

987 Uppsatser om Dynamic thinking - Sida 1 av 66

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This thesis examines source criticism and critical thinking among upper secondary school students in social science in three different schools in Sweden. Our particular focus lies in investigating the student's critical thinking skills and evaluation of digital sources when they work independently with different projects. How do students value and sort the information they find? We looked furthermore at what factors that may influence students in their evaluation of sources. Moreover, the purpose of this thesis to investigate how the student's critical thinking skills can be used as tools to become more information literate in a learning context.

Lean Thinking ? Ett sätt för serviceorganisationer att öka sitt värdeskapande?

Syftet är att genom ett Service Management-perspektiv studera huruvida implementeringar av Lean Thinking i serviceorganisationer skapar möjligheter för ökat värdeskapande för såväl kund som organisation. Huvudfrågeställningen ser ut som följande: Hur påverkas värdeskapandet i serviceorganisationer vid en implementering av Lean Thinking? Vi har betraktat två skilda serviceorganisationer som implementerat Lean Thinking - Fritidsresor och Universitetssjukhuset i Lund - genom en kvalitativ forskningsmetod. Semi-strukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med intervjupersoner från respektive studieobjekt. Genom en litteratusstudie av Service Management- och Lean Thinking-teorier har såväl likheter som skillnader i perspektivens syn på värde och värdeskapande illustrerats.

En studie i att tillämpa Computational Thinking på grafteori

Computational thinking was brought to the forefront in 2006 by Jeannette Wing. Computational thinking is a problem solving method that uses computer science techniques.The thesis is analyzing computational thinking and how it could be applied to graph theory. Characteristics and main fields from computational thinking is being analysed. This analysis is applied to graph theory to see the potential in developing a proposal for how an exercise can look for an introductory course in discrete data types. Only basic knowledge of graphs is required to perform the exercise.

Projekt Air Control

Dynamic Air Diffuser.

Inneklimatutreding av Fanan 27

Computational thinking was brought to the forefront in 2006 by Jeannette Wing. Computational thinking is a problem solving method that uses computer science techniques.The thesis is analyzing computational thinking and how it could be applied to graph theory. Characteristics and main fields from computational thinking is being analysed. This analysis is applied to graph theory to see the potential in developing a proposal for how an exercise can look for an introductory course in discrete data types. Only basic knowledge of graphs is required to perform the exercise.

Dynamisk investeringsstrategi på den svenska aktiemarknaden

The purpose of this paper is to investigate if a dynamic investment strategy on the Swedish asset market can accomplish better returns then a static investment strategy. The dynamic investment strategy is created by incorporating business cycle predictors and firm-level variables to predict future stock returns. The predictive regression is calculated wih 60 months of observation (1999 01-2005 12) and is then used to estimate future returns for 23 months in the period 2004 01 -2005 11. The structure of the regression, with linear functions of ? and ?, goes back to Shanken (1990) and Avramov and Chordia (2005) has had success with the variables chosen.

Etniskt diskriminerad i arbetslivet? : En fråga om trovärdighet

Archbishop KG Hammar has attracted attention for his liberal position in theology. His view on the role of language and communication is central in several books and articles he has published as leader of the Church of Sweden. One of his main theses is the fact that meaning is created in the encounter between text and reader. He often reiterates: God is relation. This non-traditional dynamic stance has a broad impact not only on theology.

Invasions- och insatsförsvaret : En professionsteoretisk jämförelse

This essay is on the subject of the changes that the Swedish military is undergoing. This essay will take the old ways of alignment thinking, were the military was to protect the nation against an invasion and compare it to the newer way of alignment thinking, where the military is to go abroad and do peacekeeping operations as there main objective. This comparison will be done by using Bengt Abrahamson theory about professions. He uses three parts one is specialised theoretical knowledge, another is ethics and the last is corps spirit. This theory will then be connected to four interviews.

A Brand New Manner : En studie om Design Thinking och dess existens i sta?rkandet av Sverige som varuma?rke

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the existence of the discipline Design Thinking in a project that aims to strengthen Sweden as a brand. The study will generate knowledge about Design Thinking, with the purpose to increase the understanding of how the discipline can be used as a strategic tool in the processes of strengthening Nation Branding. The authors have used a descriptive and qualitative approach where the Shanghai World Expo in 2010 was examined. The theoretical framework contains previous research in the field, data has been analysed in relation to Lockwood's ten principles of how an organization can become more design-minded and Anholt?s hexagon, which features the parameters that creates a country's Nation Branding.

