

3840 Uppsatser om Effective teachers - Sida 15 av 256

Lek i förskolan : En studie av fri och styrd lek

The purpose of my study is to examine how four teachers reflect on free play and controlled play in preschool. What are their reflects concerning free play, controlled play and children?s development and education. The main focus of this research is the experiences of the teachers and I compare their perspectives against each other regarding free and controlled play.To be able to realize this study, I propose the following questions:What kind of vision does the teacher have concerning free play and controlled play?According to the teacher, how does playing affect the children?Which development areas are affected by participating in the play?This is a qualitative study, based on interviews with four teachers from two different preschools.

Ho?gla?sning i skolan : En studie om hur tre la?gstadiela?rare arbetar med ho?gla?sning ? fo?resta?llningar och motiv

The aim of the study was to investigate how teachers work with reading aloud. The aim also included examining their ideas about and motives for reading aloud. The study consisted of interviews with three teachers at the lower level of compulsory school along with observation of one of these teachers during a reading aloud session. The interviewed teachers work at three different schools in the same geographical area.The analytical tools chosen for the study were the theories of Rosenblatt. The three basic skills that Damber et al.

Får högpresterande elever den utmaning de har rätt till i skolan? : En empirisk studie baserat på lärares åsikter om arbetet med individualisering med fokus på högpresterande elever

The purpose of this study is to investigate five teachers? opinions on the work with individualization with focus on above-average pupils. I have issued four questions based on the purpose of this study: - How do these teachers define the theoretical concepts of individualization and above-average pupils? - How do the teachers reason about the concept of individualization with focus on the above-average pupils? - How do the teachers reason regarding the work with individualization in the Swedish language? - Do these teachers consider that there are difficulties to individualize the work so that it will challenge above-average pupils?The method used to conduct this study was a semi-structured qualitative interview with five teachers in primary school. The theory and the theoretical concepts this study is based on is: what defines the above- average pupils, the zone of proximal development, the concept of individualization and motivation and the importance of cognitive and non-cognitive abilities.The study shows that the theoretical concept of above-average pupils is hard to define and it shows a difference between how the teachers choose to define it.

Ideella föreningars nyckeltal : Studie av 2006 års årsredovisningar i ideella föreningar

The purpose of my essay is to see how teachers are working to integrate the two subjects Art and Swedish in their teaching, and to see how this integration is made. What do teachers think about subject-integration? What are the positive effects of it? Are there any difficulties involved? Do the teachers prioritize cooperation with other subjects?To answer my questions I have interviewed eight teachers, four of them in upper secondary school and four in lower secondary school. I have also studied literature about subject-integration and children?s learning, curriculum?s and syllabi in the subjects of Art and Swedish.The results of my study show that the interviewed teachers are positive when it comes to integrating Art and Swedish and other subjects.

Förskollärares erfarenheter av särskilt stöd i förskolan

Much of the everyday work of teachers in pre-schools, schools and youth centers is based on experience. This study is a qualitative interview study intended to make visible the experiences of pre-school teachers in situations when children are considered to be in need of special support. I have looked at pre-school teachers? descriptions of the kinds of situations in which a child is estimated to be in need of special support, what teachers look for in a child to identify it as a child in need of special support in a specific situation, and how the teachers define special support. Both this study and previous research show that children?s estimated need of support depends on the situation and context the child is in. The pre-school teachers in this study identify common situations where children are estimated to be in need of special support, namely: in interaction with others, in structured situations, during changes of activities and during free play.

Laborativt material som konkretiseringsverktyg : Lärares kunskaper om och erfarenheter av laborativt material som arbetssätt

The purpose of this study is to find out teachers view on manipulatives as a way to concretize a certain mathematical content and to highlight knowledge and experiences within the range of using manipulatives to concretize. By answering the questions below different approaches a teacher may have towards the manipulatives and how that may impact on student?s learning will also be discussed in comparison to mainly traditional and socially constructive theories of learning.What is the teachers view on manipulatives as a way to concretize?What purpose do they have when using manipulatives?According to the teachers, what does it mean to concretize a certain mathematical content?According to the teachers, what connection is there between manipulatives and concretizing?Through interviews and observations conclusions can be made that the teachers are in general positive towards using manipulatives as a way to concretize a certain mathematical content although the definition of what a manipulative is differ somewhat between the teachers. The teachers working with manipulatives do it in a well thought out fashion but more research is needed to furthermore define the purpose of using manipulatives. Few countries spend so much time concretizing and working with manipulatives as Sweden do, but still Sweden score below the OECD-average on the mathematical PISA-tests.

Förväntningar och erfarenheter kring skolledarskap : en jämförande studie ur lärarperspektiv

Background: There have been several reforms within the Swedish educational system since the 1960´s, not only within the elementary school but also within the teachers? education and the school leaders´ educational program.Aim: My aim with this study is to explore if teachers´ expectations and experiences of school leadership have changed since the many educational reforms began in the 1960´s.Method: For this study I have a used a comparative design. By making qualitative interviews with five teachers born in the 1940´s and five teachers born in the 1980´s I have then analyzed the result.Result: Regardless of the 40 years of age difference and the multiple reforms within the educational system in Sweden the result shows that the teachers in this study did not have any clear expectations on their school leaders as they started their careers..

