

2163 Uppsatser om Economic bubble - Sida 55 av 145

Sustainable business practices : a review of eco-efficiency

The current demanding business environment requires corporations to act fast in finding effective solutions to problems given the myriad of challenges they face (Dyllick & Hockerts, 2001). The challenges include the impact of climate change on business practices, natural resource consumption, chemical pollution, technological change etc. Moreover, the forces of globalization, heightened concerns about the deteriorating quality of the physical environment and increased stakeholder power are also increasingly having a real influence on business practices (Rainey, 2008). Since 1992, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) has encouraged the adoption of the concept of ecological efficiency (eco-efficiency) to support business efforts aimed at addressing some of these challenges. The aim of eco-efficiency is to reduce the amount of energy and materials used in production processes to achieve economic and environmental benefits (WBCSD, 2000).

Stockholms Energiframtid : En backcastingstudie för ett fossilbränslefritt Stockholms län 2050

This study concerns the energy future of the county of Stockholm up until 2050 and describes how the energy consumption can be compared to today with the use of scenario methodology. Within energy future studies the backcasting approach is well known and has been put to use in this study. Due to the characteristics of backcasting the study is self-fulfilling, i.e. the future energy scenarios presented in this study satisfy the targets set up in this study. In the light of what may be the largest challenge of our time ? the climate change - the aim of this study is to describe how the energy consumption in a fossil fuel free Stockholm county in the year of 2050 may be.

Kvinnor, giv akt! En studie av uttryck f?r genusstrukturer och sk?tsamhetsideal i tidskriften Morgonbris under f?rsta v?rldskriget.

This thesis explores how the Swedish magazine Morgonbris depicted women's new roles in the workforce during World War I and whether these depictions challenged or upheld contemporary gender structures. The study addresses two main questions, how Morgonbris portrayed women's new roles in the workforce and how this portrayal challenged or upheld contemporary gender structures. And also how the magazine integrated the ideal of respectability to engage and mobilize female workers, analyzed through Ronny Ambj?rnsson's descriptions of respectability ideals. Using Hirdman's gender system theory, which examines the maintenance of gender power structures through separation and hierarchy, and Ambj?rnsson's work on respectability ideals, the study employs a qualitative content analysis of articles from Morgonbris during the war years. By identifying and analyzing expressions of class and respectability ideals, the research uncovers strategies used to engage and mobilize female workers. The results show that Morgonbris portrayed women's entry into traditionally male-dominated labor sectors as a significant shift that challenged established gender roles.

Hör träbränslena hemma i växthusen? :

With the elevated oil prices of today it is necessary to look for other heating alternatives. If the oil price continues to develop in the same way it has done the last years it will soon be impossible for many producing garden companies to survive. The purpose of this diploma work is to compare three different fuel options in order to find the most economic one considering the conditions of Katrinebergs Handelsträdgård AB. In relation to oil it is profitable to change to any of the three alternatives: wood chips, wood pellets and grain. The most profitable option is to change to wood chips. This alternative has a payoff time less than three years and after that the annual saving compared to the oil is relatively high. The annual cost is 65 % of the cost of the oil alternative.

Utvärdering av vattenrening och identifiering avförluster m a p energi vid Bravikens pappersmaskin 53

This Master degree project has been performed at the Braviken paper mill on papermachine 53 (PM53) which produces newsprint paper. The current economic situationhas contributed to declining demand for newsprint, which means it is extra important tobe competitive by high energy efficiency. Particularly as energy prices are expected torise when the economic growth returns.One way to increase energy efficiency is by reducing the water use in paper and pulpmills and consequently save energy through reduced heating of water. The thesis's maintask is to evaluate whether a water purification plant (microflotation plant) forpurification of process water in PM 53 is profitable. The microflotation plant enablesreuse of warm process water instead of losing the energy to receiving waters.

Medias bild av incitamentsprogram - har publicerade artiklar en påverkan på aktiemarknaden?

This study examines how the stock prices are affected when articles, which negatively describe the companies? incentive programs, are published. According to the efficient market hypothesis, only new information should have an effect on the stock price. Furthermore, this study aims to examine whether this reaction is dependent of the economic climate. During the period of September 2005 to September 2009, stock price data was collected from the NasdaqOMX stock exchange and 75 articles were gathered from leading Swedish newspapers.

Marknadsvärde, skulder och lönsamhet : En analys av dess samvariation

How debt affects companies is an issue that has received much attention. The fact that researchers disagree can make it hard for companies to choose a financingpolicy that maximizes the value of the firm and its return on equity. In a world with investors that are seeking to maximize profits the value of the firm can be affected differently by different economic conditions. The intention of this study is to answer these issues with quantitive methods, with focus on year 2010 and 2009, where the value of the firm is defined as P/E and P/B ratio. The outcome showed that liabilities only affected return on equity significant in one of four cases, and liabilites didn?t affect the value of companies significantly in any of these.

