

8713 Uppsatser om Effektivisering av process - Sida 50 av 581

Intuition, Teknik och Erfarenhet : Observation av en lärandeprocess

Detta är en studie om lärande- och skapandeprocesser. Mer specifikt innefattar studien en observation av hur jag arrangerar 3 låtar för olika instrument under en tidsbestämd period. De frågor som behandlas är vilka tekniker jag använder, vilka problem som uppstår och hur det fungerar att arrangera på tid. Slutsatsen av hela observationen har visat att det är en bredd av faktorer som samspelar i kompositionsprocessen. Det har visat sig att jag applicerar intuition, diskursivt tänkande, musikteoretisk teknik och erfarenhet i arrangeringen av musik.

Effektivisering av informationsflöden

This report aims to provide an insight into the particle physics of today, and into the research that goes on within the field. The focus is partly on the recent discovery of the Higgs boson, and partly on how software can be used to simulate processes in particle accelerators. Basic concepts of particle physics and the search for the Higgs boson are discussed, and experimental results, including those from the Large Hadron Collider, are compared with simulations made in MadGraph 5. Furthermore, simple new models of particle physics are created in FeynRules, in order to make simulations based on the models. To support the presentations of these aspects, some of the underlying theory is built from the ground up.

Produktionsuppföljning på WilloMaskin AB

The purpose with this bachelor thesis is to identify risks and insufficiencies concerning the production at WilloMaskin AB. The project is limited to only 4 machines, where theories as ?OEE? (overall equipment efficacy) should be illuminated and analyzed. The theory of ?Single Minute Exchange of Die? is also presented.The method used in this project is mostly based on qualitative studies but also quantitative studies are presented.

Strategier för att reducera förväntningsgapet : Hur går revisorn, revisionsbyrån och professionen tillväga?

The expectation gap is the definition of the differences between what the interests expects from the auditor and what the auditor delivers. A number of studies have been done regarding the expectation gap and generally they point at the existence of an expectation gap.In our paper we want to discover and see how strategies are used in the process to reduce the expectation gap from three levels. The levels we treat are auditors, audit bureaus and the profession. We have chosen to examine the strategies used by the three levels to reduce the expectation gap to following interest groups, owners, management/board of directors, and creditors.The purpose with our paper is to create understanding about how auditors, audit bureaus and the profession use strategies in the process to reduce the expectation gap.With existing theories as ground we have construed and developed our own theory about which thinkable strategies the three levels can use.We have interviewed auditors, representatives from bureaus and a spokesman for the profession. In the examination we have used telephone interviews with questions based on our operationalization.


In cooperate with Asko Cylinda we have developed a new heat system too short the process time and reduce the energy consume in a dishwasher and still have it too be a class AAA. The environment and quality is important for the company too still be the number one on the market, If they want too keep that position the product developed of new innovations will be very important. The systems we have developed are more effective and reduce energy up too 25 %. The process time is reduced too less than two hours, from the today two and half-hour. The solutions are too heat up the rinse water and the dishwater at the same time, with a new heating system and it make are solutions unique and effective. Its good for the dish and the environment.

Libros para todos Folkbibliotek och demokrati i Nicaragua

Libraries all over the world struggle against the threat of decreased funding and a lack of governmental interest. In countries with an under-developed library sector the interest from the government is often minimal or non-existent. Since the 80´s Sida, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency has contributed to the library development in Central America through the Royal Library of Sweden. Nicaragua was the first country to be counterpart in the project. For a period of eight weeks I have completed a field study in Nicaragua and visited the National Library Rubén Darío and public libraries in the country.

Användare från båda håll ? Utökat informationsstöd inom design av registreringsprocesser

During spring 2001 we have been involved with our bachelor thesis at Doberman Digital Agency, an Internet related webdesign company. We have focused our work on the registration process via digital medias such as the Internet. During our workprocess we have been conducting a number of studies and analyses of workrelated materials. Ethnographical methods such as structured interviews and participant observations were primarily used in our work. We also widely used brainstorming in our designprocess.

Bäst i klassen? : - En studie av hållbarhetsredovisningar i statligt ägda bolag

Due to the globalization and the changes in the market, companies have now realized the importance of a strong brand. This has led to the phenomena outsourcing. The relation between the branding consultant and his or her client has changed. Earlier the consultants worked as a single unit and were given a task to independently accomplish the assignment. Today there has to be co-operation between the two parties.

Turkiskt EU-medlemskap : En kritisk idéanalys med civilisationernas kamp som teoretiskt perspektiv

This thesis aims to study obstacles which Turkey faces regarding EU accession. The main focus will be at the historical context and background information to clarify Turkey-EU relationship and institutional aspects such as; the Copenhagen criteria will be analyzed. Interaction between identity politics and Turkeys Europeanization project will be examined by analyzing arguments regarding this issue. The historical context is important for realizing in how Turkey's negotiation process is affected and how the process is evolved. By examining this, a more transparent understanding is going to develop in the issue of why Turkey never will be able to identify itself with the EU.Analysis regarding why Turkey as a secular state develops into an increasingly Islamized state is highlighted.

