10169 Uppsatser om Economic result - Sida 47 av 678
Kapital är kostsamt: en studie av EVA som värderingsmodell
Uppsatsen behandlar Economic Value Added som ett värderingsverktyg för företag. EVA är först och främst ett internt styrmedel och prestationsmått, framtagen av konsultfirman Stern & Stewart. Modellen har dock börjat nämnas mer och mer i värderingssammanhang. Enkelt uttryckt bygger EVA på att ge aktieägare och långivare en skälig avkastning på deras satsade kapital. Räcker inte företagets avkastning till detta ändamål har ej en acceptabel prestationsnivå uppnåtts.
Tillväxt med Corporate Social Responsibility : En studie om huruvida CSR påverkar Volkswagen Groups strategi till att bli den största bilförsäljarkoncernen.
The report assesses the typical questions regarding Corporate Social Responsibility within the automotive industry. An attempt as to whether Corporate Social Responsibility has an impact on growth companies is demonstrated. Volkswagen Group is within the required analytical criteria, which are to be studied. Also, the fact that they recently launched ?Strategy 2018? makes it even more interesting to immerse into.
Kvinnojouren och kommunen : - En kvalitativ studie om relationen mellan kvinnojourer och kommuner
The purpose of this study is to find out how the non-governmental shelters for battered women identify themselves in context of their dependence and cooperation with the municipality. Their legitimacy is also investigated which is based on, along with identity, key concepts of the neoinstitutional organization theory. The mutual dependency between these two actors is problematized along with the question of who is responsible for assisting the battered women, and who takes on the responsibilities for them. The empirical result that is analyzed was gathered through three qualitative semi structured interviews with employed personnel at three different battered women?s shelters in three different municipalities in Sweden.
Lindehults handelstr?dg?rd: en fallstudie med fokus p? j?rnv?gens nytta f?r en ?kad marknad
This case study's aim was to strengthen the state of knowledge about how horticultural
companies in Sweden used railway transports between 1900s and the 1950s. Economic
theories and a micro-historical perspective have been used to analyze the collected
source material, and to describe Lindehult's market garden. The investigation is based
on document analyzes, qualitative interviews, archive studies and literature studies to
evaluate the sources' information through a source pluralistic method. The work has
been based on historical source material in the form of payment vouchers, giving an
insight into how the company's products were transported by rail across Sweden. Sture
Hjalmarsson's diary and interviews have described the case and events that affected the
company internally.
Förutsättningar för att utnyttja solceller i Sala-Heby relaterat till ekonomiska stöd
There have been several projects with solar installations in Sweden, and Sala-Heby Energi (SHE) wanted to create a solar plant. The question answered in this thesis is whether it is economically viable to create such a source of sustainable, renewable energy. The plant would be built with the help of the financial effort from 120 customers. This economic union would sell the electricity to the SHE, for SEK 4.50 per kWh up to a certain level over a period of 10 years. It would be a long term commitment to environmentally friendly electricity, using solar cells which convert sunlight directly into electricity.In year 2009 there was introduced a new state aid for photovoltaic systems, to create an increased and continuing interest in solar cells.
Vägar till fred En moralisk komparativ analys av eftergiftspolitik, ekonomiska sanktioner och krig som konfliktslösande agenter för fred
The world is yet to experience world peace, a peace that is hindered by ongoing conflicts that escalate into wars around the globe. Therefore, peace can only be possible if conflicts are restricted and resolved to prohibit war, creating and maintaining peace. This study will be constructed around this assumption, but will include a moral variable and answer: is there a moral conflict-solving road to peace?The study will be directed around appeasement, economic sanctions and war as conflict resolving agents for peace. I will construct a typology with common features by using empirical material; a topology that will then be analyzed using two opposing ethical theories, consequentialism and common morality.The analysis will be constructed around the above mentioned question.
Fuktskador i ytterväggar på grund av vattenintrång
Moisture damage in buildings is a serious issue that leads to problematic consequences and high economic costs. Despite the knowledge and awareness existing about moisture problems, extensive damager still occurs today. Studies of moisture in the exterior wall constructions shows that the issue if often caused by rain and water intrusion. These kinds of problem result in major costs usually because the companies have to replace the material and structural components and also in some cases tear down large parts of the buildings.The work includes moisture theory and descriptions of four different exterior wall constructions, wood stud wall with plastered facade, exterior wall with wood facade, exterior wall with concrete, and exterior wall with brick facade. Our thesis work describes how the constructions are affected and moisture damage due to water intrusion.
Osäkerhet i energisimuleringar av flerbostadshus : Analys av fem nybyggnationer
Since energy simulations are used to verify that projected residential buildings will reach the current energy requirements it is important that the results are reliable.This report investigates the extent of uncertainty in energy simulations, estimates the causes of the uncertainty and its economic and environmental consequences.The method used in this report is based on three validation methods; empirical validation, analytical validation and comparative validation. The analysis was carried out for five multi-family dwellings in Uppsala with installed meters for energy measurements. One of these objects, Klockarlunden, was studied in more detail than the others.The results show that the deviations are between 10 and 29% for the studied objects, which means that the uncertainty is estimated to be at least 29%. All simulations underestimate the buildings need of energy. The simulation for Klockarlunden can predict the energy consumption to be within the range of 46-98 kWh/m2year with 90% confidence level based on the current uncertainty.
