

3757 Uppsatser om Dominant company - Sida 65 av 251

Integritet i Googles tjänster - En studie om Googles sekretesspolicy

On March 1, 2012, Google introduced its new privacy policy which is applicable to all Google services. This means that search history may be saved by Google indefinitely and may also be associated with the specific account during the first 18 months. We assume that few people read this policy and we have hypotheses that a deeper knowledge of the contents of the privacy policy affects how users perceive Google as a company and/or the usage of Google services. In this study, we have conducted surveys at the IT University of Gothenburg, to investigate how many participants that have read or possess some knowledge of the privacy policy. We have found that very few participants claim to have read the privacy policy.

Mikroproduktion av solel i flerfamiljshus : Lönsamhetsanalys genom simulering av solcellsanläggningar och explorativ kundundersökning

This thesis is commissioned by the Swedish electricity trading company GodEl with the purpose of evaluate solar electricity in multi-family buildings in the Stockholm region. The prices of solar panels have dropped recently due to the advances in technology, but the installation rate in Sweden remains low. It is therefore interesting to study the  profitability of solar electricity today, and if it is profitable enough to install based on profitability alone and not simply due to environmental considerations. Therefore this thesis first studies the profitability of solar panels based on a simulation of electricity production and consumption for multi-family buildings this region. The study concludes that solar electricity can be profitable in the Stockholm region under certain conditions; all of which have to be favourable for profitable solar electricity.The thesis also studies the opinion of the company's costumers concerning solar electricity.

Kollektivtrafikens idé : ägandeförändringar i Stockholms samtrafikhistoria

This thesis is about the idea of public transport and the discussions stirred in the media during changes in ownership. More specifically it is a study of the historical situation of Stockholm, Sweden, where the periods chosen are the 1910s, 1960s and 1990s.During the 1910s Stockholm?s first and largest tram company was taken over by thecity, and a period of public ownership began, which in the 1960s changed form whenthe county council took over the city?s principal authority and formed the politicallyadministered company SL (Storstockholms Lokaltrafik, Greater Stockholm LocalTransit Company). Between these periods the word kollektivtrafik (public transport)was established in the Swedish language. This study describes and compares the ideasconcerning the phenomenon of public transport.The aim of the study is to analyse the ideas, values and ideals concerning public transport in the media, defined as newspapers.

Framtagning av en remdriven växellåda till en häcksax

The project was performed in collaboration with Husqvarna, one of the world?s leading manufacturer in the market of electric outdoor products. The report is a thesis work of a bachelor mechanical engineer program, in the field product development and design.The project is a study of the development opportunities within drive belt for a gear driven gearbox to one of Husqvarnas petrol powered hedge trimmers. A big part of the project was also to find combinations of materials for all components in the gearbox, to reduce weight and maintain or improve the performance of the system. Belt drive was of interest to investigate as an alternative solution to the current design that can reduce wear on the system at a performance test performed in the company before the product is released to market.

Aktiekursförändringar och sökfrekvens på internet

The purpose of this Bachelor thesis is to analyze if there is a correlation between stock prices and the amount of searches of the companies names on Google. The theories used in the study were Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) and Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH). Regressions analysis is used as the statistical method to see if there is a significant correlation between the stock prices and the amout of searches of the company name on Google. The data used were the rate of return of three companies (ABB, Oriflame and Sandvik) on the Nasdaq OMX Nordic stock market, the rate of return of the Nasdaq OMX Nordic stock market index (OMX Stockholm_PI) and the Google search frequency from Google Trends on each company. The result showed no significance and the conclusion of the thesis is that there is no significant correlation between the three studied companies and their search frequency on the search engine Google..

Dödsorsaker och nedärvningsmönster av dilaterad kardiomyopati hos grand danois

Dilaterad kardiomyopati (DCM) är en allvarlig hjärtsjukdom som drabbar flera hundraser, men är vanligast bland de stora raserna. Sjukdomen drabbar hjärtmuskulaturen varpå hjärtats kontraktionsförmåga försämras. Detta leder på sikt till volymsöverbelastning, dilatation av hjärtats hålrum och kliniska tecken på hjärtsvikt. DCM är en viktig dödsorsak hos grand danois och den höga prevalensen tyder på att det finns en genetisk faktor bakom utvecklandet av sjukdom. Resultat från flera studier där ärftligheten studerats, tyder på en autosomal dominant nedärvning, men även x-bunden recessiv nedärvning har föreslagits. Syftet med denna studie var att, utifrån en studiepopulation bestående av renrasiga grand danois hemmahörande i Sverige och Norge, undersöka de vanligaste dödsorsakerna, och om det fanns någon signifikant skillnad i medeldödsålder mellan hundar som dött i DCM och hundar som dött av övriga orsaker.

Havremalt : relansering av en hälsokostprodukt

Launching and marketing a health food product is associated with larger problems than a launch of a traditional food product. There are several sales channels that can be used for a health food product, for example the product can be sold as a traditional food product, natural health food product or as a prescription drug. A smaller company can however experience problems while launching its product as a prescription drug because of the large costs associated with this particular sales channel. There is often no other alternative than to launch the product as a traditional food product, this can however create other problems because of the existing regulations on what can and cannot be mentioned in the marketing of a health food product. The limited amount of information about the product that can be enclosed together with it makes it hard for a company to differentiate and position it on the market.

