

2579 Uppsatser om Early reading - Sida 45 av 172

Pojkarna och bokutbudet. Vad pojkar i årskurs åtta säger att de vill läsa om och vad som erbjuds dem.

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to study if teenage fiction, published in Swedish during the course of one year, matches what boys in eight grade claim they want to read about. The background for our work is a survey initiated by Lärarnas Riksförbund, Läsa för att lära, in 2005. The conclusion drawn in Läsa för att lära is that many children, especially boys, lose their interest in reading when they become teenagers. Information on fictional books for teenagers has been collected from Bibliotekstjänst.

Att planera för social hållbarhet i ekobyar :

This essay gives the reader an overview of the different problems and issues a landscape architect might meet, in the process of planning and realizing an eco-village. Its aim is to stimulate new ideas, based on the traditional, present and future working field of landscape architects. The essay does not claim to cover all imaginable aspects of social sustainability within an eco- village, but refers to the presented sources for further in-depth reading. Although the original focus has been on physical planning, the interviewees? words have been of big importance, and to a certain extent changed the constitution of this essay.

Idrottsrörelsens syn på talang : En studie utifrån fyra idrottsförbund

Our aim is to analyse and discuss Swedish sport federations´ view about talent. We are analysing material, mainly in digital form, with focus on the identification of talents, development of talents and talents in a wider perspective. The first one is about when and how federations identify talents. The second one is about how they work with development of talents, for example, what is the most significant aspect to develop young people to become successful athletes. The third one is about organizations questions, how they work to create an environment that enables Swedish athletes to become great in sports.

Exploatering av den utländska arbetskraften ? eller vad? : En facklig syn på invandring och invandringspolitik. Livsmedelsarbetareförbundets tidning, Mål och Medel 1960-1973

The following essay is a study about how migrant workers and immigration policies were discussed from Livsmedelsarbetareförbundets union press, Mål och Medel, to the members of the union between the years 1960-1973. To find this out I set these questions: What sort of information appear in Mål och Medel concerning migrant workers and immigrant policies, and how does this change over time? How does Mål och Medel present the immigrant workers opinions? The method for the study is based on analyzing articles, interviews and others texts found in Livsmedelsarbetareförbundets union press, Mål och Medel, and what they want to inform the members of the union about. The study?s results have found that during the early parts of the 1960s immigrant workers were not included in the union press at all. Towards the late 1960s the immigrants were discussed, but in a manner which implied that immigrants are naturally exploited and therefore must the immigration be controlled better. It also discussed immigrants had some sort of ?adaptation problem? to the Swedish norm.

Kroppens harmoni : om relationalitet i G.W Leibnizs monadologi

The purpose of this essay is to discuss relationality in G.W Leibnizs Monadologie (1714). In general terms this essay analyzes the notion of individuation in relation to the concept of monads. The analysis proposes a question regarding the body in this individuation, and what consequences follows for the understanding of the relation between the single individual and other individuals. It will be shown that the irreducibility of having a body transcendens something like ownness, subjectivity, personality and individuation, and this is explained through the pre-established harmony between the monads ? where the plurality of monads is detected before the monads singularity. To widen this investigation of relationality between the monads, I will turn to Edmund Husserls phenomenological operation for solving the egological problem of solipsism in Cartesian Meditations (1929). In his meditations, Husserl uses the monad as a self-conscious ego with peculiar ownness.

Sambandet mellan läsförmåga och matematiksvårigheter : fyra pedagogers uppfattningar

Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur lärare ser på sambandet mellan läsförmåga och matematiksvårigheter. Aktuella rapporter visar att elevers läsförmåga har försämrats samtidigt som matematiksvårigheterna har ökat. Viss forskning pekar på ett samband mellan dessa två ämnesområden. En halvstrukturerad intervjumetod med fenomenologisk ansats användes och totalt intervjuades fyra erfarna lärare. De intervjuade hade alla mångårig erfarenhet av elevers läs- skriv- och matematikinlärning i ett brett register från förskoleklass till högskolenivå.

En bibliotekshermeneutik : Om skrivandets förutsättningar i Martina Lowdens Allt

This paper analyzes Allt, Martina Lowden's novel from 2006, from a media discursive perspective. The theoretical framework consists of Michel Foucault's discourse analysis, Friedrich Kittler's research on hermeneutic reading, and N. Katherine Hayles's studies of pattern?randomness controlled meaning production. Various examples on how communication technology influences the narrator?s act of writing illustrate the medial discourse surrounding the body of Allt.

Autism i klassrummet : En studie i hur lärare planerar och genomför sin läs- och skrivundervisning, samt deras förhållningssätt till inkludering.

The purpose of this study is to investigate how teachers work with Autism pupils in two different schoolforms: a traditional elementary school and a language school. The study was based on three questions: 1. How do teachers in elementary school prepare, plan and implement reading and writing instruction to Autism pupils? 2. How do teachers in the language unit prepare, plan and implement their reading and writing instruction to Autism pupils? 3.

