

6078 Uppsatser om Earlier experience - Sida 1 av 406

Instruktionsfilm på smartphones : En studie kring upplevelsen av video via smartphones som inlärningsverktyg för praktiska färdigheter

This study examined how users interact with a smartphone while in a learning situation based on videos via smartphones as a learning tool, and how this interaction and phenomena is experienced. The five test subject were separately given the same task that they were to solve using video instructions that were picked out and given to them. After finishing the task the subjects were observed while they demonstrated how they completed the task. After the observation the subject were interviewed using semi-structured interviews. The results show that the user experience of this phenomena is based on more pragmatic values than we could find in earlier studies, i.e.

Riskhanteringen ingår i kulturen : En kvalitativ studie av riskhantering i en ideell idrottsförening

Studies among parents of children with disabilities have shown that they experience a higher level of parenting stress as well as a lower degree of wellbeing, compared to parents of children without disabilities. However, there is a need to further explore parents? experience on this matter within a Swedish context. The aim of the current study was to examine how parents of preschool children, with and without disabilities, in Västerbotten, experience the impact of their child. A sample of 67 parents of children with disabilities and 134 parents of children without disabilities took part in the questionnaire study.

Utveckling och lärande genom fri lek i förskolan

Studies among parents of children with disabilities have shown that they experience a higher level of parenting stress as well as a lower degree of wellbeing, compared to parents of children without disabilities. However, there is a need to further explore parents? experience on this matter within a Swedish context. The aim of the current study was to examine how parents of preschool children, with and without disabilities, in Västerbotten, experience the impact of their child. A sample of 67 parents of children with disabilities and 134 parents of children without disabilities took part in the questionnaire study.

Föräldrastress hos föräldrar till förskolebarn med och utan en funktionsnedsättning: Upplevelse av barnets påverkan på familjesituationen

Studies among parents of children with disabilities have shown that they experience a higher level of parenting stress as well as a lower degree of wellbeing, compared to parents of children without disabilities. However, there is a need to further explore parents? experience on this matter within a Swedish context. The aim of the current study was to examine how parents of preschool children, with and without disabilities, in Västerbotten, experience the impact of their child. A sample of 67 parents of children with disabilities and 134 parents of children without disabilities took part in the questionnaire study.

Med nya ögon mot stormen : Krisberedskap, ansvar och lärande ur ett medborgarperspektiv.

The aim of this essay is, due to a noted lack of earlier research together with an even more accentuated responsibility regarding the matter in question, to study the citizens? preparedness for crisis. Starting out from a number of questions regarding the citizens? responsibility andlearning from the hurricanes Gudrun and Per, the discussion concerns the terminology ofcrisis together with the question of responsibility and learning from experience.In conclusion, the source material consisting of nine interviews shows that preparedness for crisis for the affected citizen above all is related to the personal measures to create a working situation in a state of crisis. Hence, to a great extent, the citizens show consciousnessof their own responsibility.

Att leva med prostitutionserfarenhet : kvalitativa intervjuer med fyra kvinnor

The aim of the study was to reach a deeper understanding and knowledge about how women with an experience of prostitution perceive what this has meant for them and how it has influenced their lives. The questions of the study were: (1) How has the prostitution experience affected the women in their lives? (2) How have they learnt to deal with this experience? To answer these questions a qualitative method was used where interviews were conducted with four women with experience of prostitution. All women experienced that the prostitution had affected their lives. Examples given that inter alia relationships, sexuality, and self-image had been affected.

?Tänd ett ljus?? : Klientens upplevelse av Marte meo behandling.

The purpose with this study was to investigate the client?s experience of Marte meo treatment and the procedure in the treatment from a responses and relational perspective, since the treatment occur within the social service frame. The theoretical framework consists of some central concepts. The concepts are experience of treatment, responses and relational perspective. The analysis of the empirical material has been carried out with the help of the concepts and earlier research.The method consisted of qualitative, semi-structured interviews with six informants.

?Jag tycker bara att jag gör vad jag vet att jag kan göra? : en undersökning av en webbaserad bibliotekskatalogs användarvänlighet utifrån användarnas perspektiv

The purpose of this Master's thesis is to examine whether a web-based library catalogue is to be considered user-friendly. We have examined this from a user-perspective by interviewing users of a web-based catalogue at a public library. In order to get a picture of the user-friendliness of a catalogue, the thesis is centred upon the following questions: How is a web-based catalogue used? What problems do the users experience? How is the catalogue perceived by its users? Since the producers of these catalogues now are taking into account the research upon human-computer interaction, we are also interested in finding out whether a web-based catalogue is more user-friendly than a more traditional OPAC. We do this by comparing the results of our examination with earlier studies of OPAC use.

