

2917 Uppsatser om Energy and resource consumption - Sida 18 av 195

Fo?rutsa?ttningar fo?r elektrifierade lastbilar med eHighway inom svensk gruvindustri : En ja?mfo?relse av olika transportslag mellan Mertainen och Svappavaara

The Swedish government has a goal of achieving a fossil-free vehicle fleet in 2030. Heavy transport constitutes a significant part of Sweden's transportation sector and the vehicles are driven almost exclusively by fossil fuels. Siemens has developed eHighway, a concept for electric road systems enabling electrification of trucks, in order to reduce the environmental impact of heavy transports. This study aims to investigate the potential that eHighway has on transporting iron ore from the mine of Mertainen to a processing plant in Svappavaara. Electrified trucks are compared with conventional trucks, and diesel and electric trains.The evaluation was made with respect to energy consumption, environmental impact, and cost.

Energikartläggning av avfallsförbränningen i Uppsala

Vattenfall Heat Uppsala runs the waste incineration plant in Uppsala, which produces district heating, process steam, district cooling and electricity. Vattenfall Heat Uppsala has decided to introduce an energy management system with the aim to increase the energy efficiency of the plant. The basis in such a system is to make an energy mapping.In this thesis an energy mapping has been performed at the waste incineration plant with the aim to identify and determine the size of energy flows. The investigated energy flows are used fuel, produced and used steam, produced district heating and cooling. Also the use of electricity to run the processes has been investigated.

Energiutredning av hjälpkraft på Karlshamsverket

Mål - Att spara 1 GWh underhållsenergi på Karlshamsverket.Metod - Att lokalisera de största energisänkorna på kraftverket, göra mätningar eller uppskattningar på hur mycket energi dessa förbrukar, för att där efter ge förslag på tekniska åtgärder, med tillhörande ekonomiska beräkningar som ska reducera energiförbrukningen..

Energianvändning i badhus : Simulering och jämförelse av gamla och nya system

Every year new premises are built in Sweden, and even if they are made as energy efficient as possible, this will not reduce the energy demands, but the rate of the increase of the energy use will be reduced. One type of facility in Sweden that is a major energy user is public baths, and this makes public baths an interesting facility to study more closely. There are around 500 public baths in Sweden and about 75 % of those can be seen as older baths with large need of renovation, and they all require a high level of energy efficiency measures. To show how the energy demand increase or decrease depending on the changes chosen to be made, the simulation application IDA Indoor Climate and Energy was used. Simulations were made and compared for several cases, with two extreme cases as starting points.

Samband mellan lågt tryck i dricksvattenledningar och magbesvär - En utredning av hur lågt tryck på dricksvattenledningsnätet vid lagning av läckor påverkar sjukligheten hos Göteborg Vattens abonnenter.

Two elementary schools are now being built in Gråbo (in the municipality of Lerum),Röselidsskolan and Ljungviksskolan, which are both designed with solar thermalcollectors for the schools domestic water heating. During the summer while thelargest amount of solar heat can be generated, the activity hence the domestic wateruse in the schools are heavily reduced. Both schools are connected to the local districtheating system which makes it possible to use the solar collectors to deliver heat tothe district heating.The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the two systems mentioned above and todetermine which system is more suitable to apply on a school. The building whichconditions were used for this evaluation is Röselidsskolan.A solar heating plant of each system type was dimensioned from the expected andknown conditions of the building. The purpose with the dimensioning was to makethe solar plants replace the ordinary energy source as much as possible.

Finns det en oförmåga hos skolan att finnas till för alla elever? : En intervjustudie om resursskolan

The aim of this study was to gain a better understanding of resource schools 1 as a human services organization and institution, based on teachers and principals? perspectives. The purpose of resource schools is to provide the students tools and resources to enable them to return to the regular school within two years. The study also aims to examine more closely how this objective applies to the studied resource schools in the studied municipality, as well as highlighting the success factors and barriers that exist to achieve the goal. Previous studies show that this kind of differential practice tends to become a permanent solution.

Utvärdering av ett system för Rapid Control Prototyping inom området robotstyrning

In this report a system for Rapid Control Prototyping, RCP, is evaluated through animplementation of the motor control methods Field Oriented Control, FOC, and Space VectorPulse Width Modulation, SVPWM. The evaluation emphasizes on time-consumption andresource utilization on the used hardware and on usability for of software.A new mechatronic laboratory is under development at ABB Corporate Research in Västerås. Itwill be used for both mechanical and motion control design using existing and new hardware.The control structure in a traditional robot system will be interfaced to a rapid prototypingsystem which should allow easy changes to algorithms at different levels in the system.The system designated for this project comes from National Instruments and constitutesLabVIEW Real-time and FPGA module as the software tools. The hardware is a NI Single-Board RIO (Reconfigurable Input Output), sbRIO, development board including a Field-Programmable Gate Array, FPGA, from Xilinx and a microprocessor from FreescaleSemiconductor. Graphical programming is performed in the LabVIEW environment, andthrough Xilinx tools the LabVIEW FPGA code is compiled to VHDL code.A pre-study was carried out to clarify the concept of RCP and investigate different systems forRCP and their traits.

Ljudisolering i prefabricerade betongstommar. En fältmätning av luft- och stegljudsisolering.

