

466 Uppsatser om Eating disorders - Sida 26 av 32

Betesdrift för mjölkkor :

The Swedish Animal Welfare Act say that all milking cows must have access to pasture in summer time. That was a gift to Astrid Lindgren o her 80th birthday from the Swedish Government. Sweden is a predecessor in animal welfare, but how well do we live up to these big expectations? In this thesis I will examine how well the pasture for milking cows works. I have been interviewing farmers with milking cows and people in the business. I have also been searching information on Internet, and using the library of Alnarp. Cows that are kept on pasture are exposed to different kind of parasites, but on the other hand they run a smaller risk to getting acetonemi, pareses and udder infection. Veterinary Pierre Nordmark means that cows on pasture are more healthy then cows kept inside all summer.

Gränser : En studie av den estetisk-praktiska miljöns pedagogisk-terapeutiska grundegenskaper utgående från två verksamheter: Hagastiftelsens verkstäder och Kristofferskolans bokbinderi

Borderlands. A study of the aesthetic-practical environment, its pedagogical and therapeutical properties based on the outline of two practices/institutions: the workshops at Hagastiftelsen and the bookbindery at the Kristofferschool. The perspective on education, pedagogy and therapy taken is an existential one where the main aims of an educational-therapeutic intervention is to support biographical development and integrity. In the process action research in my own bookbinding workshop as well as hermeneutic research at the workshops at Hagastiftelsen where adults with autism and other neuropsychological disorders work have been the sources of primary empirical data. Secondary sources are patient-histories written by Oliver Sacks as well as autobiographical narratives of some adults with autism.

Att lyssna på sväljning : En studie om användning av cervikal auskultation vid bedömning av dysfagi i Sverige

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur användningen av bedömningsmetoden cervikal auskultation (CA) ser ut hos dysfagilogopeder i Sverige. Våra frågeställningar var: Hur utspridd är metoden inom logopedkåren? Hur utspridd är metoden i landet? Vilka åsikter finns kring metoden bland logopeder i Sverige? Vilka undersökningsmetoder vid dysfagi används mest bland logopeder i Sverige? Totalt deltog 82 personer i studien. Data samlades in genom en webbenkät. Frågorna i enkäten var blandat öppna och slutna.

Upplevelsen av att leva med Anorexia Nervosa : De första sex månaderna efter slutenvård

Bakgrund: I Sverige lever cirka 100 000 personer med någon typ av ätstörning och den mest omtalade är Anorexia Nervosa. Sjukdomen är allvarlig, långvarig och drabbar främst unga kvinnor. Ett flertal olika faktorer orsakar och påverkar utvecklingen av sjukdomen. Anorexia Nervosa är svår att behandla optimalt och kan kräva både psykiatrisk och somatisk vård. Även omvårdnaden av denna patientgrupp är problematisk, då vårdpersonalen uttrycker en svårighet att förhålla sig professionellt till patientgruppen som visar ambivalens kring sitt tillfrisknande.

Organic acids in liquid feed for pigs - palatability and feed intake

Fermented liquid feed is well known for its health promoting effects on piglets. High levels of lactic acid are desired in the feed together with low levels of acetic acid and certain biogenic amines. Limits for acetic acid have been suggested to be 30-40 mmol/kg to avoid a decreased palatability of the feed; however, few studies have been performed. The purpose of this trial was therefore to examine which levels of lactic acid and acetic acid that can be accepted in a fermented feed without affecting the feed intake and thus the weight gain of the pig. A total of 60 pigs (Yorkshire/ Hampshire) were used in a trial during two weeks, between 9-11 weeks of age.

Arbetsterapi i grupp som intervention för individer med psykisk sjukdom: En litteraturöversikt

Syftet med denna studie är att genom en litteraturöversikt beskriva arbetsterapeutens användande av grupp som intervention för individer med psykisk sjukdom. För att besvara syftet valde författarna att göra en litteraturstudie för att få en fördjupad kunskap samt beskriva befintlig kunskap inom det valda området. Datainsamlingen skedde genom att författarna noggrant valde ut tre lämpliga sökord; arbetsterapi, intervention och psykisk sjukdom. Utifrån sökorden skedde datainsamling via utvalda databaser, sökningen utmynnade i tio vetenskapliga artiklar. Författarna valde sedan att analysera de utvalda vetenskapliga artiklarna utifrån ett manifest kvalitativ innehållsanalys.

FASTIGHETSPAKETERING : Alltid ett godkänt förfarande?

Chemicals are everywhere in todays society, in humans, animals as well as nature, and they are difficult to avoid. The chemical industry is regarded to be the fastest growing industrial sector, accounting for ten percent of the global economy. A large amount of chemicals are used to produce hygiene products and cosmetics, products that in Sweden only are consumed in quantities of 110 tons per day. Researchers find it increasingly difficult to determine which chemicals that are dangerous and which that are safe, and how they might affect us in the long run. Correlations have been found between chemicals, diseases and other health effects such as cancer, allergies, reproductive and endocrine disorders.

