool in the current situation. Later, it however showed that this was not the case. The pool is currently being heated by a radiator circuit that is being heated by the district heating.

Trådlös energiöverföring via elektromagnetisk induktion

This paper describes a method for wireless energy transfer via near-field electromagnetic inductionthat is inexpensive, simple and can be applied to almost any type of system, regardless of size andenergy demands.The method uses a primary unit consisting of an oscillator, amplifier and inductive coil thattransfers energy to a secondary unit consisting of a coil, rectifier and voltage regulator. Two typesof oscillators and several amplifier designs were realized and evaluated together with a multitudeof flat coils of both monofilar and bifilar type.The results show that it is important to use an oscillator whose frequency is dependent on theinductance of the connected transmission coil, such as the Colpitts oscillator. This is preferable toan oscillator with a preset frequency, such as a Schmitt-trigger oscillator..

Effekter av nya PBL : En studie av processen från handläggning av bygglovsansökan till slutbesked

It has now passed two years since the new site- and construction law, PBL, went into force. It replaced the previous PBL applicable since 1987, and it involves relatively large changes in many different areas of the construction sector. The ambitions of the new law are for instance to simplify and clarify the legal text, increase efficiency in the permitting processes and improve the quality of construction. To achieve this, a variety of changes was made. Some of the most important are: inserted deadline in the processing of building applications, extended assessment of building applications, revised rules about controlplan and quality manager, a certificate is required to start and end the project, an additional meeting is inserted and the construction management of the municipalities will have to do a mandatory visit at the work scene.

Gestaltningsförslag för Norbyvreten : från kvarterspark till stadsdelspark

The prevailing food and energy crisis of the world, due to the declining reserves of fossil energy and a never ending rise of consumption, forces us to look into new fields to supply our energy demand. The boom of bio energy is criticized, as food crops are used to provide biodiesel and ethanol and the volumes are ridiculously small to supply world demand. Algae are one of the world?s oldest life forms and exist in many different phyla, providing a great variety to choose from, for different purposes. Cultivating microalgae offer a way to produce energy at great volumes without competing with food production and at the same time the algae offer a way to use our expensive nutrients in a more efficient way, besides this the algae are carbon dioxide neutral since their carbon source can be supplied by the atmosphere and the additional energy required can be supplied by algal oil or other renewable sources.

Småskalig vattenkraft :

Small hydropower plants have been an important source for electricity for many years. During the 70?s the general thought was that nuclear was the future. Around 2000 small waterpower plants were shut down. It wasn?t profitable to invest in.

Multipel regressionsanalys av S&P 500 Energy Index

I denna rapport undersöktes S&P 500 Energy Index genom multipel regressionsanalys. Modellerframställdes genom regression och baserades på data hämtad från börsen. Modellerna angavs iprocentuell ändring respektive absolut ändring. Validitet för varje enskild kovariat testades och en risknivå avgjorde om en kovariat skulle inkluderas i modellen eller inte. Detta ledde till två modeller med bättre kurvanpassning till den givna mängd data över det valda energiindex.

Samrådsunderlag för Lysekilsprojektet : Forskning och utveckling av vågkraft

The aim of this research is to find out what environmental impact a wave power park has on the Swedish west coast by creating a consultation paper (?Samrådsunderlag?) for the Lysekilproject at Uppsala University. To highlight the complexity of the problem a system analytic approach was used and illustrated by a Causal Loop Diagram.The overall assessment of the Lysekilprojects wave power park at the Swedish west coast is that it will have a low impact on the environment. This is due to the relative small size of the wave power park and some technical solutions made with the environmental aspect in mind. Artificial reefs and a sanctuary for marine species are effects created by the wave power park and in the longer term the impact will give access to an untapped source of renewable energy, wave energy.

Att tala fritt är stort, att tala rätt är större - En komparativ analys av statens användning av språk som instrument i nationsbyggnadsprocessen i Ukraina och Kazakstan

This thesis is a comparative analysis of language policy in the Post-Soviet states Ukraine and Kazakhstan, wherein the states are seen as rational actors using language as an instrument in the nation-building process. With a take-off point in an underframe of theories on the nation, national identity, instrumentalism, power and the particular role of language in the nation-building process, this thesis shows that language is a key instrument used by the two states.The Ukrainian and Kazakhian language policies create and put across a certain image of the nation, by emphasising the titular languages as symbols of the new states. The line of argument in the language policy is a balance act between large-scale promotion of titular languages and a careful and inclusive attitude towards the Russian language. The biggest differences are that Ukraine, compared to Kazakhstan, has a more comprehensive and consequent language policy with a deeply rooted historic rhetoric. The most obvious instruments of the states in language policy is censuses, corpus-planning and the state choosing one official language..

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