Resurseffektiv livsmedelsproduktion : Tillämpning av industriell symbios för ökad resurseffektivitet inom den svenska tomatodlingsbranschen

Industries with energy costs as a large proportion of their total costs are greatly affected by the instruments deployed to cope with the Swedish climate and energy policy goals. With energy costs representing more than 30 % of the total costs, tomato cultivators are one of the affected industries. In order to remain competitive with other countries, a more resource- and cost-efficient cultivation of tomatoes in greenhouses is desirable in Sweden. Based on the concept of industrial symbiosis, this study investigates the prerequisites for a resource-efficient production of locally grown tomatoes in Sweden through the utilization of low grade industrial waste heat. The study is based on the foundry industry as the supplier of waste heat.To investigate the environmental, technical and economic potential of the exchange of waste heat, a comparative life cycle assessment, an inventory of the supply of industrial waste heat in Sweden, a compilation of potential technologies for the recovery of low grade industrial waste heat for heating greenhouses and a comparative life-cycle cost calculation were carried out.

Osäker vård? En fallstudie inom svensk hälso- och sjukvård

The swedish healthcare is in many situations one of the best in the world. But still, the healthcare system includes elemnts that reduce the efficiency. Partly becouse the swedish healthcare is largely monopolized, the servicecs are not properly prized and the economic responsibility and the liability legislation is limited. The main problem this study evolves around, is how a different liability rule would change the shape of the healthcare organisation. Abouve all, how would the approach to riskmanagement and preventive and riskreducing performance change with a diffrent liability rule.

Solenergi på Kvarnholmen

In recent years it has become more and more evident that man has contributed to much of the climate changes that have taken place during the last century. A major challenge today is to reduce emissions and energy usage at the same time as the global population is growing. To contribute to a better environment, Stockholms Stad has set at target of becoming fossil fuel free by the year of 2050. The construction of new districts is done with this goal in mind; energy efficiency and renewable energy sources are examples of methods to achieve this.Solar energy is considered to be a sustainable energy source and the most common techniques to harvest solar energy in Sweden are solar cells and solar collectors which produce electricity and heat respectively. This report aims to investigate whether an investment in any of these systems would prove to be economically beneficial at Kvarnholmen, a district under construction in eastern Nacka, Stockholm.Since the finished blueprints only cover a small portion of Kvarnholmen, the report examines the possibilities for a house where construction has already begun, Nya Kvarnen.

Khmer Rougetribunalen - Integritet i personalrekryteringsprocessen för säkerställande av ansvarsutkrävandets syften

The communist party Khmer Rouge took over the power in Cambodia in 1975, and ruled the country until the beginning of 1979. During these years they attempted to create a completely new society, a true Khmer nation, which involved massive economic and social reorganisation and elimination of people which did not fit in the new ideal.Three decades has passed since the genocide, and the senior leaders of the Khmer Rouge will now be tried in the Khmer Rouge tribunal, which consists of both Cambodian and international judges and prosecutors. The integrity of those tribunal representatives will be crucial for the integrity of the tribunal as a whole and thus also for the outcome of the processes. It is hard to determine whether the purposes for demand of accountability will be satisfied, it is though clear that there are many obstacles in the way for an unproblematic and fair procedure..

Finansiell företagsvärdering med uppskattning av humankapital : En studie av värderingen på den svenska marknaden

The importance of human capital in firm valuation is something Huang and Wang points out in there paper from 2008. We expand Ohlson?s valuation model (1995) in line with Huang and Wang (2008) to enhance a market value that includes proxies for human capital. By using human capital based market value and one of Francis, Nanda and Olsson?s (2008) version of earnings quality, we create a value table which aim to sort for undervalued and overvalued companies during the  economic upswing of 2003 to 2007 in the human capital line of business.

Socialt kapital på två sidor Öresund - en studie utifrån konstruktionen av ett Socialt Kapital Index

The main objective of this paper has been to construct a way to measure the level of social capital in a society. Based on a theory which describes the ideal society have I herein tried to find out to what extent the Swedish and Danish communities correspond to this model. The theoretical foundation consist of several different levels of analysis, and I have indeed found there to be consideral differences between the two nations on these different levels. The paper however conclude that these differences even out to add up to a Social Capital Index that is remarkably similar. A result which is to be interpreted as one nation being about as close to the ideal situation from a social capital point-of-view as the other..

Provtryck på skärm

This Degree Project is carried through in association with Fototext in Guthenburg. The firmsees benefits using?Soft Proof? technology for both economic and time-saving. The reasonfor ?Soft Proofing? for internal/ external production is to estimate and controll documentswithout using digital or chemical printing output.The different technical solutions to ?Soft Proof?, knowledges and facts aboutColorManagement together with PDF-workflow is going to pattern for a correct succesfull?Soft Proofing? on the monitor.Acrobat 5 in association with Photoshop 6 are effectively used in ?Soft Proofing? technic.The advance and capacity of the graphical softwares which are explained in this reporthelps the users to begin to experiment with ?Soft Proof?.

Vad påverkas odlarna av i den svenska morotsodlingen? :

In this degree project I write about how the farmers who grows carrots in Sweden get influenced by different rules, investments and demands. The Swedish agriculture are heading towards a harder time, and then you have to find new things to do. Now its hardly no profit to grow grain so you have find other crops. This paper is not a comparison between the contract cultivation to Findus and the cultivation where the farmer maked his products by a own company on the farm. If you have a small processing company on the farm, you have to increase the standard with different certificate. The farmer binds a lot of capital in machines, both field and in the process.

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