

2917 Uppsatser om Energy and resource consumption - Sida 63 av 195

Reducering av markskador vid GROT-skotning

Swedish energy policy aims to increase the use of energy from renewable sources and this should be done in a safe, environmentally and sustainable manner. According to the Energy Agency the use bio-fuel increased by 73% between 1990 - 2006. Stands with high share of slash are often located on areas with high productivity which often are located on soils with poor bearing capacity. This will increase traffic on susceptible soil leading to increased ground damage. To reduce the risk of ground damage at slash-forwarding, ground protection is needed.

Användarvänlighet i blötutfodring : enkätstudie för smågrisproducenter

It is possible to affect the feed costs in different ways. By steeping or fermentation the digestibility of the feed is improved for the animals with a natural process in the wet feeding system Steeping means that the feed is soaked some hours before feeding. This process activatesenzymes and improves the digestibility of for example phosphorus in the feed and make it more accessible to the animal. Wet feeding can be fermented or not. Fermentationmeans that the feed has been soaked for a certain length of time so that a biological process is started.

Bolagsstyrning och tillgänglighet : Hur funkar det?

AbstractThe OMX Nordic Exchange Stockholm requires all large companies to apply the Swedish Code ofCorporate Governance. A revised code will be applied from July 2008. The purpose of this paper is toidentify the accessibility of information on corporate governance and in particular how the compliance,concerning the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance in the perspective of an internet active generalpublic.This paper is a complete census of the companies at the OMX Nordic Exchange Stockholm whocomplies with the code. Each company website has been visited and a comparison between the sectorsat the OMX Exchange Stockholm has been performed.Results: 96% of the companies present the members of the nomination committee. 94% presents thenomination committees proposal of the company board members, though only 33% of the companies inthe Energy sector.

Computer Modelling of the Influence of Surface Topography on Water Repellency and a Study on Hydrophobic Paper Surfaces with Partly Controlled Roughness

A computer model based on minimization of the free energy, capable to predict contact angles and spreading transitions between Wenzel and Cassie mode for drops placed on surfaces with different topography were implemented in matlab. Simulations were compared with experiments documented in the literature. These showed that reported transitions between Cassie and Wenzel mode can be explained by minimization of the free energy. In this report, a study on the possibility of constructing water repellent paper surfaces with a combination of treatment with octadecyltrichlorosilane and topography changes, is included..

Gynnar eller motverkar kommunerna kostnadseffektiv miljöstyrning : en studie av kommunala taxor och avgifter

Local charges may induce people to change their pattern of consumption by influencing investments and acts in certain directions. Some charges could for example give people incentives to use less natural resources. This study investigates four different local charges and whether they benefit an economical management with natural resources or not. This is carried out by investigating whether there is a polarity between local charges that may influence environmental actions or goods, and effective pollution control set to achieve certain nationally determined environmental goals. The study includes two economic perspectives and investigates on the one hand whether local charges counteract governmental subsidies and on the other hand whether the charges vary between the different municipalities since large differences may lead to cost inefficiency.

OTEC-Ett energialternativ för enhållbar ö

Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) is a technology that utilizes the temperaturedifference in oceans between the warm surface water and the cold water at 1000 m depthto produce electricity. The purpose of this report is to investigate if OTEC with its synergiescould become a commercially feasible energy solution for a small island. A literature reviewis conducted to explore the different OTEC technologies and to what extent the threesynergies; fresh water, air conditioning and aquaculture, could be used. In order to calculatethe profitability of these synergies there is also a study conducted on the conventionalmethods and cost of fresh water production, aquaculture and air conditioning. A model is setup using a scenario of a small tropical Island with population of 100 000 people.

Hur ser de kemiska principerna för mätning av metabolism med hjälp av indirekt kalorimetri ut? En metodjämförelse mellan Douglas-bag och Oxycon Stationary Pro

Oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production are usual measurements within the sports and training physiology. The same measurements are also common when it comes to establish the amount of energy that is used during work and to establish the intensity of work. The volume of oxygen that is consumed contra the volume of carbon dioxide that is produced can be used to calculate the metabolic rate within the human body. This calculation shows the percent relationship between carbohydrates and fat in the metabolism. The first accurate method to measure the breathing gases for use in metabolic calculation was established in the early twenty century when the Douglas bag method was introduced.

Hur söker användare kinesiskt material i LIBRIS: ?????

The purpose with this thesis is to research what function the National Library Catalogue of Sweden (LIBRIS) has as an information resource for Chinese language material. How is LIBRIS used as an information resource seen from the point of view of a users specific language need. This will be exemplified through an empirical survey of three user groups with different prerequisites concerning their knowledge in Chinese. Group A were beginners and had studied Chinese for one year. Group B were advanced students who were studying their third year of Chinese.

