4760 Uppsatser om Drama education - Sida 24 av 318
Dialogisk, kvalitativ och inbjudande retorik i offentligt samtal : En studie av en iscensatt interaktion mellan religiösa ledare
I förskolans läroplan, Lpfö 98, framgår det att pedagogerna ska ha som mål att alla barn utvecklar sitt intresse för och förmåga att samtala om bilder som de ser samt att använda sig av och tolka dessa. Pedagogerna ska också sträva efter att barnen utvecklar sin förmåga att uttrycka tankar, upplevelser och känslor på flera olika sätt till exempel genom dans, drama, bild eller sång.Syftet med studien är att undersöka möjligheten att arbeta med de estetiska uttrycksformerna i förskolan, samt ifall detta arbete stimulerade barnens språkutveckling.I studien intervjuades pedagoger som är verksamma inom förskolan. De arbetade på fyra olika avdelningar på två förskolor i Blekinge.På samtliga avdelningar förekom arbete med alla olika estetiska uttrycksformer, det vill säga dans, drama, bild och musik. Pedagogerna menade att barnen tycker att detta arbete är roligt och på så vis blir det extra givande för barnens språkutveckling. Vidare påpekade de också att det är viktigt att man att använder ett korrekt språk i arbetet med barn.
Mervärdesskattegrupper : Neutralitet och EU-konformitet
This study examines implementation from national law in to local practice in the district of Kalmar to assure newly arrived immigrants orientation in civics. The study takes its starting point in Lipskys theory about street-level bureaucracy. Questions that are discussed are about how the education is understood by refugee?s coordinators, civic communicators and the new immigrates, how the organization has been and what role the demography and economic structures has played for the organization. It is a case study where interviews and enquete has been used.
Idrottsämnet och ämnessamverkan : Idrottslärares attityder och förutsättningar till ämnessamverkan
Our interest about interdisciplinary teaching has grown during our time at Högskolan Dalarna and especially during the subject physical education. It became clear that people learn in different ways. The theoretical education in school benefits the visual and auditory strong learners but the kinesthetic strong learners find it more difficult to absorb the information. We argue that integrating subjects is a good way to mix theory and practice and thus gives more students an opportunity to learn the content of the subject. The intention of this examination paper is to investigate the relationship between the attitudes of the teachers regarding interdisciplinary teaching, the practical restrains, possibilities and the presence of interdisciplinary teaching at three different schools.
Läs- och skrivinlärning i förskoleklass : Läs- och skrivinlärning i dagsläget och utveckling under tiden 1994-2012
AbstractThe purpose of this survey is to examine how educators work with reading- and writing-skills in preschool with six year old children. I want to examine if the new curriculum, Lgr11, has affected the school teachers in their teaching of reading- and writing and if their work has changed through the years. Using a qualitative study, five preschool-teachers, working in preschool for several years, were interviewed to be heard of their thoughts about this topic. The survey shows that preschool-teachers are more familiar with the curriculum of today, in relation to previous curriculums. Much because of that the new one is more addressed to preschool compared with earlier curriculums but also that the teachers in an easier way can see the pupils? way to knowledge.
Det komplexa lärarledarskapet
Att vara lärare i dagens skola ställer andra krav än vad gårdagens skola gjorde. En förändring är, att lärarens befattning ofta inte ger legitimitet och beredskap till att vara elevernas ledare i klassrummet, utan läraren måste finna sitt eget sätt att leda. Som en möjlig konsekvens av ovanstående förändring, uttrycker flera lärarestudenter svårigheter med att forma sin ledarroll. Även om man har förebilder måste man själv bygga upp sitt eget ledarskap, utifrån sin egen person och sina unika egenskaper. Min avsikt med denna uppsats är att försöka identifiera hur lärares ledarskap konstrueras, från intention till praxishandling samt att analysera relationen till pedagogiskt drama som verktyg i denna konstruktion.
??who cares about the kings of Europe??
Föreliggande studie bygger på ett dramapedagogiskt arbete inom en specialpedagogisk
kontext. Studien har utförts på en resursskola med elever i behov av särskilt stöd.
Syftet är att undersöka vilka kvaliteter pedagogiskt drama kan tillföra i arbetet med elever i behov av särskilt stöd, särskilt utifrån förhållningssätt, social interaktion och självkänsla.
För att nå detta syfte har det pedagogiska arbetet bestått av att tillsammans med eleverna utföra olika dramaövningar. Vidare har eleverna skapat en musikvideo utifrån deras egenproducerade låt.
Integrering av ett främmande språk i matematikundervisningen
Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is a relatively new method for learning a foreign language. CLIL programs are growing in popularity and more and more schools are adopting it all around the world. There is still no special education for the teachers working with CLIL, though research suggests it may be an effective method for achieving good results.To get a realistic view of the work of a CLIL teacher, I have interviewed four different mathematic teachers who work at CLIL international schools in Spain with English as the foreign language. I have compared their methods and experiences with the main ideas of current research in this particular field.The survey shows that the teachers? views about how CLIL is to be used do not completely correspond to that of the research.
Reproduktionen ? Validering av reell kompetens och högskolans rådande ordning
This thesis examines the relationship between recognition of prior learning and the aim to increase social and ethnical diversity in higher education. Recognition of prior learning is a result of educational politics aiming to broaden social and ethnical recruitment to higher education. By examining if recognition of prior learning rather can, and shall, be seen as part of what Pierre Bourdieu calls educational social reproduction I try to question whether it fulfils education policy goals or not. My results show that persons responsible for recognition of prior learning rather recognise knowledge from prior educational institutions than knowledge gained outside the educational system. Considering this, recognition of prior learning does not quite live up to the aims.