Sexualeducation for young people with autism

This essay is about the sexual- education at special schools for young people in the ages thirteen through sixteen with the diagnosis autism. The study aims to identify, describe and understand the teachers? experiences in how the education is practiced in their daily work with these children. The way of procedure we have used in the study is qualitative interviews with teachers at special schools. The result show that how the teachers practice the education depends on how the student group is constructed and the students? qualifications.

Vad lärare säger om bildundervisningen : What teachers say about teaching in art

ABSTRACTThis essay has as its main purpose to examine how teachers handle teaching in art, after the governments steeredocuments and goals to reach.To find out about it I have done interviews with four teachers. I have made a study of litterature to introduce some different teaching methods that is more or less meaningful and useable. The result of the examination was different from what I expected. The interviews showed that the four teachers work in varios ways after their own conditions. They have different experiences and also have different opinions about what is most important in the art teaching.

Svårigheter i matematik för elever med svenska som andraspråk : Lärares syn på problem och möjligheter

 In today?s society teachers will face students of foreign origin. It is up to the teachers to help these students gain the knowledge they need to flourish in society. Despite the fact that mathematics is a universal topic with high status in many countries, studies have shown that mathematics is a subject where a large proportion of foreign students fails. The purpose of this study was to see wherein the problem lies and describe teachers' perceptions of the barriers and the opportunities in mathematics for students with Swedish as a second language.

Hur utvecklar man det ra?tta tekniksto?det fo?r att underla?tta dokumentation av formativ bedo?mning? : En studie av la?rares administrativa arbetssituation na?r det ga?ller dokumentation av formativ bedo?mning

In this study we have examined how teachers work with the documentation of formative assessment with focus on how to design the right technological support to make it more simple and more efficient. We have studied how teachers? work with documentation in practise based on the guidelines for formative assessment presented at the National Agency of Education. We performed observations and interviews in primary schools with teachers in different subjects in Ska?ne and Norrland.

Erfarenhetsbaserat lärande : En intervjustudie utifrån sociokulturella perspektiv

The purpose of this essay is to show how or if teachers use different methods working with minority language students, who don?t speak Swedish in lower primary school. By using different socio-cultural perspectives I want to show that learning for both students and teachers is contextual and socially connected and how practical knowledge is significant for many teachers.My working method of this essay is made in a qualitative form by interviews with four preschool teachers. By these interviews I hope to find account for how teachers with or without experience work with immigrant children.The result of my survey shows that perceived experience is significant to most of my informants, which is what deficient in their work with non-Swedish speaking children.    .

Dyslexi : En studie om huruvida klasslärare i f-3 anser sig ha tillräckliga kunskaper om dyslexi

The purpose of this study is to investigate if the class teachers believe that their education has given them enough knowledge about dyslexia in order to succeed a successful education for these pupils. It will present what four class teachers and two special education teachers has answered what they know about dyslexia. The study aims to find out if class teachers believe that they have enough knowledge to determine whether a pupil has dyslexia. If they have knowledge of appropriate methods and if they know how to prevent that pupils fall behind in their literacy and also what factors they believes makes it problematic to implement a literacy for these pupils. I propose the following questions:Do the class teachers consider that their education has given them sufficient knowledge of dyslexia and its characteristics?What methods does the class teachers and special education teachers considers as useful for pupils with dyslexia?What does the class teachers consider can prevent that pupils with dyslexia fall behind in their reading and writing skills?What factors consider class teachers and special education teachers is problematic to to succeed a reading and writing education for pupils with dyslexia?This study is based on a qualitative method and my theoretical approach is based on Høien and Lundberg established view of what dyslexia is.

De ska föregå med gott exempel! : En undersökning om elevers syn på lärares förhållningssätt till ordningsfrågor - disciplin, regler och konsekvenshantering

There are very few studies that have taken the matter of teacher?s leadership in disciplinary actions into research. That is why the purpose of this essay has been to investigate the relationship of how students think their teachers appear in questions of discipline. The study has been narrowed down to gather and analyze the experiences that students have about teachers, and how teachers uphold and set themselves to ground rules in the classroom. The study has shown how the students interpret teacher?s act of following up consequences of classroom rules.

Lek och lärande : en studie om fyra pedagogers syn på den fria leken och dess påverkan på lärandet

The purpose of this study is to find out how four preschool teachers view children?s free playing and its impact on their learning. My main questions are:How do the teachers view the children?s free playing?In what ways does the children?s free playing affect their learning, according to the teachers?This essay is based on a qualitative study in which I have interviewed four female preschool teachers of different ages. I highlight various theories of children?s playing and learning in preschool, by theorists such as Vygotsky, Lillemyr, Knutsdotter Olofsson, Lindqvist, among others.

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