

3757 Uppsatser om Dominant company - Sida 33 av 251

Vad är Cloud Computing? : En kvalitativ studie ur ett företagsperspektiv

Cloud computing is a new buzzword within the IT-industry, and introduces a whole new way of working with IT. The technique delivers web based services, which results in that the user no longer needs to install an application locally on a computer. Since the application no longer needs to run on a local entity, but in a datacenter located on a service provider, the users no longer need any specific hardware more than a computer with an internet connection. Cloud computing also offers IT-infrastructure and development environments as services, these three service types is better known as cloud services. Through the usage of different types of cloud services, the need for maintenance and hardware is significantly reduced.

Datorbaserad examination: En studie om användarhinder och systemacceptans bland lärare

The aim of this thesis is to examine how teachers use computer based assessment in their work and what user barriers they experience while working with computer based assessments. The result of the thesis is meant to provide an understanding of which factors affect the use of computer based assessments and how a company who provide computer based assessments applications can increase the rate of use amongst teachers.To investigate this, the author examined a company in Sweden who provide a computer based assessment application for both universities and high schools. The study was carried out at two different schools, a university and a high school, both located in Stockholm. In total nine teachers were interviewed. The author also conducted observations at the company whose computer based assessment application was examined.The author?s findings suggest that a lack of functions within the application and lack of costumer support from the company all negatively impacted the teacher?s use of the application.

Jon Blund - Blåsningen: En warstory om ett ärligt menat köp av ett ruttet bolag

Decision-making and valuation when buying small caps is a poorly explored area. Likewise, since disputes about deficiencies in the company?s financial and legal standing are, almost without exception, resolved in arbitration with confidentiality requirements for both sides, there is very little empirical knowledge about such disputes. This paper hopes to add empiric experience by describing such a take-over ? the purchase of the Jon Blund companies.

På vilka sätt kan ledarskapet påverka - utvecklingsfasen mot ett innovativt småföretag :  

This is a study of innovative technologies that are primarily based on collaboration with a client who in this study is called FTG, because they chose to be anonymous. A problem set has been presented, analyzed and worked with. The result of this is that we found some weaknesses in the leadership that have influenced the motivation in the workgroup negatively. The study has focus on changing leadership in order to increase motivation and openness to innovation within the company. With this focus on change in leadership, we have done a basic search for relevant theories related to the topic and found interesting data to work with.

"Vi ska gå bra och må bra"

Working with health-management has become something most organizations would describe as essential for being legitimate today. The aim of this thesis is to investigate how this subject is handled in an existing company and how this work is percieved by the employees in the organization. Due to the fact that limited research has been conducted on this issue, we see this thesis as a potential for increasing the understanding of how health management is articulated in practice. Our results show that health management in our studied organization is far reaching in comparison with most organizations, but has room for improvement according to the Integral Theory. The consequence of differences in perceptions between management and employees could result in that health management does not become an integral part of the company and its daily operations to the potential extent..

Rekryteringsprocesser : Analys och betydelsen av rekryteringsprocesser

To make a company or an organization reach a goal it requires the right way of thinking when recruiting new employees. One mistake and one wrong recruitment can cause a company or an organization huge expense, which are possible to avoid. A right recruitment is about having a good recruitment process which will support the right decision when choosing new employees. The purpose of this thesis is to do an analysis on three recruitment companies recruitment process and show the significance of the recruitment process for hiring the right person for the right position. The information for this paper has been collected through interviews and literature which concerns this subject.

Det första uppdraget : om studenten som företagare

This is a 20 points graduation thesis, performed at the Department of Urban and Rural Development at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Uppsala. The main aim of this thesis is to examine what it is like to combine studying with working and starting your own company. Furthermore, I want to be able to convey this knowledge to others. An important part of being a landscape architect is informing people, and making rather abstract issues tangible. The word 'entrepreneur' is originally French. Today, we think of entrepreneurs, or contractors, as energetic people, who dare to try new ideas. There are many reasons why people start their own company, but the most common ones are the wish to fulfil oneself and to be able to plan one's own time.

En studie om konflikten mellan företags affärsstrategi och CSR-arbete i lågprishandeln

A wish for a higher standard of living has driven the rate of consumption in Sweden. Mainfocus in business is on a higher growth and profitability where some companies use a lowprice strategy to win competitive advantage. The positive consumption pattern spiral is oftendiscussed in media, while criticism is limited and often refers to the environment. In order toreduce our ecological footprint we should consume more sustainably. More and morecompanies implement CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) in their business strategy tobecome more sustainable.

