

1807 Uppsatser om Dressing type - Sida 1 av 121

Framtidsvisioner hos ungdomar i en småstad

ABSTRACTTitle: Senses strategic importance to the customer experience in dressing roomAuthors: Anna Andersson & Alexandra LundqvistTutor: Dr. Bertil Hultén, Associate Professor Linneaus School of Business and Economics Linnaeus UniversitySubject:  Bachelor thesis 15 hp. Business Economics C, Marketing. Linnaeus University, spring 2011Presentation of the question: Is it possible for companies to enhance customers experience in dressing rooms by strategically working with the senses?Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyze the senses relevance to the customer experience in the dressing room and create an understanding of the dressing room from a customer and business perspective.

Alkohol- och drogtest på arbetsplatsen

ABSTRACTTitle: Senses strategic importance to the customer experience in dressing roomAuthors: Anna Andersson & Alexandra LundqvistTutor: Dr. Bertil Hultén, Associate Professor Linneaus School of Business and Economics Linnaeus UniversitySubject:  Bachelor thesis 15 hp. Business Economics C, Marketing. Linnaeus University, spring 2011Presentation of the question: Is it possible for companies to enhance customers experience in dressing rooms by strategically working with the senses?Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyze the senses relevance to the customer experience in the dressing room and create an understanding of the dressing room from a customer and business perspective.

Sinnenas strategiska betydelse för kundens upplevelse i provrummet

ABSTRACTTitle: Senses strategic importance to the customer experience in dressing roomAuthors: Anna Andersson & Alexandra LundqvistTutor: Dr. Bertil Hultén, Associate Professor Linneaus School of Business and Economics Linnaeus UniversitySubject:  Bachelor thesis 15 hp. Business Economics C, Marketing. Linnaeus University, spring 2011Presentation of the question: Is it possible for companies to enhance customers experience in dressing rooms by strategically working with the senses?Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyze the senses relevance to the customer experience in the dressing room and create an understanding of the dressing room from a customer and business perspective.

Kalkning och vitaliseringsgödsling : synpunkter från organisationer och myndigheter samtprivata markägare i Kronobergs län

The background for this thesis is that at the beginnings of 1980´s the National Board of Forest started an experiment of lime dressing to reduce acidification in forest soil and in ground water. The purposes of this report are to explain organization?s, government?s and private landowners viewpoint on lime dressing and vitalization fertilization, some socio-economic aspects are presented. The general conclusions are that the majority of the interested party?s are positive to vitalization fertilization but the forests owner?s in generally need much more information about this topic..

Investeringsstrategin vid kvartalsskiftets Window Dressing

Detta arbete är en studie över investeringsmöjligheten vid tävlingsfenomenet Window Dressing inför kvartalsskiftena. Studien bygger på analys av en tredagars långt event-fönster inför kvartalsskiftena mellan år 1996 och 2005 på den svenska aktiemarknaden. Window Dressing uppstår i prestationsbaserade sammanhang och är mest känd när börsföretag dagarna före sina finansiella kvartalsrapporter ror i land ytterligare affärstransaktioner i syfte att dra fördel av sista stundens nyupptäckta affärsmöjligheter. På samma sätt är det antaget att fonderna agerar, inom den egna strategins ram, genom aktiva köp och säljtransaktioner dagarna inför sina kvartalsvisa innehavsredovisningar, baserad på nyupptäckta möjligheter från exempelvis momentumeffekter. Fenomenet får sin acceptans från den betydande konkurrensen på fondmarknaden där fonderna tävlar om att uppvisa skicklighet i värdeskapande.

Omvårdnad vid central venkateter - Sjuksköterskans ansvarsområde - En systematisk litteraturstudie

Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är att sammanställa litteratur gällande olika typer av förband samt omläggningsfrekvens vid omvårdnad av central venkateter. Författarna har gjort en systematisk litteraturstudie och följt Goodmans sju steg i forskningsprocessen. Totalt inkluderades 15 vetenskapliga artiklar efter litteratursökning i databaserna PubMed, CINAHL, Cochrane Library samt via kompletteringar i ELIN. Artiklarna granskades av två oberoende bedömare utefter modifierade granskningsprotokoll och kvalitetsbedömdes därefter. Resultaten av denna sammanställning visar en tendens åt att sterila kompresser än så länge har ett litet försprång gentemot transparenta förband, i synnerhet när insticksstället inte läkt.

