

378 Uppsatser om Electric cars - Sida 2 av 26

Utvärdering av tillgänglighet på Stora Ensos massabruk i Skutskär

Self-driving cars are soon to become a reality to the commercial market. A self-driving car does not have a human operator, which enables some interesting characteristics. The main benefits are considered to be:The number of accidents and traffic jams should be reduced.Enhanced comfort.Energy usage could be decreased while capacity could be increased.This study concerns the causes for improved energy efficiency. The reason for improved energy efficiency is mainly because of the variation in terms of acceleration, braking and distance holding are reduced. The vehicles are more intelligent and can work together as a unity.

Minivindkraftverks inverkan på lågspänningsnät

Micro-power wind energy convertors have recently increased in popularity. The reasons for this are among other things the increasing cost of electric energy and enviromental concern.In this thesis the connection of these micro-power wind energy convertors to the utility network is discussed. Electric standards for the connection of small production units is presented. Finally some calculations and measurements of electric quality are also presented. The utility network used in the calculations is part of Halmstad Energi och Miljö network..

Självkörande fordon : En analys av energianvändning och kapacitet

Self-driving cars are soon to become a reality to the commercial market. A self-driving car does not have a human operator, which enables some interesting characteristics. The main benefits are considered to be:The number of accidents and traffic jams should be reduced.Enhanced comfort.Energy usage could be decreased while capacity could be increased.This study concerns the causes for improved energy efficiency. The reason for improved energy efficiency is mainly because of the variation in terms of acceleration, braking and distance holding are reduced. The vehicles are more intelligent and can work together as a unity.

Fordonsbestånd och nyregistreringar - en statistisk analys av regionala skillnader och strukturella faktorer

The official statistics on communication and transports in Sweden is administered by Statens Institut för kommunikationsanalys (SIKA). SIKA?s commission includes production of statistics on the Swedish vehicle fleet. These statistics provide important information tofinancial institutes, ministries, industry and mass media among others. Furthermore, the vehicle statistics include measures of comparison between different counties and municipalities.

Miljöbilsanvändning : En attityd- och beteendeundersökning hos ägare av bilar drivna med förnybara drivmedel

The aim of this report is to give a picture of how attitudes and behaviours of owners of environment cars look like and how they can be influenced. The alignment lies on environmental cars which run on biogas and ethanol which both are renewable fuels. The starting point is to sort out if it is environmental thinking that controls the choice and use of an environmental car. The feeling is that there are many other factors that can be more controlling, for example the price and the quality of the car. The result of the questionnaire survey which is the foundation of the report shows however that those who buy an environmental car do it mostly because of environmental reasons.

Övervakningssystem för båtelektronik

Leisure boats of today have a lot of electronics that needs battery power to work. In additionto that electric propulsion systems have gotten more popular lately, which further increasesthe demand for high battery capacity. The batteries used are mostly lead-acid batteries and toget the most out of the batteries it is important to treat them right. To optimize the electricsystem it is important to have knowledge of how the batteries and the electric motor are usedand which factors affect e.g. efficiency and recharging.A new electric drive that can replace old diesel engines is being developed and needs testingand evaluation.

Möjliga alternativ för att ersätta direktverkande el i flerbostadshus

I have in my thesis, examined the possibilities in terms of energy for a condominium association.To have an effective and good energy is becoming increasingly important with today's rising electric and oil prices. In my thesis I have used the condominium association Kärralyckan, which is situated in Falkenberg. The buildings at Kärralyckan are built in the mid-1970s, and are heated by electric radiators. The tap water is heated by an electric boiler.Based on that calculation I can show the various energyststem. The different solutions have been developed by contact manufacturers and installers through phone calls and e-mail.According to the results shows that geothermal heating has been a great solution for Kärralyckan.

Produktion av dricksvatten och förnybar el i Bläsinge fiskehamn

The fishing port of Bläsinge is located on the east coast of Öland, Sweden?s second largest island. Today the port has a limited supply of freshwater. The economic association of the fishing port wants to expand their business, so that they will also include tourist services. To do this the harbor will need a more independant source of freshwater, with a higher quality than the present well.

Stockholm som elbilsstad 2030

I Sverige används det idag cirka 5,4% förnybara drivmedel inom transportsektorn, att jämföra med under 0,5% år 2000. Av de ickefossila drivmedlen är el något som ofta benämns som en permanent och realistisk framtida lösning. Visionen ?Stockholm ? Elbilsstad 2030? drivs av Stockholms Stad i samarbete med Fortum AB i syfte att ersätta den fossilbränsleslukande fordonsflottan.I den här studien undersöks de tekniska förutsättningarna och de eventuella vinsterna av ett storskaligt införande av elbilar. Studien har gjorts genom en modellering där parametrar som elbilens prestanda, elpris, bilens inköpspris och totala utsläpp använts.

