

982 Uppsatser om Dynamic thinking - Sida 2 av 66

Man måste inte tro nånting ? men man måste samtala : Ärkebiskop KG Hammars syn på kommunikation och språk

Archbishop KG Hammar has attracted attention for his liberal position in theology. His view on the role of language and communication is central in several books and articles he has published as leader of the Church of Sweden. One of his main theses is the fact that meaning is created in the encounter between text and reader. He often reiterates: God is relation. This non-traditional dynamic stance has a broad impact not only on theology.

Kartläggning av en arbetsprocess i förändring : Hur distribution över tid, individer och artefakter kan användas för analys vid införandet av Lean Thinking i verksamheten

Lantmäteriets stödenhet Utveckling och IT (UIT) ska inför ett mer agilt arbetssätt. Den agila arbetsmetoden ifråga är Lean Thinking, den västerländska adaptionen av Toyota Production System. För att underlätta vid en övergång till det nya arbetssättet, kartläggs de inledande faserna i projektarbetet, då dessa saknar specifika anvisningar i den nuvarande projektstyrningsmodellen, Praktisk projektstyrning (PPS). Utifrån kartläggningen utfördes så en tvåstegsanalys, den första utifrån ett distribuerat kognitivt perspektiv och sedan utifrån de fem huvudprinciper från Lean Thinking. Resultatet från analysen resulterade sedan i ett antal förändringspunkter som UIT kan använda sig av vid bytet av arbetssätt.

Viljebegreppet och psykologin : En studie av psykologins framväxt som vetenskap i Sverige genom en analys av viljebegreppets betydelseförändring

The aim of this study is to elucidate the process in which psychology was separated from philosophy and established itself as a distinct academic discipline in Sweden. I argue that the concept of will, as well as the concepts of thinking and emotion, have a lot to tell us about the rise of academic psychology in Sweden. This is done through an analysis of psychology textbooks, encyclopaedia-articles and academic texts on the themes will and psychology, from around 1800 till 1950.Prior to the establishment of the first chair of psychology in Uppsala 1948, the discipline was above all a part of the philosophical discipline. For psychology to become a science of its own, it was crucial to obtain a position among the empirical sciences. It thus had to distance itself from philosophy, and in particular from metaphysics.

Thinking like a designer : Hur Design Thinking kan användas som strategiskt verktyg för affärsutveckling

Design Thinking är ett spännande och fortfarande relativt outforskat område med rötter i Service Management. Med hjälp av designerns verktyg och metoder och en mångvetenskaplig grund med fokus på kundens behov kan Design Thinking bidra till att utveckla produkter och tjänster och genom detta öka lönsamheten för företag. Syftet är att göra en deskriptiv studie av området Design Thinking som metodiskt arbetssätt vid tjänsteutveckling. Detta appliceras sedan på verkligheten för att komparativt se hur tre svenska bolag arbetar med tjänstutveckling inom en av världens största tjänstebranscher utifrån områdena Service Management och Design Thinking. Uppsatsen beskriver utvecklingen från Service Management till Design Thinking och hur man har gått från att utveckla tjänster till att designa tjänster.

Designteori i praktiken : En undersökande fallstudie om hur designteori manifesterar sig i praktiken

New technologies and new consumer behaviors are having a large impact on mediacompanies. The biggest change is in the behavior of the younger demographic whereold platforms like television are abandoned for new online platforms. In this newworld, media companies and organizations need new tools and business models tostay competitive. One such tool is Design Thinking, a term used to describe a cognitivedesign-specific set of activities used during a design process. It has been popularizedin commercial areas and there the term is used to describe an applicable workflowused to promote the skills required to use Design Thinking.

Ämnesövergripande arbete : Hur ämnesövergripande arbete mellan slöjd och teknik med hjälp av Visible Thinking kan underlätta för eleverna att uppnå sina studiemål

Sammanfattning Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka och beskriva ett ämnesövergripande arbete mellan slöjd och teknik med Visible Thinking som verktyg för att eleverna skall nå sina ämnesmål och ett fördjupat lärande. Studien har genomförts på Lemshaga Akademi en f-9 skola på Värmdö, i en aktionsstudie där enkät, intervjuer och observationer har använts. Med utgångspunkt i LPO 94, Visible Thinkings arbetsmetoder , olika forskares syn på ämnesövergripande arbete i skolan, intervjuer med fem lärare som alla arbetar med ämnesövergripande arbete, en enkät undersökning bland 49 elever, observationer i projektarbete kring energi och intervju med rektorer studerar jag en modell för den ämnesövergripande arbetsformen. I resultatet av undersökningen kring arbetet bland lärare och elever framkommer att man använder sig av Visible Thinking som ett verktyg för lärandet. Elever och lärare ser ämnesövergripande arbete som en bra form för lärande.

Systematiskt kvalitetsarbete på förskolan : Hur förskollärarna uppfattar och hanterar det systematiska kvalitetsarbetet

Systematic quality work in preschool ? How preschool teachers thinking and working with systematic quality work The purpose of this study was to investigate how Swedish preschool teachers thinking and working with systematic quality work. All Swedish preschools are required to work systematically with quality. This involves several steps that follow each other in a specific order. It includes following up, documenting and evaluating preschool activities.

