

366 Uppsatser om East Africa - Sida 17 av 25

Rekreationsanpassad skötselplan för Skedalaskogen :

In this master thesis we suggest a recreational directed forest management plan for the Skedalaskogen. The forest is situated 10 kilometres east of the city of Halmstad and is owned by the municipality. We have in literature and in research investigated what people like and want in the forest, how to manage the forest for recreation according to for example tree species, mixtures and density. We tried to adapt the forestry methods more to recreational thinking. We have also looked at issues like what is rare and not rare in this part of the country according to nature and forest, where people live and which connection they have to the Skedalaskogen. The Skedalaskogen is a quite big area, totally 830 hectares. The area have about 100 000 visitors a year.

"Okej nu kör vi! 5,6,7,8!" : En kvalitativ studie om lärare och elevers tankar och upplevelser kring momentet dans

AimThe study aims to highlight and discuss students 'and teachers ' conceptions of teaching in the element of dance in physical education.IssuesHow do teachers work with teaching of dance in physical education in secondary school?How do students perceive the teaching of dance in physical education in secondary school?MethodThis study used a qualitative approach with semi structured interviews. Two teachers in two schools were interviewed and two focus groups of five students each were interviewed. One school is located north of Stockholm and the other one east of Stockholm. The interviews were recorded with a cellphone and transcribed.

Stadsdelsförnyelse på Öster i Gävle : En analys av fysiska faktorer för en bättre boendemiljö

Nearly 50 years after the building of the first million programme neighbourhoods many Swedish municipalities faces an extensive restoration work in these neighbourhoods which during their relatively short lifetime have acted as a target for a large amount of criticism. Öster in Gävle is a million programme neighbourhood that has gone through an extensive restoration between 2001-2009 with the aim of improving the living environment. Improvements have been made in the outdoor environment, to the facades of the houses and the entrances? of each building. The purpose of this study has been to investigate the effects of the renewal in the physical outdoor environment for those who live in the neighbourhood.

Tycho Hedéns Väg : trafikrum blir stadsrum

Tycho Hedéns Väg in Uppsala has evolved from being a through fare passage and highwayto the oversized road frame running through the city it is today. At the present time, dueto the relocation of the E4 highway east of Uppsala, Tycho Hedéns road creates a barrierbetween the north eastern area of Uppsala and the remaining parts of the city centre. Theroad is designed to endure heavy traffic and high speed limits, generating a surrounding urbanarea were inhabitants are complied to follow the standards set for a high traffic-accessibleenvironment. Furthermore, the heavy traffic has led to the turning of both urban roadsidesaway from the actual road. The aim of this project and proposal is to show the possibilities ofhow the innate features of Tycho Hedéns road can be used more advantageously to mend thecity area of Uppsala.

Kvinnor med HIV/AIDS i Kapstaden i Sydafrika   : En frivilligorganisations arbete med och syn på kvinnor med HIV/AIDS  

Sammanfattning HIV/AIDS är en epidemi i Sydafrika och antalet kvinnor som lever med denna sjukdom ärhögre än män. Studiens frågeställningar var, att genom organisationsrepresentanterna ta reda på; vad berodde detta på, hur smittades dessa kvinnor och hur upplevde och hanterade de sin sjukdom. Vilken hjälp och stöd fick de för att de skulle kunna leva ett någorlunda normalt liv samt hur behandlades dessa kvinnor av omgivningen? Studiens metod var en kvalitativ studie bestående av fem intervjuer med personer som arbetar med dessa kvinnor inom den frivilliga organisationen, Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) i Kapstaden i Sydafrika.Vidare genomfördes en observationsstudie för att ge en ram för de genomförda intervjuerna.Studien visade att de olika kulturernas syn på kvinnor, kvinnornas ekonomiska beroende av sina män, männens sexvanor, fattigdom, våldtäkter och okunskap om sjukdomen var de faktorer som bidrog till att flest kvinnor än män blev smittade av HIV/AIDS.Genom TAC fick vi också kunskap om att HIV/AIDS var en stigmatiserad sjukdom vilket gjorde det svårt för vissa av dessa kvinnor att tala öppet om sin status vilket i sin tur gjorde att de inte kunde få hjälp, stöd, vård och medicinerig. Dessa kvinnor kunde bli misshandlade, stenade eller dödade på grund av sjukdomen, både av sina män och av andra i deras omgivning.Studien belyser även HIV/AIDS ur ett könsperspektiv eftersom det var fler kvinnor som smittades av sjukdomen..

Chefers och medarbetares uppfattning om ett gott ledarskap

Leadership is a well-known phenomenon in today?s world and researchers have developed multitudes of theories with different assumptions about what leadership is and what implications it has. Models of different kinds of leadership have been presented and researchers are constantly working on trying to find a definition of great leadership. Our thought was however that because every human being is unique it would be naïve to presume that all people hold the same perception about what constitutes good leadership. Although we believed that every person defines good leadership in his/her own way we also believed that there could be similarities to be found between illustrations generated from people with comparable organizational positions.

Mikrosimulering för analys av Mästergatans förlängning i Enköping

Two of the main approach roads into the city of Enköping are Salavägen and Stockholmsvägen. They are connected to each other through the street Bangårdsgatan in the roundabout Salatullen and crossing Fannakorset, respectively. These crossings are from time to time heavily loaded, which is why the municipality plan for a new street in parallel to Bangårdsgatan. The traffic will then be spread out and is thereby reducing the density. The new street is actually an extension of the existing Mästergatan, a side street to Salavägen, to the east and connecting it to Stockholmsvägen or a street nearby.The purpose of this Master thesis is to show how the new street can be drawn in order to discharge the traffic in the area between the roundabout Salatullen and the crossing Fannakorset.

