

2917 Uppsatser om Energy and resource consumption - Sida 19 av 195

Beslut om investering i alternativ energi : en studie om hur lantbrukare fattar beslut vid investering i halmpanna

Interest in alternative energies is high in Sweden today, particularly in the agricultural sector. According to the Swedish lantbruksbarometern (2009), almost all respondents consider the use of some form of alternative energy from the farm. While interest in alternative energies is large, attention to the alternative energy straw has fallen and is almost nowhere mentioned in the literature today. Three years ago, in the Lantbruksbarometern nearly 44% of the farmers would be willing to invest in straw as heating system on the farm. How do the farmers decide to invest in alternative energies? With this information a problem is presented for this paper.

Experimentell jämförelse av Cassandra, MongoDB och MySQL

Context. Performance and resource usage is often an important factor for database driven services. Depending on the purpose of the application, choosing the wrong type of database may require unnecessary hardware upgrades or replacements. Objectives. This study investigates the differences in performance and resource usage between different SQL- and NoSQL-databases.

Flickor ? identitet ? alkohol : en kvalitativ undersökning på Maria Ungdom om flickors identitetsskapande i relation till problematisk alkoholkonsumtion, ur ett behandlarperspektiv

The objective of this study was investigating social worker?s perspective of how alcohol consumption can affect, and what elements in the social environment that may be of significance for, alcohol consumption and development of identity. The questions at issue were: Do social workers experience any positive effects from alcohol consumption in 16-17 year-old girls with problematic alcohol consumption and what influence do the effects have on self esteem, self image and development of identity? What do social workers experience are the negative effects from alcohol consumption on self esteem, self image and development of identity? How important do social workers find the social environment and how do they believe the social environment affect the alcohol consumption and development of identity? This was investigated with a qualitative approach from a social worker?s perspective, hence social workers were interviewed. The study?s theoretical basis was Symbolic Interactionism and Erikson?s theory of Psychosocial Development.

Energieffektiviserande åtgärder i samband med renovering av flerbostadshus

In Sweden, a big part of the energy use is used in the housing sector. Political goals and targets are set up which the housing sector needs to work towards. Apartment buildings are a major part of the housing sector in Sweden and therefore reduction of energy use in these kinds of buildings are key to lower the energy use in Sweden. But there are not only political incentives to reduce the energy use. Some energy?saving measures are directly profitable and should thus be performed.

Entreprenöriellt lärande och entreprenörskap : En studie av hur naturbrukslärare upplever undervisningssättet

This thesis deals with how natural resource teachers in natural resource schools in Sweden work with entrepreneurial learning and entrepreneurship. It is important both for our Government and our agricultural department that entrepreneurship is present in our education. In government´s new reform 2011 for upper secondary schools entrepreneurship is the main theme, but it is not only entrepreneurship as a business company, it is also about entrepreneurship in schools like entrepreneurial capabilities in government´s writ. The purpose of this study is to examine how a number of teachers in natural resource schools are working with entrepreneurial learning and entrepreneurship. I have also asked how the teachers would like to work with these areas.The method I have chosen to use in order to perform this study is qualitative interviews with six natural resource teachers and a pilote interview.The teachers I interviewed are working to provide students with self-knowledge and teaches students to see possibilities and solve problems, which is required for us to create entrepreneurial students and entrepreneurship in education. This is also stressed in several of the literary sources I used..

Energideklaration av flerbostadshus

In the year 2002 the European Union decided on a new directive according to the energy use in buildings. The outcome of this direction is a proposition from the Swedish government on the outlines of a new law in the field of energy use in buildings. The date that the law will be applied is the first of October 2006. In the future al real estate owners must be able to show an energystatement over the real estate. This project contains cooperation with HFAB a local real estate company where two buildings are analyzed according to their energystatement.

Passive acoustic diver detection

This report discusses a method to detect divers in harbour environments usingpassive acoustic detection. The goal was to achieve as high detection as possiblewithout having too high false alarm rate. A short execution time was also desirable.By using the characteristic of an inhalation a band-pass filter was applied to the signalto improve the signal to noise ratio. After the filtering an energy estimation of thesignal was made. This energy estimation was later used in a frequency analysis, whichcould tell us if there were enough energy in the frequencies that correspond to adivers breathing frequency.

Kraft och Deformationsmätningar på Snap Load gummi

The power consumption has grown rapidlyin the last decade. Fossil fuels and theneed for alternative energy sources aregreat. Ocean waves are a renewable andsustainable source of energy that hasbeen relatively untapped. At UppsalaUniversity research and development havebeen done for several years. Severaltypes of wave energy converters (WEC)have been created.