Elkundernas relation till den svenska elmarknaden : En studie om kundnöjdhet och engagemang på elmarknaden

In 1996, the Swedish government deregulated the Swedish electricity market. As a consequence of the deregulation, Swedish customers could start to freely choose between different electricity companies. Different enterprises have tried various strategies in order to shape their image to attract new customers; often focusing on an image revolving around price and environmental friendliness.The purpose of this essay has been to analyze customers? relations to the electricity market. In order to analyze customers? relations a quantitative study has been conducted; focusing on customer satisfaction and customer commitment.

Reklamfilm eller skräckfilm? : En kvalitativ studie om unga flickors tolkning av Apolivas TV-reklam.

Under sommaren och hösten 2009 fick Apolivas reklamfilm stor uppmärksamhet av såväl det svenska folket som i media. Uppståndelsen grundades i att en stor andel människor som tagit del av reklamen uppfattade den som skrämmande, medan Apolivas avsikt var att skildra de svenska, något melankoliska, väderförhållandena.Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka tolkningsskedet av Apolivas reklamfilm, hos flickor i nionde klass. Vår specifika frågeställning utvecklades till att ta reda på om den utvalda gruppen tolkar budskapet och känslan som förmedlas i reklamfilmen, på det sätt som Apoliva avsett, med utgångspunkt i Halls (2009) encoding/decoding-teori. Enligt denna modell finns tre olika sätt att tolka ett budskap; dominant, oppositionell eller förhandlande tolkning. I en dominant tolkning godtar mottagaren budskapet, medan den oppositionella tolkningen innebär att mottagaren vänder sig mot budskapet.

Utveckling av en webbaserad donationstjänst för företag  som involverar medarbetarna i processen

In recent years, employees at large companies have started to demand that their employer should work more for good causes. The money the company wants to donate to charity is distributed mostly through a vote to decide where the money will be remitted. The purpose of this design case is to develop a design concept for a web-based donation service that involves all employees at a company. Furthermore, the authors of this study intends to explore how the motivation for employees of a company can be affected by participation in this service. In this design case, the service function, quality and concept was tested and evaluated.

Shared Service Center : Att införa ett Shared Service Center

In 1996, the Swedish government deregulated the Swedish electricity market. As a consequence of the deregulation, Swedish customers could start to freely choose between different electricity companies. Different enterprises have tried various strategies in order to shape their image to attract new customers; often focusing on an image revolving around price and environmental friendliness.The purpose of this essay has been to analyze customers? relations to the electricity market. In order to analyze customers? relations a quantitative study has been conducted; focusing on customer satisfaction and customer commitment.

Ekolådan : En fallstudie av ett ekologiskt livmedelsföretag, som finns på nätet

AbstractFor several years, the organic food sales have increased, and more are choosing to buyorganic food of more diverse causes. Unfortunately the sales have slowed down the past year,a lot depends on the Swedish economy has been in decline and it has led to more will checkone more time on the price. But even if the sale value has decreased, the amount of organicfood has increased, it is because many stores have their own organic brands and they can pushprices down.The internet has become a great help in our daily lives, we do most our business via theInternet. But now we are not just paying our bills through the Internet anymore, we shopclothes, movies, music and books too. E-commerce was become more serious last decade andhas grown every year that has passed.

En studie av ledarskapsstilar inom offentlig och privat sektor

Through our study we have found that there are moresimilarities than differences in leadership styles. The dominant leadership style of managers in both private and public sector is the democratic leadership style, often in combination with other styles; most notably the authoritarian leadership style. The charismatic leadership style doesn't seem to be popular in neither private nor public sector.Title:                                                                              A study of leadership styles in public and private sector Course:                                                    Bachelor Dissertation - LeadershipAuthors:                                                  Milos Kostic and Rudina ShabaniAdvisor:                                                   Ingemar WictorKeyword:                                                Leadership style, public, private, leadershipProblem formulation:          What differences and similarities in leadership styles are there between managers in private companies and managers in public companies?Purpose:                                                  Our purpose has been to find which similarities and differences there are in leadership styles between managers in private sector and managers in public sector.Theoretical framework:       After studying the theory of leadership, we found four different leadership styles relevant to our study. In the theoretical framework we discuss theories of authoritarian leadership, democratic leadership, laissez-faire leadership and charismatic leadership.

Mångfald och interkulturell utveckling : En studie av två kulturverksamheter i Värmland

AbstractFor several years, the organic food sales have increased, and more are choosing to buyorganic food of more diverse causes. Unfortunately the sales have slowed down the past year,a lot depends on the Swedish economy has been in decline and it has led to more will checkone more time on the price. But even if the sale value has decreased, the amount of organicfood has increased, it is because many stores have their own organic brands and they can pushprices down.The internet has become a great help in our daily lives, we do most our business via theInternet. But now we are not just paying our bills through the Internet anymore, we shopclothes, movies, music and books too. E-commerce was become more serious last decade andhas grown every year that has passed.

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