Conflict for Sale: Setting the Retail Stage for Post-modern Servicescape Interactions
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the relationship between space and consumer interaction at WEEKDAY, a contemporary fashion retail store in Malmö, Sweden. The thesis is based on a qualitative case-study and has a social constructionist approach. In order to understand the interaction taking place between consumer and environment we conducted observations guided by Kenneth Burke?s Pentad.The retail servicescape at WEEKDAY is conceived as a metaphorical stage where drama unfolds, analysing and defining the retail space using Kenneth Burke?s pentad of dramatism. We concentrate on the use of two terms of Burke?s pentad, the scene and the act, almost exclusively as we investigate how the scene stimulates the act.
Stöd, reflektion och hjälp att inkludera : Lärares syn på specialpedagogisk handledning
The purpose of this study was to gain deeper knowledge about the special needs of guidance significance as an aid to students based on teachers' views and perceptions.Eight teachers from three different municipalities, active in primary school and middle school have been interviewed since all have participated in and have experience with special needs tutoring. Their responses were compiled and answered the three research questions: What experiences have teachers of special education counseling? How do teachers the guidance they received from a special teacher? What effect has the special educational guidance given for the inclusive education? The result shows that the special educational tutorial helps teachers gain a deeper understanding of students in need of special support and guidance to the mission vary in scope and content. The special educational tutorial that is aimed directly at the teachers seem to have a positive effect on inclusion and a critical/dilemma perspective while the consultative guidance primarily directed towards the adaptation of educational material and allows students to walk out of the classroom to receive special education promotes exclusion and ability grouping and a compensatory perspectives. From a sociocultural perspective pointing results of the study that teachers with special education tutoring experience to students in an inclusive education contribute to each other's learning,creating meaningful for everyone involved..
Livslångt lärande och folkbibliotek
The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate and analyse how the concept of lifelong learning is expressed in political documents concerning public libraries and education and how it can be related to earlier concepts of education within the discourse of public libraries. Focus is the official approach to the concept of lifelong learning and public library. The documents examined contain the political aims for education and culture policy on a national and local level. The theories used in the study concern the background and meaning of the concept of lifelong learning, they describe public libraries and their earlier perspectives of education and they also give a picture of practices of governing within the framework of public libraries. The purpose is to see how the speech in the documents is reflected in discourses of society and public library.
Utbildning i våld i nära relationer. En kvantitativ studie om betydelsen av personalutbildning för att främja det preventiva arbetet.
Background: Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a large public health problem that foremost affects both women and children, nationally and globally. Several accessible reports about IPV and education for staff that in their occupation can meet battered people shows the importance of increased education for several occupational groups to decrease the large number of unrecorded cases.Purpose: The study explored how six occupational groups, in the municipality of Kungälv, related to IPV in their professions, were influenced by whether they had education in IPV or not.Method: We chose a quantitative approach, a cross sectional study. A questionnaire was constructed and handed out to 156 participations. The occupational groups were a section in a hospital, the police, the home care services, an elementary school, a pre-school and the public dental care. The answer frequency was 86 %.
Utbildningen av nyanlända elever i gymnasieålder : Nationella utredningar och lokalt arbete i Södertälje och Malmö kommun
The purpose of this thesis is to study the education of newly arrived 16-20 year old immigrants and how their education in the towns of Södertälje and Malmö matches up with national inquiry into the subject.The research questions in this thesis are as follow: What type of documents shape the work with newly arrived students? What's the preferred development surrounding the education of the newly arrived students nationally? What does the latest study, which is a proposed reform of the Gymnasium system, say about the education of newly arrived students?How does the local work connect with proposals of national investigations? Do the cities take responsibility for evaluating the education of newly arrived students? From arriving to graduating, what does the road to graduation look like for a newly arrived student? What is the curriculum of a newly arrived student?The methods used here are studies of investigations made primarily by Skolverket (The National Agency for Education) and Myndigheten för skolutveckling (The Agency for Development of Education), studies of local documents such as annual reports of quality and promotional material for programs at local Gymnasiums (High Schools), and interviews with local persons in charge of shaping the work with newly arrived immigrants.This thesis has not used theory as a foundation for structuring the analysis, but postmodern theory and the use of three dimensional power inspired the thesis.The conclusions made focuses on the future of the education for these teenagers at large and makes connections between the national investigations and the local work with immigration education.In order for these teenagers to be allowed to join the Swedish national Gymnasium, they need to learn Swedish, and integration seems to be an important part of learning Swedish quickly. .
Medias roll för döva ungdomars identitet
Examensarbetet handlar om döva ungdomars identitet och medias roll under tiden döva ungdomar skapar och formar sin identitet. Undersökningsgruppen är döva ungdomar 12-17 år, flickor och pojkar. Samt media- drama/rörelse lärare. Frågeställnignarna är: "Hur skapar och formar döva ungdomar sin identitet? "Vad är avgörande för döva ungdomars identitetsskapande? "Vilken roll spelar media för döva ungdomars identitet?" "Vad för slags medieformer använder döva undomar sig mest av?".
Utomhuspedagogikens påverkan på barn med koncentrationssvårigheter : En intervjustudie ur förskollärarperspektiv
Children with concentration difficulties are to a great extent a problem in schools and therefore it becomes interesting to see how possibilities around these children can appear in pre-school. From a pre-school teacher?s perspective, the study aims to provide a deeper understanding of how outdoor education can influence children with concentration difficulties. The method of the study is a qualitative research run-up with interviews that intends to describe pre-school teachers? views.