

378 Uppsatser om Electric cars - Sida 12 av 26

Optimalt ekologiskt : att gestalta praktfulla parker som kan skötas på ett hållbart sätt

This is a graduate work at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, The Department of Urban and Rural Development, Ultuna. The purpose of this paper has been to find out and describe principles for designing parks that offers good recreational and aesthetical values and require little amount of carbon dioxide emissions during their maintenance. The purpose has also been to see if it's possible to use city wastewater in some extent to assure the plants water supply and to find other means to make it less necessary to use purified water for watering. Recently made studies as well as older ones show how important green areas are in dense city structures both from a health and a climate perspective. Trees and other plants adsorbs different forms of air pollution and can also lower the temperature in the surrounding area through their transpiration.

Från IAS 39 till IFRS 9 : En förenklad och förbättrad standard?

Saab är ett varumärke som delas av två olika företag, försvars- och säkerhetskoncernen SaabAB och personbilstillverkaren Saab Automobile, idag ägt av NEVS, National Electric VehicleSweden AB. Här finns en potentiell problematik då två separata företag delar sammavarumärkesnamn och kan ha olika strategier för hur varumärkesarbetet bör fortgå. Syftet meduppsatsen är att beskriva hur varumärket Saab uppfattas idag vilket har undersökts genomfokusgrupper och en enkätstudie. Studien utgår från konsumenters associationer och resultatetvisar att Svenskt Tradition utgör en viktig del av varumärkesbilden. Överlag har Saab en bred,homogen och positiv varumärkesbild där varumärket Saab representerar båda de bolag somdelar varumärkesnamnet.

Förstudie för kvalitetssäkringav glidande förband vid Hissmoforsvattenkraftsstation : -Specifikt för aggregat G6 och G7

Jämtkraft AB which is a power production company in Sweden has bought two newhydro power units to their station in Hissmofors. The two new generators are using aconcept with sliding stator feet to handle the thermal expansion.The concept with sliding stator feet on hydro electric generators has not beenworking satisfactory on many hydro power stations in Sweden and has caused a lot ofcosts due to long downtimes.The new station in Hissmofors is very important for Jämtkraft AB, and therefore theywant to know how to make sure that the sliding stator feet are working as theyshould. According to theories and a simplified model of the generator the stator feetdisplacement should be around 1 -1,6 mm.The generators are delivered with a surveillance system that will measure thedisplacement of the sliding stator feet. The signal from the system isn?t accessible forJämtkraft AB but it will alarm when the sliding stator feet are malfunctioning.To secure the function of the sliding feet a logger for the surveillance system or adifferent measurement system must be used; if both systems are used Jämtkraft cansecure the function of the surveillance system..

Ett re(el)lt hot? Om elprisets betydelse för investeringar inom basindustrin

The aim of this thesis is to investigate the correlation between the price of electric power and investments within the Swedish basic industry. Using regression analysis, the authors test for correlation between the electricity prices and the basic industry, defined as the pulp and paper industry, the mining industry, the steel and metal industry and the basic chemical industry. Moreover, five variables found in the literature on investment decisions are being used as a means of comparison. The results suggest that the electricity price affects the investment decisions within the basic chemical industry as well as the steel and metal industry. On a more abstract level, this thesis contributes to the understanding of one of the properties of the Swedish GDP..

Levbart transportsystem i Uppsala

In this thesis a transport system is sought after thatif realised in the city of Uppsala could provide bothwell-being to all its inhabitants and sustainability,here jointly refered to as liveability. It is found thatthe car dominated transport system that is inoperation today provides two fundamental values,namely accessibility in both time and space, whichsets it apart from other transport solutions. Thesetwo values are of immense importance for theliveability in our modern world. On the other handthe car dominated system decreases the liveabilityof Uppsala in several different ways. Some of theseproblems, it is argued, could be solved within thecar system, through the adoption of moreenvironmentally friendly cars etc., but otherproblems are inherent in the car system and willremain no matter what changes are made.

Vem läser vad och varför i bibliotekets tidskriftsrum?: En studie av tidskriftsläsandet i Västra Frölundas bibliotek.

The purpose of this study is to determine who visits the V Frölunda Library, Gothenbug,what magazines they read and why. The data presented in this thesis are collectedusing four methods: general observation and counting numbers of visitors, interviewswith 202 magazine readers, the completion of 1308 questiomaires regarding approximately350 maghes and interviews with more than 100 library visitors.The data indicates that men are significantly overrepresented among magazine readersas compared to the female visitors. These men are primarily from the white collar sectorof the community. This leads to a pronounced underrepresentation of the blue coIlarworkers. Young people visit the magazine room in the library at a rate about twice thatexpected from the population distribution.Women are primarily interested in magazines dealing with the home whereas men aremore interested in business, cars, boats and sports.

