

2159 Uppsatser om Economic liberalization - Sida 41 av 144

Fördelning av samkostnader - En studie över hur svenska energibolag fördelar samkostnader mellan el och fjärrvärme i ett kraftvärmeverk

Cost allocation ? a study of how Swedish energy companies allocate costs between electricity and district heating in a combined heat and power plant District heating is today the most utilized alternative for heating in Sweden. In a combined heat and power plant (CHP) electricity and heat are cogenerated. The environmental and economic advantages with this kind of production are high. A problem in a CHP-plant is to allocate costs between electricity and heat since both products are generated in the same process.

På vems villkor? : En fallstudie om barnarbete i Ghana

The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyze two factors contributing to child labor in Ghana, one of the world's largest producers of cocoa. These two factors are: poor countries economic and political dependency on the rich countries, political leader?s ambitions and decisions. We will also describe and analyze the UN's efforts and measures to combat child labor. The method we used was a case study of child labor in Ghana?s cocoa industry together with interviews.

Svensk biståndspolitik i Sri Lanka - En studie över hur svenskt bistånd inverkar på Sri Lankas tillväxt och fattigdomsbekämpning

Med anledning av att Sida, och sålunda Sverige, utformat en ny biståndsstrategi i Sri Lanka, vilken i många avseende strider mot dess föregångare, syftar denna uppsats till att undersöka dess inverkan. Den nya strategin präglas av en återgång till ett kapitalfundamentalistiskt synsätt där den ekonomiska sektorn sätts i fokus, vilket markant frånskiljer sig sin föregångare som snarare såg till utbildningsområdet och missgynnade grupper på landsbygden. Strategins inverkan analyseras i tre separata avsnitt, först utifrån ett teoretiskt perspektiv med the Human Capital Approach och strukturstabilitetsteorin som referensramar. Därefter analyseras strategin med utgångspunkt i den svenska biståndspolitiken som genom biståndspropositionen 2003 grundligt omdefinierats, och där svenskt bistånd idag agerar utifrån en global kontext. Slutligen ses strategin i den internationella biståndskontexten gentemot Sri Lanka, där en diskussion förs huruvida arbetsfördelning föreligger mellan de stora biståndsgivarna eller snarare likformade strategier.

Framgångsfaktorer inom Wallenbergsfären

AbstractThe purpose for this study has been to discover and reveal what exactly it is that have made the Wallenberg family so successful in the Swedish business world for more than 150 years. We have narrowed our research by limit it to only find and concern the specific features of the Wallenberg family and not their entire corporate group. There is no research made before regarding this matter, as far as we could see, which is one of the reasons to why we find this study relevant. In order to answer our question we have chosen to use a qualitative approach in which we have interviewed three people. These three people all have deep and thorough insight in the Wallenberg family.

Tjeckien och EU - associationsavtalets effekter på handel och specialisering

Uppsatsen Tjeckien och EU ? associationsavtalets effekter på handel och specialisering är en ekonomisk studie med behandling av handelsdata som belyser Tjeckiens ekonomiska transition. Denna studie har främst gjorts med syftet att analysera associationsavtalets inverkan på handeln mellan Tjeckien och EU. Det är främst effekterna av avtalet ur ett handelsalstrings- och handelsomfördelningsperspektiv, samt integrationens effekter på den tjeckiska specialiseringen som behandlas. Slutligen diskuteras även hur handeln mellan dessa två parter kan tänkas påverkas av Tjeckiens medlemskap i EU.Processen för landet har varit sådan från att först nästintill ha varit en autarki, till att senare ha blivit frihandelspartner till EU och slutligen fullvärdig medlem av Europeiska Unionen.

Marknadseffektivitet - en studie på den svenska fondmarknaden

Huvudsyftet är att undersöka om det existerar väsentliga variabler som kan hjälpa oss att finna framtida vinnarfonder genom att studera historisk information. Studien mäts i förhållande till det existerande utbudet på svenska fondmarknaden. Konkret vill vi kunna få en högre signifikant avkastning under en given period än den genomsnittliga avkastningen för samtliga fonder på den svenska marknaden. Med denna undersökning vill vi bidra till en diskussion om det råder marknadseffektivitet. Variabler som vi studerar för denna undersökning är historisk avkastning, standardavvikelse, Sharpekvot, Stutzer index, fondstorlek, kapitalflöde, relativ volym, trading activity, fondavgifter och slutligen ålder.

Utformning av balanserat styrkort i handikappförvaltningen, Karlskrona kommun

Purpose: The main purpose of our study is to explain how the disability management in the municipality of Karlskrona can design its balanced scorecard from a theoretical basis. The mission of the balanced scorecard is to improve the management control system. To achieve the main purpose we have to study the problems that exist with the current control system, which then becomes our second purpose.Method: Our study has a qualitative approach. The design of the study is a case study in which one case has been looked at. The empirical data is collected through interviews and documents. We have gathered our theory through scientific articles and literature.Results: The goals set by the board are unclear and hard to define.

