

2163 Uppsatser om Economic bubble - Sida 54 av 145

Välfärdsproblem hos mjölkkor i stora besättningar

The aim with the literature study is to inform about the risks that exists in large dairy farms(with focus on mastitis and hoof health) and to inform about the milk industry in Sweden.Personal comments from two study visits (Nötcenter Viken and Vadsbo Mjölk AB) arelinked together with the literature and forms into a discussion regarding sustainableagriculture versus the milk cow's welfare.The profitability for Sweden's milk farmers have decreased because of the decreased milkprice and current inflation. This leads to an increase in herdsize in order to make a profit.The milk cow herds in Sweden becomes fewer year by year and the herdsize increases. Theincreased herdsize can cause a decrease in the time the farmer spends per animal. This canaffect early disease detection and prolong the animals suffering.Swedish Board of Agriculture published (2008) statistics showing that today's milk cow ismedicated primarily because of two reasons; mastitis or hoof problems. Mastitis is thereason to two thirds of all treatments that are carried out.

Upplevd arbetsmiljö : En kvalitativ studie om omsorgsgivares erfarenheter av ledningens och organisationens inverkan på deras arbetsmiljö

The aim of this essay was to describe and interpret the managements and organizations impact regarding the caregivers working conditions. To examine this we used a qualitative method. We completed two group interviews and five individual interviews with a total of fifteen enrolled nurses that worked within elderly care. In our interviews we found that the enrolled nurses felt that the organizations economic interests collided with their personal values regarding good quality elderly care. We also found that the caregivers experienced that they had an impact on their working conditions and that their employer was the main reason for making it possible..

Palliativ vård i kommunal vård och omsorg : en empirisk studie av hur sjuksköterskor uppfattar arbetet med palliativ vård i kommunal hälso- och sjukvård

Background: Palliative care is something that all people should have the right to be allowed to, to be able to enjoy the qualities of life, even when someone has been afflicted with illness that cannot be cured. How do the nurses in municipal home-care deal with and prepare themselves to perform a righteous task? Aim: The aim of this study is to illuminate nurses, comprehensions of palliative care within municipal home-care. Method: The method is a questionnaire to nurses. Results: The results did comply to law and regulations.

Handel som vapen mot fattigdom : Är Economic Partnership Agreements en dröm, en lögn, eller en möjlighet?

Syftet med denna uppsats är att belysa olika uppfattningar om den internationella handelns betydelse för fattiga länder, samt att undersöka om EU:s Economic Partnership Agreements (EPA) är en möjlighet eller ett hinder för fattiga länders utveckling. Frågeställningarna är:1.Hur kan internationell handel påverka fattigdom och utveckling?2.Hur kan EPA påverka de fattiga länder som avtalen berör?Det finns många olika teorier om hur handel uppkommer och fungerar. Merkantilismen menar att export är bättre för ett land än import. Liberalismen ligger i grunden för hur det ekonomiska samhället är uppbyggt med handel och konkurrens.

Slut eller början? - en studie av före detta soldaters reintegration i Sierra Leone

The aim of this study about post-conflict economic, social and political reintegration of ex-combatants is to understand how such a process should be prepared for in order to help as many traumatized and sometimes destructive or disabled soldiers as possible to re-establish themselves as functioning civilians as well as preparing communities for their return. In order to do this I have focused on Africa and in particular the DDR-process of post war Sierra Leone. My study concludes that the relation between ex-combatants and civilians and the prospect of a positive future are crucial to a successful reintegration process..

Energieffektivisering av flerbostadshus i miljonprogrammet

This thesis has been written with our society?s current energy-situation in mind.Although it only deals with one particular block of buildings, the solutions and suggestions presented herein are quite applicable on other objects of the same type.This thesis is intended to be used as a guideline for energy-preserving projects in general, with an eye to buildings erected during the Swedish ?million-programme? in the sixties and seventies.The paper starts with the acquiring of all necessary blueprints and technical specifications. It then moves on to a thorough description of the buildings in question, and their heating- and ventilation-systems.Followed by this the reader is guided through the successive stages of energy-perseverance measures that are available, and possible. Reasoning around the economic factors concerning all measures is also held.The paper ends with conclusion, and a discussion concerning the delicate issue of the higher return-temperatures possibly reaching the district-heating plant..

ISO 14063 : drivkrafter och mervärden för miljökommunikation

The enterprises of today are beginning to realize that environmental issues are a important part of their activity. Companies and organizations are expected to a greater extent communicate their environmental work to the world surrounding them in a trustworthy and structured way. Lack of information or information that is incorrect may bring farreaching consequences. Communication is mentioned in several of the ISO 14001-standards. But what is missing is a guideline how companies should act to create and be sure of the quality of the data that can be used in the environmental communication.