Utveckling av dynamiska farthinder

The aim of this Master of Science Thesis is to develop guidelines and improvementsuggestions of RiNOVA Traffic AB?s dynamic speed bump. The project started with athorough pre study of the design and its function to find out how passing vehiclesaffects the dynamic speed bump. The majority part of the pre study was to createnecessary mathematical models to explain the arisen forces and strains.The results of the mathematical models gave necessary information about the designregarding weaknesses and flaws. The most critical ones where those which interferedwith the design?s performance and reliability, and therefore needed to be corrected.These problems where more thorough analysed and discussed with experts before thefinal guidelines and improvement suggestions where developed.The parts of the design that had to be redesigned were the extension springs and thebearing that enables the dynamic properties.

Dynamic obstructions of the equine upper respiratory tract

Dysfunction of the upper respiratory tract is a common cause of impaired performance and intolerance to exercise in racehorses and include several upper airway obstructions. The ones termed dynamic obstructions are primarily seen during physical exertion and affected horses often appear to be normal during endoscope examination at rest. The correlation between diagnoses made at rest respectively exercise is low, suggesting that an examination at rest alone is likely to be insufficient. The upper respiratory tract is exposed to great differences in pressure throughout the respiratory cycle; variations that are further altered during strenuous exercise and affect the rigidity of upper airway structures. In presence of great fluctuations in pressure, stability is achieved through coordinated and synchronous neuromuscular mechanisms. Due to nerve damage or anatomical abnormalities, these functions may be disrupted and further cause a dynamic collapse of the upper respiratory tract when pressure changes become too severe. The etiology behind the neuromuscular dysfunction is not yet fully understood.

Att tänka annorlunda : Samtidens dynamiska lärandemiljöer utgår från ett förändrat sätt att tänka och förstå ledarskap

Studien syftade till att undersöka och belysa hur FM:s ledarskap uppfattar och beskriver FM:s lärandemiljö och samtida utmaningar. Studien avsåg även att genom sina fynd, visa på indikativa linjer kring hur ett ledarskap som främjar lärandemiljön och möter samtidens utmaningar kan förstås. Det empiriska underlaget bestod av en enkätundersökning där 55 officerare med mångårig ledarerfarenhet inom FM deltog. Dessa var indelade i två grupper. Studien hade en tvärvetenskap-lig metodologisk ansats och omfattade både kvantitativa och kvalitativa analysmetoder.

Prisstrategier : En studie om dynamisk prissättning på Major events

Purpose: The purpose of this Bachelor is to analyze how the organizers of a Major event price their tickets and how these strategies consistent and differs from dynamic pricing. The study also aims to analyze whether there are conditions for dynamic pricing in Major events in the future.Theories: Dynamic pricing - Kimes model, Segmentation, price discrimination, variable ticket pricing.Method: The study used a triangulation where a qualitative interview was combined with quantitative data collection. Primary data was collected through a qualitative approach through an interview with General Secretary Tony Wiréhn and Marketing Director Malin Eldh in the local organization of the IIHF World Championship in Sweden. The quantitative data collection was to collect price information from the games played in the Swedish side of the World Championship organization arrangements.Conclusion: The conclusions that can be drawn are that the organizer of Ice Hockey World Championships today largely applies segmentation and also the second and third degree price discrimination. World Cup organization believes that it has something they call "semi-dynamic pricing", which according to this study involves a variable pricing with dynamic tendencies, then prices on some games adapted based on supply and demand during the sales period.

Kritikens kris: En diskursanalys av begreppet kritiskt tänkande inom förskollärarutbildningen

The following study is a discourse analysis of the concept of critical thinking within pre-school teacher education. It considers the following questions: how does the concept of critical thinking appear in policy documents, central to the pre-school teacher education, and which possible conceptions of critical thinking are conveyed by students and teachers active within the education. Additionally, the study seeks to discuss, as well as suggest a possible relation, between the findings of those two questions. In reviewing the material (consisting of five semi-structured interviews with students and teachers, and of a selection of policy documents central to the education), I argue the existence of a sort of project within the education, which presents critical thinking as a higher value. At the same time, I argue that the concept is not defined or concretized. This project, however, as I suggest while drawing upon Foucault?s ideas of discourse and government, involves a rather high degree of control.

Aspektorienterade vittringsprocesser : En studie i ett nordiskt klimat

Weathering on rocks is an important component of the world?s geomorphology. One way to measure weathering on rocks is to analyse rock hardness. This is a study conducted in the northern hemisphere on granite rocks in Uppsala, Sweden. A Schmidt hammer is used to create a correlation analysis between the aspects on three glacial erratic boulders and rock weathering.

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