

2817 Uppsatser om Educational and occupational choice - Sida 16 av 188

Kvinnors psykosociala arbetsmiljö & hälsa : - En arbetsplatsanalys av en organisation inom företagshälsovården

The following study explores the relation between psychosocial work environment and individual health. The purpose is to examine how female employees in the occupational health sector experience their own psychosocial work environment, focusing on different influencing factors in both the workplace and their private life regarding the employees own health. The study applies a hermeneutic approach in which qualitative interviews constitute the empirical data. Previous research on this particular subject has focused on the following themes: the combination of work-family life, demand/control model and flexibility in the workplace in relation to health and stress. The theoretical framework used in this study integrates relevant concepts, specifically SOC, poor leadership and flexibility.

ABF som folkfostrare: 1920-1949

-1949 [26][upps-01.gif] The aim of this master thesis is to investigate how W.E.A. Workers Educational Association, took part in the great changes of society and in the modernizing process in the period of 1920-1949. The examination is based upon three journals of educational material that were connected with W.E.A. The question at issue is to show how the people behind W.E.A. aimed to educate and indeed educated the workers to modern people and moreso to see how the articles in fact were written and to analyse in what way they turn to the workers and get their attention.

Bedömningsinstrument användbara för arbetsterapeuter vid bedömning av bostadsanpassning för vuxna med främst fysisk funktionsnedsättning-en litteraturstudie.

SammanfattningSyftet: Att sammanställa vad som fanns beskrivet i vetenskaplig litteratur om bedömningsinstrument som kan användas av arbetsterapeuter för bedömning av behov av bostadsanpassning för vuxna med främst fysiskt funktionsnedsättning. Metod: Systematisk litteraturstudie med sökning på fyra sökord i sju databaser. För att få ytterligare information om de funna bedömningsinstrumenten gjordes en manuell sökning via artiklarnas referenslistor för att kunna besvara frågeställningarna.  Resultat: Författarna fann sju bedömningsinstrument som bedömde olika aspekter av miljön i relation till person och/eller aktivitet. Inget av bedömningsinstrumenten var avsett att enbart bedöma behovet av bostadsanpassning. Resultatet styrker behovet av bedömningsinstrument som innehåller både observation och självskattningsmoment för att få en helhetsbild av miljöns tillgänglighet och användbarhet. Konklusion:  Arbetsterapeuter som bedömer behovet av bostadsanpassning behöver bedömningsinstrument som mäter både subjektiva och objektiva aspekter av hemmiljö.

Pysselgumma eller pedagogiskt ansvarig för barns sociala utveckling? : En kvalitativ studie om hur en grupp fritidspedagoger och fritidspersonal ser på sitt yrke ur ett status,makt och rollperspektiv

The aim for this paper is to investigate how a limited number of youth recreation leaders and leisure-time pedagogues view their vocational competence, which kind of power the persons in the essay experience to have in their workplace and which kind of status they experience that they have in comparison with other occupational groups in their schools. The final aim of the paper is to find out how teachers interact with youth recreation leaders and leisure-time pedagogues when it comes to their vocational competence. My questions are:How do a group of youth recreation leaders and leisure-time pedagogues view their professional assignments?How does a group of youth recreation leaders and leisure-time pedagogues view their power in their workplace in comparison with other occupational groups?How do a limited number of youth recreation leaders and leisure-time pedagogues view their status in relation to teachers, other occupational-groups and parents? Which role have my respondents been assigned by their team and why do they think they have gotten that role?To answer these questions I have used a qualitative method which includes four in depth interviews. The overall theoretical perspectives are symbolic interactionism and social constructivism.

Den kompetente läraren - Yttre och inre ramfaktorer och deras inverkan på undervisning

Title: The competent teacher-external and internal frameworks and their influence on educational praxis. This thesis is about what kind of approach a teacher (may) consider when he is facing parameters that he can not do anything about, in this case represented by political, educational och social frameworks. One of the things a teacher can do to adapt to the situation is to see what possibilities he has to develop and expand his topic. The study is built on action research and was carried out during a nine months period on an upper secondary school in Malmö, Sweden. The object of reasearch is myself as a teacher and in my result I describe how various educational situations were handled.

"Jag skulle vilja köpa 1 öra och 1 par lungor" : En innehållsanalys av uppgifterna i ett digitalt pedagogiskt matematikspel.

In this thesis, the four types of math problems that occur in the digital educational math game Zcooly Affären 2 have been analyzed. Focus has been aimed at how the problems mediate instructions and mathematical concepts to players, and how the mathematical content is supported by the context within the game. The result shows both positive and negative aspects of the math problems, based on the theories for math education used in this thesis. Apart from the analysis of the game, this thesis also presents earlier research regarding what possibilities digital games possess as tools for learning. Researchers have partly different views on how digital games should be designed to enhance learning, and whether or not games are efficient to use for learning purposes..

iPad som pedagogiskt verktyg i grundsärskolan : Några lärares beskrivningar av hur de arbetar med iPad i ämnet svenska

The aim of this study is investigating how some Elementary School teachers of special classes describe how they use iPad as an educational tool when teaching Swedish. To find out I have carried out an interview investigation. I have analyzed results using theoretical concepts from the sociocultural perspective, scaffolding and artefacts.The cummulative result shows that teachers describe that they practice linguistic consciousness and that pupils are trained in writing Swedish in this subject. Another result shows how all teachers describe that they work face-to-face with pupils using iPads in Swedish lessons. Further results show how teachers present possibilities of using iPad as an educational tool when teaching Swedish.