Våra och de andras möjligheter : -En undersökning av ungdomars förståelse av sina egna och andras livsvillkor och förutsättningar
This study aimed to explore the perceived role and mandate of civil servants employed in municipalities in Kronoberg county. The study aimed to answer the question whether civil servants engaged in municipal economics have different perspectives on their mandate and role based on how said civil servants implement and manage policy tools available in Swedish municipalities. The study aimed to through policy tools theory explain how civil servants through four categories view the policy tools employed in the municipality. The study is based on the reasoning that policy tools influences exercise of authority that in turn influences view on policy tools. In order to study civil servants perspective on perceived mandate and role interviews were conducted with a sample of civil servants from each of the eight municipalities in Kronoberg county.
Neutral bolagsskatt? : Analys om SOU 2014:40 skapar neutralitet mellan lånat och eget kapital
This paper examines the power producing dams along the Ume-river as an integral part of and a result from the urbanization process in Sweden during industrial capitalism. The aim of the paper is to contribute to the knowledge of the urbanization process in Sweden in general and of its traces along the Ume river in the county of Västerbotten in particular. The paper applies the theory of concentrated urbanization and extended urbanization put forward by Neil Brenner and Christian Schmid (2015) and argues that the building of power producing dams along the Ume-river is part of an extended urbanization process. This becomes particularly evident when examining the vast physical structures that is the dams, situated in an otherwise remote and sparsely populated area. These vast physical structures are also very well connected to a nation wide electric grid that has connections to bordering countries as well.
Kärnkraft : Ett arbete för drifttekniker?
The gas turbines in the Swedish secondary reserve are reaching the end of their technical lifetime, hence alternative solutions need to be considered. One of the solutions thought to have the greatest potential is the use of so called consumptionreduction. By entering contracts with large consumers, agreements are made to reduce consumption in the event of major disturbances in the power system and thus being used as a secondary reserve. This thesis investigates the feasibility of consumption reduction as part of the secondary reserve. This has been achieved by developing a requirement specification for the disturbance reserve and by studying the technical and economic potential for consumption reduction among a range of consumers.The technical potential for consumption reduction that fulfils the requirements for participating in the secondary reserve are on average 750 MW in SE 3 and 98 MW in SE 4.
Rörlig lön
Det är en ständigt pågående debatt om huruvida belöningssystem fungerar som motivationsinstrument eller inte. Många, främst inom den psykologiska skolan, är kritiska till belöningssystem, trots detta finns de i alla organisationer. Kan denna förekomst förklaras av att det finns en annan skola, den ekonomiska, som är det dominerande synsättet hos företag? Syftet med denna uppsats är att ställa den psykologiska skolans motivationsuppfattning emot den ekonomiska i en analys, och utifrån denna se om det går att dra slutsatsen att det ekonomiska tankesättet är det som dominerar och därmed ge en förklaring till varför belöningssystem förekommer som motivationsverktyg i ett företag. För att kunna utreda detta har vi valt att göra en fallstudie på företaget Tempur och dess säljare, samt tagit hjälp av teorier ur såväl den psykologiska motivationsuppfattningen, Maslow och Herzberg, som den ekonomiska, economic man.
Från känsla till handling : Empatins betydelse för frivilligas engagemang
Since the late 50th century, the automobile has been normative in the Swedish society (Lundin 2008). This has led to an urban environment deeply characterized by the motor vehicle and its necessities, while other means of transportation, such as train and bicycle, have been ignored and put aside. However, over the past decades, a new trend has been seen in urban planning as a consequence of the increasing knowledge of the negative qualities caused by the car. As a result, the bicycle is seen as a conceivable transport mode.This thesis examines cycling on four issues:- Why is there a need of more cyclists? - How can the total number of cyclists as well as the number of satisfied cyclists increase? - Which factors affect the choice of transport mode? - Which factors affect the choice of route?The first two questions are discussed from a literature study that was conducted at the beginning of the thesis.
Hållbar konsumtion av nötkött och mjölk
Sustainable beef and milk consumption. The consumption of beef and dairy products in Sweden is high. A lot of greenhouse gases are emitted from the production of these products. The production of beef in Sweden has decreased but the import has increased. The number of dairy cows has decreased while beef-production with suckler-cows has increased in Sweden.
Bonusar : Mot ett långsiktigt tänkande
Background: The background explains different financial crises and the effect those crises had on the Swedish acquits regarding variable compensation. The resent discussion regarding variable compensation and the main problems with bonuses is also explained. Our theories for this essay is mainly based on the new directions from Finansinspektionen FFFS 2009:6,7 and stakeholder theory. Other theories used are agency theory, stewardship theory and economic man.Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to analyze the new directions for variable compensation and to investigate if these new directions can lead to a more long-term thinking for managers in banks. Method: We used semi-structured interviews with open questions for our survey.