90-talskrisens effekter p? syssels?ttningsstrukturen f?r Lund och Malm?

The employment structure consists of different sectors, whose share of the total employment rate is all part of an economic structural conversion according to this thesis applied theoretical approach. A structural conversion, which consist of recurring crises, such as the financial crises in the early 1990s. This crisis and its effect on the Swedish economy is well-documented, while the shortage regarding the effect on a smaller scale, in a local and regional context, provides this thesis purpose. More specifically, a comparison between the two neighbouring towns of Malm? and Lund, will constitute the local contexts in this research.

En förstudie för bioetanol produktion i Borås

AbstractThe purpose of project is to study the possibility for Borås Energy & Environment to build and run a commercial ethanol production facility in Borås. The project also studies the technology for the production of ethanol using renewable energy, e.g. lignocelluloses with focus on two processes, svag-syra hydrolyse and enzymatic hydrolyse. The technology of the process is based of hydrolysation of biomass (hemicelluloses and cellulose) to sugar and extract it to ethanol. These two techniques will compare with each other to determine which of them that it?s more suitable for ethanol production.

Ska olika VaR-modeller användas för olika tillgångstyper?

I takt med att handeln med finansiella tillgångar ökat har också intresset för att finna tillförlitliga metoder att bedöma risken ökat. Ett mått för att mäta risken för en tillgång eller för en portfölj av tillgångar är Value-at-Risk (VaR). VaR definieras som; den med viss sannolikhet förväntade förlusten från ogynnsamma marknadsrörelser över en definierad tidsperiod. Fördelen med VaR är att riskbedömningen bryts ner till ett enda mått som är ganska lätt att förstå. Det finns flera olika sätt att beräkna VaR och det har gjorts många undersökningar för att testa vilken modell som ger bäst resultat.

Köp av skogsfastighet : en fallstudie

The price of Swedish forest properties has gone up by 77 percent during the past five years. Amongst private forest managers the high price level signals optimism and confidence for the future. Many forest owners manage large capital in the forest and a planned economy is to a larger extent demanded to achieve a positive economic result. Forest is long-term and to maximize a single year without planning for the years to come results in less optimization of the parameters available to achieve a favourable economic result. This case study investigates the investment of two forest properties situated in Götaland. The management of the forest has been planned for both properties during a period of ten years.

Drivkrafter bakom den totala faktorproduktivitetens utveckling på regional nivå : En fallstudie på de svenska FA-regionerna under perioden 1990 ? 2005

Production requires the input of capital and labour. Hence, economic growth can be assumed to follow from increased levels of these two factors. Policies aimed at increasing production may consequently successfully be focused on facilitating the accumulation of capital and labour. However, even when an economy has managed to reach the same quantities of input factors as a more prosperous neighbour, the level of the production might still differ. The explanation of this lies in what economists refers to as expression embracing the characteristics of the input factors and the conditions in which they operate.In this thesis a calculation of total factor productivity is carried out, using existing data on the Swedish FA-regions between 1990 and 2005 and the method the economist Robert Solow in the 1950?s.

Aktiv- och Indexförvaltning : - Kan svenska investerare få högre riskjusterad avkastning genom aktiv förvaltning?

Nearly 74 percent of the Swedish population invests in funds and the options are therefore various. The Swedish private investors can choose between active and passively managed funds. Fund managers, who seek to generate higher returns than the market, manage active managed funds. Unlike the active managed funds, passively managed funds do not require any active investment decisions.Fama?s (1970) efficient market theory reflects all available information in the stock price, therefore it is not possible to predict how the stock price changes.

Funktionsentreprenad för beläggning och vägmarkering

This report is written in cooperation with the Swedish National Road Administration South-Eastern Region in Jönköping. The report is a result of the evaluation to give an answer to the question about how well the function contract has been carried out on the E4 in Östergötlands and Jönköpings län. The evaluation is divided in two hard parameters and one soft.The Swedish National Road Administration is interested in knowing how the standard on the road have been changed during the functions period, which is the reason why the first hard parameter is considering road standard. To evaluate the standard there have been a comparison of values from measures taken every year on the current road stretch. The second hard parameter considers economy.

Lönsamhetsanalys av tekniker för utökad elproduktion i kraftvärme : Med hänsyn till elprisets variationer

This thesis aims to examine the viability of various techniques for increased electricity generation in CHP plants and the effect of electricity price fluctuations on the profitability.The techniques examined are fuel dryer, pellet production, methane production, combined methane- and pellet production, seasonal heating storages in caverns and pit heat storages and condensing tail. Using Excel and Matlab, the prerequisites for investment costs, revenues and expenses were calculated.What affects the price of electricity is a combination of economic and technological development, energy prices, economic structure, population changes and weather. Different scenarios for the electricity price were therefore examined. In the base case, the electricity price was given by the Nord Pool electricity price statistics of area three in 2011. Thereafter, WiMo was used to design the electricity scenarios for 2030, which was then applied to the data to obtain the viability of various scenarios. The techniques examined were found to give greater profits to the CHP plant by increasing and optimizing the production of electricity.

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