4898 Uppsatser om Education events - Sida 3 av 327
Radikala ändringar av marknadsförhållanden och strategiska förändringar
There is much literature covering strategic change under different circumstances but very little concerning how companies act strategically under sudden and radical changes to market conditions. Based on three different events (the terrorist attack in the USA September 11th 2001, the Tjernobyl accident April 26th 1986 and the Islamic revolution in Iran 1979) with such radical changes as a result we chose three companies that were affected (SAS, Asea Atom and Atlas Copco). The result of the events that were studied in this thesis is extremely unusual to their character. The events themselves were sudden and of a temporary nature but the results were long term changes of market conditions. Through personal interviews the authors have tried to establish how the companies have perceived the events and how the top management has strategically handled the situation.
Kina eller Indien : En studie om eurocentrism och utomeuropeiskt material och innehåll i svensk historieundervisning
This joint study has researched the use of non-European history in a Swedish textbook for the High School course History 1a1 as well as internet based material regarding the same issue. The aim of this study was to clarify the use of non-European history in regards to the Eurocentric theory.As for the textbook analysis the purpose was to research what non-European history was mentioned in the material with regards to geographical location and the events that were mentioned, as well as to study how much non-European history was included in the material compared to European or Western history.The study of internet based material aimed to show what kind of teaching material could be found on internet based databases by and for teachers. The study aimed to show how well the material handled non-European history, as well as to what degree the material used European perspectives when dealing with non-European events and geographical areas.In our thesis we have created our own definition of the theory regarding eurocentrism. The method used was a combination of a quantitative and a qualitative discourse analysis of the texts.Our results showed that the textbook was overwhelmingly Eurocentric, not only giving vastly more focus to the European parts of world history, but also using European perspectives and ideals to describe non-European events and areas. The internet based material, on the other hand, proved more diverse and less biased, but also more difficult to find and less plentiful.Our conclusion, then, is that teachers have to choose between the risk of letting their students develop a severely limited and heavily Eurocentric view of the world, and the additional workload required to find and organize non-textbook material to broaden their students horizons.We hope our study will contribute to the discussion of the place of Eurocentrism in today?s global and multicultural society..
Skriftbruket hos två elever på yrkesförberedande program: En skriftetnografisk undersökning
This essay elucidates upper secondary students? literacy practices, (literacy events, literacy competencies and literacy culture) during a typical day, with focus on the daily literacy practices. A literacy ethnographic study conducted in the environment which participants naturally are, at home, at school and in leisure. The study is inspired of a project, Skriftbruk i arbetslivet, ´Literacy Practices in Working Life´, that conducted by Anna-Malin Karlsson, Per Ledin and Olle Josephson, in collaboration with Vetenskapsrådet ´Science Council´(2002-2004).The result of this study shows that students from professional preparing programs not use such literacy competencies that been tested in traditionally reading comprehension test, particularly much. However, do they read a lot during the literacy practices day by television, computer and mobile phone.
Muntliga förmågor, vad är det? : En analys av möjligheterna kring bedömning av elevers muntliga förmågor i samhällskunskap
Through teaching, pupils are given the opportunity based on their personal experiences and current events to express and consider their views in relation to others who hold different views. As a result, pupils should be encouraged to get involved and participate in an open exchange of views on societal issues (Skolverket, 2011d, s. 189). To assess pupils orally in the subject of civics in primary education is an unexplored field, which makes this field relevant to explore. There are numerous researchers? who with the help of deliberative methods, formative feedback, formative assessment and studies regarding classroom climates whom all speak positive about using discussion/dialogue in education to upraise and develop learning among pupils.
Att undervisa kring miljö och hållbar utveckling - Hur förhåller sig läroböckerna i samhällskunskap, historia och geografi till Lpf94 och de nationella kursplanerna?
Daily citizens are informed by the media about the environment and the climate changes. The schools purpose is to educate students according to events that are of current interest and take place in present time. According to Swedish curriculum, Lpf94, all Swedish education should include and discuss the problems surrounding durable development. The purpose of the study is to se how the textbooks in History, Social studies and Geography and their contents meet the demands of the curriculum. The study shows that only the textbooks in geography meets the demands that the curriculums have on durable development.
Du vet ju vad vårt styrdokument säger... : En essä om det mätbara och det svårmätbara lärandet i förskolan
My essay begins with two stories showing two different perspectives when looking at learning in preschool. These two different learning styles I have chosen to call, the measurable and the difficult to measure learning. As a pedagogue I am involved in both events. In these events I describe how different we pedagogues interpret our governing documents on children's learning. By describing how the educational activities are designed differently in the two events, I try to highlight the pedagogues views on learning in preschool.
Lärares motiv att bedriva utomhuspedagogik
The purpose of this study was to gain a deeper understanding of teacher´s motives to engage in outdoor education in their teaching. A qualitative approach through interviews was used and a total of eight teachers were interviewed. The result showed that there were several motives to engage in outdoor education. These motives were divided into three main categories which were: to engage in outdoor education from teacher`s interest, to engage in outdoor education based on teacher`s perceptions of children's needs and to engage in outdoor education based on external factors..