"Does that look like a Ford to you?" : Företagsimage i spelfilm och reklamfilm

Studies show that product placement is becoming a more and more common method for companies to use when communicating with consumers. The results of this study can?t confirm nor deny that claim, but instead we offered the observation that as a communication method, product placement and TV-commercials are more similar than revealed at first glance.Cars of the brand Ford appeared in seven out of the 50 motion pictures that made up the sample material in this study. In several instances the values that were communicated regarding the brand matched, completely or in large parts, the values communicated about the Ford brand in Ford?s own commercials.This doesn?t hold true for all companies.

Statistisk analys av partiella urladdningar

This thesis concerns partial discharges in stator windings and the possibility of analyzing data using statistical methods. Partial discharges, or PD, are a physical phenomenon in which discharges occur locally due to large electric fields. PD can occur in or adjacent to the insulation of stator windings and causes breakdown of the insulating materials. PD measurement can provide an idea of how widespread the PD activity is. A technique to measure and analyze PD that has become very popular over the last few decades is phase resolved PD patterns.

Sputtring av Ti-Si-C-Ag beläggningar från sammansatta sputterkällor

Idag används guld som kontaktmaterial på elektriska kontakter för lågströmstillämpningar. Guldhar emellertid låg nötningsbeständighet, är dyrt och miljömässigt påfrestande att utvinna. Ettalternativt kontaktmaterial till guld är nanokomposit Ti-Si-C-Ag belagt medlikströmsmagnetronsputtring. Nanokomposit Ti-Si-C-Ag har hittills belagts med sammansatt Ti-Si-C sputterkälla och separat silverkälla.I detta arbete har filmer belagts från tre olika sammansatta Ti-Si-C-Ag-källor med tre olikakolhalter. Filmerna har belagts i två olika beläggningssystem: Ett konventionellt batchladdat ochett sekventiellt med sluss.Filmernas fas- och ämnessammansättning har studerats med XRD och EDX.

Konstruktion rörklammer

This report describes the development process of a pipe clamp used on exhaust system for cars. It is made based on the manufacturers desire to improve and make the clamp easier to manufacture and to reduce its price to their customers. This should be done either by manufacturing the clamp in one piece without an expensive and work intensive welding process, or by generating ideas of how to develop a brand new type of clamp. Investigating the market for similar products was done to eliminate intrusion of other manufacturers? patents but also to generate ideas.

Mobilapplikation för taxibeställning : Att ta taxibeställningar till nästa steg

This report is going to be focusing on the development of a promotion page and login system for the web production company Adoreyou. The promotion page and login will be parts of a new taxi application for iPhone that lets the customer book a taxi and drivers manage the requests from the customers.Taxi application?s that let customer?s book trips are nothing new but they are constantly being explored and developed. The most common practice is to let the customer fill in from what address he or she wants to be picked up and to where he or she wants to be taken. Then the price is set in the application depending on the distance and most likely other factors like weekday and time.

Elektromagnetisk skärmning genom mekanisk omkonstruktion

This is a master degree thesis at Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) betweenÅngpanneföreningen and Programma. KTH is the examiner, Programma is the client andÅngpanneföreningen is mentor for this project.Programma has a product called TM1800 that has problems with EMC; the problem is thatthis product does only pass the CE-check with a small safety margin. This problem can besolved by reducing the radiation from the electric components in the product or by reducing offix base frame. In this degree thesis the focus is only on mechanical redesign.The main problems right now depends on the long distance between the screws, there is anisolating layer on most of the parts and the forces between the joints are too small. The mainfocus is to solve these three problems.The best solutions are when the whole base frame is more or less redesigned instead of onlyredesigning some of the connection points.

Hybriddrift i stridsfordon, fördelar och nackdelar

Petro-electric IFVs (Infantry fighting vehicles) or hybrid-IFV?s are not a new phenomenon. During the 1900?s Germany as well as the U.S both tested vehicles constructed with hybrid technology. In spite of several identified advantages, no serving hybrid-IFV exists today.

Excel-baserad beräkning och dokumentation av distansskyddsinställningar

This is a master thesis work carried out at the Department of Energy and Environment atthe Division of Electric Power Engineering. The master thesis work describes the theoryof distance protection relaying in 130 kV meshed distribution networks. The main aim ofthe thesis was to construct an Excel application for calculation and documentation of thesettings for distance protection relays. The program is based on general methods forcalculating settings of the different zones for the distance relay and presents the settingsin simple graphics using quadrilateral characteristics.The reason for building an Excel based application is the great variety of distanceprotection relays in live networks. The manufacturers of distance protection relays makeprogram for documentation available, however, they are based on the typical settings forthe specific relays.

Energieffektivisering av linjesjöfarten till och från Tasmanien

Tasmania is a state in Australia, and is also the country?s largest island. It is separated from the main land by a 429 kilometer wide strait. Every year, a large amount of people, cars and goods are transported to the island using a government owned ferry line, which generates approximately 300 million Australian dollars to the state?s economy ,every year. This bachelor thesis investigates the possibility of reducing the fuel consumption for the ferry traffic to and from Tasmania, which would also reduce the overall cost.

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