

982 Uppsatser om Dynamic thinking - Sida 3 av 66

The Swedish food retail market : An econometric analysis of the competition on local food retail markets

The Swedish food retail market contains of three major actors, ICA, KF and Axfood, all in all dominating 75 percent of the total market shares. The scant number of retailing actors indicates that the Swedish food retail market is a highly concentrated oligopoly, which as a fact has given rise to definite discussions and argumentations concerning the market situation. But is the food retail market imperfect and how do we reach a workable competition? Economic theory does not provide any clear answer on these questions, but is rather divided into two fundamentally different approaches to define competition: the static and the dynamic perspective on competition. In an attempt to examine the competition on local Swedish retail markets, the purpose of this study is to carry out an econometric model estimating the situation.

Bygg smartare, inte fortare! : En fallstudie av Lean Thinking inom prefabricerat byggande

Kostnaden för nyproduktion av hus i Sverige har ökat markant under de senaste åren. Byggföretag har svårt att hålla både projektens löptid och kostnader nere, vilket resulterat i ett ökat marknadspris och ett växande missnöje bland slutkunder. De ökade kostnaderna beror enligt forskning på vanligt förekommande slöseri i form av såväl material som arbetskraft. I försöken att eliminera slöseri har många företag anpassat sin verksamhet efter Lean Thinking, ett system som härstammar från den japanska bilindustrin, bestående av verktyg och metoder med huvudsyfte att identifiera och eliminera slöseri. Ur detta har även nya former av byggnation fångat marknadens intresse.

HTTP Live Streaming : En studie av strömmande videoprotokoll

Användningen av strömmande video ökar snabbt just nu. Ett populärt konceptär adaptive bitrate streaming som går ut på att en video kodas i flera olikabithastigheter. Dessa videor tas sedan och delas upp i små filer och görstillgänglig via internet. När du vill spela upp en sådan video laddar du först hemen fil som beskriver vart filerna finns och i vilka bithastigheter de är kodade i.Mediaspelaren kan där efter börja ladda hem filerna och spela upp dom. Om defysiska förutsättningarna, som exempelvis nedladdningshastighet eller CPUbelastning,ändras under uppspelningen kan mediaspelaren enkelt byta kvalitépå videon genom att börja ladda filer av en annan bithastighet och slippa attvideon laggar.

Justifying high price with Total Cost of Ownership awerness - possible or not on the Asian market?

Purpose: The aim with the report is to investigate if the South East Asian customer on the food processing market base their investments on Total Cost of Ownership and if so, which are the cost drivers considered most vital. Moreover, do these cost-drivers diverge from the perception FP Ltd has, and if so, can a Total Cost of Ownership-model help to achieve a mutual understanding? Methodology: First a descriptive approach will be taken, identifying FP Ltd?s employers? perception on how to meet the customer. This will later be compared to our empirical findings of the actual customer behaviour in Thailand and Vietnam. Thorough analyse of the gap between the two parts will give us the outcome whether or not FP Ltd will have any use of presenting a quantitative model justifying their higher price.

Att övervinna det mänskliga : En läsning av återkomsttanken i Nietzsches Så talade Zarathustra i ljuset av Heideggers kritik

The aim of this essay is to discuss the meaning of the human and its possible overcoming in Friedrich Nietzsche?s doctrine of the eternal recurrence of the same, with Martin Heidegger?s readings of Nietzsche as point of departure.According to Heidegger, Nietzsche?s doctrine of the eternal recurrence of the same represents the end of occidental metaphysical thinking. The thought concludes a thinking of being as the presence of beings, where the original question of being was never developed out of its own ground.But at the heart of this interpretation, often considered ?violent?, lies the question of whether man is able to think being out of his finitude. This is the question I will unfold, through a reading of Nietzsche?s thought of the eternal recurrence of the same, as it is presented in his Thus spoke Zarathustra, as an attempt to think beings in their being beyond a ?humanization? of them, expressed in transcendental aims, purposes and categories.

BIM vid installationsprojektering

Planet rendering plays an important role in universe visualization and geographic visualization. The recent tools and methods allow better data acquisition, usually with very high resolution. However in computer graphics, there is always the limitation on the resolution of geometry and texture due to numerical imprecision. Not many applications can handle high resolution data effectively.This thesis introduces, Implicit Surface Scene, a level of detail scene management inspired by dynamic coordinate system and SCALEGRAPH? which change over time depending on the current camera position relative to the planet surface.

Value-at-Risk : Historisk simulering som konkurrenskraftig beräkningsmodell

Value-at-Risk (VaR) is among financial institutions a commonly used tool for measuring market risk. Several methods to calculate VaR exists and different implementations often results in different VaR forecasts. An interesting implementation is historical simulation, and the purpose of this thesis is to examine whether historical simulation with dynamic volatility updating is useful as a model to calculate VaR and how this differs in regard to type of asset or instrument. To carry out the investigation six different models are implemented, which then are tested for statistical accuracy through Christoffersens test. We find that incorporation of volatility updating into the historical simulation method in many cases improves the model.

