

484 Uppsatser om Drug and Alcohol - Sida 14 av 33

Vägen ut : en kvalitativ studie om vägen ut ur en marginaliserad position

The purpose of this essay is to investigate how people can return from a marginalized position and become a part of society. Also how a model for returning from a marginalized position should be formed. The intention is to make a contribution to those in society that are helping people to return from marginalized positions. The survey is based on 5 thematic qualitative interviews on individuals that have returned from homelessness, criminality, drug abuse and prostitution. The main results of the investigation are that those who took part in it started their role exit with a turning point.

Dexametasons effekt på trombocytaggregering och syreradikalproduktion

Platelets are important for the healing of damaged blood vessels since they have an importantpart to play in the coagulation process. At the same time, the blood must be kept fluid and notcoagulate at the wrong time. Therefore there are factors that effect the aggregation of plateletsin a positive or a negative way.Previous investigations have shown that platelets during stirring conditions produce reactiveoxygen species (ROS) that weaken the inhibiting effect of nitric oxides (NO) on platelets andthat the drug Dexamethasone (Dex) can reduce the ROS-production.The aim of this project was to investigate if glucocorticoids, in this case Dexamethasone,could restore the inhibiting effect of NO on platelets and if there was any decrease in ROS-production.The result of the ROS-measurements showed a great variance and it was difficult to draw anyconclusions from them, but a clear decrease in ROS, as previous reported, was not shown. In the aggregation experiments the inhibiting effect of NO was observed through the drug S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine (SNAP), a NO-donator.From the aggregation experiments, the result seemed to be that SNAP during longerincubation time lost its inhibiting effect, probably because the cells become desensitized.With superoxid dismutase (SOD), the effect of SNAP increased, both in the experiment withlonger and shorter incubation times. Dex seemed to reinforce the aggregation in relation toboth SOD and SNAP.

Alkoholpåverkan - att påverka eller påverkas. En studie om att påverka politiska beslutsprocesser.

Making decisions have always been part of human life. Political decisions consist of many participants with both formal and informal ways to highlight problems and reach the political agenda. Processes difficult for an individual to distinguish and understand surround political decision-making. The purpose of this study is to investigate the decision process for a specific political issue, Swedish wine producers' desire to be able to sell their own wine at their vineyard; gårdsförsäljning. This is currently prohibited in the Swedish model due to an alcohol monopoly.

Effekter av befintliga och eventuella framtida läkemedelsbehandlingar på morbiditet och mortalitet hos patienter med hjärtsvikt.

Background:  Heart failure is a multidimensional phenomenon with high mortality. Heart failure is treated with angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) - inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) that counteract neurohormonal stimuli that occur in heart failure, as well as providing vessel dilatation, which reduces symptoms and the need for hospitalization and increases survival. Despite this, only about 50% of heart failure patients survive 6 years after diagnosis with drug therapy, and as heart failure is increasing globally, due to improved care and treatment and increasing life expectancy of the population, there is a great need for new drugs such as LCZ696 that acts by dual inhibition of the renin - angiotensin - aldosterone system and neprilysin inhibition.Objective: The aim of this literature study was to evaluate the efficacy of current treatment and possible future treatments on mortality and morbidity in heart failure patients.Results: The examined articles show that treatment with ACE inhibitors in patients with symptomatic heart failure reduces the risk of total mortality by 16% over 3.5 years, reduces all-cause mortality or hospitalization due to heart failure with NNT (number needed to treat) = 10.4 over 3.5 years and increases median survival by 9.2 months over 12.1 years in patients with asymptomatic heart failure. Treatments with high-dose ACE inhibitors reduce mortality and hospitalization because of cardiovascular causes and hospitalizations from any cause by NNT = 30 over 3 years. Beta-blockers reduce sudden death and total mortality and cardiac death or non - fatal myocardial infarction with NNT = 38 and NNT = 23, respectively, over 12 months.

Sjuksköterskans förebyggande åtgärder avseende alkoholmissbruk

Bakgrund: Enligt World Health Organisations världshälsorapport bidrar alkohol till mer än 9% av sjukdomsorsakerna i Europa och vållar 1,8 miljoner dödsfall årligen i hela världen. Alkohol har alltid varit och är än idag ett av världens största samhälls- och sjukvårdsproblem. I Sverige är det mer än sex tusen personer som dör i alkoholrelaterade sjukdomar per år, vilket motsvarar lika många dödsfall som i tobaksrelaterade sjukdomar. Alkoholproblematiken tas därför upp i litteraturstudien. Syfte: Att beskriva vilka förebyggande åtgärder en sjuksköterska kan erbjuda personer för att de ska undvika att missbruka alkohol.

S-omeprazol : Självständigt arbete i kemiteknik med läkemedelsinriktning

Our project is meant to produce a generic medicine for stomach ulcers and heartburns. As Astra Zeneca's patent on Nexium expires in the United states in 2012, our clients wants to take advantage of the market and with using the same active substance as Nexium contains we want to produce a new generic drug, that we named Bluezec..