Two elementary schools are now being built in Gråbo (in the municipality of Lerum),Röselidsskolan and Ljungviksskolan, which are both designed with solar thermalcollectors for the schools domestic water heating. During the summer while thelargest amount of solar heat can be generated, the activity hence the domestic wateruse in the schools are heavily reduced. Both schools are connected to the local districtheating system which makes it possible to use the solar collectors to deliver heat tothe district heating.The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the two systems mentioned above and todetermine which system is more suitable to apply on a school. The building whichconditions were used for this evaluation is Röselidsskolan.A solar heating plant of each system type was dimensioned from the expected andknown conditions of the building. The purpose with the dimensioning was to makethe solar plants replace the ordinary energy source as much as possible.

Lantbrukaren som energiproducent : en fallstudie i energisatsningar inom lantbruket

The intrest and development of bioenergy and energy from renewable sources in Sweden has increased rapidly over the last few years. There are a whole lot of alternatives for those who would like to venture and invest in renewable energy production. Production of renewable energy opens up many opportunities for forestry and farming to venture a new branch of production, on basis of the primary production. Several of the new energy sources grows on farmland or in the forest. The opportunities exist in the primary products, as well as in refining and reselling, in the value chain of energy. The starting-point is the Farmer as an energyproducer. This master thesis studies the nature of farmer-own firms, who has invested in production of renewable energy.

Investeringskalkyl baserad på ett flerbostadshus energiprestanda

The aim of this study is to find a method to incorporate the energydemand of a building in the investment cost estimate.The study is based on an actual apartment block. The significant energyaspects are identified, and changed to more energy efficient options.These are then simulated using the energy calculation program VIP+.The calculated energy need is used in the investment cost estimate, andthe simulated alternatives are compared in regards to their economicalprofitability.Depending on the focus, different alternatives are the most advantageous.Since this study aims to show which alternative is the mosteconomically profitable, the annual profit is the parameter of mostimportance. This means that individual measuring of heating and hotwater use is the recommended change of the original house. A changeof the windows to new ones with a U-value of 1,0 as well as 0,8W/m2K also results in a positive change of the annual profit comparedto the original house..

Optimering av informationsinsamlingvid prototyptillverkning

This report discusses a method to detect divers in harbour environments usingpassive acoustic detection. The goal was to achieve as high detection as possiblewithout having too high false alarm rate. A short execution time was also desirable.By using the characteristic of an inhalation a band-pass filter was applied to the signalto improve the signal to noise ratio. After the filtering an energy estimation of thesignal was made. This energy estimation was later used in a frequency analysis, whichcould tell us if there were enough energy in the frequencies that correspond to adivers breathing frequency.

Klädhandel på internet i ett Lean Consumption perspektiv

Lean Consumption är ett perspektiv att se på handel som strävar efter att minska kundensköpmotstånd. Detta genom att förse kunden med exakt vad den vill ha på ett tidseffektivt sätt.Tid som under köpprocessen inte är värdeskapande för kund ska reduceras. Lyckas företagetefterleva Lean Consumption perspektivet tyder det på att företaget kan tillgodose sig positivaeffekter.Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur Lean Consumption perspektivet för närvarandeanvänds bland klädhandlare på internet och vilka effekter det kan leda till. Till stöd för vårtresonemang använder vi oss av kompletterande vetenskap. Studien fokuserar inte på ett visstsegment av internetaktörer, meningen är att undersöka Lean Consumption perspektivet frånolika företags synvinklar.Den bäst lämpade metoden anser vi varit en kvalitativ ansats.

Passivhus ur en brukares perspektiv

 Ett passivhus är ett hus som i stort sett enbart värms upp av människorna och elapparaterna som finns i huset. Särskilda krav för att få kalla huset för passivhus måste uppfyllas.Vi har gjort en enkätundersökning på tre olika passivhusprojekt för att utreda vad de boende tycker om inomhusklimatet. De utvalda projekten finns i Värnamo, Frillesås och Glumslöv. Enkätsvaren visar att de boende i Frillesås är mycket nöjda, medan mer än 50 % av dem som bor i Glumslöv tycker att det är för varmt på sommaren och för kallt på vintern. För att utreda om de olika konstruktionerna har någon inverkan på inomhusklimatet har beräkningar och simuleringar i datorprogrammen VIP+ och IDA gjorts.

Gröna lösningar - en fallstudie av aktuell teknik för energieffektivitet för Skanska Sverige ab 

ur society is today in a phase of development in environmental and sustainable thinking. Alarming reports show changes in climate caused by our load and exhaust of resources. The energy usage contributes to a big part of it, by its emission of carbon dioxide. The built environment uses around 40 % of the total energy consumption in Sweden and requests to strongly reduce it are presented from both EU and national level.This thesis brings up the subject of green building with a focus on how we can create more energy efficient buildings in projects of new construction. Since the construction industry today often fails to pass on the knowledge between different projects, as a return of experiences, the construction company Skanska suggested the topic for this thesis.

Ungdomars upplevelser av sina konsumtionsmöjligheter : En enkätundersökning i en sjundeklass

The object of this essay was about youth's experiences of their possibility of consumption. We also wanted to analyze if their possibility of consumption had a connection with their experience of happiness. Another part of the object was to see if there where any differences between girls and boys concerning the questions above. One of the issues we had was if the youth's money was enough for their needs of consumption. The method we used were a questionnaire, which we asked a class of 22 pupils to fill in.

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