Barns samspel sett ur ett genusperspektiv

Is the Swedish author Stig Dagerman an existentialist? This work takes a close look at Dagerman?s novel Island of the Doomed to see if it is possible to consider it an expression of existentialist thinking and to see if it interacts with any specific existentialist tradition. Dagerman?s novel was compared with select works of five existentialist thinkers ? Søren Kierkegaard, Martin Heidegger, Jean-Paul Sartre, Albert Camus and Karl Jaspers, all read in the light of the four categories of existentialistic thinking identified by the Swedish scholar Lennart Koskinen. All the four categories appeared to be central themes within the novel and a few subcategories were identified.

Ett blink i bruset: En uppsats om möjligheten att påverka konsumenten vid livsmedelsinköp

Today endless choices exist for a customer in the grocery store in terms of information, products, brands and prices. Consequently, it is important for retailers and brand owners to gain insights in how they can manage to break through the clutter to reach the customer. Displays that include some kind of motion element are assumed to possess an attention grabbing ability, which is a necessary first step in influencing the customer?s decision making. Therefore we have explored whether so called dynamic displays are efficient in grabbing attention and influencing customer behaviour.

Framtidens gymnasieskola - En styrning utifrån ett modernistiskt eller senmodernistiskt perspektiv?

This empirical work and base has been to analyze the new high school reform that the Swedish government introduced as a statement 2008/09:199 about: Higher demand and quality within the high school. This statement became legal through the government vote in spring 2010. But above all it is the investigation (SOU 2008:27) that is the central piece for these new examination changes for high school students that will come into effect 1 of July 2011. The purpose and questions asked in this analyze has been if the reform takes its base in a modernistic (traditional) way or a late modern scientific perspective. And also to find out how these new quality amendments in the investigation makes visible about the high school and what the purpose are about the changes. When scientific theories in these analyze is placed against the reform, the result shows that the modernization process reflects more of a late modern aspect, which constantly reappraise in a changeable society.

Rådjur (Capreolus Capreolus) på Gotland : populationsutveckling och spridningsmönster

Gotland is an island in the Baltic Sea where man has introduced roe deer. The last successful reintroduction was in the 1980s and is the base of the viable roe deer population of today.The aim of this study was to estimate the roe deer population density in 2012 and the species population dynamic since the time when studies on the population started. The result indicates a population size of 850 roe deer in 2012. There was no significant population dynamic, which may be due to insufficient data. The population occurs basically over the whole island but have not yet been established in all suitable areas.

IUP och interkulturellt ledarskap : individualitet med syfte att inkludera?

The aim of this essey is to examine how teachers´ work with individual development plans (IDP) can contribute to an intercultural leadership and inclusion. The interwied teacherss ay that IDP forces them to reflect critically on their thinking on aspects as learning methods, gender and ethnicity. It makes them listen to -and think - in new and more including ways to adapt to each pupils individual possibilities to achieve the curriculum standards within the common area. That requires lots of resources like extra teachers and new material.An active reflection can make ethnocentrism develop into intercultural competence. That is a listening, critical and diversified thinking prepared to deconstruct and create new ways of thinking in relation to different pupils and situations.

Fältmätningar av limträbalkars elasticitetsmoduler : utvärdering av tre mätmetoder

This study investigates three different methods for evaluating MOE,Modulus of Elasticity, in field measurements. The purpose is toinvestigate the possibility to use dynamic measurement methods infield measurements that hitherto (2010) has been performed with staticmethods. The objects of investigation are 20 glulam beams. The firstfield measurement took place in november 2007 and applied a staticmethod based on the standard SS-EN 408. The second measurement,described in this study, took place during summer 2010, and appliedstatic as well as dynamic methods.The MOE of wood is affected by a range different factors.

Tala är silver, tiga är visdom : Användningen av konventionaliserade flerordsuttryck hos vuxenstuderande i svenska som andraspråk

Systematic quality work in preschool ? How preschool teachers thinking and working with systematic quality work The purpose of this study was to investigate how Swedish preschool teachers thinking and working with systematic quality work. All Swedish preschools are required to work systematically with quality. This involves several steps that follow each other in a specific order. It includes following up, documenting and evaluating preschool activities.

Information till mjölkföretaget : vilken information behövs och hur bör den utformas när gården ska ta investeringsbeslut?

The fast developments in information and data technology during the recent years have accentuated the need for the business manager to interpret and act on information from the surrounding environment. Today we know little about what information is really used in the unique decision-making. Further, little is known about how information should be designed to fit people with a more intuitive approach to interpreting information. This study is therefore about the difference between peoples approach to interpreting information and how information should be designed to fit those with a more intuitive approach to interpreting information. The application is made to dairy farms in Sweden. The literature review describes the strategic leadership, the decision-making process and the intuitive and the analytic thinking.

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