Anabola Androgena Steroider : En analys om hur AAS skildras i svensk media

AbstractTitle: Anabolic Androgenic Steroids ? An analysis of how AAS is portrayed in Swedish media.Author: Jens SundénTutor: Philip LalanderKeywords: AAS, Anabolic steroids, social problems, media, drug abuse, genderThe purpose of this study was to investigate how Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) are portrayed and described in the media, how AAS is constructed as a social problem, and how society in a social context uses knowledge and power for disciplinary and educational means. The study is based on the perception of AAS as a constructed social problem and analyzes the discourses surrounding AAS depicted in three Swedish newspapers. The sample was prepared on the basis that it represents different aspects of daily Swedish press. The method used in the paper is a discourse analysis with social constructivism and gender as theoretical tools used to analyze the sample material.

Gymnasieverksamheten : en kvalitativ undersökning om Ungdoms- och familjeteamets samverkan med gymnasieskolan och polisen i drogpreventivt arbete

Upper secondary schools programme - a qualitative study about the collaboration of the Youth- and family team, the upper secondary schools and the police to prevent drugsAuthor: Åsa GöranssonSupervisor: Björn JohanssonThis essay discuss drug preventative work performed by the members of the ?Upper secondary schools programme?, which is a part of the Youth- and family team of the Social Services. They perform this work in collaboration with the police and upper secondary schools in Örebro.The purpose of this essay is to investigate and describe this collaboration. More specifically, the purpose is to study the contents of documents of the municipality of Örebro concerning drug prevention aimed at youths through collaboration and compare with the actual work that is carried out by the Youth- and family team through collaboration. Further issues dealt with are possible improvements and if the parties concerned feel a need for a documented structure concerning their way of working.I have used a qualitative method and I have interviewed members of parties concerned.

X-it :en studie om f.d. narkotikamissbrukares erfarenheter

The purpose of this study was to get a client perspective of the different ways to exit from a different role as a drugabuser, and furthermore, how to maintain a drugfree life.The questions of issue were:- What kind of social-psychological conceptions rules the process?- Which motive powers are essential to maintain drug-independence?- Are there any difficulties on the path to social adaptation?Our research was based on interviews with eight persons; five men and three women, from a treatment home in the south of Sweden. The method we used was semi-structured and with a thematic questionnaire. We chose this form due to the fact that we did not want to influence the interviews, as we wanted to know the persons opinions.The result of our study showed that the interviewed persons have some difficulties to adjust in the society and to find new friends especially the interviewed persons with maintenance treatment. Marginal problems as, for example, the lack of not having a work or a home can complicate a further development for the group with maintenance treatment.

Upplevelser av att leva med KOL : En litteraturstudie

Karlsson. A (2015). Importance of spirituality and social support for quitting narcotics - Experiences of the12 step program. Bachelor thesis in Public Health science. Department of work- and public health science.

Ekonomiskt bist?nd och brottslighet i Sverige

This study examines the connection between Sweden`s crime rate and financial aid, focusing on the effects of social spending on different types of criminal activity in the Swedish municipalities between 2000 and 2022. Using theories such as social support theory and utility maximization, the study investigates the relationship between economic assistance and crimes like theft, attempted murder, drug offenses, and assault. The results suggest a complicated relationship: financial aid is associated with a rise in drug offenses and assaults but a decrease in larceny and robberies, when controlling for all observed and unobserved time invariant factors in the municipal factors (a fixed effects panel data model). However, when we test our model for robustness, the effects disappear meaning that other factors that are time varying in the municipality are biasing our estimates. Examples for this may be factors like peer pressure, substance addiction, and socioeconomic conditions that have a considerable impact on criminal conduct, financial aid alone may not be adequate to curb crime.

Kartläggning av metoder för arbete kring levnadsvanor i primärvården - en litteraturbaserad studie

Introduction: Our lifestyle habits affect our health and unhealthy habits are a contributing factor to disease. Health care is an arena that should work with health promotion. MI (motivational interviewing) is a method used in various forms of care to work with lifestyle. Aim: To map methods with intention to be used in Swedish primary care, to work with the lifestyle habits diet, physical activity, alcohol and tobacco. Method: This is a literature based study.

Hemtjänstpersonals upplevelser av sin arbetssituation och sina förutsättningar för kommunikation och samverkan kring vårdtagarna

Karlsson. A (2015). Importance of spirituality and social support for quitting narcotics - Experiences of the12 step program. Bachelor thesis in Public Health science. Department of work- and public health science.

Riskfaktorer angående suicid : - en litteraturstudie

Suicid har minskat i Sverige de senaste decennierna men ändå är suicid den vanligaste dödsorsaken bland män i åldersgruppen 15-44 år och bland kvinnor i samma åldersgrupp är det den näst vanligaste dödsorsaken. ....

MI- metodens effekter på alkoholkonsumtion : en litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Sedan mitten av 1990-talet har alkoholkonsumtionen i Sverige ökat från drygt 8 liter ren alkohol per person och år till cirka 10,5 liter per person och år. Varje år dör minst 6000 människor i Sverige av orsaker relaterade till alkohol. Majoriteten av den svenska befolkningen konsumerar i måttlig mängd men en del hamnar i ett riskbruk eller missbruk som kan leda till ett beroende. Idag beräknas mellan 10-15 % av befolkningen i Sverige ha ett skadligt alkoholkonsumtionsmönster. MI (Motivational interviewing) är en metod som används av bland annat vårdpersonal för att motivera personer till förändring i sitt liv genom egen motivationshöjning.

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