Ett ?bra? intranät ? Ett framgångsrikt exempel på användarcentrerad systemdesign

We live in a stressful world and a demanding society where the ability to quickly adapt is one of the most important and most difficult challenges of today. A fairly new phenomenon called intranets has evolved to meet this challenge, however many examples of corporative intranets are stories about failures and systems with poor usability. This study focuses on how the user oriented approach to systems design affected upon a system development process of an Intranet, solely developed within a company, and how it impacts on the intranets popularity among the employees in the company. The study starts not from the literature but from a survey, which is based upon the Delphi method. Which results were used for further in-depth research about the subject, by interviewing three representatives from the company.

Den ?analoga? mot den digitala workshopen inför ett TOEFL test

Att kunna träna effektivt till ett avgörande prov är en förutsättning för ett bra resultat. Denna uppsats har ägnats åt möjligheten till självstudier inför ett TOEFL -prov med digitala hjälpmedel i form av applikationer till mobiltelefonen. I detta arbete jämförs två olika typer av studiemateri-al, där den ena (analog) representerar det som används för undervisning i TOEFL-kurser. Den andra (digital) representerar alternativet för de som vill skippa kursen och träna på egen hand via självstudier i telefonen. Med Schmitts metodanalys som verktyg har dessa applikationer under-sökts för att se hur pass väl de motsvarar de krav som finns för att klara READING-sektionen i ett prov. Inledningsvis håller den digitala självstudiemetoden en relativt bra standard.

Skönlitteraturens betydelse för den tidiga läs- och skrivutvecklingen : Hur nio lärare resonerar i årskurs 1 till och med 3

SammanfattningMed hjälp av intervjuer har jag studerat vad nio lärare på sex olika skolor anser om skönlitteraturens betydelse för den tidiga läs- och skrivutvecklingen. I forskningen finns inget svar på vilken metod som anses bäst för att lära sig läsa och skriva. Där beskrivs däremot att mycket beror på lärarens personliga kunskaper. De svar jag fått beskriver ett mycket stort engagemang hos samtliga lärare men att synsättet skiljer sig åt en del. I olika hög utsträckning arbetar man med skönlitteratur i undervisningen.

Modersmålsundervisning, läs- och skrivutveckling i Sameskolan : Lärares erfarenheter och arbetsformer

The overall aim of the study was to take part of teachers' experiences and work force mother-tongue education and literacy development in the Sámi School. The study was conducted through interviews with twelve teachers who teach at two Sámi schools. The focus has been on looking how to work with native speakers teaching at the Sámi School, what factors promote / hinder students' development of their first or second language, and the importance of collaboration between the schools` various professions work with multilingual students reading and writing skills. Through interviews of various categories of teachers, I have tried to visibility problems of the education of minority language children and their reading and writing skills. I discuss the teaching, the importance and the lack / availability of communication and consensus between different categories of teachers.

Ungdomars läsvanor och hur vi skulle kunna inspirera ungdomar att läsa mer skönlitteratur

AbstractThe purpose of this work is to try to find out how young people's reading habits among students look at different types of secondary school, ie. both theoretical and practical, and what factors might encourage them to read more. My questions have been; do young people read today? Is there any difference between city, gender or program? What can a teacher do to inspire young people to read more? I have made a questionnaire survey among different students at two different high schools in Skaraborg. The first school is a high school located in a medium sized town, where I made inquiries to the scientific program, social program, Business and Administration Program and the Electricity Program.

?Vad gör bibblan på Facebook?? En studie av ungdomars uppfattningar om bibliotekens marknadsföring och kommunikation i sociala medier

The purpose of this study is to examine young people?s opinions about libraries using social media for communicative and marketing purposes. There are three research questions: What do young people think about libraries using social media for communicative and marketing purposes? Do they want to interact with libraries in social media and, if so, in what way? Are their opinions and their will to interact influenced by what kind of relationship they have with libraries, their reading habits, and whether or not they use libraries? digital services? Prior research is divided into three themes: library development, marketing, and young people. The theoretical framework is made up of a combination of relationship marketing, using Evert Gummesson?s three catchwords relationships, networks, and interaction, and the engagement pyramid, as depicted by Brit Stakston.

Läsning på iPad - bättre än du tror? : En användarstudie där läsförståelse på iPad ställs mot det traditionella pappret

Denna uppsats kommer undersöka om det finns ett samband mellan läsförståelse och läsupplevelse på surfplattan iPad. Det kommer att försöka fastställas om läsförståelse är bättre på iPad eller papper, och om deltagarnas egen läsupplevelse reflekterar deras läsförståelse vid läsning av en kortare text. Hypotesen i uppsatsen var att deltagarna antog att den traditionella läsning på papper var bättre än läsning på Ipad, vilket inte nödvändigtvis stämmer. Det undersöktes även om användarvana hade någon inverkan på läsförståelsen på iPad. I undersökningen fick målgruppen, som bestod av medieteknikstudenter, läsa två texter och därefter svara på tillhörande frågor, en text på papper och en på iPad.

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