Hur påverkas ens uppväxt och vuxenliv av att man växt upp i ett familjehem? : en kvalitativ intervjustudie där fyra vuxna tidigare familjehemsplacerade reflekterar över de erfarenheter och upplevelser placeringen medfört

The purpose of this study was to give a picture of how some adults, who earlier was placed in foster homecare, experience that their childhood have affected them during their life. I also wanted to see how the relationship to the biological family has been and developed during the placement. The study has also purposed to receive a deeper knowledge of how it could be to grow up in foster care. To make the purpose of this study complete I chose to use qualitative interviews as a research method. Four adults who earlier were placed in foster homecare have participated in this study.

Patienters beskrivning av att vårdas på isoleringsrum -en litteraturstudie

Background: Every day patient´s get isolated in hospitals as a consequense of infection control purposes. Physical isolation can result in lack of human contact and a new unknown environment for the patient. Those two factors can easily cause stress within the patient and create anxiety for the future. Aim: The aim of the study was to describe patient´s experience of being nursed in an isolation room. Method: The method that was used was a literature research, where earlier research findings were read and put together.

Spädbarnsmassage, ett verktyg för socialt arbete? : En kvalitativ studie

The overarching purpose of the study was to examine the effects of infant massage and to put these effects incontext with mother ? child attachment. The intention was also to study whether these effects have any relevancefor social work. This was accomplished by studying earlier research, theory and laws but also through interviewswith mothers who have followed through a course in infant massage. The main questions of the study was: Afterthe completion of the course and after using the massage technique at home, does the mother experience that thebond with their child is influenced by the technique and are the mothers more apprehensive of their child?ssignals? Has the mothers observed any signals from their infants during the massage and if so what has beentheir reaction? Does the mothers experience that the massage has provided any physiological effects? Has thecompletion of the course provided the mothers with knowledge that?s had an effect in their ways of parenting? Inwhat way does the earlier research, reports and laws deal with the benefits and risks of a secure or insecureattachment, and can the quality of the attachment have any meaning in the social work? A qualitative approachwas chosen with respondent-interviews.

En studie av några föräldrars syn på delaktighet i förskolan : Parent`s involvement in preschool

AbstractMy aim for this study is to examine what the parent?s of the children attending pre-schoolwants to be a part of, by examining the parent?s description of the performance review andwhat their experience from them was. This study is based on earlier research and literature,which describes the pre-schools activities, how they work and the documented goals they tryto accomplish. I also did eight interviews with parents from two municipalities, which I theninterpreted based on my experience and understanding. The interviews focused on theparent?s description of their experience of how much influence on the work in their child'spre-school.

Val av fastighetsmäklare : En jämförelse småstad/storstad

The number of new estate agent offices is increasing yearly and each year many hundred new estate agents graduate. The comparing of estate agents by sellers has perhaps been most common in larger cities, but as competition has increased even in smaller towns we experience that it has become a common phenomenon even there. We both come from a small town but are not afraid of the idea of moving to a larger city as newly qualified estate agents. We ask ourselves, which are the determining factors in the choice of a estate agent in a large city as opposed to a small town? Can we see any differences? The purpose with this essay is to give us added knowledge about which factors private persons consider to be important in their choice of an estate agent when selling a house.The body of information is based on two parallel surveys, one in Hudiksvall and one in Stockholm, together with interviews of people in this line of business.

Riskfaktorer för depression och självmordsbeteende - En kvantitativ studie om människor med missbruksproblem baserad på ASI-intervjuer

The aim of the study was to examine how background factors, such as abuse earlier in life, affect depression and suicidal behavior, amongst persons who abuse alcohol or illicit drugs. The study was performed at the Social Service Center, Södermalm, department for adults. The data used in the study is based on Addiction Severity Index interviews (ASI) and includes 560 observations. The statistic methods used to analyse the data is chi² test and the result is presented in cross tables and charts. The main findings were that experiences of psychological, physical, or sexual abuse, earlier in life increase the risk for major depression and suicidal behavior later in life.

Plats och minne

Place as a concept, and memory as a phenomenon is researched through literature studies. The essay investigates how we think about place and how we experience and relate to it. Memory is discussed both as personal memory and collective memory. Place is a strong source of memory. When we return to a place, we recognize not only the place itself, but also the things we did there, the people we met and the thoughts passing through our mind when we last were there. Pieces of ourselves are stored in the memories awaken when we revisit a place.

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