Vacuumassisterad sa?rbehandling pa? en ka?rlkirurgisk va?rdavdelning ? Utva?rdering av behandlingsresultat pa? olika sa?rtyper och hur patienter skattar sin sma?rta i samband med byte av VAC-svamp : En journalgranskningsstudie

Background: Vacuum assisted closure, VAC, is a method which can benefit wound closure. There are not many reliable studies about the effects of VAC in different types of wounds. Previous studies have shown that patients have experienced pain during dressing changes.Aim: The aim of the study was to survey in what kind of wounds the vascular surgery ward have been using VAC, to study the treatment process of VAC and how it has been documented and also to investigate if patients with VAC experienced pain during dressing changes.Method: The patients were chosen from a ledger, which contained 77 patients that had been treated with VAC on the vascular surgery ward. Data were collected with a journal survey protocol.Results: The result is based on 67 patients with a total of 79 wounds. VAC was shown to have a good effect on wound healing and infected surgical wounds were the most commonly wound category undergoing treatment with VAC.

Den transvestitiska förklädnaden : en tolkning av androgynitet i Virginia Woolfs roman Orlando.

AbstractThis paper is an analysis of Virginia Woolf's novel Orlando. My rendering of the novel is inspired by queer-theory and in particular the theories of Judith Butler. In my interpretation I have put my focus mainly on androgyny and transvestite disguise. The purpose of my analysis is to create an understanding of the theme of androgyny in Orlando and see how it relates to the writer's feminist approach. I?ve also used concepts like transvestite disguise and cross-dressing to interpret the main character, Orlando's constant changes of clothes, between female and male clothing.

Hållbarhetsredovisning : Med fokus på negativ information

To establish sustainability reports is an increasing trend for more and more companies. This has led to a spread of the international framework Global reporting initiative, GRI, guidelines to make a sustainability reports. This trend has got a lot of critics from various stakeholders who believe that companies in these reports communicate the information in a way of window dressing. Both negative and positive information has to be represented according to GRI: s principle of balance.  Window dressing is created by adding a greater emphasis on the positive information. The researchers review the context of the negative information to study the extent to which it is reported and whether there are patterns and variations in the reported information.

Hörselnedsättning bland diabetiker med typ 1-diabetes respektive typ 2-diabetes ? en jämförande metaanalys

Background: Diabetes mellitus is one of today's major public health problems, affecting up to 347 million people worldwide. Several studies have shown a correlation between hearing loss and diabetes mellitus. However, it is still unclear whether this correlation differs between type 1-diabetes and type 2-diabetes.Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate whether there is any difference in prevalence of hearing loss in type 1-diabetics versus type 2-diabetics.Method: A meta-analysis was performed based on ten studies that were identified through the database PubMed and through manual searching of references. Odds ratios for the risk of developing hearing loss were calculated in each study. Pooled odds ratios were calculated using a random effects model.Results: Pooled odds ratios indicates that both type 1-diabetics and type 2-diabetics are more likely to develope hearing loss compared to non-diabetic controls.

När jag är stressad är jag inte den pedagog jag vill vara : Pedagogers stress på förskolan

AbstractThe purpose with the study is to contribute knowledge of teacher?s thoughts of, and actions in potentially stress filled situations at preschool. The methods I?ve been using are qualitative interviews and unstructured observations of hallway situation at dressing and the transit between lunch and rest.At the interviews with the teachers it showed that none of them feels stressed but there are stress filled situations. The lunch and transit between lunch and rest is a stressful situation, where there is a lot to do, like the dishes, the teachers break and the lie-down.

Att finna balansen : En litteraturstudie om hur personer med diabetes typ 2 upplever livsstilsförändringar

AbstractBackground: To have type 2 diabetes affects life situation and thus the experiences oflifestyle changes. Treatment of type 2 diabetes consists of adapting to new lifestyles and theirown involvement. Orem (2001) theory of self-care has been used as a kind of scientificfoundation. Aim: The purpose of this study is to describe the experiences of lifestyle changesin people with type 2 diabetes. Method: Systematic literature review of descriptive andinductive synthesis approach has been used.

En undersökning av tre olika behandlingsmedels effekt på vegetabiliskt garvat läder för bokband

Title in original language: En undersökning av tre olika behandlingsmedels effekt påvegetabiliskt garvat läder för bokbandLanguage of text: SwedishNumber of pages: 32.

Högerpopulism i Europa : En studie av tre högerpopulistiska partier och deras egenskaper

The aim of this study is to describe the characteristics of right-wing populist parties in Europe. The three parties included in the study are the Swedish Democrats (SD), the British National Party (BNP) and the National Front (NF) in France. The study includes a definition of right-wing populism based on previous research and from that an ideal type of a right-wing populist party has been created. The material used in the study to verify how well the parties were consistent to the ideal type and what similarities and differences the parties in the study have are the parties? political programs and policies.

Har du tid att vänta

In today's society, more and more people traveling with transports such as trains and buses. With this type of travel it often exists waiting at stations that in many cases perceives as negative. Previous research demonstrates that distraction can get people to experience the waiting as less negative. This paper aims to examine how waiting can be affected by distraction, and if it is possible to use a second type of waiting as a distraction. The authors have chosen to focus on travelers who are waiting.

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