Arbetsterapi för personer med HIV/AIDS : Occupational therapy for persons with HIV/AIDS

Bakgrund: Varje dag smittas i genomsnitt cirka 14 000 personer av HIV i världen. Ny behandling har gjort att dessa patienter idag lever längre. Sjukdomsförlopp samt komplikationer går inte att förutsäga utan är individuellt. Eftersom personer med HIV/AIDS-diagnos nu lever längre kommer behovet av arbetsterapeutiska insatser att öka. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att beskriva arbetsterapeutiska insatser för personer med HIV/AIDS samt vilken roll arbetsterapeuten har i arbetet kring dessa personer.

Pedagogisk Dokumentation : En kvalitativ studie om förskollärare och barnskötares syn på pedagogisk dokumentation med utgångspunkt i Reggio Emilia

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to highlight three preschool teachers and three child nurses? views on the educational work tool pedagogical documentation and Reggio Emilia educational philosophy, often associated with pedagogical documentation. Preschool teachers and child nurses? are all employees under the same pre-school director, and works on three preschools located in the same area. The purpose of the selection of respondents is based on highlighting how far the staff describes the concept of educational documentation, and pedagogy of Reggio Emilia, and how far their statements are consistent with each other or not.Questions: The thesis is based on three questions;How does preschool teachers and child nurses? describe pedagogical documentation?How does preschool teachers and child nurses? describe the Reggio Emilia pedagogical philosophy?If there are differences between the preschool teachers and child nurses?, what could these mean for the pedagogical documentation in preschool?Method: The study is based on empirical data collected through qualitative interviews.

Terapeutegenskaper och allians i utbildningsterapi: En intervjustudie

The working alliance between therapist and client has been proven important for the treatment outcome in psychotherapy, as well as the therapist?s characteristics. The aim of the current study was to examine the experience of important characteristics when forming a working alliance, among psychotherapy trainees. Eight psychotherapy trainees at Umeå University were interviewed and the material was analyzed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Characteristics described as positively impacting the working alliance were interested, empathic, warm, genuine, secure, flexible and accepting.

Kan rational choice teorin och collective action frames förklara orsakerna till terrorism?

En förutsättning för att kunna förhindra att terrorattacker utförs är kunskap om de bakomliggande motiven och drivkrafterna. Om vi känner till de bakomliggande motiven och drivkrafterna finns det möjlighet att kunna påverka dessa faktorer och därigenom minska risken för nya terrorattacker. I den här studien undersöker jag omcollective action frames och rational choice teorin var för sig eller tillsammans kan förklara orsakerna till terrorism. Fram till idag har den strategiska modellen varit den mest använda teorin för att förklara orsaker till terrorism. Modellen utgår från rational choice teorin men har avgränsats till att enbart hantera politiska faktorer, vilket har kritiserats.Kritikerna menar att människors känslor har en betydelse för deras handlingar.

 Moderbolagsperspektiv kontra enhetsperspektiv  : - motiv och konsekvens i teori och praktik

Abstract The development towards an international accounting standard implies that Swedish groups of companies that are not quoted on the stock exchange can use a parent company perspective or an entity perspective while making their group accounting. The purpose of this study is to describe and explain the motives behind the groups of companies choice of perspective and to show how these motives agrees with the effect it has on the profit and loss account and on the balance sheet.The study includes four fictitious groups of companies based on real groups of companies. Every group of companies includes 1-3 subsidiary companies, where at least one is owned by the parent company with 51-70 %. Some assumptions were made before the consolidation.Relevant key numbers have been calculated according to both perspectives and then compared. A total of three semi structured interviews have been carried out two with representatives for the real groups of companies and one with a chartered accountant.

Kunskap är som ballonger - den måste förankras om den inte ska försvinna bort : en studie av vad som påverkar en lärares val av undervisning

The purpose of this essay has been to identify a couple of different factors that matter when a teacher chooses method and raw material for teaching his students. The person interviewed is a man, whose lesson I also observed. The result shows that there are several factors of great importance for his choice. My conclusion of this is that this teacher?s choice depends on the school as institution with all the people that operate there, the composition of the students and the school?s curriculum, but this teacher?s pedagogical basic view also has a great importance for his teaching..

Attraktiv arbetsgivare : en jämförande studie i tre oilka organisationer

This study was carried out at Luftfartsverket (LFV Group, SwedishAirports and Air Navigation Services), AstraZeneca and Svenska Spel. The purpose of the study was to examine and compare how these companies work towards becoming, and maintaining to be, an employer of choice. Facts were sought about the companies and their work to become an employer of choice.To get a discerning and profound picture, a qualitative method with semi-structured interviews with twelve key persons in this work was conducted. The method Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) was used for analysis.The results showed that an amount of factors have an input on how attractive the employer is. Common were compensation and benefits, competence development, leadership, information and health-related activities.

Lagval för förrsäkringsavtal : särskilt utrymmet för partsautonomi

The globalization and the realization of a European common insurance market have increased the importance of cross border insurance contracts. Despite that, a gathered set of rules regulating cross border insurance contracts does not exist. The sets of rules within Private International Law which arises today when determining the applicable law regarding cross border insurance contracts are the law of 1993 on applicable law to certain insurance contracts (the law of 1993) and the law of 1998 on applicable law to contractual obligations (Rome Convention). Since the Rome Convention is the only Community instrument which still is in the form of a treaty, work has been done in order to convert it into a regulation, called the Rome-I-regulation. Therefore, the future Rome I-regulation is of importance for the thesis as well since it most likely will replace the Rome Convention.Swedish law is based on the principle of party autonomy, which means that the contracting parties have the right to freely agree on the content of the contract, including the choice of law.

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