Geotermisk fjärrvärme i Gunsta

Gunsta is situated about 10 km east of Uppsala. Today there are plans to establish 1000 new households in Gunsta before year 2030. The required energy for heating houses and water would be distributed via a district heating system, which also includes 200 existing residences. The annual required energy, according to this study, would be 16.2 GWh with a maximal peak effect of 6.9 MW. To meet this need, the study suggests a system with heat pumps to upgrade the 31?C water from a 1.8 kilometre deep borehole.

Sawn softwood in Egypt ? a market study

This market study was written on behalf of Uni4 Marketing (U4M) and investigates the Egyptian softwood market. The objective was to identify what characterises a good softwood supplier according to Egyptian importers. In addition to this U4M?s competitiveness compared to their competitors was evaluated. The study also identified possible sources of competitive advantage possessed by U4M.

Biståndets baksida ? problematik och risker associerade med bistånd

FN påbörjade sina första biståndsprojekt för drygt 60 år sedan och i Sverige började man arbeta med organiserat bistånd under 60-talet. Det är alltså under relativt lång tid som världens rikare länder har försökt hjälpa de mindre rika länderna att utvecklas. Arbetet kring bistånd är dock mycket komplext och en hel del problem har uppstått under den här perioden.Den här uppsatsen syftar till att belysa några av de risker som kan uppstå i samband med biståndsarbetet. Att risker uppstår är inte speciellt konstigt då två (eller flera) länder med ofta mycket olika politiska system ska samarbeta, eftersom värdegrunderna kan skilja sig avsevärt.Resultatet har visat att dessa risker är svåra att hantera, vilket kan bero på olika faktorer som projektens omfattande storlek samt att givare och mottagare av bistånd inte alltid har samma uppfattning om hur biståndet bör användas. Resultatet har också visat att trots att man under en så pass lång period har arbetat aktivt med att utveckla och förbättra biståndsarbetet inte lyckats komma tillrätta med risker och problem som exempelvis korruption, ett problem som snarare tycks växa.

Befrielseteologin i Latinamerika och Afrika. Om Gustavo Gutierrez och Jean-Marc Elas teologi

I have chosen to investigate the relationship between Latin American- and African Liberation Theologies. My purpose is to analyze, understand and compare the similarities and differencesbetween the two. The bulk of the study addresses two Liberationists, Gustavo Gutiérrez from Latin America and Jean-Marc Ela from Africa, both of whom are considered by many to be the most important theologians on their continents. This is done with the aim of deepeningthe knowledge of other theologies which have also influenced present day theological thinking.The questions I pose concern Liberation Theology in general, its background and its history. I will journey through Latin American and African church history in order to understand the contexts in which these two theologies have arisen.

A qualitative study about nurses' experiences of working and caring in a Palestine refugee camp in Jordan and methodological reflections while conducting a study within this field

Jordan is a developing country and there are ten Palestine refugee camps throughout Jordansince the Arab-Israel conflict in 1948 and the Arab-Israel war in 1967. The camps are run byUnited Nation Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)which is the main provider of health care in the camp. Today, the fourth generation ofrefugees lives in the camps which are extremely overpopulated. The social and economicconditions in the camps are poor. The nurses' workload in the Health care centre in the campis getting harder and UNRWA's resources are getting strained due to funding shortfalls.

Uppfattningar om trender inom charterbranschen : - vart är utvecklingen på väg?

Aim: By studying the evolution of the market for package holidays over time we hope to get an understanding of the trends that have characterized the market. By doing so, we can get an idea of where the market is moving towards the future. This knowledge is essential for market participants to establish appropriate strategies that follow market trends.Method: We have used qualitative interviews with people involved in the charter industry.Result & Conclusions: The market is characterized by an increase in Internet orientation, where the travel directory and the physical travel agents are becoming less important. The understanding of climate impacts of travel has increased. More people of the third-generation buy package travels and countries in North Africa and Asia are growing in popularity.We believe the market in the coming years will be characterized by lower prices and lower quality.

Rörelse i en sydafrikansk skola : En studie om lärares syn och tillämpning

AbstractAccording to a lot of people, movement contributes with a whole lot of positive things such as, learning, a better bodyknowledge, fellowship and koncentration. Movement has also proved to support many things regarding childrens development. According to Gun Sandborg-Holmdahl who is a teacher in pedagogic and Birgitta Stening who is an physical education teacher, movement and games commits many of the human senses wich contributes childrens ability to use their amagination and also spontanity. Games and movements have also shown to have good effects when it comes to childrens increased feeling to learn things. I have in this study, studied the South African school and their wiew on movement in school.

Civilt skydd vid upprorsbekämpning

Counterinsurgency (COIN) has made a comeback during the early 21-century since the majority of western countries have been involved in peace enforcement in the middle-east. Since its comeback the concept of COIN have been wildly debated but also undergone some chances since its early days, today the majority of COIN theories claims that the local population is the key to winning a COIN campaign. If you gain their trust the insurgency will lose their support and recruiting base, this is the reason why collateral damage resulting in in civilian deaths are contra-productive, it creates more insurgents. This is the incitement to further examine how civilian deaths occur and can be avoided during COIN campaigns. This essay studies the American COIN campaign in Iraq between 2004 and 2009 and aims to investigate whether there is a trilemma-like relationship between the key goals of COIN: protecting civilians, protecting one?s own forces and neutralizing the enemy.

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