

341 Uppsatser om Driving - Sida 17 av 23

Fo?rba?ttringsfo?rslag pa? automatisering av bagagehantering

This report will outline a proposal for the improvement of the baggage sorting facility at Arlanda airport. Swedavia is a state owned company group that operates, owns and develops airports in Sweden. One of their main roles is to create accessibility needed to facilitate and streamline the work at the airport.Swedavia is constantly working to develop new solutions and enhancements that will help to standardize and automate the work at airports without major impact on climate and above all adapt these solutions to work.The project has been aimed to identify and isolate the problem at the check-in counter, investigate the possibility of setting a speed control on the DC motor Driving the luggage conveyer belt at the check-in desk so that the luggage does not lose tracking already there, as well as evaluate the new sorting systems planned to be introduce in the upcoming refurbishment of the sorting area.To determine the parameters that are used to regulate the speed of the baggage conveyor belt, information about the inputs and outputs that participated in the process was gathered. Information was collected both practically and theoretically. Process was followed and monitored by the supervisor of the company, and a theoretical study was done separately on my own.

Karriärtjänsters verkan på läraryrket - En studie som ämnar att undersöka karriärreformens verkan på lärare och förstelärare

The Government announced a new school reform which aims to support teacher appraisal and professionalism within the Swedish education system. The once well renowned profession is hurting by the decreasing quality of the Swedish education system and the declining number of applicants to the university teacher program. The school reform introduced a new career path for especially skilled teachers to an occupation earlier characterized by a homogenous work force. The Government encourages principals to promote thriving teachers to first teachers, whom will receive an increase in the salary covered by state aid. By supporting these effective teachers, the Government wishes to increase the image perceived and status of the profession and improve the competitiveness of teaching's salary.

Bostadssektorns koldioxidutsläpp

Energy is an important issue in the current world which significantly affects sustainability and development. Energy generation and use are major sources of CO2 emissions which is one of the most important Driving factors in global climate changes. The amount of energy used in house hold section can lead to estimation of the amount of CO2 emitted within this section which subsequently would be a ground to better management and maintaining a sustainable society. This study which is a bachelor?s project in sustainable energy, deals with estimation of CO2 emission from different types of residential houses in Sweden. An extensive literature review on energy use in Sweden by different residential sectors has been conducted.

Luftvärnets utveckling sedan millennieskiftet : En studie av de bakomliggande faktorerna

Uppsatsen tar sin utgångspunkt i antagandet att det svenska luftvärnet under 2000- talet har haft en begränsad utveckling och att truppslaget inte har följt den internationella trenden med mer högpresterande system. Syftet med uppsatsen är att försöka förklara vad som har drivit det svenska luftvärnets utveckling och vilka faktorer som lett till att luftvärnet idag ser ut som det gör.Graham Allison klassiska verk Essence of Decision har utgjort den teoretiska referensramen som legat till grund för undersökningen. Luftvärnets utveckling har studerats utifrån perspektiven om Rationellt beslutsfattande och Maktutövat beslutsfattande.Resultatet av undersökningen visar att Allisons teorier är gynnsamma för att studera drivkrafter och förklara luftvärnets utveckling. Det maktutövade beslutsfattandet kan till stor del klargöra utvecklingen men har visat sig sakna fullständig förklaringskraft. Perspektivet kan därför med fördel nyttjas för att ge en alternativ bild av utvecklingen men inte ensamt förklara drivkrafterna bakom.

Vad påverkar gymnasieelevers val av skola och inriktning?

There are some students who leave their studies. How can this be explained? Are present day high school students satisfied with their choice of school or the courses they have chosen? How did they decide what to study in upper secondary school? The main focus of this study is to examine the factors that influence the decision making of young people when it comes to choosing schools, their educational ambitions, and finally their focus on grades in Upper secondary school.   The study is based on the quantitative method, extracting its results through a poll conducted at an upper secondary school. The target audience of this poll was students that are completing their second year.  A statistical analysis of the results was carried out and the results were then presented by relevant diagrams.

Tar vi barnens intresse för natur och teknik på allvar? : En kvalitativ studie om hur några förskollärare resonerar runt möjligheterna att ta tillvara barnens intresse för naturvetenskap och teknik i förskolan

The purpose of this study was to examine and compare what six preschool teachers thought about their opportunities to take advantage of children's interest in natural sciences and technology, across four kindergartens. The following questions were explored in order to achieve the aim of the study: How do the preschool teachers interviewed describe their work with science and technology in the preschool and what these preschool teachers think about the meaning of motivation in the children?s learning of natural sciences and technology in preschool.  The study used a qualitative approach in the form of semi-structured interviews and interviewed a total of six trained pre-school teachers from four kindergartens with different profiles. The first kindergarten focuses on mathematics, science and technology.

Matvanor och attityder till mat och måltider hos lastbils- och långtradarförare.

The purpose of this study was to evaluate meals and eating in one day for at least ten truck or lorry drivers. Another aim was to investigate the attitudes by the drivers to food and meals and their expectations on the meals. This is a qualitative study conducted in ten interviews, seven of which were over the phone. The interviews were semi-structured and took about twenty minutes for each driver. Data relating to the food choices for one day were collected and questions asked about their attitudes to food and meals were collected simultaneously.