Framtagning av nyckeltal som indikerar kvalitetsbristkostnader : Development of key performance indicators revealing the cost of poor quality

Since the 1980s, companies have taken a larger interest in quality and it´s economic impact within the company. Having the knowledge that it´s not quality that costs money, but it´s rather the lack of quality. The work immerses itself in the field of cost of poor quality and the development of key performance indicators.The thesis is performed at Bufab Holding in Värnamo. Bufab Holding is a trading company which mainly buys and sells C-parts. C-parts include fasteners, other small metal-, rubber- or plastic parts such as wires, springs and electronic fasteners.The aim of this thesis was to make a survey of the cost of poor quality and to find key performance indicators (KPI) for cost of poor quality that can be continuously monitored.

Möjligheter att öka effektiviteten och det ekonomiska utfallet av barkhanteringen vid Seskarö sågverk :

The sludgebark and to a certain extent the bark were until a decade ago waste products without any economic value that were thrown away. A number of environmental laws and increcing energy prices have improved the prerequisites for increasing the use of these materials. At Seskarö sawmill they burn the sludgebark and a great deal of the bark in the sawmill furnace. The sludgebark has a number of disadvantages compared to bark during burning. The sludgebark is often wet which means the energy net from burning often gets low.

Media advertising in Europe - The issue of standardisation from both the business and legal perspective

It is clear that media advertising is one of the crucial marketing tools for companies in order to promote their products and services. As we are moving towards more and more economic integration, both on a regional and global scale, the question about standardisation of media advertising has become increasingly important and is nowadays subject to discussion in most international companies. This thesis deals with the issue of standardisation in a region where the process of political, legal and especially economic integration is taking its course, but where cultural and linguistic diversity is still a remaining fact: Europe. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the potential gains from a standardised advertising approach but also to identify its limitations. Especially on a market place like Europe, with its diverse cultural and linguistic background, a fully standardised approach might be difficult to implement.

Du sköna fria värld : En analys av globaliseringsdebatten utifrån ett makt- och hegemoniperspektiv

This essay aims to emphasize and clarify the positions that exist within the current globalization debate. The positions are the neo-liberal, the opponents, the pragmatists and the skeptics. The text presents and explains their ideological, moral and political positions and beliefs about the world, the nation state, the society and the individual; in light of Steven Lukes? and Antonio Gramsci's theories regarding the interaction and the relationship between power and hegemony. The methodological starting point is the ideology-critical analysis; in which their arguments in the current globalization debate is highlighted and categorized.

Rätt till skadestånd enligt upphandlingsreglera : utformning av beviskraven för ett rättssäkert och ekonomiskt effektivt upphandlingsförfarande

Rules for damages that are effective are important to create legal security and a public procurement that fulfil economic effectivity. Those rules are effectivly created for example when the demand of evidence is possible for the damaged supplier to fulfil. Yet the rules cannot be too low without leading to an uncertain procurement for the public purchaser. Thus one have to balance the interests of a public purchaser against the interests of a damaged supplier. This balance leads to a public procurement involving rules of damages where the public purchaser cannot escape duty of damages just because the demand of evidence is too hard to fulfil..

Invandrares nätverk och sociala kapital

Abstract The increased focus on social capital theory has made its way into labour economics. This has led to the creation of a vast literature about the use of networks and informal search methods in the labour-market, a literature that to some extent also deals with immigrants search behaviour and their relatively high unemployment rate. Characteristic for the literature in the area is the lack of analysis of actual networks. Which types of contacts do these networks contain; how are the networks used in the labour-market; and which type of network generates a high amount of social capital. These questions are important for the general understanding of how social capital functions, within the labour-market, but also for the understanding of how immigrants use their networks in order to find themselves jobs.

Turkiet, ett gränsfall för EU Ur ett identitetsperspektiv; hur ser EU på Turkiet som potentiell ny medlem, samt vilka hinder föreligger för ett medlemskap?

The European Union is originally an economic organization that has developed into including more social and cultural questions. These questions are especially important when the Union expands with so many different cultures and traditions to take into concideration.I have from an identity perspective studied the relation between the European Union and the candidate country of Turkey. Using theories including the Other I have discussed the relationship between us (Europe) and the Other (Turkey) and Turkey's possibilites to become a member of the Union. My conclusion will include a discussion on the basis of three dimensions; History, Economy/Politics and Religion. I believe there are hindrances for Turkey to become a member of the European Union.

Förmedlingen av skönlitteratur på folkbiblioteket

The aim of this thesis is to study how librarians in Swedish libraries perceive the task of mediating fiction. What are the librarians private relationships to fiction and how do they perceive the position of fiction in contemporary society? What views have they developed of the borrowers approach to fiction and how do they perceive the borrowers increasing influence in the library? How do librarians prioritise and which principles form the basis for their purchase of fiction? How do they categorise fiction in the library and how much do economic and political factors influence the decision making process for the purchase of fiction? Finally, how do they define their roles as mediators of fiction and which strategies do they adopt to communicate which literature the library has to offer? The material used in this study was acquired using a qualitative interview technique in which six librarians with experience of literature mediation partook..

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