Autonom bil med enkapseldator och ultraljudssensorer : tillämpning av en Arduino mikrokontrollerplattform och HC-SR04 sensorer

 Autonomous cars or robot cars havebeen on the agenda ever sinceHollywood started with their Sci-Figenre, maybe even before that. A lotof things have happened since then andnow the self-driving vehicle is notfar away. In this project, theAutonomous car with microcontrollerand ultrasonic sensors, we are lookingat a way of making a small, regular RCcar autonomous with relatively simplemeans and investigate how the bigcompanies does it to learn more aboutthe development of the autonomous carsand their technology.We used an Arduino Uno R3 supplementedwith an Arduino Motor Shield R3 as ourmicrocontroller board and three HCSR04ultrasonic sensors. By removingalmost all of the old parts of the RCcar,except the two DC motors, andreplacing them with these new parts wemanaged to make a vehicle that drovearound in a room without crashing intoanything. We could have used entirelydifferent sensors, or supplemented theexisting setup with other sensors tomake it even more accurate andobstacle avoiding.

Crescent evolve - Electric bike for youth

The purpose of the project was to design an electric bicycle to offer thetarget group youth an attractive alternative to mopeds. The basis for theproject was user studies in which young people were interviewed andobserved in their daily environment.The project resulted in a product, designed with the focus of integratingthe battery to the shape, to create a wholeness that is simple andintuitive.!The product is easy to use and operate, with an automatic transmissionengine.! A smart modular system allows the user to choose design withmudguards, rear rack, or without. The battery design is based on "cradleto-cradle" to maximize the battery life and minimize environmentalimpacts.It was very fun and rewarding to have the opportunity to present theresults for the youth who showed great interest in the product.The project was conducted in collaboration with Designit and Cycleurope..

Hur elpris och värmelast påverkar fjärrvärmesystem : fallet Göteborg Energi och Volvo Cars

Rapporten betraktar energisystemen vid Göteborg Energi (GE) och Volvo Cars, Torslanda. De två systemen integreras som ett system och inverkan av olika åtgärder betraktas. Huvudsyftet är att minska systemkostnaden för det totala systemet.Arbetet är genomfört med kraftbonusmetoden, en marginalsyn på el där all ny elproduktion beräknas ersätta kolkondensproducerad el. Allokeringen för utsläpp vid kraftvärmeproduktion är också beräknad med kraftbonusmetoden.För simulering har optimeringsprogrammet Modest använts. En konstruktion av datormodeller av energisystemen vid Göteborg Energi och Volvo Cars har gjorts.

Accelerometern : en mätmetod för stillasittande

Syfte: Syftet är att undersöka validiteten gällande hur väl accelerometern klassificerar mätningar vid 5 sekunders epok. Metod: Ett total av 13 barn i åldrarna 3-5 år inkluderades i studien som genomfördes med accelerometer GT1M och observation med hjälp av observationsprotokollet CARS. Varje barn hade på sig accelerometern i totalt 55 minuter och observerades samtidigt. Detta för att sen jämföra om accelerometern klassificerar samma beteende som observatörerna observerar. Beteendena var indelade i 4 klassificeringar: stillasittande, låg fysisk aktivitet, moderat fysisk aktivitet och kraftig fysisk aktivitet. Den fysiska aktiviteten/inaktiviteten var uppskattad efter 5 olika forskares skärningspunkter: Freedson (FR), Puyau (PU), Treuth (TR), Mattocks (MT) och Evenson (EV).

Solceller som energikälla och solskydd för tält

This degree project is an investigation of solar cells and their ability to deliver electric power as well as reducing the need for cooling. The main object of interest is a BASE-X shelter. The shelter is purchased by the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration, FMV to be used for command and camp in the new force called Nordic Battlegroup, NBG. The demand on the equipment is firstly that it should have a small weight to be easy to transport and handle and secondly to be easy to bring up fast. Therefore the choice of solar cell technology fell on thin film cells.

Bikeshare - Elcykel : Framtagning av dockningsstation till cykeldelningssystem

The project was carried out together with OC Off Course who manufactureand distribute mainly electric bikes.In today?s society, alternative sources of transportation becomes more andmore present and several bicycle sharing programs arises in major citiesacross the world every year.Something that doesn?t exist too much as of yet is bike sharing programsthat uses electric bikes. An electric bike is a convenient way oftransportation as well as a good way of avoiding traffic. With an electricbike you avoid having to sweat when biking over hills or when you need totravel over longer distances.The goal of this project is to develop a bike sharing station according tothe functions need to be met.This thesis Is based on Fredy Olsson´s methods principkonstruktion aswell as a couple of concept generating methods from Kenneth Österlin.From this, a number of sketches were made that later was evaluated inseveral steps in conjunction to a set of specifications. A 3D model of theselected concept was later made in CatiaV5 for a complete product..

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