Produktivitet i robotcell

The report describes the process of identifying the interference that exists in a newly installed automated robotic cell and suggest improvements to increase productivity. The cell is used for lifting up extruded aluminum sections onto a conveyor which deliver the material to a anodising line at a company that manufactures aluminum extrusions.To find the areas with the best possibility for improvements in the cell we used a variety of job measurements e.g. measure of standard times for each operation in the cell. The core of the report is a study of the robots.One reason for this study is that the robots do not reach the productivity they were purchased to. The main cause not reaching the productivity is the visionsystem.

Stroke, bilkörning & arbetsterapi : En litteraturstudie över bedömningsinstrument för körförmåga

Mobilitet genom att köra egen bil ger en ökad livskvalitet. Förekomsten av stroke ökar och för att kunna tillfredställa individens behov av aktivitet och självständighet i transporter finns ett ökat behov av körkortsbedömningar. Restsymtomen efter en stroke kan variera. Därför krävs olika typer av bedömningar. Arbetsterapeuter som är vana att arbeta klientcentrerat och bedöma skilda färdigheter har mycket att tillföra i körkortsfrågor.

Regionalism som motstånd : Två latinamerikanska staters motiv att ingå i integrationsprojektet ALBA

The formation of sovereign states in regional blocks has become an essential feature in the world system. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to investigate which motives and Driving forces that affect the creation of projects of regional integration outside Europe and the Western World. By choosing the Latin American project of integration ALBA (the Bolivarian Alliance of the Americas) as a case of regional integration outside Europe and the Western World, the study investigates the motives expressed by the most prominent actors of the project, Venezuela and Cuba. ALBA is chosen as a representative and a unique case and through the consumption of the gramscian and the realist approaches, the essay defines two motives that affect the creation of projects of regional integration. As a way of investigating the actors? motives, the paper studies political statements, especially those of the Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez, and official positions expressed in central documents and declarations.

Corporate Social Responsibility : Ett ansvarsfullt ledarskap

This thesis discusses the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility, which means that companies are taking a voluntary accountability towards the society with a view to improve it. Today's stakeholders and people in general have higher demands and expectations on businesses and its products or services than before. This is Driving more and more companies to consider questions like voluntary responsibility so that they can maintain public confidence. Confidence towards the banking sector is particularly important to avoid financial crises. Our study focuses on leadership impact on CSR.

Fristående skolor - ett socialdemokratiskt dilemma : En undersökning av Socialdemokraternas politik i frågan om fristående skolor

During the 90?s, several reforms took place in order to change the educational system. The reforms intended to increase the freedom of choice and to facilitate the start-up process for Driving independent schools. A broad alliance of political parties from left to right supported these reforms. Twenty years later, the independent schools constitute a substantial part of schools in Sweden.

Att bygga för att synas - city branding i stadsplaneringen :

Spectacular buildings and categorized districts are becoming more common elements in cities. In many cases, they are the result of city branding, which means choosing a city image and dealing with it like a brand to profile and compete against other cities. This essay study what impact on and roll in urban planning the trend might have. The first part relies on literary studies and describes what has been written about city branding. The globalization, the experience economy, urban management, urbanization and the theory of the creative class are pointed out as Driving forces of the popularity and the spread of city branding.

Drivkrafter & Strategier : En studie av fristående mikroföretag i fastighetsmäklarbranschen

Syfte: Syftet med vår forskning är att söka förståelse för hur fristående mikroföretag överlever påen konkurrensutsatt och snabbt växande bostadsmarknad.Metod: Denna studie bygger på en kvantitativ metod i form av enkäter. Totalt samlades 95 enkäterin, vars svar analyserades med hjälp av SPSS i form av faktor- och klusteranalys.Resultat & slutsats: Undersökningens resultat visar att den främsta drivkraften hosmikroföretagarna är friheten och möjligheten att sätta egna villkor/bestämma själv. Den störstakonkurrenten visade sig vara Sveriges marknadsledande företag, Fastighetsbyrån, och mikroföretagens främsta konkurrensmedel ansåg de själva vara en mer personlig service samt derasmöjlighet att till större del kunna anpassa sig efter kunden. Gällande strategier har vi hittatstatistiska samband mellan strategisk planering och framgång.Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Vi rekommenderar vidare att framtida forskare undersökermikroföretag genom en kvalitativ metod, för att förstå deras situation mer på djupet. Vidareforskning skulle även kunna beakta andra branscher än fastighetsmäklarbranschen.Uppsatsens bidrag: Till ämnet företagsekonomi bidrar detta examensarbete till att förstå varföregenföretagare driver mikroföretag, samt en förståelse hos dessa för olika konkurrensmedel ochöverlevnadsstrategier på en konkurrensutsatt marknad..

Polletten har inte trillat ner, ännu? Bankernas hållbarhetsredovisning håller inte måttet!

The voluntary none-financial sustainability report has become a trend within accounting. The environmental issues used to be driven by activists only, but lately it has moved in to the general agenda in many companies. Investors are starting to put more attention to the sustainability reporting as it is considered to add value to the company. There are several standard guidelines to be used when producing a sustainability report, one example is the GRI´s Guidelines that takes the following three dimensions in consideration: economy, environment and social. This Guideline is from an international perspective considered to be of good accounting practice (Ljungdahl 2008).

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