Travhästars aktivitet i hagen

Today there is a research project undertaken by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences along with Wången (a highschool specialized in trotter training), which focuses on trotting horse training, performance and health. The project investigates how exercise intensity and feeding strategies affect the development of growing horses. The project includes two groups of horses where all 16 horses are fed in the same way. One group of eight individuals are trained 100% compared to conventional training and the other group are trained 20% less than the other group. All horses are trained twice a week and are out at pasture beyond that.

Dopning vid hästbesiktning

The aim of the project was to investigate if Swedish rodents, brown rat (Rattus norvegicus), house mouse (Mus musculus), wood mouse (Apodemus spp) and water vole (Arvicola terrestris) captured in pig herds and in urban areas, constitute a reservoir for pathogenic Leptospira spp. Under Swedish conditions leptospirosis gives rise to reproductive disorders in pigs and symptoms of flu in humans. It has long been established that rodents are chronic carriers of pathogenic leptospires in their kidneys, and can spread the bacteria with urine. The old nomenclature of serovoars is still in use, but a new system of genetic classification has developed and today the genus Leptospira contains 17 species. There are several diagnostic test developed for leptospirosis.

Automatiserad mätning av kroppstemperaturen hos kalvar

The aim of the project was to investigate if Swedish rodents, brown rat (Rattus norvegicus), house mouse (Mus musculus), wood mouse (Apodemus spp) and water vole (Arvicola terrestris) captured in pig herds and in urban areas, constitute a reservoir for pathogenic Leptospira spp. Under Swedish conditions leptospirosis gives rise to reproductive disorders in pigs and symptoms of flu in humans. It has long been established that rodents are chronic carriers of pathogenic leptospires in their kidneys, and can spread the bacteria with urine. The old nomenclature of serovoars is still in use, but a new system of genetic classification has developed and today the genus Leptospira contains 17 species. There are several diagnostic test developed for leptospirosis.

How drinking behaviour in automatic milk feeders can be used as early disease detection

Healthy calves are the foundation in order to run a profitable diary production. Being healthy as calf results in a better start in life and good growth is expected to follow. Within dairy production it becomes more common to rear calves in groups and feed them by an automatic milk feeder. The milk feeder enables for the calves in greater extent to ingest milk or milk replacer several times per day and they are also able to perform natural behaviors in greater extent. Group rearing of calves puts higher demands on the animal keepers to localize individual calves in the group pen, showing signs of illness.

Är gnagare reservoar för patogena leptospiraarter i Sverige?

The aim of the project was to investigate if Swedish rodents, brown rat (Rattus norvegicus), house mouse (Mus musculus), wood mouse (Apodemus spp) and water vole (Arvicola terrestris) captured in pig herds and in urban areas, constitute a reservoir for pathogenic Leptospira spp. Under Swedish conditions leptospirosis gives rise to reproductive disorders in pigs and symptoms of flu in humans. It has long been established that rodents are chronic carriers of pathogenic leptospires in their kidneys, and can spread the bacteria with urine. The old nomenclature of serovoars is still in use, but a new system of genetic classification has developed and today the genus Leptospira contains 17 species. There are several diagnostic test developed for leptospirosis.

Faror i varor : En studie av unga vuxnas medvetenhet om kemikalier i hygienprodukter och kosmetika

Chemicals are everywhere in todays society, in humans, animals as well as nature, and they are difficult to avoid. The chemical industry is regarded to be the fastest growing industrial sector, accounting for ten percent of the global economy. A large amount of chemicals are used to produce hygiene products and cosmetics, products that in Sweden only are consumed in quantities of 110 tons per day. Researchers find it increasingly difficult to determine which chemicals that are dangerous and which that are safe, and how they might affect us in the long run. Correlations have been found between chemicals, diseases and other health effects such as cancer, allergies, reproductive and endocrine disorders.

Effekt av biotintillförsel på klövhälsan hos mjölkkor i lösdrift : ett kontrollerat fältförsök på tre gårdar

The Effects of dietary biotin supplementation on hoof health in Swedish dairy cows - a controlled cohort field study. The aim of the present degree project was to investigate the effects of biotin supplementation on hoof health in dairy cows. The experiment was performed as a controlled cohort study in three commercial farms in western Sweden from January 2002 to October 2002. The cows were all housed in cubicle systems with transponder concentrate feeding systems. Within each farm the cows were allocated to either biotin or control treatment. The biotin groups received 20 mg of biotin per cow and day, starting 14 days before expected calving.

Skönlitteraturens kraft : En analys av framställningen av psykisk ohälsa i två romaner ur ett interkulturellt perspektiv och ur ett genusperspektiv

This paper is written in the field of Educational Science, and it focuses on literature that pupils read. Literature has the power to shape readers beliefs, that is why this paper aims to examine, and compare two novels that are used in Swedish schools in class settings. Both novels deal with the issue of psychiatric disorder from a woman´s perspective. Research done in the field of psychiatric disorder shows that it is an important subject that should be addressed in schools. Research done from the perspective of gender studies points out the need of representation of female perspective in literature that pupils are working with.

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