Säljarnas val av mäklare : vid försäljning av lantbruksfastigheter i Skåne län

A favourable economic situation in Sweden has lead to a very good market for agricultural real estates. The estate agents? ads in the daily newspapers, where they actively are seeking assignments, give a hint that the supply is smaller than the demand for agricultural real estates. This situation ends up in a competition between real estate agents to get as many assignments as possible to meet the demand from the market. Describing and explaining the sellers? decision process may give a specific agent an advantage towards other agents.

Elevkommunikationens betydelse i dagens bildsal : En studie av tre bildlärares uppfattningar och erfarenheter av elevers kommunikation/elevkommunikationen utifrån digital vs traditionell verktygsanvändning i bildarbeten

Föreliggande undersökning fokuserar på bildlärare och deras uppfattningar och erfarenheter av elevkommunikation utifrån digitala och traditionella verktyg i bildarbeten. Undersökningens metod har varit samtalsintervju där det empiriska materialet är insamlat från tre bildlärare. Under bearbetning och analys har jag inspirerats av fenomenografin som ett analytiskt verktyg. Det framkommer av resultatet att elevkommunikationen utgör en viktig del både för process och produktion inom bildämnet, både för bilders kvalitet och gruppens positiva energi och sammanhållning. Resultatet visar även att när elever under bildarbeten använder traditionella verktyg, ger det en synligare process.

En holistisk investeringsbank - En fallstudie av fördelarna med att vara involverad i hela M&A-processen

Studies have shown that mergers and acquisitions often fail and that a reason to this might be that investment banks do not take any responsibility for the post merger integration. Despite this there have been no studies of the potential benefits of an investment bank taking a holistic approach to the M&A-process and including post merger integration in its service. This study identifies a couple of investment banks that does this and calls them holistic investment banks. In M&A-theory a successful process is often described according to so called success factors that need to be fulfilled in order to achieve a successful result of the merger or acquisition. The business model and work approach of one holistic investment bank is analyzed in this case study on the base of seven success factors from established theories.

Kvalitets och förbättringsarbete för ITtjänsteföretag

Wavecraft AB develops medical equipment for heating of organic synthesises. The heating is done with microwaves, which improves the process in both speed and accuracy compared to the more traditional methods where heating elements are used. This report discusses the developement of an automatic lid mechanism for one of Wavecraft's product prototypes. The company assumes that the final product will be integrated by customers into fully automated systems, and the upgrade from a manually to an automatically controlled lid is therefore an important step in the product's developement process.The first stage och the project was an idea generation process. The ideas generated here were organized into five different concepts of which the best one was selected through the use of a concept matrix.

Antibiotikaflödet i Sverige : Kvalitetsgranskning av försäljningsstatistik 2002

 Date: 2008-10-06Level: Bachelor thesis within Information Technology and business economics, 15p, EIK021Authors: Anna Karlsson, akn05009@student.mdh.seLena-Maria Lindström, llm05002@student.mdh.seMagnus Wretlund, mvd05001@student.seTutor: Marie Mörndal Title: Managing IT-incidents, a case study at ICAs IT department                            OperationsKeywords: IT-incident management, IT-incident management process, IT-incident, ITIL, CCTA Problem: An organization can benefit by having an established management process of handling IT-incidents. But how can this be achieved? Are there step-by-step procedures? What´s included in the management process of IT-incidents? Is the size of the organization relevant to which model is to be chosen? Can the work of the writers of this essay result in a recommendation of a specific model for IT-incident management? These questions lead to the following essay question; How are IT-incidents managed?Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to describe and discuss how IT incidents can be managed.Method: The writers of this essay have performed a case study at ICA, a Swedish food retail company. Eleven interviews with nine different persons have been carried out. The interviews are analyzed in the chapter called Resultat och analys.Conclusion: Our conclusion is that there are both similarities and differences in Dept.

AI i verksamheter: Ett effektiviserings- och riskhanteringsperspektiv. En studie om till?mpningen av AI i organisationer

The purpose of this work was to investigate and provide understanding regarding how AI can be used to make organizations more efficient, where risk management is also discussed. The basic model for the study is the Resource-based view, which is about making use of one's resources which are described through many different perspectives. The method used for this study was a qualitative analysis, which was applied through interviews with several people with high positions within companies and relevant skills, based on insight and experiential knowledge.These people work in different industries, therefore a large part of the work was intended to carry out a comparative analysis between a line of different businesses. The results showed that AI is in a developing phase, and based on the respective industry, it has developed in different ways. Finally, it turned out that AI can make businesses more efficient by, among other things, managing data and automating various work processes faster compared to humans.

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