2159 Uppsatser om Economic liberalization - Sida 40 av 144
Utveckling av applikationsplattform för inbyggt system
In the current situation in the housing market and in particular the inner city much attention is directed towards achieved prices per square meter in sales. The indicator is as a principle an appropriate measure of the housing market?s health and development, and can to some extent be used to make approximations of the general economic health status of municipalities and counties. It occurs occasionally that questions about whether prices are based on fundamentals at all times.The thesis questions that very issue, not from a macro accompanying financial perspective but rather from a microeconomic perspective, where each tenant ownership in the study is a micro-object. Are the observed prices per square meter rational relative to housing cooperative?s assets or is there a lack in the observed prices anchoring the respective association's finances.
Katastrofhantering i kapitalets förlovade land : Den amerikanska statens hantering av Dust Bowl och orkanen Katrina
In this thesis, I enquire into how the USA ? our world?s wealthiest and most powerful nation ? and its federal government has dealt with two of its most severe natural disasters: the drought and dust storms that plagued the Great Plains during the 1930?s, i.e. the Dust Bowl, and Hurricane Katrina, which made landfall in late August 2005. I attempt to identify differences and similarities and analyze if and, in that case, how the hegemonic politico-economic paradigm affected the federal management of these crises. This comparison is made relevant by the fact that two differing paradigms were at play during these events. In the thirties, President Franklin D. Roosevelt launched his ?New Deal?, a series of counter cyclical measures in line with the Keynesian school of economics, as a response to the overwhelming economic depression as well as the raging drought.
Samhällsekonomiska kostnader av informell vård vid Alzheimers sjukdom
Alzheimers sjukdom är den vanligaste av demenssjukdomar och omfattas av cirka 80 000 diagnosticerade fall i Sverige. Alzheimers sjukdom kallas ofta för ?de anhörigas sjukdom?, vilket syftar på att den drabbade i takt med insjuknandet förlorar insikten om sjukdomstillståndet samtidigt som det blir mer och mer uppenbart och även krävande för de anhöriga. Vårdbehovet för demenspatienter är stort och ökar i takt med sjukdomsgrad. En stor del av vården av dessa patienter utgörs av så kallad informell vård då patientens anhöriga, utan ersättning, fungerar som vårdproducenter.
Solceller pa? Uppsalahems fastigheter : Ekonomisk potential fram till 2030
Uppsalahem is the leading housing corporation in Uppsala with its over 160 real estate properties. Uppsalahem is owned by the municipality of Uppsala, which has a climate and energy goal that aims for 100 MW of solar energy to be installed in Uppsala by 2030. The 100 MW goal, combined with Uppsalahem?s environmental policy, is a strong incentive to investigate the possibility of installing PV modules on the many available roof areas that Uppsalahem possesses. The objective of this thesis is to create a foundation for future decisions regarding PV systems for Uppsalahem.
Den svenska äldrevården : Behov, konkurrens, kvalitet och valfrihet ur ett fastighetsperspektiv
In this thesis an explorative study was undertaken with the aim to study how a number of private care providers, as well as politicians and officials from councils in and around the Stockholm and Uppsala counties, think about the future of the Swedish elderly care from a property perspective, i.e. homes for the elderly. The analysis shows that there is a demand for capacity in 6 out of 16 municipalities, and that the property is an important part of this capacity, and the fulfillment of it. This was mainly due to the cost of capital, but also because of several other factors such as lack of land, a wish to guide the design, ideology, and in many cases a wish to use the property as an instrument of domination to control private health care providers.Also, the property was show to be connected to economic competition, to freedom of choice, and to quality. The problems related to the property in the market for elderly care still remains to be solved.
Är Renminbin undervärderad?
Kina har haft en exceptionell utveckling tiden efter den ekonomiska reformen 1979 då den kinesiska regeringen började öppna upp den interna marknaden för internationell konkurrens. Resultatet har visats sig i växande valutareserv och bytesbalans och framförallt i tilltagande BNP tillväxt. Under de senaste åren har det framkommit hård kritik från omvärlden (läs USA och EU) där budskapet har varit att den kinesiska regeringen skall revalvera sin valuta och därmed närma sin jämviktsväxelkurs. Den här uppsatsen undersökte vad den nominella växelkursen skulle ha varit i Kina när budgetrestriktionen är uppfylld. Detta sker när Kina möter sitt initiala överskott (underskott) med ett nuvärdesberäknat underskott (överskott).
Thailand De tusen leendenas land : En studie om massturismens negativa konsekvenser
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate if there exists a superiority between developed and developing countries, which then in turn effects the negative consequences, for the local inhabitants of Thailand, that follow from mass tourism.To be able to answer the questions that we have selected for this thesis, we chose to perform open interviews with six respondents which were all involved in the tourism industry in Thailand. Four of the interviews were carried out on location in Thailand. In order to deepen our understanding of the selected questions even further literary studies have been made as well. The theories we have chosen concern the topics of imperialism and figurations.Our empirical material gave significant results. It showed that there is indeed an imbalance of power between the western world and Thailand.
Demokratins förutsättningar i Västafrika : En jämförande studie av Ghana och Guinea
In subsequent to Post-colonialism the African nations have dilated into different political directions. While some nations have established well-functioning democracies, others are still under authoritarian regimes. The aim of this thesis is to examine if civil society has an impact on democratic development in West Africa. Therefore the theoretical starting point is Putnam?s theory of social capital, but this study will also examine other possible causal explanations for democratic transition.This study will be based on a comparative analysis of Ghana and Guinea.