Ett världskrig utifrån ett eurocentriskt perspektiv : En kvalitativ analys av historieläroböckers skildringar av andra världskriget

The purpose of this study was to identify the way in which history textbooks from the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s used for grades 7-9 depicts World War II from a eurocentric perspective. A qualitative textual analysis was used to achieve the purpose. Three history textbooks from each decade was included in the study, also comparisons have been made to see any changes over time. The study used John M. Hobson matrix describing how the Occident and the Orient are defined from a eurocentric perspective.

Webbshop för Tyger & Ting

This report describes how we made a dynamic website combined with staticalweb pages and a web shop for the Swedish company Tyger & Ting.The employer Tyger & Ting wish to run a working web shop on their site butthey want to keep their old system of updating pages with their old applicationfrom Intellyweb1, which creates statical HTML pages.The goal of this exam paper has been to learn to create a functional web shopwith user friendly layout and appealing design and also to take orders andfulfill wishes from a real employer.The report is describing how Intellyweb?s application and its statical web pageshas been implemented on a dynamic web page. The report does also describehow this site has been build and how the problems with the coding have beensolved. The coding has been made with HTML, PHP and MySQL. CSS hasalso been used.

Stig Dagerman - Existentialisten : En jämförande studie mellan De Dömdas Ö och fem existentialistiska tänkare

Is the Swedish author Stig Dagerman an existentialist? This work takes a close look at Dagerman?s novel Island of the Doomed to see if it is possible to consider it an expression of existentialist thinking and to see if it interacts with any specific existentialist tradition. Dagerman?s novel was compared with select works of five existentialist thinkers ? Søren Kierkegaard, Martin Heidegger, Jean-Paul Sartre, Albert Camus and Karl Jaspers, all read in the light of the four categories of existentialistic thinking identified by the Swedish scholar Lennart Koskinen. All the four categories appeared to be central themes within the novel and a few subcategories were identified.

Mätning av dynamiskt tryck med piezoresistiva tryckgivare på roterande objekt

The report handles the transmission of signals from piezoresistive pressuresensors and thermocouple from a rotating object. This report also evaluates the possibility to collect data in a datalogger that rotates with the object. Telemetrics was previously used for signaltransmission in Finspång, therefore there has been no tests considering preassure measuring. One transmitting method handled in this report is transmission through a slipring connection. One test with a slipring connection was performed for transmitting signals from a piezoresistive preassuresensor.

Medveten lärare? : Om självreflektion i undervisning

In this paper I have examined how aware teachers are of their influence on pupils development. The method I´ve used are interviews with three teachers and one pupil each aboutMusicality - how do the teachers and pupils look at the concept musicality generally and personally?Influence I- do the teachers believe that their thinking about musicality influence the pupils self-confidence and development?Influence II- do the teachers think that other pedagogues have influenced them in their teaching and thinking?My main results show that both the teachers and the pupils have similar apprehensions as their teachers, which points towards that influence can exist. The basis is however too limited to make any extensive generalizations.The conclusion of the paper is that we have to be aware of how we influence our pupils. They carry this ?knowledge?, whether it is positive or negative, all their life..

Pedagogers syn på socialt samspel i grundsärskolan

The purpose of my study is to contribute with knowledge about three teachers? view on the possibilities and difficulties to support students with intellectual disabilities insocial interaction.to get answers to my research questions in the analysis I have in my qualitative study used the theory of Fleck's model about thinking styles rooted in a socio-cultural perspective. In the study, I have used semi-structured interviews. My study shows that teacher?s way of thinking affect students' opportunities to practice social interaction. An important finding in the study was that the school management?s attitude, is of great importance for educator?s opportunities to support the students with intellectual disability in social interactions.

The Mobile Handset Evolving - The effect of IT-players' entrance in the mobile handset industry

The telecom and the IT-industry are converging, which creates new possibilities and threats for both existing mobile handset vendors and new entrants originating from the IT-industry. The purpose of this thesis is to explain how IT-players? entrance in the mobile handset industry affects the industry in regards of key success factors and value chain structure. This study has used dynamic theories to describe the mobile handset industry. The theories have helped us in understanding the characteristics and drivers of the industry and thereafter to identify the key success factors.

Ledarskap och relationer vid implementering av lean i sjukvården: en utveckling av yrkesidentiteten

The aim of this case study was to investigate the role of leadership and interpersonal relations among staff during implementation of lean at a University Hospital in Sweden. The 15 respondents were leaders and staff members from different wards and clinics, who had started working according to lean principles. One of the methods used was explorative, low structured interviews. Other methods used for gathering information about the case was attending lectures about lean healthcare at the hospital, part-taking in the lean game and reading articles about lean and the implementation in both daily press and on the intranet of the hospital. The results showed that an open and accessible leader that coaches his/her staff and supports their work, helps the staff to develop a lean identity.

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