Kaffe och energidryck : Den sociala utvecklingen och konsumtionen av koffein

Kaffet började ursprungligen konsumeras för koffeinets effekter, vidare utvecklades kaffet och blev en social dryck. Kaffe spreds runt hela världen och koffeinet användes som tillsatts i energidryck och andra livsmedel.Syftet är att undersöka utvecklingen av koffeinets konsumtionsmönster och sociala roll i kaffe och energidryck.Arbetet är en litteraturstudie baserad på fyra vetenskapliga artiklar som samlats in genom två olika databaser. Urvalet av artiklar skedde med hjälp av förbestämda kriterier.Resultatet visar att koffein i dryck ger njutningsfyllda effekter men även bieffekter finns. Koffeinet har utvecklats som tillsatts i bland annat energidryck samt läsk och konsumtion av energidryck kopplas till problembeteenden. Detta livsmedel konsumeras ibland med alkohol och det finns konsekvenser med denna konsumtion.

Solenergi på Nya Karolinska Solna

In today?s society climate change has grown to one of the largest global issues. To reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, large changes of the energy system are required. An increasingly popular solution is investments in local production of renewable energy resources like wind, solar or geothermal power. The following report examines the possibility for implementing a solar power plant on the new hospital Nya Karolinska Solna. Two different technologies for extraction of solar energy has been studied, solar thermal collectors  to meet the need of heating and solar cells to satisfy the need for electricity linked to operating the hospital building.

Studie av introduktionen av NorFor Plan för foderstatsberäkning till mjölkkor i Sverige :

NorFor is a cooperative project between the consulting organisations owned by the farmers in the Nordic countries ? Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Iceland. The project started in 2001 and the outcome, the system for ration calculation NorFor Plan and the model for evaluating the ration NorFor Evaluation, was completed in 2006. Along with NorFor Plan economical optimization are available and according to literature, the optimization will generate a 2 öre lower feed cost per kg milk, and thereby improve the profit for the farmer. The use of NorFor Plan in Sweden for feed optimization during spring 2008 has been very small. In this study eight herds in the middle of Sweden fed half the herd according to the classical system used in Sweden and the other half according to NorFor Plan system.

The welfare of the laboratory mouse : comparison in development of mouse pups in three different individual ventilated cage (IVC) systems

Today the individual ventilated cage system (IVC-system) is a commonly used housing system for mice in research facilities. IVC systems have HEPA- filters and are designed to control both supply and exhausted air at cage level, as well as temperature and relative humidity in the cages. This creates an optimal environment for the mouse and at the same time a protection against the risk of cross-infection between cages and the outside environment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the health and welfare of breeding females and pups of two different strains of laboratory mice (NMRI nude mice and C57BL/6N) in three different kinds of IVC-systems; Arrowmight, Allentown and Tecniplast. The NMRI nude (Nu) females gave birth to 18 litters in Allentown, 16 litters in Arrowmight and 15 litters in Tecniplast.

Striving for innovation; working in CFT - a case study of Audi

The purpose of this thesis is to study and determine how working in cross functional teams can generate value in an effort to facilitate innovation. An inductive scientific perspective is chosen as the research approach. A single case is investigated with the theoretical framework based on Resource Based View, Intellectual Capital, Innovation theory and theories concerning Cross Functional Teams. The empirical material has been collected through primary data; surveys, interviews and secondary data; literature, websites and further complementary data. The practice of using Cross Functional Teams will enhance organizational learning, knowledge transfer, increase communication and innovation, which in turn will increase the speed and performance of the new product development process.

Möjligheter att öka effektiviteten och det ekonomiska utfallet av barkhanteringen vid Seskarö sågverk :

The sludgebark and to a certain extent the bark were until a decade ago waste products without any economic value that were thrown away. A number of environmental laws and increcing energy prices have improved the prerequisites for increasing the use of these materials. At Seskarö sawmill they burn the sludgebark and a great deal of the bark in the sawmill furnace. The sludgebark has a number of disadvantages compared to bark during burning. The sludgebark is often wet which means the energy net from burning often gets low.

Passivhusen på Oxtorget

Syftet med vårt examensarbete är att undersöka hur passivhus eller så kallade nollenergihus skiljer sig i funktion samt uppbyggnad från konventionella hus.I vår undersökning tar vi upp hur utformning, orientering, material samt ett väl fungerande klimatskal påverkar energiförbrukningen.Vi har tittat närmare på faktorer som sparar energi samt hur ett typiskt passivhus är uppbyggt. För att se hur teorin fungerar i praktiken har vi tittat närmare på befintliga passivhus, nämligen de på Oxtorget i Värnamo.Vi har kommit fram till att passivhus fungerar och vi anser det som väldigt viktigt att man fortsätter driva fram arbetet och informera om dess betydelse för miljön.Passivhus blir mer och mer uppmärksammat. De är något dyrare att bygga, men man tjänar in det i längden. Lönsamheten är dock inte det viktigaste utan känslan av att man gör något bra för miljön..

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