

10169 Uppsatser om Economic result - Sida 59 av 678

Omedveten tankeverksamhet och beslutsfattande - en användarmanual : En studie i det omedvetnas beskaffenhet

The investigation aims to clarify to what extent non-conscious thought has efficacy in for instance decision making,and also examine some aspects of the question whether decisions are caused by free will. This is done by an analysisof new research in neuroscience, economics, the combination of the two within neuroeconomics, evolutionarytheory and especially the new theory of Unconscious thought (Nordgren & Dijksterhuis 2006), which will enjoyspecial scrutiny due to its recentness in the scientific field. A decision strategy ought to put high-level consciouscognition to use where it is most effective, and this is on a different level than the canonized one. Meta decisionmaking is decision making concerning which decisions ought to be made consciously. It is the area where the largestamount of freedom can be obtained wherein the largest amount of thought effort ought to be invested.

Kulturpolitik som instrument: en idéanalys av propositionen Tid för kultur

This Master?s thesis has governmental cultural policy in focus and concludes a textual idea analysis of the governmental bill Time for culture. (Tid för kultur.) The aim of the study is to examine how the government is seeking legitimacy concerning the cultural policy. One of the starting points is that the society has changed over time in terms of for example increased globalization and multicultural and even the market adjustment is more evident. Also the economical basis in the society is different nowadays.

Motiv vid köp av skogsfastigheter : Ur privatpersoners perspektiv

Abstract Over the years the consciousness of risk has grown. It?s hard to influence risks, therefore there are guidelines stating that significant risk must be included in the annual report. This paper is a case study; the purpose was to examine how four Swedish listed companies chose to disclose their internal and external risks. Risk is initially described in general sense and then it figures to what constitutes an economic risk.Through a case study of four Swedish listed companies? annual reports we have, through qualitative methods found how the companies chose to disclosure their risks.

Fördelning av samkostnader - En studie över hur svenska energibolag fördelar samkostnader mellan el och fjärrvärme i ett kraftvärmeverk

Cost allocation ? a study of how Swedish energy companies allocate costs between electricity and district heating in a combined heat and power plant District heating is today the most utilized alternative for heating in Sweden. In a combined heat and power plant (CHP) electricity and heat are cogenerated. The environmental and economic advantages with this kind of production are high. A problem in a CHP-plant is to allocate costs between electricity and heat since both products are generated in the same process.

På vems villkor? : En fallstudie om barnarbete i Ghana

The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyze two factors contributing to child labor in Ghana, one of the world's largest producers of cocoa. These two factors are: poor countries economic and political dependency on the rich countries, political leader?s ambitions and decisions. We will also describe and analyze the UN's efforts and measures to combat child labor. The method we used was a case study of child labor in Ghana?s cocoa industry together with interviews.

Svensk biståndspolitik i Sri Lanka - En studie över hur svenskt bistånd inverkar på Sri Lankas tillväxt och fattigdomsbekämpning

Med anledning av att Sida, och sålunda Sverige, utformat en ny biståndsstrategi i Sri Lanka, vilken i många avseende strider mot dess föregångare, syftar denna uppsats till att undersöka dess inverkan. Den nya strategin präglas av en återgång till ett kapitalfundamentalistiskt synsätt där den ekonomiska sektorn sätts i fokus, vilket markant frånskiljer sig sin föregångare som snarare såg till utbildningsområdet och missgynnade grupper på landsbygden. Strategins inverkan analyseras i tre separata avsnitt, först utifrån ett teoretiskt perspektiv med the Human Capital Approach och strukturstabilitetsteorin som referensramar. Därefter analyseras strategin med utgångspunkt i den svenska biståndspolitiken som genom biståndspropositionen 2003 grundligt omdefinierats, och där svenskt bistånd idag agerar utifrån en global kontext. Slutligen ses strategin i den internationella biståndskontexten gentemot Sri Lanka, där en diskussion förs huruvida arbetsfördelning föreligger mellan de stora biståndsgivarna eller snarare likformade strategier.

Skada, vinst och samhällsflytt : En kvalitativ studie om hur LKAB porträtteras i Dagens Nyheter

The purpose of this paper is to examine how LKAB are portrayed in the newspaper Dagens Nyheter (DN). The methods that were used were: Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) combined with Critical Linguistic Analysis. These were used since they help to reveal the structures and unconscious meaning and power of word. It gives the tools to see how authority, power and meaning of words are constructed during social practice of the way they are used. To complement the method the theories that?s used are discourse analysis since CDA is both a method and a theory.

Utveckling av loadlimiter för bilbarnstol

The Smart Grid technology has during the last decade been established as a way to create a greater flexibility on the electricity grid that will be needed as the development moves towards an increased share of renewable primary energy sources in the electricity production. One part of the Smart Grid technology is the ability to shift loads in time, to adapt to either price or emissions, known as Demand Response. This project, which was conducted at KTH in collaboration with the consulting corporation Capgemini, examines the economic, environmental and social aspects of the Demand Response technology. In the project, three household products are used in a model that derives the potential savings in costs and emissions of CO2e. The results show that the actual savings measured in SEK are small, but that the savings measured in percent can be as high as 20 percent. Reduction of CO2e emissions is slightly lower.