Budgetstöd : relationen till de svenska biståndspolitiska målen: att skapa förutsättningar för de fattiga att själva driva sin utveckling, uppnå jämlika förhållanden mellan givare och mottagare och fattigdomsbekämpning

There's no doubt today that mankind has contributed to the changing climate byher use of fossil fuels. This must change in the nearby future. The Europeanleaders are expressing concern that renewable energy sources are not beingused to their full potential. The 2001/77/EC Directive on Electricity Productionfrom Renewable Energy Sources was accepted in 2001 to encourage thedevelopment of energy production from renewable sources, which isconsidered a step towards the fulfillment of the goal of the Union, that 12% ofthe gross energy consumption should come from renewable energy sources bythe year 2010.The objective of this thesis is to illuminate the common legislation of the EUregarding renewable energy with regard to goal fulfillment, judicial quality,conflicts with other goals of the EU and other faults. The objective is reachedby a hermeneutic study in which interpretation of written text is the mainmethod.

Energianvändning i restauranger i Umeå kommun

Efficient energy use in restaurantsUmeå Municipality wishes to combine energy issues with food control, and thus help restaurants to become more energy efficient. During March and April 2010, I visited seven restaurants and interviewed restaurant personnel about current state and application of kitchen appliances, using a checklist to make sure that the same questions were asked at all restaurants. The restaurants were all different sizes and offered different kinds of food. The study mostly focuses on energy efficiency by behaviour and not on location or technology. Almost every restaurant that was visited had the potential to improve in one or more areas, such as kitchen appliances, lamps and lighting fixtures, heating, cooling and ventilation.

Politisk konsumtion som påverkansform : Sex unga vuxnas motiv för och emot politisk konsumtion

Political consumption is a manner of impinging politically that has become more frequent lately. Adolescents seem to be attracted by the idea of expressing oneself politically through ones wallet. The purpose of this analysis is to elucidate this essay?s participants? manner of expressing political consumption and analyze how they discuss motives against and for political consumption with a sociological perspective. To accomplish this, this essay will aim to answer the following questions: In what manner do the participants express their political consumption and what are their motives for and against political consumption?  In order to answer the essay?s purpose and questions, two focus group interviews have been made.

Förbrukningsreduktion : Ett alternativ till gasturbiner som snabb aktiv störningsreserv?

The gas turbines in the Swedish secondary reserve are reaching the end of their technical lifetime, hence alternative solutions need to be considered. One of the solutions thought to have the greatest potential is the use of so called consumptionreduction. By entering contracts with large consumers, agreements are made to reduce consumption in the event of major disturbances in the power system and thus being used as a secondary reserve. This thesis investigates the feasibility of consumption reduction as part of the secondary reserve. This has been achieved by developing a requirement specification for the disturbance reserve and by studying the technical and economic potential for consumption reduction among a range of consumers.The technical potential for consumption reduction that fulfils the requirements for participating in the secondary reserve are on average 750 MW in SE 3 and 98 MW in SE 4.

Continuospel pa? barockcello : en diskussion kring Quantz? ide?er och en underso?kning av mina egna musikaliska verktyg

This thesis investigates how energy is used in three public baths today and suggests measures that could reduce the energy demand. The results show that there is a great poteltial for energy savings i public baths, and that it would be interesting to examine some of the proposed measures further..

Energikartläggning av en livsmedelsindustri : samt förslag på energieffektiviserande åtgärder

This thesis concerns an energy audit of a food industry. The company's business consists of boiling and peeling shrimps, and producing mayonnaise-based salads. This type of work involves energy-intensive processes, such as steam generation, compression of air and refrigeration of large spaces. These needs are supplied with electricity. Furthermore, the industry is a major consumer of district heating, particularly for heating the supply air in the ventilation system.

Skogsmaskiners bränsleförbrukning :

This report is a thesis work for a B.Sc. in Forestry exam at the School for Forest Engineers, SLU. The aim of the work was to compare fuel consumption during work in practical field conditions with a standardized method developed by Skogforsk (The Forestry Research Institute of Sweden), (Brunberg, 2005) for harvesters and forwarders from different manufacturers and of different sizes in order to promote the development of more fuel efficient machines. Two studies were carried out. - Statistics of fuel consumption were collected. - An inquiry was sent out in order to get more detailed information of different aspects influencing the fuel consumption. The studied machines were divided into two classes, large machines (> 150 kW), and average size machines (100 ? 150 kW), and of the manufacturer Timberjack and Valmet. Our results shows a 15 % lower fuel consumption for average size harvesters and an 8 % higher fuel consumption for large harvesters compared with Skogforsks model.

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