"Det finns ju med lite överallt" : En kvalitativ studie om religionslärares reflektioner kring sin etikundervisning
Being able to reflect, evaluate and justify your views is an important part of adult life. Moral education can be a path to develop this knowl-edge; however, it is possible that the moral education gets more obscure when it is not a separate subject. The purpose with this essay is to examine the need of moral education and the presence and the framing of moral education of seven teachers in religion. The purpose is also to analyse where and how the moral education should be included in the curriculum. The survey was conducted through qualitative interviews with a hermeneutic approach.
Uppleva eller leva upp till? : En studie om hur gymnasieelever upplever prestationskrav i idrott och hälsa.
AimThe purpose of the study was to investigate how upper secondary school students experience performance demands during their physical education and health classes (PE-classes). The questions were as following: Are there differing perceptions between the sexes whether students experience performance demands? In what situations do the students feel that the demands on their performance are high during PE-classes? Do the students experience of demands on performance differ whether the physical education and health teacher is male or female? Do students feel unfairly treated by the physical education and health teacher during PE-classes?MethodSeven upper secondary schools in Stockholm?s administrative district were randomly selected to participate in the survey. The principals were contacted for further information and to set a date for performing the survey. The project leaders were present during the days the surveys were taken by students in the social science and natural science programs.
Barns smak : En utvärdering av en läsfrämjande-metod baserad på bibliotekariers och lärares erfarenheter
Being able to reflect, evaluate and justify your views is an important part of adult life. Moral education can be a path to develop this knowl-edge; however, it is possible that the moral education gets more obscure when it is not a separate subject. The purpose with this essay is to examine the need of moral education and the presence and the framing of moral education of seven teachers in religion. The purpose is also to analyse where and how the moral education should be included in the curriculum. The survey was conducted through qualitative interviews with a hermeneutic approach.
Utomhuspedagogik : Ett sätt att motivera elevers inlärning
The overall aim with this study is to elucidate outdoor education as an education method and on the basis of that illustration to examine active educators vision on it as a way to motivate students' learning. This study is based on a literature component and a qualitative study through interviews five teachers.The results of the interviews show how to interpret the motivation and how to work with students' motivation. As well as outdoor education as part of the activity. The interviews show the importance of outdoor education can be to increase students'motivation for learning. They also show the importance of outdoor education is for student learning and test scores have shown the effectiveness of student learning through outdoor education.
Utomhuspedagogisk inlärning : För elever med koncentrationssvårigheter
The overall aim with this study is to elucidate outdoor education as an education method and on the basis of that illustration to examine active educators vision on it as a way to motivate students' learning. This study is based on a literature component and a qualitative study through interviews five teachers.The results of the interviews show how to interpret the motivation and how to work with students' motivation. As well as outdoor education as part of the activity. The interviews show the importance of outdoor education can be to increase students'motivation for learning. They also show the importance of outdoor education is for student learning and test scores have shown the effectiveness of student learning through outdoor education.
Valfrihet, likvärdighet eller kvalitet? : Legitimitet för att avveckla en skola
In a suburb of Stockholm, local polititians descide to close down an elemantary school. Because of its shortage of pupils, the polititians claim they can not guarantee the quality of the school and the public requreiments of equal education. The school-employed teachers and parents of the pupils are all unhapy with the descision, but first and foremost dissatisfaied with how the descision was communicated.Using qualitative methods; interviews and content analisys, this thesis aimes to determine how the involved parties, in regards to the termination of the school, view the concepts of freedom of choice, equal education and quality. Interviews have been made with decision-makers, employees of the school, the school leader, one civil servant and parents; all with the goal of understanding how the involved parties view the events leading to the termination of the school and what causes they see. Furthermore, the thesis analyses if and why the involved parties experience the decision as legitimate..
Dolda fel i fastigheter : En studie om reglerna kring dolda fel i fastigheter.
Event is something that an increasing number of Swedish cities are investing in since it contributes to higher attractiveness of cities and generate economic revenues. New arenas are built around Sweden to meet the increasing demands to host such events. Event projects are carried out in Sweden and it is important that the planning phase is carried out thoroughly to get a successful project. This thesis aims to look more closely at selected organizations and how they plan their projects and whether it is possible to follow project plans in the event projects. Karlstad has many events that recur annually, including the Swedish Rally.
Risken för översvämningar vid de svenska kärnkraftverken : en statistisk och historisk extremvärdesanalys
This thesis investigates the overall risks of flooding over the Design Basis Flooding Level (DBFL) at the Swedish nuclear power plants (Oskarshamn, Ringhals and Forsmark), using statistical data and methods, but also considers historical events which might affect the overall risk of flooding at the specified sites.Considering the nuclear accident which happened in Fukushima in conjuction with the earthquake and tsunami which struck eastern Japan on 11 March 2011, operators and licensors of nuclear power plants all over the world conducted reviews and investigations on the overall risks posed to the plants from external events. One important such event is extreme water level.One part of the thesis includes an extreme value analysis (using Generalized Extreme Value distribution and Generalized Pareto distribution) of water level data from SMHI (Sweden's Meteorological and Hydrological Institute) measured at stations close to the Swedish nuclear power plants. The results of the statistical studies indicate that considering the return period used in the thesis (100 000 years), the water levels at the Swedish nuclear power plants are not expected to exceed DBFL.The other part of the thesis consists of a historical study of extreme weather-related events. The results of this study indicate that no historical events seem to have occured which would indicate a higher risk of flooding than the one suggested by the statistical study. .