Rederiers hantering av nya miljökrav : En studie om Birka Cruises, Tallink Silja och Viking Lines arbete med ekonomisk och miljömässig hållbar utveckling
The purpose of this study is to examine how Viking Line, Tallink Silja and Birka Cruises work with economic and environmental sustainability, and also to see how they work with new environmental legislations. In 2015 a new environmental legislation will be introduced, by the name Sulphur directive. The Sulphur directive entails a reduction in Sulphur dioxide emissions from ships where the emissions cannot exceed 0,1 percent. There are three alternatives to achieve the new environmental legislation, the use of Marine Gas Oil, LNG or scrubbers. All three alternatives will lead to increasing costs for the shipping industry.
En kostnadsanalys av energieffektiva flerbostadshus
In Sweden the real estate sector accounts for 33 % of energy consumption and just below 10 % of the emission of carbon dioxide. As a consequence of the external pressure from climate change it?s in everybody?s interest to reduce the energy consumption and thus reduce the emission of carbon dioxide. An additional incentive to reduce the energy consumption is the substantial increase of the energy price since the deregulation of the electricity market in 1996.In this study the techniques that exist to build multi-storey residential buildings with high energy performance will be investigated. Further the study intends to investigate the optimal energy performance from a real estate economic perspective.In order to investigate the optimal energy performance a model has been created with the parameters investment cost, rental revenues, operation and maintenance cost, discount rate and investment horizon.The result shows a relationship between a high investment cost and a high energy performance for newly constructed multi-storey residential buildings.
Hållbar utveckling- En textanalys av miljöpolicy i lokal och nationell kontext
Sustainable development is a concept that has been interpreted in a multitude of ways in different contexts. This essay argues that the discourse of "ecological modernization" has strongly influenced the way in which the concept of ?sustainability? has been constructed in Swedish environmental policy. This interpretation of the concept of sustainability offers the possibility of combining economic growth with ecological sustainability which stands in contrast to the assumptions of Deep Ecology and Green Theory. The aim of this essay is to explore how the concept of sustainability is being formulated in environmental policy both on a national level and in the city of Malmö.Considering these issues in a specific context, this essay focuses on city planning that is as an important instrument to promote urban sustainability both on national and local levels.
Svartedalens naturreservat : en social rikedom värd att utveckla!
Svartedalens nature reserve a social richness worth develop.
The nature reserve of Svartedalen is an area of high biological and social values. The reserve is located close to several densely populated areas. The reserve has been classified as a national area of interest for nature conservation and outdoor life, and as a Natura 2000 area according to both the bird- and habitat directions. The reserve is the largest landarea in Västra Götaland, 3 410 hectares, where a resolution has been made about all these forms of protection. The foundation Skogssällskapet owns 1 956 hectares of the reserve, at 1 384 hectares of the property they pursue FSC-certified silver culture, according to current management plan.
Krisen på Wall Street : En analys av sju artiklar från tidningen Affärsvärlden och fem artiklar från tidningen XINHUA om banken Lehman Brothers konkurs 17 september 2008
The crisis on Wall Street. This essay is a comparative study of how two business newspapers report on the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers Holdings in September 2008. Seven articles from the Swedish European financial newspaper Affärsvärlden (Business World) and five articles from the Chinese-Asian news agency XINHUA FINANCE are examined. The aim is to analyze, understand and evaluate from a rhetorical perspective. My thesis is that rhetors storytelling can tell us more about how we cope with crisis in the global economic discourse. The texts can portray man as a narrative creature when identification as a rational actor is not enough. The analytical methods used are linguistic analysis with an emphasis on metaphor analysis, narrative analysis based on pentad - Critical dramatism, and discourse analysis with doxological outlook. The results show that both newspapers seek to defend the global economic discourse, but they do so in different ways. Affärsvärlden advocates calmness and conveys a cautious attitude. The heart of the crisis, as well as its solution, is on Wall Street. XINHUA advocates control and expresses confidence in authorities and the system. Asia is presented as Wall Street's savior..
Skogsmarksgödsling : en ekonomisk analys av olika gödslingsstrategier för ett skogsinnehav i norra Sverige
The purpose of this study is to analyze the economic effects of different fertilization programs both on stand- and forest-level. The study is applied on an objective sample of inventory data for a forest area in Kalix in northern Sweden. The forest area belongs to the forest company Sveaskog. The study includes different economic models and will be used as a support when the company decides how to invest and how much to invest in fertilization.
The study investigates the economy of five different fertilization policies. For each program the rate of interest invested in fertilization and the cost for the extra produced volume has been calculated.
Elbilen på väg mot 2030 : Handlingsplan för införande av elbilen i Sverige
The aim of this study is to examine possibilities and barriers for an introduction of electric vehicles in Sweden. The study has an interdisciplinary approach and thoroughly examines the essential topics which influence the future of the electric vehicle. The study reaches from answering the question on why electric vehicles lost the game to petrol cars in the early 20th century, to sketch how the difference in total cost of ownership will be between electric vehicles and petrol cars for the coming 20 years. Apart from these subjects the main topics of the study are today?s and tomorrow?s situation regarding technology, charging, fuel, market and economic incentives from an electric vehicle perspective.