Historiebruk : exemplet Judisk Krönika

The purpose of this examination is to investigate how Judisk Krönika, a periodical which was introduced in 1932 with the aim of disseminating Jewish culture and tradition in Sweden, uses history to make comments about its role in contemporary history, specifically during the first two years of the First Intifada. A second purpose was to examine how this use of history differed from results shown in earlier studies comprising the 1960s and the 2000s. The method in use is qualitative; the source material has been read thoroughly and scrutinized in search of the authors open and hidden messages and intentions. The main finding shows that four major themes could be identified: anti-Semitism(anti-Zionism); memory; ethnonational and media. The most dominant theme during the 1980s, as opposed to the 1960s and the 2000s focus on Zionism and Jewish culture respectively, is memory, that could be described as hegemonic and as a part of a existential use of history, which aims for survival and preservation of the Jewish culture in times of conflict..

En deal om dagen - En kvantitativ studie om hur konsumenter uppfattar varuma rken som promotas genom dagliga deals

The relatively new phenomenon of daily deals has had an amazing explosion of growth during recent years. The concept relies on offering deeply discounted products and services that a number of customers must buy in order to acquire this discounted service. Companies spend valuable resources on marketing to get customers but the effects of daily deals on the brand do not have empirical evidence. What is the customers' attitude towards companies that communicate through daily deals How is their intention to buy from that company affected This is what is the main purpose of this study. To examine how customers perceive a company, in terms of attitude toward the brand and buying intentions, when the company markets through daily deals compared to more traditional promotion.

Lokal logistikoptimering för ENA Energi i Enköping

The cost for forestry logistics in Sweden is about 25 percent of the total cost of getting the raw material to industry (Anon., 2010). There might be much to gain by taking a look at your supply chains on the logistic side in your company. In this report the logistic chains by Mellanskog for ENA Energi AB in Enköping has been looked in to. ENA Energis plant is a combined power and heating plant and about 99, 5 percent of their fuel consisted of bio energy in year 2009 (ENA Energi, 2011, länk A). The main purpose with this report is to look at three questions: 1. How does the supply chain look today? From forest to industry. 2.

Implementering av TPU : En fallstudie om implementeringen av TPU på ABB Cewe-Control i Nyköping

If Swedish companies are to compete with companies in low-cost countries they have to achieve a more efficient production. The purpose of Total Productivity Maintenance (TPM) is to increase the company's profitability by increasing the productivity. TPM is a method that involves all employees and aims to prevent failures in order to increase the availability of existing equipment.The aim of this paper is to evaluate the implementation process of TPM and give recommendations for the further implementation process. The conclusion and the analysis are based on a case study done at a production department at ABB Cewe-Controls facilities in Nyköping. The case study consists mainly of qualitative data from participation observations, surveys and interviews.Commitment of the management is a key factor in the implementation process of TPM.

Riskhantering av kritiska infrastrukturtjänster : En studie av Apotekens Service ur ett HRO-perspektiv

Risk management has become a key ingredient for businesses all over the world. High Reliability Organizations (HRO) has distinguished themselves as experts in this area. By continuously focusing on improving their ability to manage risks they?ve been able to successfully avoid catastrophes in environments where normal accidents can be expected due to complexity and risk factors.The aim of the thesis is to improve the risk management at Apotekens Service by applying theories from HRO and safety culture. In July 2009, following the re-regulation of the Swedish pharmacy market, Apotekens Service AB was appointed national pharmacy infrastructure supplier for the Swedish health care system.

Samhällsansvar i försörjningskedjor

During the last decades the questions about environment and social ethics, so called Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), have increased in importance. It is in the business world highly important for the corporations to show the public that the company care about these questions. A common approach nowadays is to outsource productions to other countries resulting in that suppliers have a great part of the work with CSR. CSR as a trend is a rather new phenomenon, and therefore interesting to see how the corporations handle these questions and how the approach looks like. The purpose with this study is to show how corporations which are recommended by CSR organizations for their handling regarding these questions approach CSR and how the work look like in the supply chain.

Förändrad interaktion, förändrat värde? : En kvalitativ studie om värdeskapande vid mänsklig och teknisk interaktion

The progress in the field of technology is often described as massive and its development has had a great impact on the social development (Vetenskapsrådet, 2012). As a result of the digital evolution, there has been a change in the way customer and company interact (Normann, 2011). The traditional way for players to interact with each other required an interaction human to human (ibid), a mode of interaction that now can be replaced or supplemented by todays technology and often Internet-based solutions (Salomonson et al., 2013). These technological solutions, the technical interaction, are often referred to as self-service systems. These systems enables the customer to carry out the tasks previously performed by the company (Hilton and Hughes, 2013).

Detaljhandel för konfektion ? en studie om marknadsföring

Marknadsföring är en viktig del av företagets verksamhet för att få ett lyckat resultat avseende försäljning, kundkontakt och inte minst ekonomiskt resultat för verksamheten. Marknadsföringsarbetet kan genomföras på olika sätt och med olika insatser. Marknadsföring syns mest hos stora företag som vänder sig direkt till konsumentmarknaden. Mitt syfte med arbetet är att studera marknadsföringsarbetet hos små fristående butiker inom detaljhandeln för kläder. Där vill jag genom en studie se hur arbetet genomförs och om det eventuellt finns förbättringsmöjligheter inom området.Min bild av branschen innan studien påbörjades var att det finns en mängd småföretag inom segmentet som syns och verkar på många olika sätt och med olika framgång.

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