Tjeckien och EU - associationsavtalets effekter på handel och specialisering

Uppsatsen Tjeckien och EU ? associationsavtalets effekter på handel och specialisering är en ekonomisk studie med behandling av handelsdata som belyser Tjeckiens ekonomiska transition. Denna studie har främst gjorts med syftet att analysera associationsavtalets inverkan på handeln mellan Tjeckien och EU. Det är främst effekterna av avtalet ur ett handelsalstrings- och handelsomfördelningsperspektiv, samt integrationens effekter på den tjeckiska specialiseringen som behandlas. Slutligen diskuteras även hur handeln mellan dessa två parter kan tänkas påverkas av Tjeckiens medlemskap i EU.Processen för landet har varit sådan från att först nästintill ha varit en autarki, till att senare ha blivit frihandelspartner till EU och slutligen fullvärdig medlem av Europeiska Unionen.

Ledarskap, kommunikation och målsättning som motivationsfaktorer : en fallstudie på Fresenius Kabi i Uppsala

It's not a secret that most companies strive to get such a high economic return as possible. To successfully engage in a profitable enterprise, there are many elements that come into play. An important element is the motivation of the employees and their work performance. Work motivation is a key factor for the employees to improve their performance and therefore determinant for the successes of the company.This work is a case study in the production at Fresenius Kabi, Uppsala. The work is based on an employee survey that they fill out once a year and the aim is to develop a deeper understanding for these questions and how the employees see on leadership, communication and goal-setting as motivators and how these factors works in the company today.To get this deeper understanding I have used a qualitative approach.

Lågdosprotokoll vid datortomografiundersökningar av misstänkt njursten : en litteraturstudie

Type 2 diabetes is a growing disease in the population which includes that older people are a risk group. With the disease grows even cost?s. A lifestyle change is a major part of the treatment for type 2 diabetes. There are several factors that suggest positive effects on prevention among the elderly where, among other things, economic and health benefits are presented.

Vårdpersonals upplevelse av att vårda patientermed diagnosen afasi efter stroke : En litteraturstudie

Background: Stroke is one of the leading causes for longlasting sequelae, among themloss in cognitive function, like aphasia. Aphasia effects the patients ability to understandand express themselves in speaking and writing. To be able to reach a good level of care,the careproviders and patients ought to have the same goals and values. This requires agood communication between the careproviders and patients. Which can be problematicfor the caregivers when they don't feel secure in their way of getting close to these patients.Aim: The purpose of this study was to illuminate caregivers experience of caring forpatients with the diagnosis aphasia following stroke.Method: This is a literature study where nine studies, with qualitative design, has beenanalyzed and compiled.

Metod för urval av bäriga bestånd längs med bäriga vägar i Sveaskogs planeringsområde Råneå och Överkalix :

With increased need for flexibility in timber deliveries, forest roads become an important factor. The disintegration of roads during the spring season can be avoided if it is possible to rule cutting areas to stands with good carrying capacity along roads with good carrying capacity. The goal with this work was to create a method to find the stands with high carrying capacity located near roads with high carrying capacity, and select them into a collection file. The method was based on Esri ArcGIS 9 and the tables that follow within that program. The method resulted in four different themes: 1. Collections with GYL 100 that cross the bufferzon for 0, 1, 2 and 3 class roads. Result 36 collections. 2. Collections with GYL 100 and 200 that cross the bufferzon for 0, 1, 2 and 3 class roads.

Smarta Elnät ? Modell och Marknad

The Smart Grid technology has during the last decade been established as a way to create a greater flexibility on the electricity grid that will be needed as the development moves towards an increased share of renewable primary energy sources in the electricity production. One part of the Smart Grid technology is the ability to shift loads in time, to adapt to either price or emissions, known as Demand Response. This project, which was conducted at KTH in collaboration with the consulting corporation Capgemini, examines the economic, environmental and social aspects of the Demand Response technology. In the project, three household products are used in a model that derives the potential savings in costs and emissions of CO2e. The results show that the actual savings measured in SEK are small, but that the savings measured in percent can be as high as 20 percent. Reduction of CO2e emissions is slightly lower.

Marknadseffektivitet - en studie på den svenska fondmarknaden

Huvudsyftet är att undersöka om det existerar väsentliga variabler som kan hjälpa oss att finna framtida vinnarfonder genom att studera historisk information. Studien mäts i förhållande till det existerande utbudet på svenska fondmarknaden. Konkret vill vi kunna få en högre signifikant avkastning under en given period än den genomsnittliga avkastningen för samtliga fonder på den svenska marknaden. Med denna undersökning vill vi bidra till en diskussion om det råder marknadseffektivitet. Variabler som vi studerar för denna undersökning är historisk avkastning, standardavvikelse, Sharpekvot, Stutzer index, fondstorlek, kapitalflöde, relativ volym, trading activity, fondavgifter och slutligen ålder.

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